- Game-based learning contributions to clinical leadership in times of resource scarcity
- Patients' Perception of Missed Nursing Care in a Tertiary Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Planned Changes to Nurse Leadership, Staffing and Skill-Mix: Impact on the Working Environment, Job Satisfaction and Intention to Leave
- The Impact of a Planned Change to Nurse Staffing Levels in Emergency Departments: A Pre-Test, Post-Test Design
- The importance of advancing international family nursing practice across the lifespan
- "It was difficult to understand the system”: developing a coordinator role to support international nursing students- A qualitative study
- ‘Clinical Is the Pinnacle’: Nurse Academics' Perspectives and Opinions of Their Students Undertaking Mental Health Clinical Placements
- “I changed my mind after my placement”: The influence of clinical placement environment on career choices of final-year pre-registration nurses
- ‘White lies and safety nets’: The perceptions of nurses on the use of early warning systems and the development of higher-order thinking skills
- A Follow-Up Study on the Clinical Impact of Pre-Registration Extended Immersive Ward-Based Simulation
- A review of Australian universities work-integrated learning policies and procedures: Referencing disability
- Acknowledging: A classic grounded theory explaining how nurses' employ clinical judgement when complying with early warning system protocols
- An examination of nursing students’ performance in and Satisfaction with a Patient Safety E-Learning Module
- An examination of the career decision-making self-efficacy of final-year nursing students
- An Integrative Review of Specialised Nursing Career Frameworks to Develop a Nursing Career Framework for Registered Nurses Working in Aged Care
- Assessing the maturity of the “Family Centered Care” concept: A review of concept analyses studies
- Assessment of the Psychometric Properties of the Mask Usability Scale: A Measure of the Perceived Usability of N95 Respirators Among Healthcare Students and Staff
- Barriers to adherence to standard precautions among community health workers: a scoping review
- Care in the academy: How our online writing group transformed into a caring community
- Challenging the Nuances of Pain Assessment With Co-designed Audio-Visual Simulations in Nursing Education: A Descriptive Study
- Conceptual Considerations for Understanding Resilience in Healthcare Students
- Core competencies for Registered Nurse preceptors: A mapping review of quantitative studies
- Culturally responsive occupational therapy practice with First Nations Peoples—A scoping review
- Evaluating the association between effort-reward imbalance and suboptimal health status among hospital nurses: a cross-sectional study
- Factors impacting nursing assistants to accept a delegation in the acute care settings: A mixed method study
- How Does the Proportion of Child-Specific Content of Pre-Registration Nursing Programmes in Higher Education Institutions Impact Upon Newly Qualified Registered Nurses’ Perceptions of Preparedness to Care for Children, Young People, and Their Families? A Narrative Review Protocol
- It takes it out of the textbook: Benefits of and barriers to expert by experience involvement in pre-registration mental health nursing education
- Intrapartum hydration assessment and management: A cross-sectional survey of Australian and New Zealand maternity units
- Investigating Falls Risk Awareness in Hospitals Using the Self-Awareness of Falls Risk Measure (SAFRM): Empirical Research Quantitative
- Just-in-time training for nasotracheal intubation: A report of a pilot study
- Measuring attitude change in nursing students after completion of a First Nations peoples’ health unit: Embedding a validated tool in learning and assessment practices
- Nursing and medical students’ views before and after participation in a simulated ward-based interprofessional learning activity: An exploratory study
- Nurse by numbers: The impact of early warning systems on nurses' higher-order thinking, a quantitative study
- Nursing students’ evaluation of clinical placement education quality: A national database analysis
- Nursing/midwifery students' perceptions of caring pedagogy and online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Nursing student reflections on a research internship: A reflective discussion following the Gibbs' reflective cycle
- Nursing student voices: A qualitative thematic synthesis of education elements supporting nursing students' clinical learning during placement
- Organ pedalboard as a rehabilitation tool: A qualitative exploratory study of healthcare providers’ perceptions and recommendations
- Participants experiences regarding the use of acupuncture as a treatment modality: A qualitative systematic review
- Perceptions of community care among nursing students: A cross-sectional study with implications to nursing workforce
- Scope of nursing work and models of service delivery in Australian primary and secondary schools: a scoping review protocol
- Senior Registered Nurses' Organisational Communication Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction, Burnout, and Intention to Stay: A Cross-Sectional Study of Two Healthcare Groups
- Staff Perceptions on the Effectiveness of GRiP-S, a New Approach to Clinical Supervision Incorporating Safewards: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis
- The association between nurse staffing and quality of care in emergency departments: A systematic review
- The benefits, barriers and facilitators of mentoring programs for first-year doctors: A systematic review
- The gender pay gap in the Australian nursing workforce: A retrospective observational study
- The impact of final-year clinical placements on nursing students' career planning for the graduate year and beyond
- The impact of mandated use early warning system tools on the development of nurses' higher-order thinking: A systematic review
- The influence of individual factors on the career preferences and specialty choices of final-year nursing students
- The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Nurses' and Junior Doctors' Workloads