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Community Outreach Programs

The School of Medical & Health Sciences offers a range of community outreach programs designed to engage with various community groups through the provision of services and activities that translate the educational and research expertise of the School to benefit the wider community.  Below is a list of such programs, with a brief description of their purpose and links to find out how to become involved.

Do you need help with your communication after a stroke, head injury or as a result of any other neurological condition?

Currently taking referrals for an August start.

Speech Pathology at ECU runs a free student clinic for adults who have difficulty talking, understanding, reading, writing or using their voice. Third year students, under the careful supervision of an experienced Senior Speech Pathologist, offer a range of services.

This clinic runs from March to May then August to October and anyone is welcome to request an appointment.

The clinic offers:

  • Assessment of your communication
  • Help to improve your communication
  • Support to improve your participation in activities involving communication
  • Development of self-management strategies in communication activities
  • Education and training for family or friends
  • Interventions offered in an individual and/or group setting

There is no charge for an appointment. Please see attached flyer for the contact details.

The Vario Health Clinic is an multidisciplinary health services facility located at ECU’s Joondalup Campus. The clinic offers leading edge, evidence-based chronic disease prevention and management programs, integrated consulting and assessment services, across the disciplines of exercise physiology, dietetics, occupational therapy, psychology and physiotherapy.

For more information, see our Vario Wellness Clinic web pages.

Move-Kids is a fun, movement based program for children, aged 4 to 12 years, who have difficulty participating in physical activity and sport or would like to improve their skills and fitness for community / school based sport. The program aims to improve children’s movement skills and self-confidence to ensure every child has the opportunity to enjoy and participate in physical activity, exercise and sport. Children have an initial assessment of their fundamental movement skills, fitness and strength and then a tailored movement program is developed to match their needs. Move-Kids runs after school hours at the ECU Children’s Physical Activity Hub, Joondalup. Senior staff from the School of Medical and Health Sciences coordinate this program. For further information download the program flyer and registration form.

The occupational therapy program at ECU provides free occupational therapy assessment and group intervention for children.   The clinic offers individual assessments and a range of Occupational Therapy interventions in small groups.  The service aims to improve school participation and performance for children who are in the early years of primary school.  For more information download our Occupational Therapy Clinic for Children flyer.

The Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics program at ECU provides free student-led dietetics consultations for adults who would like help in understanding and managing their general health or chronic diseases.  The clinic offers individual dietary assessments, personalised nutrition advice and on-going reviews.  For more information download our Nutrition Clinic flyer.

Refresh.ED is a government-funded online platform to enhance food and nutrition literacy and teaching capacity in teachers in Australian schools. The innovative project provides educational resources for the classroom from Kindergarten to Year 10.  Online professional learning is also available to teachers. Refresh.ED has global reach and our findings show this program integrates food literacy and nutrition education into the classroom to improve student outcomes. For more information visit the Refresh.ED website.

SNAC is an online support site for educators in Australian Early Childhood Education and Care Services that provides information and resources on healthy eating and building healthier food environments in the early years sector. Visit the SNAC website to learn more.

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