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Dr Myles Murphy

Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Staff Member Details

Myles is a postdoctoral clinician researcher within the Edith Cowan University Nutrition and Health Innovation Research Institute. Myles’ research involves investigating the drivers of pain and impairment in people with lower-limb musculoskeletal injury and disability as well as novel neuroscience interventions to address these impairments.


Dr. Murphy is an Australian Physiotherapy Association titled Sport and Exercise Physiotherapist. Dr. Murphy has worked clinically as a physiotherapist for variety of elite sporting teams, including the Western Australian Cricket Association. While also working clinically, Dr. Murphy completed his PhD part-time at The University of Notre Dame Australia investigating the different mechanisms related to pain and dysfunction in people with lower-limb tendinopathy.

Professional Associations

  • Sports Medicine Australia, Western Australia Branch - Chairperson
  • Sports Medicine Australia - Member
  • Australian Physiotherapy Association - Member
  • Sports Physiotherapy Australia - Member
  • Australian College of Physiotherapists - Member

Awards and Recognition

  • 2022 - Australian Sports Medicine Federation Fellowship
  • 2020 - Australian Physiotherapy Association Emerging Researcher (WA Branch)
  • 2016 - Australian Physiotherapy Association Titled Sport and Exercise Physiotherapist

Research Areas and Interests

Myles’ research involves investigating the drivers of pain and impairment in people with lower-limb musculoskeletal injury and disability as well as novel neuroscience interventions to address these impairments. Myles’ has a research interest in tendon injuries, especially the Achilles tendon, and according to ExpertScape is within the top 0.3% of published ‘tendinopathy’ researchers worldwide.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame Australia, 2022.
  • Master of Clinical Physiotherapy, Curtin University of Technology, 2015.
  • Graduate Certificate in Sports Physiotherapy, La Trobe University, 2014.
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy, University of Notre Dame Australia, 2012.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, M., Merrick, N., Mosler, A., Allen, G., Chivers, P., Hart, N. (2024). Cardiorespiratory fitness is a risk factor for lower-limb and back injury in law enforcement officers commencing their basic training: a prospective cohort study. Research in Sports Medicine, 32(3), 511-523.
  • Murphy, M., Green, B., Sancho Amundarain, I., De Vos, R., Rio, EK. (2024). Are we asking the right questions to people with Achilles tendinopathy? The best questions to distinguish mild versus severe disability to improve your clinical management. Physical Therapy in Sport, 67(2024), 54-60.
  • Murphy, M., Rio, EK., Whife, C., Latella, C. (2024). Maximising neuromuscular performance in people with pain and injury: moving beyond reps and sets to understand the challenges and embrace the complexity. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 10(2), article number e001935.
  • Murphy, M., Newsham-West, R., Cook, J., Chimenti, RL., De Vos, R., Maffulli, N., Malliaras, P., Mkumbuzi, N., Purdam, C., Vosseller, JT., Rio, EK. (2024). TENDINopathy Severity Assessment – Achilles (TENDINS-A): Development and Content Validity Assessment of a New Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Achilles Tendinopathy. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 54(1), 70-85.
  • Rio, EK., Murphy, M. (2024). Warming-up for the Latest on Diagnosing and Managing Tendinopathy. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 54(1), 1-2.
  • Murphy, M., Mkumbuzi, N., Keightley, J., Gibson, W., Vallance, P., Riel, H., Plinsinga, M., Rio, EK. (2024). Conditioned Pain Modulation Does Not Differ Between People With Lower-Limb Tendinopathy and Nontendinopathy Controls: A Systematic Review With Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 54(1), 50-59.
  • Rio, EK., Rabusin, CL., Munteanu, SE., Docking, SI., Perrott, M., Couch, J., Murphy, M., Girdwood, M. (2024). Where is Your Pain? Achilles Tendinopathy Pain Location on Loading Is Different to Palpation, Imaging and Recall Location. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 54(1), 86-94.
  • Murphy, M., McCleary, F., Hince, D., Chimenti, R., Chivers, P., Vosseller, JT., Nimphius, S., Mkumbuzi, NS., Malliaras, P., Maffulli, N., De Vos, R., Rio, EK. (2024). TENDINopathy Severity assessment–Achilles (TENDINS-A): evaluation of reliability and validity in accordance with COSMIN recommendations. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 58(12), 665-673.
  • Murphy, M., Merrick, N., Cowen, G., Sutton, V., Allen, G., Hart, N., Mosler, A. (2024). Physical and psychological factors related to injury, illness and tactical performance in law enforcement recruits: A systematic review. Injury Prevention, 2024(Article in press), article number ip-2023-045150.
  • Murphy, M., Sylvester, C., Whife, C., D'alessandro, P., Rio, EK., Vallence, A. (2024). Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) modulates quadriceps motor cortex inhibition and facilitation during rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction: a triple-blind, randomised controlled proof of concept trial. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 10(4), article number e002080.
  • Murphy, M., Coventry, M., Taylor, J., Rio, EK., Mosler, A., Whittaker, JL., Latella, C. (2024). People with hip osteoarthritis have reduced quadriceps voluntary activation and altered motor cortex function. Sports Medicine and Health Science, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Down, MJ., Picknoll, D., Edwards, T., Farringdon, F., Hoyne, G., Piggott, B., Murphy, M. (2024). Outdoor adventure education for adolescent social and emotional wellbeing: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • De Vos, R., Gravare Silbernagel, K., Malliaras, P., Visser, TS., Alfredson, H., Akker-Scheek, IV., Van Ark, M., Brorsson, A., Chimenti, R., Docking, S., Eliasson, P., Farnqvist, K., Haleem, Z., Hanlon, SL., Kaux, J., Kearney, RS., Kirwan, PD., Kulig, K., Kumar, B., Lewis, T., Longo, UG., Lui, TH., Maffulli, N., Mallows, AJ., Masci, L., McGonagle, D., Morrissey, D., Murphy, M., Newsham-West, R., Nilsson-Helander, KM., Norris, R., Oliva, F., O'Neill, S., Peers, K., Rio, EK., Sancho, I., Scott, A., Seymore, KD., Soh, S., Vallance, P., Verhaar, JA., Van Der Vlist, AC., Weir, A., Zellers, JA., Vicenzino, B. (2024). ICON 2023: International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium Consensus - The core outcome set for Achilles tendinopathy (COS-AT) using a systematic review and a Delphi study of professional participants and patients. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Murphy, M., Rio, EK., Scholes, MJ., Jones, DM., Pazzinatto, M., Johnston, RT., Coburn, SL., Kemp, JL. (2024). A 7-item Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia in people with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: evaluation of structural validity, hypothesis testing, internal consistency and minimally important change. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 74(2024), article number 103200.

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, M., Travers, M., Chivers, P., Debenham, J., Docking, S., Rio, E., Gibson, W., Ardern, C. (2023). Can we really say getting stronger makes your tendon feel better? No current evidence of a relationship between change in Achilles tendinopathy pain or disability and changes in Triceps Surae structure or function when completing rehabilitation: A systematic review. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 26(4-5), 253-260.
  • McLeod, G., Murphy, M., Gianotti, S., Orchard, J., Fortington, L. (2023). Cricket injury in New Zealand: a study of injury insurance claims from 2008 to 2018. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 26(2), 109-113.
  • Sherwood, L., Korakakis, V., Mosler, AB., Fortington, L., Murphy, M. (2023). Quantifying Fear Avoidance Behaviors in People With Concussion: A COSMIN-Informed Systematic Review. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 53(9), 540-565.
  • Murphy, M., Latella, C., Rio, EK., Taylor, J., Martino, S., Sylvester, C., Hale, W., Mosler, A. (2023). Does lower-limb osteoarthritis alter motor cortex descending drive and voluntary activation? A systematic review and meta-analysis. EFORT Open Reviews, 8(12), 883-894.
  • Murphy, M., Stannard, J., Sutton, V., Owen, PJ., Park, B., Chivers, P., Hart, N. (2023). Epidemiology of musculoskeletal injury in military recruits: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 15(1), article number 144.
  • Coventry, M., Timler, A., Mosler, A., Russell, K., Travers, M., Mitchell Oam, L., Murphy, M. (2023). “I lied a little bit.” A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of elite Australian athletes on self-reported data. Physical Therapy in Sport, 60(TBD), 91-97.
  • Merrick, N., Hart, N., Mosler, A., Allen, G., Murphy, M. (2023). Injury profiles of police recruits undergoing basic physical training: a prospective cohort study.. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 33(1), 170-178.
  • Henderson, A., Harris, SA., Kirkham, T., Charlesworth, J., Murphy, M. (2023). What Is The Prevalence Of General Anxiety Disorder And Depression Symptoms In Semi-Elite Australian Football Players: A Cross-Sectional Study. Sports Medicine - Open, 9(1), article number 42.
  • Murphy, M., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Allen, G., Hart, N., Mosler, A. (2023). Essential reporting items within a law enforcement recruit injury and physical performance database: A modified Delphi study. JSAMS Plus, 2(2023), article number 100035.

Journal Articles

  • Tan, J., Murphy, M., Hart, N., Rantalainen, T., Bhoyroo, R., Chivers, P. (2022). Association of developmental coordination disorder and low motor competence with impaired bone health: A systematic review. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 129(October 2022), article number 104324.
  • Hoyne, Z., Cripps, A., Mosler, A., Joyce, C., Chivers, P., Chipchase, R., Murphy, M. (2022). Self-reported throwing volumes are not a valid tool for monitoring throwing loads in elite Australian Cricket players: an observational cohort study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 25(10), 845-849.
  • Hecimovich, M., Murphy, M., Chivers, P., Stock, P. (2022). Evaluation And Utility Of The King-Devick With Integrated Eye Tracking As A Diagnostic Tool For Sport-Related Concussion. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 10(12), article number 23259671221142256.
  • Harris, S., Dempsey, A., Mackie, K., King, D., Hecimovich, M., Murphy, M. (2022). Do Sideline Tests of Vestibular and Oculomotor Function Accurately Diagnose Sports-Related Concussion in Adults? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(9), 2542-2551.
  • Grävare Silbernagel, K., Malliaras, P., De Vos, R., Hanlon, S., Molenaar, M., Alfredson, H., Van Den Akker-Scheek, I., Antflick, J., Van Ark, M., Färnqvist, K., Haleem, Z., Kaux, J., Kirwan, P., Kumar, B., Lewis, T., Mallows, A., Masci, L., Morrissey, D., Murphy, M., Newsham-West, R., Norris, R., O’neill, S., Peers, K., Sancho, I., Seymore, K., Vallance, P., Van Der Vlist, A., Vicenzino, B. (2022). ICON 2020—International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium Consensus: A Systematic Review of Outcome Measures Reported in Clinical Trials of Achilles Tendinopathy. Sports Medicine, 52(3), 613-641.
  • Hecimovich, M., King, D., Murphy, M., Koyoma, K. (2022). An investigation into the measurement properties of the King-Devick Eye Tracking system. Journal of Concussion, 6(2022), 1-11.
  • Murphy, M., George, H., Naqi, M., Owen, P., Chivers, P., Hart, N. (2022). Musculoskeletal injury epidemiology in law enforcement and firefighter recruits during physical training: a systematic review. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 8(1), Article Number e001289.
  • McCaskie, C., Siafarikas, A., Cochrane Wilkie, J., Sutton, V., Chivers, P., Hart, N., Murphy, M. (2022). The benefits to bone health in children and pre-school children with additional exercise interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 15(1), Article number 127.
  • Murphy, M., Debenham, J., Bulsara, C., Chivers, P., Rio, E., Docking, S., Travers, M., Gibson, W. (2022). Assessment and monitoring of Achilles Tendinopathy in clinical practice: A qualitative descriptive exploration of the barrier’s clinicians face. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 8(2), Article Number e001355.

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, M., Rio, E., Chivers, P., Debenham, J., Docking, S., Travers, M., Gibson, W. (2021). Do people with unilateral mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy who participate in running-related physical activity exhibit a meaningful conditioned pain modulation (CPM) effect: a pilot study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 24(5), 441-447.
  • Bradford, B., Rio, E., Murphy, M., Wells, J., Khondoker, M., Clarke, C., Chan, Y., Chester, R. (2021). Immediate Effects of two Isometric Calf Muscle Exercises on Mid-portion Achilles Tendon Pain. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 42(12), 1122-1127.
  • Murphy, M., Gibson, W., Chivers, P., Docking, S., Rio, E. (2021). Considerations for multi-centre conditioned pain modulation (CPM) research; an investigation of the inter-rater reliability, level of agreement and confounders for the Achilles tendon and Triceps Surae. British Journal of Pain, 15(1), 91-101.

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, M., Travers, M., Chivers, P., Debenham, J., Docking, S., Rio, E., Gibson, W. (2019). Efficacy of heavy eccentric calf training for treating mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(17), 1070-1077.
  • Travers, M., Murphy, M., Debenham, J., Chivers, P., Bulsara, M., Bagg, M., Palsson, T., Gibson, W. (2019). Should this systematic review and meta-analysis change my practice? Part 1: exploring treatment effect and trustworthiness. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(23), 1488-1492.
  • Hecimovich, M., King, D., Dempsey, A., Gittins, M., Murphy, M. (2019). In situ use of the King-Devick eye tracking test and changes seen with sport-related concussion: saccadic and blink counts. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 47(1), 78-84.
  • Travers, M., Murphy, M., Debenham, J., Chivers, P., Bulsara, M., Bagg, M., Palsson, T., Gibson, W. (2019). Should this systematic review and meta-analysis change my practice? Part 2: exploring the role of the comparator, diversity, risk of bias and confidence. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(23), 1493-1497.

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, M., Travers, M., Gibson, W., Chivers, P., Debenham, J., Docking, S., Rio, E. (2018). Rate of Improvement of Pain and Function in Mid-Portion Achilles Tendinopathy with Loading Protocols: A Systematic Review and Longitudinal Meta-Analysis. Sports Medicine, 48(8), 1875-1891.
  • Hecimovich, M., King, D., Dempsey, A., Murphy, M. (2018). The King–Devick test is a valid and reliable tool for assessing sport-related concussion in Australian football: A prospective cohort study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21(10), 1004-1007.

Journal Articles

  • Hecimovich, M., Murphy, M., Chivers, P., Stock, P. (2015). Evaluation and utility of the King-Devick with integrated Eye Tracking as a diagnostic tool for Sport-Related Concussion. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 356(1-2), P97-101.

Research Projects

  • Optimising rehabilitation outcomes following Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction. , Orthopaedic Research Foundation of WA, Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2024 ‑ 2029, $85,750.
  • Co-designing and implementing a sustainable injury prevention program for Police Force recruits , National Health and Medical Research Council, Partnership Projects (2024), 2024 ‑ 2029, $2,509,580.
  • Preventing injury and improving performance in National Basketball League (NBL) players, Perth Wildcats, Scholarships to support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2023 ‑ 2028, $77,000.
  • Understanding bone health in AFL and AFLW athletes, West Coast Eagles Football Club, PhD Scholarship, 2023 ‑ 2027, $115,500.
  • Neural motor drive impairments following hamstring and calf injury, Australian Physiotherapy Association, Seeding Grants, 2025 ‑ 2027, $11,936.
  • Harnessing 'brainpower' to reduce the burden of hip-related pain, Raine Medical Research Foundation, Raine Priming Grants, 2024 ‑ 2025, $238,852.
  • Is your knee weakness in your head? Does Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction result in impairments to the brain’s motor drive, Athlete Alliance, Grants, 2024 ‑ 2025, $5,000.
  • Understanding the mind-body connection – the relationship between motor cortex drive and pain response to strength and fitness in female athletes: A cross-sectional cohort study. , Sports Medicine Australia, Research Foundation Grants, 2024 ‑ 2025, $3,350.
  • Does blood flow restriction elicit changes in gait symmetry and variability in individuals with chronic hip pain?, Edith Cowan University, Early-Mid Career Researcher Grant Scheme 2024 (Stream 1), 2024 ‑ 2025, $39,500.
  • Harnessing 'brainpower': using portable, electrical brain stimulation to enhance injury recovery and physical performance via neuroplasticity., Department of Health WA, Future Health Research & Innovation Fund - Innovation Fellowship, 2024 ‑ 2025, $119,489.
  • Western Australia Police Force Recruit Injury Rates, Physical Performance Capacity and Completion Rates, WA Police, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $7,500.
  • Extent Motor cortex Excitability, Endogenous analgesia and lower-limb Muscle strength are associated with disability in hip OsteoArthritis (The MEEMOA study), Edith Cowan University, Early-Mid Career Researcher Grant Scheme 2022 (Stream 2), 2023 ‑ 2024, $39,864.
  • Predicting operational skill proficiency of para-military recruits using baseline physical performance data., Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Defence Science Research Higher Degree Student Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $10,000.
  • The efficacy of Transcranial direct current stimulation during rehabilitation following Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction on functional outcomes and return to play timelines. A double-blind randomised controlled trial (The TACL study), Orthopaedic Research Foundation of WA, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2024, $11,753.
  • Improving quality of life in people with lower limb osteoarthritis, Department of Health WA, WA Near-miss Awards: Emerging Leaders Program, 2023 ‑ 2024, $100,000.
  • Improving the health and performance of Western Australian Police Force recruits by developing an injury and physical performance surveillance system and quantifying the financial burden of injury, WA Police, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $7,246.
  • Risk and protective factors for injury and occupational performance success in law enforcement recruits: a systematic review and meta-analysis , WA Police, Grant, 2023, $3,000.
  • Injury epidemiology in Western Australia Police recruits: A retrospective cohort study, WA Police, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $3,744.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Risk Factors for Injury in Western Australia Police Force Recruits
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Does Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction result in post-operative changes to corticospinal excitability: A case-series
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring calf muscle strain neurophysiology

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Measuring fear avoidance after mid-traumatic brain injury/concussion

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Understanding bone health in elite male and female Australian Football League Players

Co-principal Supervisor

  • The accuracy and validity of self-reported throwing loads and the characteristics of throws by elite cricket players in Australia
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