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Safe, Quality Midwifery Care

Led by Professor Sara Bayes, the key priorities for this group include:

  • Optimising the health and well-being of childbearing women pre-conception, through pregnancy, during birth, and postpartum.
  • A robust, sustainable and appropriately skilled midwifery workforce contributing to effective, efficient and respectful maternity care.
  • Methods for timely implementation of evidence-based innovation into midwifery practice.

Our current research themes are:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
  • Regional, remote and rural health
  • Mental Health (psychological & socioecological determinants)

Midwifery Student Peer Debriefing Guide

Check out the our latest resource which was created after a recent study identified that Midwifery students who witness traumatic events at childbirth need increased and specific support to help overcome the negative consequence: Midwifery Student Peer Debriefing Guide

Journal articles

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