ECU offers innovative and practical courses across a variety of disciplines and we have a vibrant research culture. ECU is a leader in developing alternative entry pathways to higher education.
We have three campuses in Western Australia. Joondalup and Mount Lawley in the Perth metropolitan area and our South West campus in Bunbury, 200km south of the Perth CBD.
ECU provides a variety of services and facilities that go beyond the classroom, with opportunities for personal development and social interaction for students and staff.
We collaborate with all types of businesses, including new start-ups, small to medium enterprises, not-for-profits, community organisations, government and large corporates in the resources sector.
Children's University Edith Cowan aims to inspire students between seven and fourteen to develop confidence and a love of learning through validated activities beyond the school curriculum.
The Inspiring Minds scholarship program are equity scholarships that give students an opportunity to access an education that may otherwise be out of reach.
Freeman, B., Peters, MJ., Bittoun, R., Brightwell, R., English, DR., Thomas, DP., Otlowski, MF., Zwar, NA., Chamberlain, C. (2023). National Health and Medical Research Council statement on electronic cigarettes: 2022 update. The Medical Journal of Australia, 2023(2023), TBD.
Al Hasan, D., Monger, E., Brightwell, R. (2022). Medical Emergencies Requiring First Aid at Home: A Population-Based Survey Study. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 16(1), 132-138.
Holmes, L., Ciccone, N., Brightwell, R., Cohen, L. (2020). Preparing student paramedics for the mental health challenges of the profession by using the wisdom of the experienced. Health Education in Practice: Journal of Research for Professional Learning, 3(2), 39-53.
Maguire, BJ., O'Meara, P., O'Neill, BJ., Brightwell, R. (2018). Violence Against Emergency Medical Services Personnel: A systematic review of the literature. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 61(2), 167–180.
Holmes, L., Jones, R., Brightwell, R., Cohen, L. (2017). Student paramedic anticipation, confidence and fears: Do undergraduate courses prepare student paramedics for the mental health challenges of the profession?. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 14(4), Article 3.
Williams, B., Brown, T., McKenna, L., Palermo, C., Morgan, P., Brightwell, R. (2015). Students' attitudes toward interprofessional learning a comparison between two universities. Journal of Allied Health, 44(4), 201-207.
Xi, F., Wang, Z., Qi, Y., Brightwell, R., Roberts, P., Stewart, A., Sim, M., Wang, W. (2015). Long-term effect of respiratory training for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients at an outpatient clinic: a randomised controlled trial. Clinical and Translational Medicine, 4(2015), Article number 31.
Maguire, BJ., O'Meara, PF., Brightwell, R., O'Neill, BJ., Fitzgerald, GJ. (2014). Occupational injury risk among Australian paramedics: An analysis of national data. Medical Journal of Australia, 200(8), 477-480.
Williams, B., Boyle, M., Brightwell, R., McCall, M., McMullen, P., Munro, G., O'Meara, P., Webb, V. (2013). A cross-sectional study of paramedics' readiness for interprofessional learning and cooperation: Results from five universities. Nurse Education Today, 33(11), 1369-1375.
Johnston, S., Wilkes, G., Thompson, J., Ziman, M., Brightwell, R. (2011). Inhaled methoxyflurane and intranasal fentanyl for prehospital management of visceral pain in an Australian ambulance service.. Emergency Medicine Journal, 28(1), 57-63.
Arendts, G., Sim, M., Johnston, S., Brightwell, R. (2011). ParaMED Home: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial of paramedic assessment and referral to access medical care at home. BMC Emergency Medicine, 11(7), 1-4.
Willis, E., Williams, B., Brightwell, R., O'Meara, P., Pointon, T. (2010). Road-ready paramedics and the supporting sciences curriculum. Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-disciplinary Journal, 11(2), 1-13.
Brightwell, R., Buchanan, D. (2008). The Use of Formative Assessment and Support Materials to Assist Students in Taking Control of Their Own Online Learning.. Proceedings of the Assessment in Science Teaching and Learning Symposium (1-2). Uniserve Science.
Bittles, A., Brightwell, R. (2006). Measuring Biological Ageing. Human Clocks, The Bio-cultural Meanings of Age (41-59). Peter Lang.
Journal Articles
Johnston, S., Brightwell, R., Ziman, M. (2006). Paramedics and pre-hospital management of acute myocardial infarction: diagnosis and reperfusion. Emergency Medicine Journal, 23(5), 331-334.
Conference Publications
Gibson, B., Brightwell, R. (2006). The Developments in Paramedical Science and the Implications of National and International Accreditation in Alliance with Ambulance Authorities. Engagement and Empowerment: New Opportunities for Growth in Higher Education (183-192). Edith Cowan University.
Brightwell, R., Daniel, J., Stewart, A. (2004). Evaluation: Is an open book examination easier?. Bioscience Education Electronic Journal, 3(1), 3-3.
Conference Publications
Brightwell, R., Stewart, A., Pask, S. (2004). The influence of multimedia resources in and out of biomedical studies. Innovations Through Information Technology (0). Idea Group Publishing.
Brightwell, R., Daniel, J., Stewart, A. (2003). Evaluation: is an open book examination easier?. Proceedings of "Improving Learning Outcomes Through Flexible Science Teaching" (). Uniserve Science, University of Sydney, NSW.
Brightwell, R., Stewart, A., Pask, S. (2003). The influence of multimedia resources in and out of biomedical studies.. Proceedings of "Improving Learning Outcomes Through Flexible Science Teaching" (2 pages). Uniserve Science, University of Sydney, NSW.
Research Projects
Standards and Quality Indicators for Best Practice in Paramedic and Inter-Professional Experiential Practica, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Novated ALTC Grant, 2011 ‑ 2015, $196,000.
A joint Australian-China pilot survey on "Suboptimal Health", The Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Australia-China Science and Research Fund Group Missions, 2013 ‑ 2014, $43,600.
Can DVD simulations be used to promote empathy and interprofessional collaboration amount undergraduate healthcare students?, Office for Learning and Teaching, OLT - Innovation and Development Grant, 2012 ‑ 2014, $5,000.
PARAMED Home (Paramedic Assessment and Referral to Access MEDical care at home: a randomised trial, Department of Health WA, SHRAC Research Translation Projects, 2010 ‑ 2012, $145,000.
Patient outcome affected by paramedic pre hospital treatment of patients with severe brain injuries, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2007 ‑ 2011, $62,569.
Master of Science (Human Biology), Is the treatment and transport of asystolic cardiac arrest patients to hospital by ambulance services appropriate?
Doctor of Philosophy, Screening of multi-omics biomarkers for type 2 diabetes mellitus among Chinese population
Master of Science (Human Biology), The efficacy of inhaled methoxyflurance and intranasal fentanyl for the pre hospital management of cardiac or visceral pain.
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