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International Sampler Comparison Group

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ISCG projects

In summary the ISCG:

  1. Engagement activities: The ISCG has monthly meetings for its core members, and regular updates for affiliate members, industry and stakeholder engagement activities, and has reported outcomes of research at a variety of conferences.
  2. Completed work:
    1. Review of workplace-based and laboratory-based aerosol sampler studies
    2. Development of protocols for standardised laboratory-based testing of respirable and inhalable samplers
    3. Development of the Workplace Atmospheric Multi-sampler
  3. Ongoing work:
    1. Commentary with recommendations for the sampling practice for aerosols within the metals industries
    2. Validation of sampler performance data by means of a sampler selection tool
    3. Optimising laboratory testing protocols
    4. Performance of commonly used respirable and inhalable aerosol samplers
    5. Sequential analytical procedure for evaluating Chromium (III) and Chromium (IV) speciation and their differential solubilities from air samples
    6. Validating the use of a Multi-faction sampler
    7. Comparison of conventional and real time detection systems (medium and low cost) for measuring particulates and their elemental composition

Further information is available on this website, and in the "ISCG Report of Activities (2019 to 2023)" available for download.

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