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Editing final draft

You and your supervisors are responsible for checking the final version of the thesis.

A useful reference is Anderson and Poole’s book, Assignment and Thesis Writing (2001, chap. 15) contains a checklist for evaluating empirical/experimental research studies and for a checklist for evaluating analytical/literary research studies, which provide candidates with a means of judging the final quality of their work.

The editing of research theses by professional editors

If you are considering using a professional editor you should read the policy developed by the Deans and Directors of Graduate Studies collaboratively with the Council of Australian Societies of Editors (ASEP).

Proof-reading and Editing of Research Theses and Dissertations

It is expected that the academic supervisors of research higher degree students will provide editorial advice to their students. This type of advice is covered in Standards C, D and E of ASEP:

  • Standard C, Substance and Structure;
  • Standard D, Language and Illustrations; and
  • Standard E, Completeness and Consistency.

Students may use a professional editor in preparing their thesis for submission, but they should discuss this with their principal supervisor and provide the editor with a copy of this policy before they commence work. Professional editorial intervention should be restricted to:

  • Standard D; and
  • Standard E.

Where a professional editor provides advice on matters of structure (Standard C), exemplars only should be given.

We suggest you submit material for editing or proofreading in hard copy. Submitting an electronic copy may lead to you accepting editorial suggestions without assessing the implications.

When a thesis has had the benefit of professional editorial advice the name of the editor and a brief description of the service rendered, (as outlined by ASEP), should be printed as part of the list of acknowledgements or other 18 prefatory matter.

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