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Professor Simon Laws


Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5128
Mobile: 0408 789 680
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO21.513  

Simon is a Professor of Translational Genomics in the School of Medical and Health Sciences. He is Director of the Centre for Precision Health, an ECU Strategic Research Centre, and leads the Collaborative Genomics and Translation Group.


  • Jan 2021 – present: Director, Centre for Precision Health, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
  • Nov 2020 – present: Professor of Translational Genomics, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
  • Nov 2011 – Nov 2020: Associate Professor, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
  • Nov 2011 – Dec 2017: Deputy Chief Scientific Officer, Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Mental Health
  • April 2009 – Nov 2011: Research Fellow, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
  • Nov 2007 – Mar 2009: Research Fellow, Department of Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Neurogenetics Laboratory, Technische Universität München, Germany
  • Jan 2005 – Oct 2007: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Neurogenetics Laboratory, Technische Universität München, Germany
  • Mar 2004 – Dec 2004: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, McCusker Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, Perth, Australia
  • Jul 2003 – Mar 2004: Research Associate, Alzhyme Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia

Professional Associations

  • 2014 – present: Australasian Neuroscience Society (ANS)
  • 2013 – present: Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART)
  • 2012 – present: Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
  • 2011 – present: Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR)

Awards and Recognition


  • 2019 – Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research

Research Areas and Interests

Professor Laws leads The Collaborative Genomics and Translation Group, part of the Centre for Precision Health, an Edith Cowan University Strategic Research Centre, which he is the inaugural Director of. His Translational Genomics research focuses on understanding the role of genomics primarily in human health, with a developing application to human performance.  This is undertaken from a Precision Health perspective, which utilises advanced biological technologies and analytical methodologies to improve health outcomes through the development of interventions (treatment/preventative strategies) tailored to an individual’s biological (e.g. genetic) profile, as well as their variable responses to their environment/lifestyle. Properly implemented, it has the potential to shift the focus of human health, and potentially, performance systems away from broad treatments/interventions towards improved individualised protection/prevention strategies for human health and performance.

The Human Health portfolio has two major research programs, which focus on:

Understanding the Genomic Architecture of Rates of Change in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders

  • Develop genetic/epigenetic risk profiles for rates of change of related phenotypes
  • Determine if peripheral methylation patterns track with changes in related phenotypes

Assessing the interaction of genomics and modifiable lifestyle factors and their combined impact on rates of change

  • Understanding the genetic basis of differential effects of lifestyle patterns/choices
  • Determine the impact of positive lifestyle choices on peripheral methylation patterns

The Human Performance portfolio currently focuses on developing an understanding of how genetics can be used for the optimisation of training for improved performance and injury prevention

Professor Laws also undertakes broader genetic and epigenetic collaborative research with scientists and industry partners in the Australian and International research community.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2003.
  • Bachelor of Science (Medical Science), Curtin University of Technology, 1999.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Feizpour, A., Doré, V., Krishnadas, N., Bourgeat, P., Doecke, J., Saad, Z., Triana-Baltzer, G., Laws, S., Shishegar, R., Kuang, K., Fowler, C., Ward, L., Masters, C., Fripp, J., Kolb, H., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C. (2025). Alzheimer’s disease biological PET staging using plasma p217+tau. Communications Medicine, 5(1), Article number 53.
  • Bhalala, O., Beamish, J., Eratne, D., Summerell, P., Porter, T., Laws, S., Kang, M., Huq, A., Chiu, W., Cadwallader, C., Walterfang, M., Farrand, S., Evans, A., Kelso, W., Churilov, L., Watson, R., Yassi, N., Velakoulis, D., Loi, S. (2025). Blood biomarker profiles in young-onset neurocognitive disorders: A cohort study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2025(Article in press), 11 pages.
  • Adewuyi, E., Laws, S. (2025). Genomic Characterisation of the Relationship and Causal Links Between Vascular Calcification, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Cognitive Traits. Biomedicines, 13(3), Article number 618.
  • Milligan Armstrong, A., O'Brien, E., Porter, T., Dore, V., Bourgeat, P., Maruff, P., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Rainey-Smith, S., Laws, S. (2025). Exploring the relationship between melanopsin gene variants, sleep, and markers of brain health. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 17(1), Article number e70056.

Journal Articles

  • Feizpour, A., Doecke, J., Doré, V., Krishnadas, N., Huang, K., Bourgeat, P., Laws, S., Fowler, C., Robertson, J., Mackintosh, L., Ayton, S., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Taddei, K., Ward, L., Stage, E., Bannon, AW., Masters, CL., Fripp, J., Villemagne, V., Rowe, CC. (2024). Detection and staging of Alzheimer's disease by plasma pTau217 on a high throughput immunoassay platform. EBioMedicine, 109(2024), article number 105405.
  • Xia, Y., Dore, V., Fripp, J., Bourgeat, P., Laws, S., Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Coulson, E., Maruff, P. (2024). Association of Basal Forebrain Atrophy With Cognitive Decline in Early Alzheimer Disease. Neurology, 103(2), Article number e209626.
  • Jiang, Y., Qu, M., Jiang, M., Jiang, X., Fernandez, S., Porter, T., Laws, S., Masters, C., Guo, H., Cheng, S., Wang, C. (2024). MethylGenotyper: Accurate estimation of SNP Genotypes and Genetic Relatedness from DNA Methylation data. Genomics Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 22(3), Article number qzae044.
  • Grammenou, M., Kendall, K., Wilson, C., Porter, T., Laws, S., Haff, G. (2024). Effect of Fitness Level on Time Course of Recovery After Acute Strength and High-Intensity Interval Training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 38(12), 2055-2064.
  • Marston, K., De Frutos-Lucas, J., Porter, T., Milicic, L., Vacher, M., Sewell, K., Peiffer, J., Laws, S., Brown, B. (2024). Exploration of Alzheimer's disease-related gene expression following high-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise interventions. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 27(12), 828-833.
  • Kirby, A., Porter, T., Adewuyi, E., Laws, S. (2024). Investigating Genetic Overlap between Alzheimer’s Disease, Lipids, and Coronary Artery Disease: A Large-Scale Genome-Wide Cross Trait Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(16), Article number 8814.
  • Turner, M., Bartlett, D., Poudel, G., Zaenker, P., Laws, S., Lo, J., Ziman, M., Cruickshank, T. (2024). Associations Between Sleep Quality And Serum Levels Of Neurofilament Light In Individuals With Premanifest Huntington Disease. Sleep Science, 17(2), e199-e202.
  • Adewuyi, E., Porter, T., O'Brien, E., Olaniru, O., Verdile, G., Laws, S. (2024). Genome-wide cross-disease analyses highlight causality and shared biological pathways of type 2 diabetes with gastrointestinal disorders. Communications Biology, 7(1), Article number 643.
  • Nho, K., Risacher, S., Apostolova, L., Bice, P., Brosch, J., Deardorff, R., Faber, K., Farlow, M., Foroud, T., Gao, S., Rosewood, T., Kim, J., Nudelman, K., Yu, M., Aisen, P., Sperling, R., Hooli, B., Shcherbinin, S., Svaldi, D., Jack, C., Jagust, W., Landau, S., Vasanthakumar, A., Waring, J., Dore, V., Laws, S., Masters, C., Porter, T., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Dumitrescu, L., Hohman, T., Libby, J., Mormino, E., Buckley, R., Johnson, K., Yang, H., Petersen, R., Ramanan, V., Ertekin-Taner, N., Vemuri, P., Cohen, A., Fan, K., Kamboh, M., Lopez, O., Bennett, D., Ali, M., Benzinger, T., Cruchaga, C., Hobbs, D., De Jager, P., Fujita, M., Jadhav, V., Lamb, B., Tsai, A., Castanho, I., Mill, J., Weiner, M., Saykin, AJ. (2024). CYP1B1-RMDN2 Alzheimer’s disease endophenotype locus identified for cerebral tau PET. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article number 8251.
  • Pivac, L., Brown, B., Sewell, K., Doecke, J., Villemagne, V., Doré, V., Weinborn, M., Sohrabi, H., Kirby, S., Bucks, R., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S. (2024). Suboptimal self-reported sleep efficiency and duration are associated with faster accumulation of brain amyloid beta in cognitively unimpaired older adults. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 16(2), Artical number e12579.
  • Ghasemifard, N., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Laws, S., Macpherson, H., Stevenson, E., Hodgson, J., Prince, R., Lewis, J., Sim, M. (2024). Specific vegetable types are associated with lower long-term risk for late-life dementia: the Perth Longitudinal Study of Aging Women. Food & Function, 15(21), 10885-10895.
  • Vacher, M., Canovas, R., Laws, S., Doecke, J. (2024). A comprehensive multi-omics analysis reveals unique signatures to predict Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in Bioinformatics, 4(2024), article number 1390607.
  • Gujral, S., Burns, M., Erickson, K., Rofey, D., Peiffer, J., Laws, S., Brown, B. (2024). Dose-response effects of exercise on mental health in community-dwelling older adults: Exploration of genetic moderators. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 24(1), Article number 100443.
  • Soldan, A., Wang, J., Pettigrew, C., Dvavatzikos, C., Erus, G., Hohman, T., Dumitrescu, L., Bilgel, M., Resnick, S., Rivera-Rivera, L., Langhough, R., Johnson, S., Benzinger, T., Morris, J., Laws, S., Fripp, J., Masters, C., Albert, M. (2024). Alzheimer disease genetic risk and changes in brain atrophy and white matter hyperintensities in cognitively unimpaired adults. Brain Communications, 6(5), article number fcae276.
  • Pratt, J., Dalla Via, J., Sale, C., Gebre, A., Stephan, B., Laws, S., Zhu, K., Lim, W., Prince, R., Lewis, J., Sim, M. (2024). Apolipoprotein ɛ4 is associated with increased risk of fall- and fracture-related hospitalisation: the Perth Longitudinal Study of Ageing Women. Journal of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 2024(8), Article number glae134.

Journal Articles

  • Slee, MG., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, V., Doecke, JD., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Dore, V., Maruff, P., Laws, S., Masters, CL., Rowe, CC., Martins, R., Erickson, KI., Brown, B. (2023). Physical activity and brain amyloid beta: A longitudinal analysis of cognitively unimpaired older adults. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 2023(2023), TBD.
  • Turner, M., Laws, M., Griffiths, M., Turner, K., Dempsey, L., Laws, S., Cruickshank, T. (2023). The relationships between multidimensional sleep health and work productivity in individuals with neurological conditions. Journal of Sleep Research, 2023(2023), TBD.
  • Xia, Y., Maruff, P., Doré, V., Bourgeat, P., Laws, S., Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Coulson, E., Fripp, J. (2023). Longitudinal trajectories of basal forebrain volume in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 132(2023), 120-130.
  • Mehramiz, M., Porter, T., O'Brien, E., Rainey-Smith, S., Laws, S. (2023). A Potential Role for Sirtuin-1 in Alzheimer's Disease: Reviewing the Biological and Environmental Evidence. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 7(1), 823-843.
  • Schäfer Hackenhaar, F., Josefsson, M., Nordin Adolfsson, A., Landfors, M., Kauppi, K., Porter, T., Milicic, L., Laws, S., Hultdin, M., Adolfsson, R., Degerman, S., Pudas, S. (2023). Sixteen-Year Longitudinal Evaluation of Blood-Based DNA Methylation Biomarkers for Early Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 94(4), 1443-1464.
  • Ali, M., Archer, D., Gorijala, P., Western, D., Timsina, J., Fernández, M., Wang, T., Satizabal, C., Yang, Q., Beiser, A., Wang, R., Chen, G., Gordon, B., Benzinger, T., Xiong, C., Morris, J., Bateman, R., Karch, C., McDade, E., Goate, A., Seshadri, S., Mayeux, R., Sperling, R., Buckley, R., Johnson, K., Won, H., Jung, S., Kim, H., Seo, SW., Kim, HJ., Mormino, E., Laws, S., Fan, K., Kamboh, I., Vemuri, P., Ramanan, V., Yang, H., Wenzel, A., Rajula, HS., Mishra, A., Dufouil, C., Debette, S., Lopez, O., Dekosky, S., Tao, F., Nagle, M., Hohman, T., Sung, YJ., Dumitrescu, L., Cruchaga, C. (2023). Large multi-ethnic genetic analyses of amyloid imaging identify new genes for Alzheimer disease. Acta Neuropathologica, 11(1), Article number 68.
  • Sewell, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, V., Peiffer, J., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Doré, V., Maruff, P., Laws, S., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R., Erickson, K., Brown, B. (2023). The interaction between physical activity and sleep on cognitive function and brain beta-amyloid in older adults. Behavioural Brain Research, 437(2 February 2023), Article number 114108.
  • Roberts, B., Laffoon, S., Roberts, A., Porter, T., Fowler, C., Masters, C., Dratz, E., Laws, S. (2023). Discovery of a Missense Mutation (Q222K) of the APOE Gene from the Australian Imaging, Biomarker and Lifestyle Study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 7(1), 165-172.
  • Milicic, L., Porter, T., Vacher, M., Laws, S. (2023). Utility of DNA Methylation as a Biomarker in Ageing and Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 7(1), 475-503.
  • Pettigrew, C., Nazarovs, J., Soldan, A., Singh, V., Wang, J., Hohman, T., Dumitrescu, L., Libby, J., Kunkle, B., Gross, A., Johnson, S., Li, Q., Engelman, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P., Laws, S., Morris, J., Hassenstab, J., Cruchaga, C., Resnick, S., Kitner-Triolo, M., An, Y., Albert, M. (2023). Alzheimer’s disease genetic risk and cognitive reserve in relationship to long-term cognitive trajectories among cognitively normal individuals. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 15(1), Article number 66.
  • Radavelli Bagatini, S., Macpherson, H., Scott, D., Daly, R., Hodgson, J., Laws, S., Zhu, K., Prince, R., Lewis, J., Sim, M. (2023). Impaired muscle function, including its decline, is related to greater long-term late-life dementia risk in older women. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 14(3), 1508-1519.

Journal Articles

  • Porter, T., Sim, M., Prince, R., Schousboe, JT., Bondonno, C., Lim, WH., Zhu, K., Kiel, DP., Hodgson, J., Laws, S., Lewis, J. (2022). Abdominal aortic calcification on lateral spine images captured during bone density testing and late-life dementia risk in older women: a prospective cohort study. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 26(2022), article number 100502.
  • Vacher, M., Porter, T., Milicic, L., Bourgeat, P., Dore, V., Villemagne, V., Laws, S., Doecke, J. (2022). A Targeted Association Study of Blood-Brain Barrier Gene SNPs and Brain Atrophy. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 86(4), 1817-1829.
  • Woodfield, A., Gonzales, T., Helmerhorst, E., Laws, S., Newsholme, P., Porter, T., Verdile, G. (2022). Current Insights on the Use of Insulin and the Potential Use of Insulin Mimetics in Targeting Insulin Signalling in Alzheimer's Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(24), Article number 15811.
  • Frost, N., Weinborn, M., Gignac, G., Xia, Y., Dore, V., Rainey-Smith, S., Markovic, S., Gordon, N., Sohrabi, H., Laws, S., Martins, R., Peiffer, J., Brown, B. (2022). The effect of self-paced exercise intensity and cardiorespiratory fitness on frontal grey matter volume in cognitively normal older adults: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 28(9), 902-915.
  • Sexton, C., Anstey, K., Baldacci, F., Barnum, CJ., Barron, A., Blennow, K., Brodaty, H., Burnham, S., Elahi, F., Götz, J., Jeon, Y., Koronyo-Hamaoui, M., Landau, S., Lautenschlager, N., Laws, S., Lipnicki, D., Lu, H., Masters, C., Moyle, W., Nakamura, A., Pasinetti, G., Rao, N., Rowe, C., Sachdev, P., Schofield, P., Sigurdsson, E., Smith, K., Srikanth, V., Szoeke, C., Tansey, M., Whitmer, R., Wilcock, D., Wong, T., Bain, L., Carrillo, M. (2022). Alzheimer’s disease research progress in Australia: The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference Satellite Symposium in Sydney. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 18(1), 178-190.
  • Jacob, Y., Anderton, R., Cochrane Wilkie, J., Rogalski, B., Laws, S., Jones, A., Spiteri, T., Hince, D., Hart, N. (2022). Genetic Variants within NOGGIN, COL1A1, COL5A1, and IGF2 are Associated with Musculoskeletal Injuries in Elite Male Australian Football League Players: A Preliminary Study. Sports Medicine - Open, 8(1), Article number 126.
  • Jacob, Y., Hart, N., Cochrane Wilkie, J., Spiteri, T., Laws, S., Jones, A., Rogalski, B., Kenna, J., Anderton, R. (2022). ACTN3 (R577X) genotype is associated with Australian Football League players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 36(2), 573-576.
  • Spring Walsh, B., Gardiner, F., Bloxsome, D., Ford (smhs), D., Mills, B., Laws, S. (2022). A Cohort Comparison Study on Women in Threatened Preterm Labor Given Nifedipine or Nifedipine and Salbutamol Tocolysis in Air Medical Retrieval. Air Medical Journal, 41(3), 298-302.
  • Jiang, Y., Zhou, X., Wong, H., Ouyang, L., Ip, F., Chau, V., Lau, S., Wu, W., Wong, D., Seo, H., Fu, W., Lai, N., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Tong, E., Mok, V., Kwok, T., Mok, K., Shaoi, M., Lehallier, B., Losada, P., O'Brien, E., Porter, T., Laws, S., Hardy, J., Wyss-Coray, T., Masters, C., Fu, A., Ip, N. (2022). An IL1RL1 genetic variant lowers soluble ST2 levels and the risk effects of APOE-ε4 in female patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Aging, 2(7), 616-634.
  • Milicic, L., Vacher, M., Porter, T., Dore, V., Burnham, S., Bourgeat, P., Shishegar, R., Doecke, J., Armstrong, N., Tankard, R., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Laws, S. (2022). Comprehensive analysis of epigenetic clocks reveals associations between disproportionate biological ageing and hippocampal volume. GeroScience, 44(3), 1807-1823.
  • Vacher, M., Dore, V., Porter, T., Milicic, L., Villemagne, V., Bourgeat, P., Burnham, S., Cox, T., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Fripp, J., Doecke, J., Laws, S. (2022). Assessment of a polygenic hazard score for the onset of pre-clinical Alzheimer’s disease. BMC Genomics, 23(1), Article 401.
  • Brown, B., De Frutos Lucas, J., Porter, T., Frost, N., Vacher, M., Peiffer, J., Laws, S. (2022). A new paradigm for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: targeting vascular activation. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 40(3), 619-630.
  • Krishnadas, N., Dore, V., Laws, S., Porter, T., Bozinovski, S., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C. (2022). Exploring discordant low amyloid-beta and high neocortical tau PET cases. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 14(1), article number e12326.
  • Krishnadas, N., Huang, K., Schultz, S., Dore, V., Bourgeat, P., Goh, A., Lamb, F., Bozinovski, S., Burnham, S., Robertson, J., Laws, S., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C. (2022). Visually identified tau 18F-MK6240 PET patterns in symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 88(4), 1627-1637.
  • Wang, T., Huynh, K., Giles, C., Mellett, N., Duong, T., Nguyen, A., Lim, F., Smith, A., Olshansky, G., Cadby, G., Hung, J., Hui, J., Beilby, J., Watts, G., Chatterjee, P., Martins, I., Laws, S., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Masters, C., Taddei, K., Doré, V., Fripp, J., Arnold, M., Kastenmüller, G., Nho, K., Saykin, A., Baillie, R., Han, X., Martins, R., Moses, E., Kaddurah-Daouk, R., Meikle, P. (2022). APOE ε2 resilience for Alzheimer’s disease is mediated by plasma lipid species: Analysis of three independent cohort studies. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 18(11), 2151-2166.
  • Li, Y., Huang, X., Fowler, C., Lim, Y., Laws, S., Faux, N., Doecke, J., Trounson, B., Pertile, K., Rumble, R., Doré, V., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C., Wiley, J., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Gu, B. (2022). Identification of Leukocyte Surface P2X7 as a Biomarker Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(14), article number 7867.
  • Adewuyi, E., O'Brien, E., Nyholt, D., Porter, T., Laws, S. (2022). A large-scale genome-wide cross-trait analysis reveals shared genetic architecture between Alzheimer’s disease and gastrointestinal tract disorders. Communications Biology, 5(1), article number 691.
  • Villemagne, V., Harada, R., Doré, V., Furumoto, S., Mulligan, R., Kudo, Y., Burnham, S., Krishnadas, N., Bourgeat, P., Xia, Y., Laws, S., Bozinovski, S., Huang, K., Ikonomovic, M., Fripp, J., Yanai, K., Okamura, N., Rowe, C. (2022). Assessing Reactive Astrogliosis with 18F-SMBT-1 Across the Alzheimer Disease Spectrum. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 63(10), 1560-1569.
  • Cadby, G., Giles, C., Melton, P., Huynh, K., Mellett, N., Duong, T., Nguyen, A., Cinel, M., Smith, A., Olshansky, G., Wang, T., Brozynska, M., Inouye, M., McCarthy, N., Ariff, A., Hung, J., Hui, J., Beilby, J., Dube, M., Watts, G., Shah, S., Wray, N., Lim, F., Chatterjee, P., Martins, I., Laws, S., Porter, T., Vacher, M., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Masters, C., Taddei, K., Arnold, M., Kastenmuller, G., Nho, K., Saykin, A., Han, X., Kaddurah-Daouk, R., Martins, R., Blangero, J., Meikle, P., Moses, E. (2022). Comprehensive genetic analysis of the human lipidome identifies loci associated with lipid homeostasis with links to coronary artery disease. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article number 3124.
  • Hou, J., Hess, J., Armstrong, N., Bis, J., Greiner-Boley, B., Karlsson, I., Leonenko, G., Numbers, K., O'Brien, E., Shadrin, A., Thalamuthu, A., Yang, Q., Andreassen, O., Brodaty, H., Gatz, M., Kochan, N., Lambert, J., Laws, S., Masters, C., Mather, K., Pedersen, N., Posthuma, D., Sachdev, P., Williams, J., Fan, C., Faraone, S., Fennema-Notestine, C., Lin, S., Escott-Price, V., Holmans, P., Seshadri, S., Tsuang, M., Kremen, W., Glatt, S. (2022). Polygenic resilience scores capture protective genetic effects for Alzheimer’s disease. Translational Psychiatry, 12(1), Article number 296.
  • Rosenich, E., Bransby, L., Yassi, N., Fripp, J., Laws, S., Martins, R., Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P., Lim, YY. (2022). Differential effects of APOE and modifiable risk factors on hippocampal volume loss and memory decline in Aβ− and Aβ+ older adults. Neurology, 98(17), e1704-e1715.
  • Woodfield, A., Porter, T., Gilani, I., Noordin, S., Li, Q., Collins, S., Martins, R., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Dore, V., Newsholme, P., Laws, S., Verdile, G. (2022). Insulin resistance, cognition and Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers: Evidence that CSF Aβ42 moderates the association between insulin resistance and increased CSF tau levels. Neurobiology of Aging, 114(June 2022), 38-48.
  • Mehramiz, M., Porter, T., Laws, S., Rainey-Smith, S. (2022). Sleep, Sirtuin 1 and Alzheimer’s disease: a review. Ageing Brain, 2(2022), article number 100050.
  • Adewuyi, E., O'Brien, E., Porter, T., Laws, S. (2022). Relationship of Cognition and Alzheimer’s Disease with Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders: A Large-Scale Genetic Overlap and Mendelian Randomisation Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(24), Article number 16199.

Journal Articles

  • Huq, A., Fulton-Howard, B., Riaz, M., Laws, S., Sebra, R., Ryan, J., Renton, A., Goate, A., Masters, C., Storey, E., Shah, R., Murray, A., McNeill, J., Winship, I., James, P., Lacaze, P. (2021). Polygenic score modifies risk for Alzheimer's disease in APOE ε4 homozygotes at phenotypic extremes. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 13(1), Article number e12226.
  • Shishegar, R., Cox, T., Rolls, D., Bourgeat, P., Doré, V., Lamb, F., Robertson, J., Laws, S., Porter, T., Fripp, J., Tosun, D., Maruff, P., Savage, G., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Weiner, M., Villemagne, V., Burnham, S. (2021). Using imputation to provide harmonized longitudinal measures of cognition across AIBL and ADNI. Scientific Reports, 11(1), article number 23788.
  • Li, Y., Laws, S., Miles, L., Wiley, J., Huang, X., Masters, C., Gu, B. (2021). Genomics of Alzheimer's disease implicates the innate and adaptive immune systems. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 78(23), 7397-7426.
  • Moussavi Nik, S., Porter, T., Newman, M., Bartlett, B., Khan, I., Sabale, M., Eccles, M., Woodfield, A., Groth, D., Dore, V., Villemagne, V., Masters, C., Martins, R., Laws, S., Lardelli, M., Verdile, G. (2021). Relevance of a truncated PRESENILIN 2 Transcript to Alzheimer's disease and neurodegeneration. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 80(4), 1479-1489.
  • Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Bird, S., Bomke, J., Bourgeat, P., Brown, B., Burnham, S., Bush, A., Chadunow, C., Collins, S., Doecke, J., Dore, V., Ellis, K., Evered, L., Fazlollahi, A., Fripp, J., Kirby, S., Gibson, S., Grenfell, R., Harrison, E., Head, R., Jin, L., Kamer, A., Lamb, F., Lautenschlager, N., Laws, S., Li, Q., Lim, L., Lim, Yy., Louey, A., Macaulay, L., Mackintosh, L., Martins, R., Maruff, P., Masters, C., McBride, S., Milicic, L., Peretti, M., Pertile, K., Porter, T., Radler, M., Rembach, A., Robertson, J., Rodriguez, M., Rowe, C., Rumble, R., Salvado, O., Savage, G., Silbert, B., Soh, M., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Thai, C., Trounson, B., Tyrell, R., Vacher, M., Varghese, S., Villemagne, V., Weinborn, M., Woodward, M., Xia, Y., Ames, D. (2021). Fifteen years of the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) Study: Progress and observations from 2,359 older adults spanning the spectrum from cognitive normality to Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 5(1), 443-468.
  • Belloy, M., Eger, S., Le Guen, Y., Napolioni, V., Deters, K., Yang, H., Scelsi, M., Porter, T., James, S., Wong, A., Schott, J., Sperling, R., Laws, S., Mormino, E., He, Z., Han, S., Altmann, A., Greicius, M. (2021). KL*VS heterozygosity reduces brain amyloid in asymptomatic at-risk APOE*4 carriers. Neurobiology of Aging, 101(May 2021), 123-129.
  • Milligan Armstrong, A., Porter, T., Quek, H., White, A., Haynes, J., Jackaman, C., Villemagne, V., Munyard, K., Laws, S., Verdile, G., Groth, D. (2021). Chronic stress and Alzheimer's disease: the interplay between the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, genetics and microglia. Biological Reviews, 96(5), 2209-2228.
  • Tan, S., Porter, T., Bucks, R., Weinborn, M., Milicic, L., Brown, A., Rainey-Smith, S., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Masters, C., Maruff, P., Savage, G., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Brown, B., Sohrabi, H., Laws, S., Martins, R. (2021). Androgen receptor CAG repeat length as a moderator of the relationship between free testosterone levels and cognition. Hormones and Behaviour, 131(May 2021), Article number 104966.
  • Brown, B., Frost, N., Rainey-Smith, S., Doecke, J., Markovic, S., Gordon, N., Weinborn, M., Sohrabi, H., Laws, S., Martins, R., Erickson, K., Peiffer, J. (2021). High intensity exercise and cognitive function in cognitively normal older adults: a pilot randomised clinical trial. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 13(December 2021), Article number 33.
  • Fernandez, S., Burnham, S., Milicic, L., Savage, G., Maruff, P., Peretti, M., Sohrabi, H., Lam, YY., Weinborn, M., Ames, D., Masters, C., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Groth, D., Verdile, G., Villemagne, V., Porter, T., Laws, S. (2021). SPON1 Is Associated with Amyloid-β and APOE ε4-Related Cognitive Decline in Cognitively Normal Adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 5(1), 111-120.
  • Lim, Y., Laws, S., Perin, S., Pietrzak, R., Fowler, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2021). BDNF VAL66MET polymorphism and memory decline across the spectrum of Alzheimer's disease. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 20(5), Article number e12724.
  • Nabais, M., Laws, S., Lin, T., Vallerga, C., Armstrong, N., Blair, I., Kwok, J., Mather, K., Mellick, G., Sachdev, P., Wallace, L., Henders, A., Zwamborn, R., Hop, P., Lunnon, K., Pishva, E., Roubroeks, J., Soininen, H., Tsolaki, M., Mecocci, P., Lovestone, S., Kloszewska, I., Vellas, B., Furlong, S., Garton, F., Henderson, R., Mathers, S., McCombe, P., Needham, M., Guo, S., Nicholson, G., Pamphlett, R., Rowe, D., Steyn, F., Williams, K., Anderson, T., Bentley, S., Dalrymple-Alford, J., Fowder, J., Gratten, J., Halliday, G., Hickie, I., Kennedy, M., Lewis, S., Montgomery, G., Pearson, J., Pitcher, T., Silburn, P., Zhang, F., Visscher, P., Yang, J., Stevenson, A., Hillary, R., Marioni, R., Harris, S., Deary, I., Jones, A., Shatunov, A., Iacoangeli, A., Van Rheenen, W., Van Den Berg, L., Shaw, P., Shaw, C., Morrison, K., Al-Chalabi, A., Veldink, J., Hannon, E., Mill, J., Wray, N., McRae, A. (2021). Meta-analysis of genome-wide DNA methylation identifies shared associations across neurodegenerative disorders. Genome Biology, 22(December 2021), Article 90.
  • Cruickshank, T., Porter, T., Laws, S., Ziman, M., Bartlett, D. (2021). Hair and salivary cortisol and their relationship with lifestyle, mood and cognitive outcomes in premanifest Huntington’s disease. Scientific Reports, 11(December 2021), Article number 5464.
  • Lim, YY., Pase, M., Buckley, R., Yassi, N., Bransby, L., Fowler, C., Laws, S., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2021). Visual Memory Deficits in Middle-Aged APOE ɛ4 Homozygotes Detected Using Unsupervised Cognitive Assessments. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 79(4), 1563-1573.
  • Jacob, Y., Anderton, R., Cochrane Wilkie, J., Rogalski, B., Laws, S., Jones, A., Spiteri, T., Hart, N. (2021). Association of Genetic Variances in ADRB1 and PPARGC1a with Two-Kilometre Running Time-Trial Performance in Australian Football League Players: A Preliminary Study. Sports, 9(2), Article number 22.
  • Frost, N., Weinborn, M., Gignac, G., Rainey-Smith, S., Markovic, S., Gordon, N., Sohrabi, H., Laws, S., Martins, R., Peiffer, J., Brown, B. (2021). A Randomized Controlled Trial of High-Intensity Exercise and Executive Functioning in Cognitively Normal Older Adults. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 29(2), 129-140.
  • Van Der Kall, L., Truong, T., Burnham, S., Dore, V., Mulligan, R., Bozinovski, S., Lamb, F., Bourgeat, P., Fripp, J., Schultz, S., Lim, Y., Laws, S., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R., Salvado, O., Robertson, J., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C. (2021). Association of β-amyloid level, clinical progression and longitudinal cognitive change in normal older individuals. Neurology, 96(5), e662 - e670.

Journal Articles

  • Sohrabi, H., Goozee, K., Weinborn, M., Shen, K., Brown, B., Rainey-Smith, S., Salvado, O., Taddei, K., Bucks, R., Maruff, P., Laws, S., Lenzo, N., Laws, M., Deyoung, C., Speelman, C., Laske, C., Ames, D., Savage, G., Martins, R. (2020). Personality factors and cerebral glucose metabolism in community‑dwelling older adults. Brain Structure and Function, 225(5), 1511–1522.
  • Gaff, J., Octaviana, F., Pillay, P., Mbenda, HG., Ariyanto, I., Gan, J., Cherry, C., Kamerman, P., Laws, S., Price, P. (2020). TNF-Block Genotypes Influence Susceptibility to HIV-Associated Sensory Neuropathy in Indonesians and South Africans. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(2), Article number 380.
  • Lim, F., Huynh, K., Chatterjee, P., Martins, I., Jayawardana, K., Giles, C., Mellett, N., Laws, S., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Drew, B., Masters, C., Meikle, P., Martins, R. (2020). Relationships Between Plasma Lipids Species, Gender, Risk Factors, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 76(1), 303-315.
  • Gaff, J., Pillay, P., Cherry, C., Laws, S., Price, P., Kamerman, P. (2020). The role of CAMKK2 polymorphisms in HIV-associated sensory neuropathy in South Africans. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 416(15 September 2020), Article number 116987.
  • Safri, A., Gaff, J., Octaviana, F., Setiawan, D., Imran, D., Cherry, C., Laws, S., Price, P. (2020). Demographic and Genetic Associations With Markers of Small and Large Fiber Sensory Neuropathy in HIV Patients Treated Without Stavudine. JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 85(5), 612-616.
  • Xia, Y., Yassi, N., Raniga, P., Bourgeat, P., Desmond, P., Doecke, J., Ames, D., Laws, S., Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R., Maruff, P., Villemagne, V., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Fripp, J., Salvado, O. (2020). Comorbidity of Cerebrovascular and Alzheimer’s Disease in Aging. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 78(1), 321-334.
  • De Frutos-Lucas, J., Cuesta, P., López-Sanz, D., Peral-Suárez, A., Cuadrado-Soto, E., Ramírez-Toraño, F., Brown, B., Serrano, J., Laws, S., Rodriguez-Rojo, I., Verdejo-Román, J., Bruña, R., Delgado-Losada, M., Barabash, A., López-Sobaler, A., López-Higes, R., Marcos, A., Maestú, F. (2020). The relationship between physical activity, apolipoprotein e ϵ4 carriage, and brain health. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 12(1), Article number 48.
  • De Frutos, J., Cuesta, P., Ramírez-Toraño, F., Nebreda, A., Cuadrado-Soto, E., Peral-Suárez, A., Lopez-Sanz, D., Bruña, R., Marcos-De Pedro, S., Delgado-Losada, M., López-Sobaler, AM., Rodríguez-Rojo, IC., Barabash, A., Rodriguez, JM., Laws, S., Dolado, A., López-Higes, R., Brown, B., Maestú, F. (2020). Age and APOE genotype affect the relationship between objectively measured physical activity and power in the alpha band, a marker of brain disease. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 12(1), Article number 113.
  • Burnham, S., Laws, S., Budgeon, C., Dore, V., Porter, T., Bourgeat, P., Buckley, R., Murray, K., Ellis, K., Turlach, B., Salvado, O., Ames, D., Martins, R., Rentz, D., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V. (2020). Impact of APOE-ε4 carriage on the onset and rates of neocortical Aβ-amyloid deposition. Neurobiology of Aging, 95(November 2020), 46-55.
  • De Frutos, J., Frost, N., Erikson, K., Serrano, JM., Maestú, F., Laws, S., Brown, B. (2020). Does APOE genotype moderate the relationship between physical activity, brain health and dementia risk? A systematic review. Ageing Research Reviews, 64(December 2020), Article number 101173.
  • Huynh, K., Lim, F., Giles, C., Jayawardana, K., Salim, A., Mellett, N., Smith, A., Olshansky, G., Drew, B., Chatterjee, P., Martins, I., Laws, S., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Masters, C., Arnold, M., Nho, K., Saykin, A., Baillie, R., Han, X., Kaddurah-Daouk, R., Martins, R., Meikle, P. (2020). Concordant peripheral lipidome signatures in two large clinical studies of Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Communications, 11(1), Article number 5698.
  • Jayakody, D., Menegola, H., Yiannos, J., Goodman-Simpson, J., Friedland, P., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Weinborn, M., Martins, R., Sohrabi, H. (2020). The peripheral hearing and Central Auditory Processing skills of individuals with subjective memory complaints. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14(21 August 2020), Article 888.
  • Pedrini, S., Hone, E., Gupta, V., James, I., Teimouri, E., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Verdile, G., Sohrabi, H., Raida, M., Wenk, M., Taddei, K., Chatterjee, P., Martins, I., Laws, S., Martins, R. (2020). Plasma High Density Lipoprotein Small Subclass is Reduced in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients and Correlates with Cognitive Performance. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 77(2), 733-744.
  • Zhang, Q., Sidorenko, J., Couvy-Duchesne, B., Marioni, R., Wright, M., Goate, A., Marcora, E., Huang, K., Porter, T., Laws, S., Sachdev, P., Mather, K., Armstrong, N., Thalamuthu, A., Brodaty, H., Yengo, L., Yang, J., Wray, N., McRae, A., Visscher, P. (2020). Risk prediction of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease implies an oligogenic architecture. Nature Communications, 11(1), Article number 4799.

Journal Articles

  • Sohrabi, H., Weinborn, M., Laske, C., Bates, K., Christensen, D., Taddei, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Brown, B., Kirby, S., Laws, S., Martins, G., Burnham, S., Bucks, R., Reisberg, B., Lautenschlager, N., Foster, J., Martins, R. (2019). Subjective memory complaints predict baseline but not future cognitive function over three years: results from the Western Australia Memory Study. International Psychogeriatrics, 31(4), 513-525.
  • Dang, C., Harrington, K., Lim, YY., Ames, D., Hassenstab, J., Laws, S., Yassi, N., Hickey, M., Rainey-Smith, S., Robertson, J., Rowe, C., Sohrabi, H., Salvado, O., Weinborn, M., Villemagne, V., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2019). Superior Memory Reduces 8-year Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia But Not Amyloid β-Associated Cognitive Decline in Older Adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 34(5), 585-598.
  • Brown, B., Castalanelli, N., Rainey-Smith, S., Doecke, J., Weinborn, M., Sohrabi, H., Laws, S., Martins, R., Peiffer, J. (2019). Influence of BDNF Val66Met on the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and memory in cognitively normal older adults. Behavioural Brain Research, 362(19 April 2019), 103-108.
  • Russell, A., Kepka, A., Trbojevic-Akmacic, I., Ugrina, I., Song, M., Hui, J., Hunter, M., Laws, S., Lauc, G., Wang, W. (2019). Increased central adiposity is associated with pro-inflammatory immunoglobulin G N-glycans. Immunobiology, 224(1), 110-115.
  • Baker, J., Pietrzak, R., Laws, S., Ames, D., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P., Lim, YY. (2019). Visual Paired Associate Learning Deficits Associated With Elevated Beta-Amyloid in Cognitively Normal Older Adults. Neuropsychology, 33(7), 964-974.
  • Gaff, J., Octaviana, F., Ariyanto, I., Cherry, C., Laws, S., Price, P. (2019). Polymorphisms in CAMKK2 associate with susceptibility to sensory neuropathy in HIV patients treated without stavudine. Journal of NeuroVirology, 25(6), 814-824.
  • Burnham, S., Coloma, P., Li, Q., Collins, S., Savage, G., Laws, S., Doecke, J., Maruff, P., Martins, R., Ames, D., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Villemagne, V. (2019). Application of the NIA-AA Research Framework: Towards a Biological Definition of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in the AIBL Study. Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease, 6(4), 248-255.
  • Porter, T., Burnham, S., Milicic, L., Savage, G., Maruff, P., Sohrabi, H., Peretti, M., Lim, YY., Weinborn, M., Ames, D., Masters, C., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Groth, D., Verdile, G., Villemagne, V., Laws, S. (2019). COMT val158met is not associated with Aβ-amyloid and APOE ε4 related cognitive decline in cognitively normal older adults. IBRO Reports, 6(June 2019), 147-152.
  • Porter, T., Burnham, S., Milicic, L., Savage, G., Maruff, P., Lim, YY., Ames, D., Masters, C., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Groth, D., Verdile, G., Villemagne, V., Laws, S. (2019). Klotho allele status is not associated with Ab and APOE ε4erelated cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 76(April 2019), 162-165.
  • Vacher, M., Porter, T., Villemagne, V., Milicic, L., Peretti, M., Fowler, C., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Doecke, J., Laws, S. (2019). Validation of a priori candidate Alzheimer’s disease SNPs with brain amyloid-beta deposition. Scientific Reports, 9(2019), Article number 17069.
  • Dang, C., Yassi, N., Harrington, K., Xia, Y., Lim, YY., Ames, D., Laws, S., Hickey, M., Rainey-Smith, S., Sohrabi, H., Doecke, J., Fripp, J., Salvado, O., Snyder, P., Weinborn, M., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2019). Rates of age- and amyloid B-associated cortical atrophy in older adults with superior memory performance. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 11(1), 566-575.
  • Huq, A., Fransquet, P., Laws, S., Ryan, J., Sebra, R., Masters, C., Winship, I., James, P., Lacaze, P. (2019). Genetic resilience to Alzheimer’s disease in APOE ε4 homozygotes: A systematic review. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 15(12), 1612-1623.
  • Marston, K., Peiffer, J., Rainey-Smith, S., Gordon, N., Teo, S., Laws, S., Sohrabi, H., Martins, R., Brown, B. (2019). Resistance training enhances delayed memory in healthy middle-aged and older adults: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 22(11), 1226-1231.
  • Marston, K., Brown, B., Rainey-Smith, S., Bird, S., Wijaya, L., Teo, S., Laws, S., Martins, R., Peiffer, J. (2019). Twelve weeks of resistance training does not influence peripheral levels of neurotrophic growth factors or homocysteine in healthy adults: a randomized‑controlled trial. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 119(10), 2167-2176.

Book Chapters

  • Masters, C., Gu, B., Laws, S., Lim, YY., Roberts, B., Villemagne, VL., Beyreuther, K. (2018). Alzheimer's disease: Toward a quantitative biological approach in describing its natural history and underlying mechanisms. The Molecular and Cellular Basis of Neurodegenerative Diseases: Underlying Mechanisms (57-74). Academic Press.

Journal Articles

  • Porter, T., Villemagne, V., Savage, G., Milicic, L., Lim, YY., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Ames, D., Bush, A., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Taddei, K., Groth, D., Verdile, G., Burnham, S., Laws, S. (2018). Cognitive gene risk profile for the prediction of cognitive decline in presymptomatic Alzheimer’s disease. Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry, 7-8(2018), 14-20.
  • Porter, T., Burnham, S., Savage, G., Lim, YY., Maruff, P., Milicic, L., Peretti, M., Ames, D., Masters, C., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Taddei, K., Groth, D., Verdile, G., Villemagne, V., Laws, S. (2018). A polygenic risk score derived from episodic memory weighted genetic variants is associated with cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 10(Dec 2018), Article number 423.
  • Brown, B., Rainey-Smith, S., Dore, V., Peiffer, J., Burnham, S., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R., Villemagne, V. (2018). Self-Reported Physical Activity is Associated with Tau Burden Measured by Positron Emission Tomography. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 63(4), 1299-1305.
  • Russell, A., Adua, E., Ugrina, I., Laws, S., Wang, W. (2018). Unravelling immunoglobulin G Fc N-glycosylation: A dynamic marker potentiating predictive, preventive and personalised medicine. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(2), article no.390.
  • Harrington, K., Schembri, A., Lim, YY., Dang, C., Ames, D., Hassenstab, J., Laws, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Robertson, J., Rowe, C., Sohrabi, H., Salvado, O., Weinborn, M., Villemagne, V., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2018). Estimates of age-related memory decline are inflated by unrecognized Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 70(Oct 2018), 170-179.
  • Harrington, K., Dang, C., Lim, YY., Ames, D., Laws, S., Pietrzak, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Robertson, J., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Villemagne, V., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2018). The effect of preclinical Alzheimer's disease on age-related changes in intelligence in cognitively normal older adults. Intelligence, 70(Sept-Oct 2018), 22-29.
  • Weinborn, M., Bucks, R., Sohrabi, H., Rainey-Smith, S., Brown, B., Kirby, S., Gozt, O., Christensen, D., Savage, G., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Maruff, P., Robertson, J., Ellis, K., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2018). Trajectories of Irregular Word Reading Ability as a Proxy for Premorbid Intelligence in Alzheimer’s Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Healthy Aging: A Longitudinal Study. Psychological Assessment, 30(10), 1308-1316.
  • Fernando, B., Rainey-Smith, S., Kirby, S., Villemagne, V., Burnham, S., Macaulay, SL., Brown, B., Gupta, V., Sohrabi, H., Weinborn, M., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Goozee, K., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Salvado, O., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2018). Associations of dietary protein and fiber intake with brain and blood amyloid-β. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 61(4), 1589-1598.
  • Martins, R., Villemagne, V., Sohrabi, H., Chatterjee, P., Shah, T., Verdile, G., Fraser, P., Taddei, K., Gupta, V., Rainey-Smith, S., Hone, E., Pedrini, S., Lim, F., Martins, I., Frost, S., Gupta, S., O'Bryant, S., Rembach, A., Ames, D., Ellis, K., Fuller, S., Brown, B., Kirby, S., Fernando, B., Bharadwaj, P., Burnham, S., Laws, S., Barron, A., Goozee, K., Wahjoepramono, EJ., Asih, P., Doecke, J., Salvado, O., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Gandy, S., Masters, C. (2018). Alzheimer’s Disease: A Journey from Amyloid Peptides and Oxidative Stress, to Biomarker Technologies and Disease Prevention Strategies—Gains from AIBL and DIAN Cohort Studies. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 62(3), 965-992.
  • Rainey-Smith, S., Gu, Y., Kirby, S., Doecke, J., Villemagne, V., Brown, B., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Sohrabi, H., Weinborn, M., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Macaulay, SL., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Salvado, O., Rowe, C., Scarmeas, N., Martins, R. (2018). Mediterranean diet adherence and rate of cerebral Aβ-amyloid accumulation: Data from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study of Ageing. Translational Psychiatry, 8(2018), Article Number: 238.
  • Porter, T., Burnham, S., Dore, V., Savage, G., Bourgeat, P., Begemann, K., Milicic, L., Ames, D., Bush, A., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R., Groth, D., Verdile, G., Villemagne, V., Laws, S. (2018). KIBRA is associated with accelerated cognitive decline and hippocampal atrophy in APOE ε4- positive cognitively normal adults with high Aβ-amyloid burden. Scientific Reports, 8(1), Article no.2034.
  • Dang, C., Harrington, K., Lim, YY., Ames, D., Hassenstab, J., Laws, S., Yassi, N., Hickey, M., Rainey-Smith, S., Robertson, J., Sohrabi, H., Salvado, O., Weinborn, M., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2018). Relationship Between Amyloid-β Positivity and Progression to Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia over 8 Years in Cognitively Normal Older Adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 65(4), 1313-1325.
  • Lim, YY., Kalinowski, P., Pietrzak, R., Laws, S., Burnham, S., Ames, D., Villemagne, V., Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2018). Association of β-Amyloid and Apolipoprotein E ε4 With Memory Decline in Preclinical Alzheimer Disease. JAMA Neurology, 75(4), 488-494.
  • Doecke, J., Rembach, A., Villemagne, V., Varghesi, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Sarros, S., Evered, L., Fowler, C., Pertile, K., Rumble, R., Trounson, B., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Macaulay, SL., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Martins, R., Ames, D., Silbert, B., Vanderstichele, H., Masters, C., Darby, D., Li, Q., Collins, S. (2018). Concordance between cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers with Alzheimer's disease pathology between three independent assay platforms. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 61(1), 169-183.
  • Perin, S., Harrington, K., Lim, YY., Ellis, K., Ames, D., Pietrzak, R., Schembri, A., Rainey-Smith, S., Salvado, O., Laws, S., Martins, R., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2018). Amyloid burden and incident depressive symptoms in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Affective Disorders, 229(15 March 2018), 269-274.
  • Rainey-Smith, S., Mazzucchelli, G., Villemagne, V., Brown, B., Porter, T., Weinborn, M., Bucks, R., Milicic, L., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Martins, R., Laws, S. (2018). Genetic variation in Aquaporin-4 moderates the relationship between sleep and brain Aβ-amyloid burden. Translational Psychiatry, 8(1), Article no. 47.
  • Porter, T., Burnham, S., Milicic, L., Savage, G., Maruff, P., Lim, YY., Li, Q., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Groth, D., Verdile, G., Villemagne, V., Laws, S. (2018). Utility of an Alzheimer’s Disease Risk-Weighted Polygenic Risk Score for Predicting Rates of Cognitive Decline in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease: A Prospective Longitudinal Study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 66(3), 1193-1211.
  • Holmes, SE., Esterlis, I., Mazure, CM., Lim, YY., Ames, D., Rainey-Smith, S., Fowler, C., Ellis, K., Martins, R., Salvado, O., Doré, V., Villemagne, VL., Rowe, CC., Laws, S., Masters, CL., Pietrzak, RH., Maruff, P. (2018). Trajectories of depressive and anxiety symptoms in older adults: a 6-year prospective cohort study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33(2), 405-413.

Journal Articles

  • Lim, YY., Rainey-Smith, S., Lim, Y., Laws, S., Gupta, V., Porter, T., Bourgeat, P., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Salvado, O., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Zhou, XF., Martins, R., Maruff, P. (2017). BDNF Val66Met in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease is associated with short-term changes in episodic memory and hippocampal volume but not serum mBDNF. International Psychogeriatrics, 29(11), 1825-1834.
  • Harrington, K., Lim, YY., Ames, D., Hassenstab, J., Laws, S., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Robertson, J., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Dore, V., Villemagne, V., Snyder, P., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2017). Amyloid β–associated cognitive decline in the absence of clinical disease progression and systemic illness. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 8(1), 156-164.
  • Lim, YY., Williamson, R., Laws, S., Villemagne, V., Bourgeat, P., Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Salvado, O., Martins, R., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2017). Effect of APOE genotype on amyloid deposition, brain volume, and memory in cognitively normal older individuals. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 58(4), 1293-1302.
  • Hollands, S., Lim, YY., Laws, S., Villemagne, V., Pietrzak, R., Harrington, K., Porter, T., Snyder, P., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R., Salvado, O., Robertson, J., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2017). APOE e4 Genotype, Amyloid, and Clinical Disease Progression in Cognitively Normal Older Adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 57(2), 411-422.
  • Brown, B., Rainey-Smith, S., Castalanelli, N., Gordon, N., Markovic, S., Sohrabi, H., Weinborn, M., Laws, S., Doecke, J., Shen, K., Martins, R., Peiffer, JJ. (2017). Study protocol of the Intense Physical Activity and Cognition study: The effect of high-intensity exercise training on cognitive function in older adults. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 3(4), 562-570.
  • Pietrzak, RH., Laws, S., Lim, YY., Bender, SJ., Porter, T., Doecke, J., Ames, DJ., Fowler, CJ., Masters, CL., Milicic, L., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, VL., Rowe, CC., Martins, R., Maruff, P. (2017). Plasma Cortisol,Brain Amyloid-β, and Cognitive Decline in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease: A 6-Year Prospective Cohort Study. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2(1), 45-52.
  • Cardoso, B., Hare, D., Lind, M., McLean, C., Volitakis, I., Laws, S., Masters, C., Bush, A., Roberts, B. (2017). The APOE ε4 Allele is associated with lower selenium levels in the brain: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 8(7), 1459-1464.
  • Laws, S., Gaskin, S., Woodfield, A., Srikanth, V., Bruce, D., Fraser, P., Porter, T., Newsholme, P., Wijesekara, N., Burnham, S., Dore, V., Li, Q., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Villemagne, V., Martins, R., Verdile, G. (2017). Insulin resistance is associated with reductions in specific cognitive domains and increases in CSF tau in cognitively normal adults. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article no. 9766.
  • Villemagne, V., Doré, V., Bourgeat, P., Burnham, S., Laws, S., Salvado, O., Masters, C., Rowe, C. (2017). Aβ-amyloid and Tau Imaging in Dementia. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 47(1), 75-88.

Journal Articles

  • Gupta, V., Doecke, J., Hone, E., Pedrini, S., Laws, S., Thambisetty, M., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Masters, C., Macaulay, SL., Rembach, A., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R. (2016). Plasma apolipoprotein J as a potential biomarker for Alzheimer's disease: Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle study of aging. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 3(2016), 18-26.
  • Burnham, S., Rowe, C., Baker, D., Bush, A., Doecke, JD., Faux, N., Laws, S., Martins, R., Maruff, P., Macaulay, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Savage, G., Ames, D., Masters, C., Wilson, W., Villemagne, V. (2016). Predicting Alzheimer disease from a blood-based biomarker profile. Neurology, 87(11), 1093-1101.
  • Burnham, S., Bourgeat, P., Dore, V., Savage, G., Brown, B., Laws, S., Maruff, P., Salvado, O., Ames, D., Martins, R., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V. (2016). Clinical and cognitive trajectories in cognitively healthy elderly individuals with suspected non-Alzheimer's disease pathophysiology (SNAP) or Alzheimer's disease pathology: a longitudinal study. Lancet Neurology, 15(10), 1044-1053.
  • Kirby, S., Sohrabi, H., Shen, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Weinborn, M., Bates, K., Shah, T., Foster, J., Lenzo, N., Salvado, O., Laske, C., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Verdile, G., Martins, R. (2016). Cerebral Glucose Metabolism is Associated with Verbal but not Visual Memory Performance in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 52(2), 661-672.
  • Lim, Y., Laws, S., Villemagne, V., Pietrzak, R., Porter, T., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Snyder, P., Martins, R., Salvado, O., Bourgeat, P., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2016). Aβ-related memory decline in APOE ε4 non-carriers: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology, 86(17), 1635-1642.
  • Lim, YY., Villemagne, V., Laws, S., Pietrzak, R., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Snyder, P., Bourgeat, P., Martins, R., Salvado, O., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P. (2016). Performance on the Cogstate Brief Battery Is Related to Amyloid Levels and Hippocampal Volume in Very Mild Dementia. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 60(3), 362-370.
  • Porter, T., Bharadwaj, P., Groth, D., Paxman, A., Laws, S., Martins, R., Verdile, G. (2016). The Effects of Latrepirdine on Amyloid-β Aggregation and Toxicity. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 50(3), 895-905.
  • Holmes, S., Esterlis, I., Mazure, C., Lim, YY., Ames, D., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R., Salvado, O., Dore, V., Villemagne, V., Rowe, C., Laws, S., Masters, C., Maruff, P., Pietrzak, R. (2016). β-Amyloid, APOE and BDNF Genotype, and Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Cognitively Normal Older Women and Men. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24(12), 1191-1195.
  • Brown, B., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, V., Weinborn, M., Bucks, R., Sohrabi, H., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Macaulay, SL., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2016). The relationship between sleep quality and brain amyloid burden. Sleep, 39(5), 1063-1068.

Journal Articles

  • Thai, C., Lim, YY., Villemagne, VL., Laws, S., Ames, D., Ellis, KA., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R., Masters, CL., Rowe, CC., Maruff, P. (2015). Amyloid-Related Memory Decline in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease is Dependent on APOE ε4 and is Detectable over 18-Months. PLoS One, 10(10), Article number e0139082.
  • Rembach, A., Evered, L., Li, Q., Nash, T., Vidaurre, L., Fowler, CJ., Pertile, KK., Rumble, RL., Trounson, BO., Maher, S., Mooney, F., Farrow, M., Taddei, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Laws, S., Macaulay, SL., Wilson, W., Darby, DG., Martins, R., Ames, D., Collins, S., Silbert, B., Masters, CL., Doecke, JD. (2015). Alzheimer's Disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers are not influenced by gravity drip or aspiration extraction methodology. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 7(2015), Article number 71.
  • Li, Q., Villemagne, V., Doecke, J., Rembach, A., Sarros, S., Varghese, S., McGlade, A., Laughton, K., Pertile, K., Fowler, C., Rumble, R., Trounson, B., Taddei, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Laws, S., Robertson, J., Evered, L., Silbert, B., Ellis, K., Rowe, C., Macaulay, S., Darby, D., Martins, R., Ames, D., Masters, C., Collins, S. (2015). Alzheimer’s Disease Normative Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers Validated in PET Amyloid-β Characterized Subjects from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 48(1), 175-187.
  • Pietrzak, RH., Lim, YY., Ames, D., Harrington, K., Restrepo, C., Martins, R., Rembach, A., Laws, S., Masters, CL., Villemagne, VL., Rowe, CC., Maruff, P. (2015). Trajectories of memory decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: Results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing. Neurobiology of Aging, 36(3), 1231-1238.
  • Gupta, V., Wilson, A., Burnham, S., Hone, E., Pedrini, S., Laws, S., Lim, F., Rembach, A., Rainey-Smith, S., Ames, D., Cobiac, L., Macaulay, SL., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Bush, A., Martins, R. (2015). Follow-up plasma apolipoprotein E levels in the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing (AIBL) cohort. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 7(1), Article no.16.
  • Lim, YY., Villemagne, VL., Laws, S., Pietrzak, RH., Snyder, PJ., Ames, D., Ellis, KA., Harrington, K., Rembach, A., Martins, R., Rowe, CC., Masters, CL., Maruff, P. (2015). APOE and BDNF polymorphisms moderate amyloid β-related cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Molecular Psychiatry, 20(11), 1322-1328.
  • Gu, B., Field, J., Duterte, S., Ou, A., Kilpatrick, T., Lechner-Scott, J., Scott, R., Lea, R., Taylor, B., Stankovich, J., Butzkueven, H., Gresle, M., Laws, S., Petrou, S., Hoffjan, S., Akkad, D., Graham, C., Hawkins, S., Glaser, A., Bedri, S., Hillert, J., Matute, C., Antiguedad, A., Wiley, J. (2015). A rare P2X7 variant Arg307Gln with absent pore formation function protects against neuroinflammation in multiple sclerosis. Human Molecular Genetics, 24(19), 5644-54.
  • Sohrabi, H., Bates, K., Weinborn, M., Bucks, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Rodrigues, M., Bird, S., Brown, B., Beilby, J., Howard, M., Criddle, A., Wraith, M., Taddei, K., Martins, G., Paton, A., Shah, T., Dhaliwal, S., Mehta, P., Foster, J., Martins, I., Lautenschlager, N., Mastaglia, F., Laws, S., Martins, R. (2015). Bone mineral density, adiposity, and cognitive functions. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7(FEB), Article no. 16.

Journal Articles

  • Verdile, G., Laws, S., Henley, D., Ames, D., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Faux, N., Gupta, V., Li, Q., Masters, C., Pike, K., Rowe, C., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Villemagne, V., Martins, R. (2014). Associations between gonadotropins, testosterone and β amyloid in men at risk of Alzheimer's disease. Molecular Psychiatry, 19(1), 69-75.
  • Villemagne, V., Dore, V., Yates, P., Brown, B., Mulligan, R., Bourgeat, P., Veljanoski, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Ong, K., Rembach, A., Williams, R., Burnham, S., Laws, S., Salvado, O., Taddei, K., Macaulay, SL., Martins, R., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rowe, C. (2014). En Attendant Centiloid. Advances in Research, 2(12), 723-729.
  • Brown, B., Bourgeat, P., Peiffer, J., Burnham, S., Laws, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Bartres-Faz, D., Villemagne, V., Taddei, K., Rembach, A., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Macaulay, SL., Rowe, C., Ames, D., Masters, C., Maruff, P., Martins, R. (2014). Influence of BDNF Val66Met on the relationship between physical activity and brain volume. Neurology, 83(15), 1345-52.
  • Burnham, S., Faux, N., Wilson, W., Laws, S., Ames, D., Bedo, J., Bush, A., Doecke, J., Ellis, K., Head, R., Jones, G., Kiiveri, H., Martins, R., Rembach, A., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Macaulay, SL., Masters, C., Villemagne, V. (2014). A blood-based predictor for neocortical A-beta burden in Alzheimer's disease: results from the AIBL study. Molecular Psychiatry, 19(2014), 519-526.
  • Kanyenda, L., Verdile, G., Martins, R., Meloni, B., Chieng, J., Mastaglia, F., Laws, S., Anderton, R., Boulos, S. (2014). Is cholesterol and amyloid-β stress induced CD147 expression a protective response? Evidence that extracellular cyclophilin a mediated neuroprotection is reliant on CD147. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 39(3), 545-546.
  • Lim, YY., Villemagne, V., Laws, S., Ames, D., Pietrzak, R., Ellis, K., Harrington, K., Bourgeat, P., Bush, A., Martins, R., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Maruff, P. (2014). Effect of BDNF Val66Met on memory decline and hippocampal atrophy in prodromal Alzheimer’s disease: A preliminary study. PLoS One, 9(1), Article no. e86498.
  • Rembach, A., Faux, N., Watt, A., Pertile, K., Rumble, R., Trounson, B., Fowler, C., Roberts, B., Perez, K., Li, Q., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Robertson, J., Vandijck, M., Vanderstichele, H., Barnham, K., Ellis, K., Szoeke, C., Macaulay, L., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Martins, R., Bush, A., Masters, C. (2014). Changes in plasma amyloid beta in a longitudinal study of aging and Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 10(1), 53-61.

Journal Articles

  • Brown, B., Peiffer, J., Taddei, K., Lui, J., Laws, S., Gupta, V., Taddei, T., Ward, V., Rodrigues, M., Burnham, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, V., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Masters, C., Ames, D., Macaulay, L., Szoeke, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2013). Physical activity and amyloid-β plasma and brain levels: results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study of Ageing. Molecular Psychiatry, 18(8), 875-881.
  • Sharman, M., Moussavi Nik, S., Chen, M., Ong, D., Wijaya, L., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Newman, M., Lardelli, M., Martins, R., Verdile, G. (2013). The Guinea Pig as a Model for Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease (AD): The Impact of Cholesterol Intake on Expression of AD-Related Genes. PLoS One, 8(6), e66235.
  • Lim, YY., Villemagne, V., Laws, S., Ames, D., Pietrzak, R., Ellis, K., Harrington, K., Bourgeat, P., Salvado, O., Darby, D., Snyder, P., Bush, A., Martins, R., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Nathan, P., Maruff, P. (2013). BDNF Val66Met, Abeta amyloid, and cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 34(11), 2457-2464.

Journal Articles

  • Lau, S., Bates, K., Sohrabi, H., Rodrigues, M., Martins, G., Dhaliwal, S., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Martins, I., Mastaglia, F., Foster, J., Phillips, J., Martins, R. (2012). Functional effects of genetic polymorphism in inflammatory genes in subjective memory complainers. Neurobiology of Aging, 33(6), 1054-1056.
  • Doecke, J., Laws, S., Faux, N., Wilson, W., Burnham, S., Lam, P., Mondal, A., Bedo, J., Bush, A., Brown, B., De Ruyck, K., Ellis, K., Fowler, C., Gupta, V., Head, R., Macaulay, SL., Pertile, K., Rowe, C., Rembach, A., Rodrigues, M., Rumble, R., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Trounson, B., Ames, D., Masters, C., Martins, R. (2012). Blood-Based Protein Biomarkers for Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease. Archives of Neurology, 69(10), 1318-1325.
  • Guo, LH., Westerteicher, C., Wang, X., Kratzer, M., Tsolakidou, A., Jiang, M., Grimmer, T., Laws, S., Alexopoulos, P., Bujo, H., Kurz, A., Perneczky, R. (2012). SORL1 genetic variants and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 262(6), 529-534.
  • Sohrabi, H., Bates, K., Weinborn, M., Johnston, A., Bahramian, A., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Rodrigues, M., Morici, M., Howard, M., Martins, G., Mackay-Sim, A., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2012). Olfactory discrimination predicts cognitive decline amongst community-dwelling older adults. Translational Psychiatry, 2(2012), art. no. e118.

Journal Articles

  • Pike, K., Ellis, KA., Villemagne, VL., Good, N., Chetelat, G., Ames, D., Szoeke, C., Laws, S., Verdile, G., Martins, R., Masters, CL., Rowe, CC. (2011). Cognition and beta-amyloid in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: Data from the AIBL study. Neuropsychologia, 49(9), 2384-2390.
  • Gupta, V., Laws, S., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Lui, J., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Martins, R. (2011). Plasma apolipoprotein e and Alzheimer disease risk: The AIBL study of aging. Neurology, 76(12), 1091-1098.
  • Laws, S., Eckart, K., Freidrich, P., Kurz, A., Forstl, H., Riemenschneider, M. (2011). Lack of evidence to support the association of polymorphisms within the α and β secretase genes (ADAM10/BACE1) with Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 32(3), 541-543.
  • Freidrich, P., Feulner, T., Laws, S., Eckart, K., Perneczky, R., Kurz, A., Forstl, H., Riemenschneider, M. (2011). No association of Tachykinin receptor 2 (TACR2) polymorphisms with Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 32(3), 544-545.
  • Lambert, J., Dallongeville, J., Ellis, KA., Schraen-Maschke, S., Lui, J., Laws, S., Dumont, J., Richard, F., Cottel, D., Berr, C., Ames, D., Masters, CL., Rowe, CC., Szoeke, C., Tzourio, C., Dartigues, J., Buee, L., Martins, R., Amouyel, P. (2011). Association of plasma Aβ peptides with blood pressure in the elderly. PLoS One, 6(4), e18536.
  • Faux, NG., Ellis, KA., Porter, L., Fowler, CJ., Laws, S., Martins, R., Pertile, K., Rembach, A., Rowe, CC., Rumble, RL., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Trounson, BO., Villemagne, VL., Ward, V., Ames, D., Masters, CL., Bush, A. (2011). Homocysteine, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid Levels in Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Healthy Elderly: Baseline Characteristics in Subjects of the Australian Imaging Biomarker Lifestyle Study.. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 27(4), 909-922.

Journal Articles

  • Laws, S., Eckart, K., Friedrich, P., Eisele, T., Kurz, TU., Forstl, H., Reimenschneider, M. (2010). No association of lipase C polymorphisms with Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 31(12), 2192-2193.
  • Feulner, T., Laws, S., Friedrich, P., Wagenpfeil, S., Wurst, S., Riehle, C., Kuhn, K., Krawczak, M., Schreiber, S., Nikolaus, S., Forstl, H., Kurz, A., Reimenschneider, M. (2010). Examination of the current top candidate genes for AD in a genome-wide association study. Molecular Psychiatry, 15(7), 756–766.
  • Lui, J., Laws, S., Li, Q., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Brown, B., Bush, A., De Ruyck, K., Dromey, J., Ellis, K., Faux, N., Foster, J., Fowler, C., Gupta, V., Hudson, P., Laughton, K., Masters, C., Pertile, K., Rembach, A., Rimajova, M., Rodrigues, M., Rowe, C., Rumble, R., Szoecke, C., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Trounson, B., Ward, V., Martins, R. (2010). Plasma amyloid-β as a biomarker in Alzheimer’s disease: the AIBL study of aging.. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 20(4), 1233-1242.

Journal Articles

  • Danek, A., Diehl-Schmid, J., Grimmer, T., Laws, S., Neumann, M., Perneczky, R., Riemenschneider, M., Kurz, A., Förstl, H. (2009). Frontotemporale Lobärdegenerationen, Teil 1: Diagnose und Therapie. Fortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie, 77(3), 169-176.
  • Sohrabi, H., Bates, K., Rodrigues, M., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Lautenschlager, N., Dhaliwal, S., Johnston, A., Mackay-Sim, A., Gandy, S., Foster, J., Martins, R. (2009). Olfactory dysfunction is associated with subjective memory complaints in community-dwelling elderly individuals. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 17(1), 135-142.
  • Laws, S., Eckart, K., Friedrich, P., Eisele, T., Kurz, A., Förstl, H., Riemenschneider, M. (2009). Lack of evidence to support the association of polymorphisms within the α and β secretase genes (ADAM10/BACE1) with Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, n/a(n/a), n/a.
  • Laws, S., Eckart, K., Friedrich, P., Eisele, T., Kurz, A., Förstl, H., Riemenschneider, M. (2009). No association of lipase C polymorphisms with Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, n/a(n/a), n/a.
  • Diehl-Schmid, J., Neumann, M., Laws, S., Perneczky, R., Grimmer, T., Danek, A., Kurz, A., Riemenschneider, M., Förstl, H. (2009). Frontotemporale Lobärdegenerationen. Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie, 77(5), 295-304.
  • Bates, K., Sohrabi, H., Rodrigues, M., Beilby, J., Dhaliwal, S., Taddei, K., Criddle, A., Wraith, M., Howard, M., Martins, G., Paton, A., Mehta, P., Foster, J., Martins, I., Launtenschlager, N., Mastaglia, F., Laws, S., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2009). Association of Cardiovascular Factors and Alzhemer's Disease Plasma Amyloid-β Protein in subjective memory Complainers. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 17(2), 305-318.
  • Schumacher, A., Friedrich, P., Diehl-Schmid, J., Ibach, B., Schoepfer-Wendels, A., Mueller, J., Konta, L., Laws, S., Kurz, A., Förstl, H., Riemenschneider, M. (2009). No Association of Common VCP Variants With Sporadic Frontotemporal Dementia. Neurobiology of Aging, 30(2), 333-335.
  • Friedrich, P., Feulner, T., Laws, S., Eckart, K., Perneczky, R., Kurz, A., Förstl, H., Riemenschneider, M. (2009). No association of Tachykinin receptor 2 (TACR2) polymorphisms with Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, n/a(n/a), n/a.
  • Sohrabi, H., Bates, K., Rodrigues, M., Taddei, K., Martins, G., Laws, S., Lautenschlager, N., Dhaliwal, S., Foster, J., Martins, R. (2009). The relationship between memory complaints, perceived quality of life and mental health in apolipoprotein eε4 carriers and non-carriers. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 17(1), 69-79.
  • Feulner, T., Laws, S., Friedrich, P., Wagenpfeil, S., Wurst, S., Kuhn, K., Krawczak, M., Schreiber, S., Nikolaus, S., Förstl, H., Kurz, A., Riemenschneider, M. (2009). Examination of the current top candidate genes for AD in a genome-wide association study. Molecular Psychiatry, n/a(n/a), n/a.

Journal Articles

  • Taddei, K., Laws, S., Verdile, G., Munns, S., D'costa, K., Harvey, A., Martins, I., Hill, F., Levy, E., Shaw, J., Martins, R. (2008). Novel phage peptides attenuate beta amyloid-42 catalysed hydrogen peroxide production and associated neurotoxicity. Neurobiology of Aging, n/a(n/a), 12 pages.
  • Rodrigues, M., Verdile, G., Foster, J., Hogervorst, E., Joesbury, K., Dhaliwal, S., Corder, E., Laws, S., Hone, E., Prince, R., Devine, A., Mehta, P., Beilby, J., Atwood, C., Martins, R. (2008). Gonadotropins and Cognition in Older Women. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 13(3), 267-274.
  • Laws, S., Friedrich, P., Diehl-Schmid, J., Muller, J., Ibach, B., Bauml, J., Eisele, T., Forstl, H., Kurz, A., Riemenschneider, M. (2008). Genetic analysis of MAPT haplotype diversity in frontotemporal dementia. Neurobiology of Aging, 29(8), 1276-1278.

Journal Articles

  • Laws, S., Friedrich, P., Diehl-Schmid, J., Mueller, J., Eisele, T., Bäuml, J., Förstl, H., Kurz, A., Riemenschneider, M. (2007). Fine mapping of the MAPT locus using quantitative trait analysis identifies possible causal variants in Alzheimer's disease. Molecular Psychiatry, 12(5), 510-517.
  • Riemenschneider, M., Schoepfer-Wendels, A., Friedrich, P., Konta, L., Laws, S., Mueller, J., Kurz, A., Förstl, H. (2007). No association of vacuolar protein sorting 26 polymorphisms with Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 28(6), 883-884.
  • Schumacher, A., Friedrich, P., Diehl-Schmid, J., Ibach, B., Eisele, T., Laws, S., Förstl, H., Kurz, A., Riemenschneider, M. (2007). No association of chromatin-modifying protein 2B with sporadic frontotemporal dementia. Neurobiology of Aging, 28(11), 1789-1790.
  • Mueller, J., Riemenschneider, M., Schoepfer-Wendels, A., Gohlke, H., Konta, L., Friedrich, P., Illig, T., Laws, S., Förstl, H., Kurz, A. (2007). Weak independent association signals between IDE polymorphisms, Alzheimer's disease and cognitive measures. Neurobiology of Aging, 28(5), 727-734.
  • Laws, S., Pernecky, R., Drzezga, A., Diehl-Schmid, J., Ibach, B., Bäuml, J., Eisele, T., Förstl, H., Kurz, A., Riemenschneider, M. (2007). Association of the tau haplotype H2 with age at onset and functional alterations of glucose utilization in frontotemporal dementia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164(10), 1577-1584.

Journal Articles

  • Riemenschneider, M., Blennow, K., Wagenpfeil, S., Andreasen, N., Prince, J., Laws, S., Förstl, H., Kurz, A. (2006). The cathepsin D rs17571 polymorphism: effects on CSF tau concentrations in Alzheimer disease. Human Mutation, 27(6), 532-537.
  • Gohlke, H., Illig, T., Klopp, N., Wagenpfeil, S., Konta, L., Laws, S., Kurz, A., Riemenschneider, M. (2006). Association study between the D10S1423 microsatellite marker and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 27(5), 776e1-776e3.

Journal Articles

  • Verdile, G., Fuller, S., Atwood, C., Laws, S., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2004). The role of beta amyloid in Alzheimer's disease: still a cause of everything or the only one who got caught?. Pharmacological Research, 50(4), 397-409.
  • Burkhardt, M., Foster, J., Laws, S., Baker, L., Craft, S., Gandy, S., Stuckey, B., Clarnette, R., Nolan, D., Hewson-Bower, B., Martins, R. (2004). Oestrogen replacement therapy may improve memory functioning in the absence of APOE epsilon4. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 6(3), 221-228.

Journal Articles

  • Laws, S., Hone, E., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2003). Expanding the association between the APOE gene and the risk of Alzheimer's disease: possible roles for APOE promoter polymorphisms and alterations in APOE transcription. Journal of Neurochemistry, 84(6), 1215-1236.
  • Dean, B., Laws, S., Hone, E., Taddei, K., Scarr, E., Thomas, E., Harper, C., McClean, C., Masters, C., Lautenschlager, N., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2003). Increased levels of apolipoprotein E in the frontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 54(6), 616-622.
  • Thomas, E., Laws, S., Sutcliffe, J., Harper, C., Dean, B., McClean, C., Masters, C., Lautenschlager, N., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2003). Apolipoprotein D levels are elevated in prefrontal cortex of subjects with Alzheimer's disease: no relation to apolipoprotein E expression or genotype. Biological Psychiatry, 54(2), 136-141.

Research Projects

  • Validate ARIA Risk genes using brain MRI/PET imaging endpoints, Lilly, Lilly Research Award Program, 2024 ‑ 2026, $453,645.
  • Blood testing to predict and discriminate dementias, National Health and Medical Research Council, MRFF - Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission, 2021 ‑ 2026, $196,054.
  • Getting to the heart of healthy aging: a behaviour change program to promote dietary pattern changes, National Health and Medical Research Council, MRFF - Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission, 2022 ‑ 2026, $626,963.
  • Genetic contributions to Alzheimer’s Disease risk and progression in the AIBL cohort, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2025, $801,623.
  • Alzheimer's dementia and progression in international cohorts, National Institutes of Health, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2025, $406,549.
  • Brain Bites: the feasibility of a co-designed meal box solution for people living with Huntington’s disease , Huntington's Australia, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $13,636.
  • Imaging, fluid and genetic markers of Alzheimer's disease, National Health and Medical Research Council, Ideas Grants, 2021 ‑ 2025, $1,519,004.
  • E-DADS: Early Detection of Alzheimer s Disease Subtypes, National Health and Medical Research Council, Boosting Dementia Research Grants Scheme, 2020 ‑ 2025, $422,617.
  • Develop a systematic profiling of neurological conditions that will facilitate personalised treatment and streamline service delivery, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Western Australia, MS WA - Research funding for social and applied research, 2019 ‑ 2024, $5,716,059.
  • Establishing a Neurological Hub (NeuroHub) Data Registry , Multiple Sclerosis Society of Western Australia, MS WA - Research funding for social and applied research, 2023 ‑ 2024, $398,875.
  • Genetic and lifestyle susceptibility and resilience factors affecting rates of change in preclinical Alzheimer's Disease, National Health and Medical Research Council, Project Grants, 2019 ‑ 2023, $940,788.
  • The feasibility and therapeutic utility of a 12-week telehealth delivered environmental enrichment program for young stroke survivors experiencing cognitive impairment, Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science, Neurotrauma Research Program, 2021 ‑ 2023, $84,600.
  • Jump-starting the spinal cord with acute intermittent hypoxia: mediators of inter-individual variability in neuroplasticity , Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science, Neurotrauma Research Program, 2021 ‑ 2023, $94,163.
  • WA Memory Study (WAMS), Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, McCusker Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Grant, 2019 ‑ 2022, $357,468.
  • BRAIN-MEND: Biological Resource Analysis to Identify new mechanisms and phenotypes in Neurodegenerative Diseases, National Health and Medical Research Council, Boosting Dementia Research Grants Scheme, 2018 ‑ 2022, $58,362.
  • Investigating changes in DNA Methylation age in Alzheimer’s disease , Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Scholarships to support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2019 ‑ 2022, $17,500.
  • Assessing the functional implication of genetic and epigenetic risk and resilience factors in Alzheimer's Disease, Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Sponsorship, 2019 ‑ 2022, $180,000.
  • Medical and Health Research Infrastructure Fund 2019 (Round 23), Department of Health WA, Medical and Health Research Infrastructure, 2020 ‑ 2021, $20,497.
  • Investigating association between AiM variants of interest and Alzheimer phenotypes of clinical or scientific interest via targeted PheWAS using human data, Eisai Inc, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $167,598.
  • Medical and Health Research Infrastructure Fund 2018 (Round 22), Department of Health WA, Medical and Health Research Infrastructure, 2019 ‑ 2020, $37,037.
  • Genetic Linkages to mTOR pathway dysregulation and development of Alzheimers Disease, CRC For Mental Health, WES Study, 2015 ‑ 2019, $524,000.
  • Medical and Health Research Infrastructure Fund 2016 (Round 20), Department of Health WA, Medical and Health Research Infrastructure, 2017 ‑ 2018, $18,077.
  • 4.1 Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis of AD and PD, CRC For Mental Health, CRC Grant, 2011 ‑ 2018, $7,524,765.
  • Biomarkers and Early Intervention for Neurodegeneration, CRC For Mental Health, CRC Grant, 2012 ‑ 2018, $674,185.
  • Impact of genetics on the effect that modifiable lifestyle factors have on rates of change in Alzheimers Disease, Equity Trustees Limited, Mason Foundation National Medical Program (funded by the J. J. Mason & H.S. Williams Memorial Foundation), 2016 ‑ 2017, $55,370.
  • The effect of high-intensity exercise on Alzheimer’s disease-related gene expression, Brain Foundation, Research Gifts Program, 2017, $39,875.
  • Development and refinement of methods for early and specific diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, quantification of rates of change in the pathological processes and determination of the resultant effects on cognition., Fil Foundation, Grant, 2015 ‑ 2017, $417,506.
  • CRC for Mental Health - Neurogenerative disease: Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) study , CRC For Mental Health, GWAS Study, 2014 ‑ 2016, $395,000.
  • In vitro functional analysis of Alzheimer’s disease associated genetic variants, Department of Health WA, Near Miss Merit Awards, 2015 ‑ 2016, $75,000.
  • Validation of genetic variants and their functional implications in Alzheimers Disease, ANZ Executors and Trustee Company Limited, Judith Jane Mason and Harold Stannett Williams Memorial Foundation - National Medical & Scientific Grants, 2014 ‑ 2015, $40,000.
  • Western Australian Zebrafish Facility, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Infrastructure), 2014, $620,000.
  • Discovery and Validation of Alzheimer's disease biomarkers in human plasma, National Health and Medical Research Council, Project Grants, 2011 ‑ 2014, $352,524.
  • NEW INDEPENDENT RESEARCHER INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT (NIRIS) AWARDS 2011, Medical and Health Research Infrastructure Council WA, New Independent Researcher Infrastructure Support (NIRIS), 2011 ‑ 2012, $10,000.
  • AIBL: Imaging and genetic study add-ons (ECU project: Genomic Studies - Candidate Gene Validation Stream), Confidential, Confidential, 2011 ‑ 2012, $95,238.
  • Neon Transfection System and Biomedical Research Grade -30oC Freezer for Alzheimer’s and Melanoma Research, National Health and Medical Research Council, Equipment Grant 2011, 2011 ‑ 2012, $10,927.
  • Molecular & neuropsychological predictive markers of cognitive decline, National Health and Medical Research Council, Grant, 2005 ‑ 2007, $423,750.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Assessing the genetic relationship between Alzheimer's disease and inflammatory and autoimmune-related traits to identify potential drug targets.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Brain functional network construction and feature recognition based on deep learning and simultaneous EEG-fMRI in Alzheimer's disease
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Unveiling genomic signature of metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring Moderator and Mediator Effects of Suboptimal Health Status and Multi-omics Signatures for Metabolic Syndrome: A Nested Case-Control Study and Post-GWAS Integrative Analysis
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Efficacy of exosome derived from 3D printing stem cell combines with hydrogel to promote neural repair after traumatic brain injury
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Investigating relationships between genetic variation in a metabolic clearance pathway, physical activity, and Alzheimer's Disease
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Investigating the genetic relationship between Alzheimer's disease and physical activity.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Genetic Variation in Exercise Response: Implications for Physical Characteristics, Recovery Dynamics and Training Adaptations.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Evaluating the role of diet and dietary components on cognitive function and late-life dementia in older Australian women.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating goal-scoring in international association football; A look at the history, geography and differences between sex at the elite level

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Genetic determinants of rates of cognitive decline in preclinical alzheimer's disease
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The impact of the interaction between SIRT1 and lifestyle factors on Alzheimer’s disease risk and related phenotypes
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Peripheral DNA methylation patterns, methylation age and Alzheimer's disease risk and related phenotypes
  • Master of Science (Medical Science), Dna methylation of the clusterin promoter: Associations with alzheimer's disease risk and related phenotypes
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, REMOTE PRETERM BIRTH PREVENTION: Comparison of Nifedipine and Salbutamol Tocolysis in Aeromedical Retrieval

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, A multi-method approach to exploring the role of genetics in explaining cognitive decline heterogeneity across the Alzheimer's disease spectrum

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Quantifying the heterogeneity of the immunoglobulin g n-glycome in an ageing Australian population: The busselton health ageing study
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Genetic associations with athlete performance and injury susceptibility in Elite Australian football
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Evolutionary approaches for feature selection in biological data
  • Master of Science (Human Biology), Plasma insulin-degrading enzyme: Characterisation and evaluation as a potential biomarker for alzheimer's disease.
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