Each year the School of Nursing and Midwifery recognises the outstanding achievements of our students through a School Prize Giving Ceremony.
Prizes are donated from several generous organisations that lie within the healthcare sector. The organisations set prize criteria against which students are checked for eligibility to win the prize. For example, some prizes may be awarded for the highest mark in the unit, for the highest Weighted Average Mark (WAM) in a course, volunteering and engagement contribution.
Students who have been awarded a prize are contacted and they, their family, and donors are invited to the award ceremony. The ceremony is normally held in early in the year for the previous year’s winners. High achieving students and students acknowledged on the Executive Dean’s List are invited to network with industry representatives, academics and peers.
The School Prize Giving Ceremony recognises and awards prizes to staff for demonstrating ECU values of integrity, respect, rational inquiry, personal excellence and courage.
Our prize-giving ceremony would not take place if it were not for the support of our kind donors. We recognise our donors in the following ways.
If you would like to donate a prize, please contact us for further information.
Recognising academic excellence in the Graduate Certificate Contemporary Care of Older People, awarded to the eligible student with the highest course weighted average mark in the year of the award.
Recognising consistently demonstrated compassion, respect and consideration whilst providing quality patient-centred care. Awarded to the eligible student enrolled in Master of Graduate Nursing, Nursing Practice 1 unit in the year of the award.
Recognising the valuable contribution by a School of Nursing and Midwifery student, identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander, to the university life of a fellow student.
Recognising excellence in the Clinical Placements with Older People (CPOP) placement experience and contribution to the success of the CPOP program in Semester 2, 2024.
Recognising excellence in the Clinical Placements with Older People (CPOP) placement experience and contribution to the success of the CPOP program in Semester 1, 2024.
Recognising academic excellence in unit, Nursing Leadership, Governance and Culture in the Bachelor of Science (Nursing)/Bachelor of Science (Midwifery) course. Awarded to the student with the highest average assessment grade in the year of the award.
Recognising academic excellence in the Graduate Certificate in Care of the Ageing, awarded to the eligible student with the highest course weighted average mark in the year of the award.
Recognising excellence and professionalism in nursing practice in the unit, Nursing Capstone. Awarded to the eligible Master of Nursing (Graduate Entry) student in the year of the award.
Recognising academic excellence in the unit - Mental Health Practice, for the highest final mark in evidence based case study.
Recognising commitment to the midwifery profession throughout postgraduate studies in the Master of Midwifery Practice, raising the visibility and standing of the profession.
Recognising academic excellence in the Master of Clinical Nursing, awarded to the eligible student with the highest course weighted average mark.
Recognising academic excellence in unit - Evidence Based Practice in Nursing and Midwifery. For the eligible Bachelor of Science (Nursing) or, Bachelor of Science (Nursing)/Bachelor of Science (Midwifery) student, with the highest final unit grade, completing the unit in second semester, in the year of the award.
Recognising academic excellence in unit - Evidence Based Practice in Nursing and Midwifery. For the eligible Bachelor of Science (Nursing) or, Bachelor of Science (Nursing)/Bachelor of Science (Midwifery) student, with the highest final unit grade, completing the unit mid-year in the year of the award.
Recognising academic excellence in unit - Transition to the Role of Registered Nurse for the eligible Bachelor of Science (Nursing) or, Bachelor of Science (Nursing)/Bachelor of Science (Midwifery) student, with the highest final unit mark.
Recognising positive mentoring and leadership skills for the eligible Bachelor of Science (Nursing) or, Bachelor of Science (Nursing)/Bachelor of Science (Midwifery) student, nominated by mentees and academic mentoring staff in the year of the award.
Recognising excellence in consistent high quality care as evidenced in stage 2 Clinical Practice to the eligible Bachelor of Science (Nursing) student, completing the unit in the year of the award. In memory of Sue Woodroff - Sue was the inaugural Lab Manager from 1986 when Nursing first came to ECU starting on the Nedlands Campus.
Recognising academic excellence in the overall course weighted average mark for the Graduate Certificate in Children & Young People Nursing to the eligible graduating student in the year of the award. In memory of Doreen Collyer - Doreen was an exceptional teacher, exemplary nurse and revered colleague. She was a dedicated and passionate children’s nurse, whose career was devoted to improving the well-being of children and young people.
Recognising excellence in stage 4 Clinical Practice for the Bachelor of Science (Nursing) student completing the unit in the year of the award. In memory of Maxine Serrell - Maxine was a Clinical Nurse Specialist working in Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and then at ECU from 1994 until her passing in 2004.
Recognising excellence in Mental Health Clinical Practice for the eligible Master of Nursing (Graduate Entry) student.
Recognising academic excellence in the unit, Community Health Care in Nursing and Midwifery. For the eligible Bachelor of Science (Nursing) student, with the highest final unit mark in the year of the award.
Recognising academic excellence in the unit, Healthy Ageing and Chronic Conditions. For the eligible Bachelor of Science (Nursing) student, with the highest final unit grade.
Recognising excellence in stage 6 Clinical Practice for the eligible Bachelor of Science (Nursing) or, Bachelor of Science (Nursing)/Bachelor of Science (Midwifery) student, completing the unit in the year of the award.
Recognising excellence in the unit, Professional Portfolio for Midwifery. For the eligible Bachelor of Science (Midwifery) student who has achieved the highest mark for the Professional Portfolio assignment.
Recognising the outstanding student who has been recommended by mentees and academic mentoring staff as having demonstrated positive mentoring and leadership skills towards their nursing peers.
Recognising excellence in clinical and communication skills whilst undertaking clinical workshops for unit NPU1101, Nursing Practice 1, as evidenced by completing clinical assessment at first attempt and feedback from tutors and peers.
Recoginsing the values of hospitality, compassion and respect, demonstrated whilst undertaking unit, Nursing Practice 3.
Recoginsing the values of hospitality, compassion and respect, demonstrated whilst undertaking unit, Nursing Practice 5.
Recognising excellence in the clinical practice component of Bachelor of Science (Nursing) for graduating students in the year of the award and as assessed by a panel of Clinical Supervisors, Program Supervisor and Workplace Learning Coordinator.
Recognising exemplary practice in the care of the elderly for Bachelor of Science (Nursing) students, completing the unit Nursing Practice 2 in the year of the award and as assessed by a panel of Clinical Supervisors, Program Supervisor and Workplace Learning Coordinator.
Recognising clinical excellence in the demonstration of compassion, respect and consideration whilst providing patient centred care. For students enrolled in Bachelor of Science (Nursing) or Bachelor of Science (Nursing)/ Bachelor of (Science) Midwifery, completing unit, Nursing Practice 6 in the year of the award.