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Research writing consultants

The Research Writing Consultants assist research students (PhD or Masters by research) improve their academic writing. Assistance is often provided to overseas students who are refining their research proposals but can look at the writing from any research student. The Research Writing Consultants work closely with Supervisors and attempts to reduce their workload by allowing them to focus more on content than style issues, the success of this strategy depends on the writing skills of the student and their commitment to improving their skills.

How can the Research Writing Consultants assist researchers?

The key areas are:

  • Appropriate structure of documents and arguments;
  • Grammar; and
  • Writing in a more concise and easily read style.

The Research Writing Consultants do not do electronic editing, and does not edit an entire thesis (but will provide detailed comment at an entire draft journal manuscript or book chapter). The role of the consultants is to build their client’s writing skills rather than being an editing service.

Activities and workshops

The Research Writing Consultants can help research students through the following activities and workshops:

  • Individual and small group consultations;
  • Workshops open to all research students enrolled in the School;
  • Online resources; and
  • Support for external students via electronic communication.

How to make an appointment

To arrange an appointment you can contact the relevant Research Writing Consultant by email. It helps greatly if you send a draft document e.g. 5-10 pages that have not been edited by anyone but yourself, in advance of an appointment so that the meeting is more productive.

How to arrange a small group workshop

Get a relevant academic staff member to contact the relevant Research Writing Consultant by email or telephone. It is important that you are clear about what you want the workshop to achieve. For some schools the number of research students will necessitate that a workshop approach be adopted rather than individual consultations.


To arrange an appointment, contact:

Dr Amanda Harris
Research Writing Consultant
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 5125
Campus: Joondalup

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