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Examination process

You and your supervisor(s) should ensure that examiners are nominated, approved and appointed at least four weeks before the thesis is submitted for examination to avoid delays.

Your supervisor cannot be an examiner for your thesis. All examiners should be independent of you and your supervisor and have no conflict of interest in examining the thesis. Submit the Nomination of Examiners Form for Associate Dean (Research) approval.

Conditions relating to the assessment of theses and projects are contained in the Edith Cowan University Rules (Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress).

Numbers of examiners

The University requires you to have a minimum number of examiners for your thesis:

  • For a Masters Candidate - no fewer than two examiners, none of whom shall be a member of the academic staff of the university;
  • For a Doctoral Candidate - unless the Academic Board otherwise determines, no fewer than three examiners, none of whom shall be a member of the academic staff of the university;
  • For Professional Doctorate Candidates - unless the Academic Board otherwise determines, no fewer than three examiners, none of whom shall be a member of the academic staff of the university.

During the examination process, you and your supervisors should not attempt to contact the examiners.

Once complete, examiners should submit their reports to the Student Services Centre. All reports must be considered and approved, by the University Research Students and Scholarships Committee.

Examiners will recommend either:

  • unqualified acceptance of a thesis;
  • acceptance subject to minor textual amendments being made to the satisfaction of the Dean of School or nominee;
  • acceptance subject to passage amendments being made to the satisfaction of the Dean of School or nominee;
  • revision and re-submission;
  • rejection.

Where the outcome of the examination is a level ii or iii pass, you are required to amend the thesis and have the amendments signed-off by the Dean of School or nominee before the thesis can be bound and lodged in the Library. In these cases, Candidates are required to list carefully all changes required by the examiners and, against each required change, either document what change has been made indicating the relevant page numbers, or provide an academic argument why the suggested change is inappropriate.

This document should be signed by the Candidate and submitted with a copy of the revised thesis to the person who signs-off on the corrections.

Revision and re-submission requirements

In cases where examiners recommend revision and re-submission of the thesis, you have the right to expect a clear written statement detailing errors and deficiencies provided by the examiner to assist in your revision.

A revised thesis should be re-submitted through the supervisor to the Assessment Co-ordinator, Graduate Research School and must provide the following to examiners:

  • a copy of the examiner’s written statement on errors and deficiencies; and
  • a listing of changes made to the thesis as a consequence of the examiner’s criticisms.
  • a copy of the thesis as originally submitted (should it be requested by examiners).

Be aware:

  • you may not re-submit a thesis more than once for examination;
  • a revised thesis must be submitted for re-examination within 12 months of the date on which the original examination was completed; and
  • you must re-enrol in the appropriate thesis unit(s) during the period of revision.
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