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Ms Tania Taddei


Staff Member Details


  • Bachelor of Science (Medical Science), Curtin University of Technology, 1994.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Bird, S., Bomke, J., Bourgeat, P., Brown, B., Burnham, S., Bush, A., Chadunow, C., Collins, S., Doecke, J., Dore, V., Ellis, K., Evered, L., Fazlollahi, A., Fripp, J., Kirby, S., Gibson, S., Grenfell, R., Harrison, E., Head, R., Jin, L., Kamer, A., Lamb, F., Lautenschlager, N., Laws, S., Li, Q., Lim, L., Lim, Yy., Louey, A., Macaulay, L., Mackintosh, L., Martins, R., Maruff, P., Masters, C., McBride, S., Milicic, L., Peretti, M., Pertile, K., Porter, T., Radler, M., Rembach, A., Robertson, J., Rodriguez, M., Rowe, C., Rumble, R., Salvado, O., Savage, G., Silbert, B., Soh, M., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Thai, C., Trounson, B., Tyrell, R., Vacher, M., Varghese, S., Villemagne, V., Weinborn, M., Woodward, M., Xia, Y., Ames, D. (2021). Fifteen years of the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) Study: Progress and observations from 2,359 older adults spanning the spectrum from cognitive normality to Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 5(1), 443-468.
  • Roe, J., Vidal-Piñeiro, D., Sørensen, ., Brandmaier, A., Düzel, S., Gonzalez, H., Kievit, R., Knights, E., Kühn, S., Lindenberger, U., Mowinckel, A., Nyberg, L., Park, D., Pudas, S., Rundle, M., Walhovd, K., Fjell, A., Westerhausen, R., Masters, C., Bush, A., Fowler, C., Darby, D., Pertile, K., Restrepo, C., Roberts, B., Robertson, J., Rumble, R., Ryan, T., Collins, S., Thai, C., Trounson, B., Lennon, K., Li, Q., Ugarte, F., Volitakis, I., Vovos, M., Williams, R., Baker, J., Russell, A., Peretti, M., Milicic, L., Lim, L., Rodrigues, M., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Hone, E., Lim, F., Fernandez, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Pedrini, S., Martins, R., Doecke, J., Bourgeat, P., Fripp, J., Gibson, S., Leroux, H., Hanson, D., Dore, V., Zhang, P., Burnham, S., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Yates, P., Pejoska, S., Jones, G., Ames, D., Cyarto, E., Lautenschlager, N., Barnham, K., Cheng, L., Hill, A., Killeen, N., Maruff, P., Silbert, B., Brown, B., Sohrabi, H., Savage, G., Vacher, M. (2021). Asymmetric thinning of the cerebral cortex across the adult lifespan is accelerated in Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Communications, 12(1), Article number 721.

Journal Articles

  • Brown, B., Peiffer, J., Taddei, K., Lui, J., Laws, S., Gupta, V., Taddei, T., Ward, V., Rodrigues, M., Burnham, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, V., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Masters, C., Ames, D., Macaulay, L., Szoeke, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2013). Physical activity and amyloid-β plasma and brain levels: results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study of Ageing. Molecular Psychiatry, 18(8), 875-881.

Journal Articles

  • Doecke, J., Laws, S., Faux, N., Wilson, W., Burnham, S., Lam, P., Mondal, A., Bedo, J., Bush, A., Brown, B., De Ruyck, K., Ellis, K., Fowler, C., Gupta, V., Head, R., Macaulay, SL., Pertile, K., Rowe, C., Rembach, A., Rodrigues, M., Rumble, R., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Trounson, B., Ames, D., Masters, C., Martins, R. (2012). Blood-Based Protein Biomarkers for Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease. Archives of Neurology, 69(10), 1318-1325.

Journal Articles

  • Faux, NG., Ellis, KA., Porter, L., Fowler, CJ., Laws, S., Martins, R., Pertile, K., Rembach, A., Rowe, CC., Rumble, RL., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Trounson, BO., Villemagne, VL., Ward, V., Ames, D., Masters, CL., Bush, A. (2011). Homocysteine, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid Levels in Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Healthy Elderly: Baseline Characteristics in Subjects of the Australian Imaging Biomarker Lifestyle Study.. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 27(4), 909-922.

Journal Articles

  • Lui, J., Laws, S., Li, Q., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Brown, B., Bush, A., De Ruyck, K., Dromey, J., Ellis, K., Faux, N., Foster, J., Fowler, C., Gupta, V., Hudson, P., Laughton, K., Masters, C., Pertile, K., Rembach, A., Rimajova, M., Rodrigues, M., Rowe, C., Rumble, R., Szoecke, C., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Trounson, B., Ward, V., Martins, R. (2010). Plasma amyloid-β as a biomarker in Alzheimer’s disease: the AIBL study of aging.. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 20(4), 1233-1242.
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