The IpAC Program developed a range of interprofessional learning (IPL) through sequential simulation resources in collaboration with the ECU Health Simulation Centre. The resources support the facilitation of IPL tutorials for health students and professionals. Most simulated learning interactions involve a single interaction between a health professional and a patient. Sequential simulation follows a patient's journey beyond this interaction through the healthcare system.
Each resource consists of two components: audiovisual case studies and accompanying facilitator manuals which can support an IPL tutorial. The audiovisual case studies were developed in collaboration with industry health professionals based on real-life events, and were performed by professional actors.
The resources were completed under the leadership of Professor Cobie Rudd, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Regional Futures) and Vice-President, ECU. Resources can be used as part of teaching and learning materials ensuring that the sources are appropriately acknowledged for the materials, as per the following suggested citation:
Office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Advancement) from Edith Cowan University (Perth). (2012). Interprofessional Learning through Simulation. <insert resource title [e.g. Discharge planning: the importance of family and team collaboration]>. Retrieved <insert date [e.g. 29 June, 2024]>, from <insert URL [e.g.]>.