This interprofessional learning through simulation resource package consists of two components: an audiovisual resource and a supporting facilitator manual. In order to optimise the learning opportunities from this package it is recommended that participants are firstly introduced to the concepts of interprofessional learning and human factors in health care.
The audiovisual resource consists of two scenarios, the first demonstrating sub-optimal performance of the healthcare team, with the second demonstrating more effective performance, improving the patient experience. The package has been created in a format to enable flexibility in its application depending of the educational setting.
A 25 year old man sustained a high level spinal injury during a game of rugby. He is in a tilt ānā space wheelchair, has six-hourly catheters and attends regular physiotherapy sessions. Whilst attending one of his physiotherapy sessions he develops Autonomic Dysreflexia. This is his first episode and he is very frightened. A Medical Emergency Team (MET) call is made by the Physiotherapist, calling in a Doctor, a Senior Nurse and a student Nurse. The MET must determine the cause of his Autonomic Dysreflexia before his symptoms escalate. The clinical reasoning cycle is used to demonstrate interprofessional practice.
The specific learning competency areas for this scenario are:
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