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The thesis

A successfully-written thesis is one that correctly references the works of others, is written to style and answers the questions set out in your research proposal.

Scope and length of thesis/project

The length of the research thesis or project will depend on your study, discipline and research methodology. This should be discussed with your supervisor.

Content and presentation of data

A thesis or project should be your own work, be scholarly and of a high standard both in its content and expression.

The way your content is presented, organised and written should be appropriate to the subject. Previously published theses on similar subjects to your own can be a useful guide on data presentation, writing style and vocabulary.

Authoritative dictionaries (general and subject specific) are also essential tools to scholarly writing.

You should proof read your thesis to ensure no further checking or correction of information is required after it is submitted for publication.

Editing the final draft

We recommend reviewing your final draft against a prepared check list. Two useful references are:

  1. Isaac and Michael’s Handbook in Research and Evaluation (1981). This handbook contains lists of "common mistakes made by graduate students" (pp. 35-39) and "criteria for evaluation of a research report, article or thesis" (pp. 223-225).
  2. Anderson and Poole’s book, Thesis and Assignment Writing (1994). Included in this volume is a section on evaluating the final draft of the thesis. This section contains two checklists, one for evaluating empirical/experimental research studies and one for evaluating analytical/literary research studies, which provide students with a means of judging the final quality of their work.
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