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Associate Professor Michelle Gray

Honorary Academic

Staff Member Details

Michelle Gray is an Adjunct Associate Professor with the School of Nursing and Midwifery.


Michelle has been a nurse since 1990 and a midwife since 1995. Her clinical practice includes working in both hospital and community locations. As a nurse Michelle was a Practice Nurse responsible for running clinics in a health centre; asthma, diabetes and weight loss management as well as medical fitness assessments for the RAF, before becoming a midwife in 1995.

Michelle’s midwifery practice again has involved both home, community and hospital locations. Michelle has a vast range of clinical midwifery experiences ranging from high risk tertiary hospitals to birthing centres and home birth in the United Kingdom. Michelle moved to Australia in Jan 2006 and worked at Caboolture hospital and within the Midwifery Team Model until 2007 when she became an academic in 2007 at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland where she taught into dual and single registration nursing and midwifery  degrees, as well as Coordinating the masters of Midwifery program.

Michelle has a Masters in Professional Learning degree, and a PHD completed at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland in 2016. Michelle currently has three PhD students studying midwifery practice and the first year of practice transition period.

In April 2019 Michelle moved to Charles Darwin University. During her time at CDU Michelle was part of the Learning and Teaching Committee and she was first the Post Graduate Programs Coordinator and then the Director of Midwifery Studies before moving to Edith Cowan University at the end of 2020.

As Associate Professor in Midwifery at ECU Michelle is responsible for coordinating the Masters of Midwifery Practice.

Professional Associations

Michelle is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA).

Michelle has adjunct positions at Charles Darwin University, The University of the Sunshine Coast and University of Queensland.

Michelle has worked closely with the Australian College of Midwives since 2010 holding many Queensland committee positions; treasurer, conference organiser, Chair and State representative on the national Council until 2021. Michelle was a member of the Midwifery Education Advisory Committee (MEAC), and currently on the ACM Midwifery Leadership Group.

Michelle is engaged in several national research projects as part of the Trans Tasman Midwifery Education Consortium (TTMEC).

Michelle is also a peer reviewer for several journals including Women and Birth, Nurse Education Today, Nurse Education in Practice, Collegian, and Journal of Research in Nursing.

Awards and Recognition

2018      ‘ABLE’ Award. I was nominated for an Advanced Blended Learning in Education award. I received a commendation for creating and introducing 3D virtual reality learning resources for the Bachelor of Midwifery program.

2016      The Bachelor of Midwifery was nominated for an Advanced Blended Learning in Education Award. Citation: 'For creatively developing and implementing a midwifery curriculum which is innovative in scholarship and responsive to the learning needs of students'.

2015      Personal Professional Development (PPD) Scholarship. Funded a sabbatical to McMaster University in Ontario for Semester 2, 2015, to learn about midwifery education, registration and regulation of midwives in Ontario, Canada. The funding paid for flights and accommodation for 6 months June - December, 2015.

Research Areas and Interests

  • Midwifery
  • Adult Education, blended learning, case-based learning approaches
  • Registration regulation, transition to practice
  • Qualitative methodologies


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of the Sunshine Coast, 2016.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • McNeill, L., Jefford, E., Gray, M., Bloxsome, D., Downer, T., Johnson-Cash, J., Ebert, L. (2024). A survey of students’ experiences of returning to midwifery studies after maternity leave: A pilot survey. Nurse Education in Practice, 79(2024), article number 104073.
  • McCullough, K., Baker, M., Bloxsome, D., Crevacore, C., Davies, H., Doleman, G., Gray, M., McKay, N., Palamara, P., Richards, G., Saunders, R., Barnard, M., Coventry, L. (2024). Clinical deterioration as a nurse sensitive indicator in the out-of-hospital context: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 33(3), 874-889.
  • Latham, N., Young, J., Wilson, J., Gray, M., George, K. (2024). Child health nurses’ perceptions of the Family Community-based Assistance Resourcing and Education program in contemporary practice: a qualitative study. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 30(1), article number PY23072.
  • Garti, I., Gray, M., Bromley, A., Tan, J. (2024). Pre-eclampsia training needs of midwives in a Ghanaian tertiary hospital: A cross-sectional study. Nurse Education in Practice, 75(2024), article number 103872.
  • Garti, I., Gray, M., Bromley, A., Tan, J. (2024). Midwives’ experiences of providing pre-eclampsia care in a low- and middle-income country – A qualitative study. Women and Birth, 37(2), 332-339.
  • Gray, M., De Leo, A., Baker, M., Jefford, E. (2024). The lived experience of midwives’ transitioning from a clinical role into teaching in higher education in one jurisdiction of Australia: A pilot study. Nurse Education in Practice, 79(2024), article number 104071.

Journal Articles

  • Garti, I., Gray, M., Bromley, A., Tan, B. (2023). A socioecological description of the influencing factors to midwives’ management of preeclampsia in a Ghanaian tertiary hospital. PLoS One, 18(9 September), article number e0291036.
  • Gray, M., McNeil, L., Downer, T., Bloxsome, D., Jefford, E. (2023). An analysis of legislation and policies that guide maternity leave decision making in Australian midwifery students. Australian Health Review, 47(6), 652-666.
  • Bahri, H., Madrane, M., Downer, T., Gray, M., Ahabrach, H., El Mlili, N. (2023). Using action learning research for the development and implementation of an ePortfolio in nursing clinical placements. Action Learning: research and practice, 20(1), 5-16.
  • Hildebrand, F., Gray, M., McCullough, K. (2023). Models of clinical supervision of relevance to remote area nursing & primary health care: A scoping review. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 31(5), 826-838.
  • Gray, M., Downer, T., Hanson, J., Hartz, D., Gao, Y., Andersen, P. (2023). The impact of three-dimensional visualisation on midwifery student’s application of knowledge of the third stage of labour to practice: Qualitative findings of a pilot randomised controlled trial. Women and Birth, 36(1), e36-e43.
  • Hopkinson, D., Gray, M., George, K., Kearney, L. (2023). Nurturing our new midwives: A qualitative enquiry of mentor's experiences of supporting new graduate midwives working in continuity of care models. Women and Birth, 36(4), 357-366.
  • Latham, N., Young, J., Wilson, J., Gray, M. (2023). Measuring success: Program fidelity of Queensland's child health home visiting services. A document analysis. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 29(6), 575-586.

Journal Articles

  • Gray, M., Downer, T., Hartz, D., Hanson, J., Andersen, P., Gao, Y. (2022). The impact of three-dimensional visualisation on midwifery student learning, compared with traditional education for teaching the third stage of labour: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Nurse Education Today, 108(Jan 2022), Article number 105184.
  • Hopkinson, D., Kearney, L., Gray, M., George, K. (2022). New Graduate Midwives’ transition to practice: a scoping review. Midwifery.. Midwifery, 111(August 2022), article number 103337.
  • Garti, I., Gray, M., Bromley, A., Tan, JY. (2022). A Qualitative document analysis of policies influencing pre-eclampsia management by midwives in Ghana.. Women and Birth, 35(6), 612-618.
  • Carter, A., Müller, A., Gray, M., Bloxsome, D., Graham, K., Dooley, D., Sweet, L. (2022). Critical thinking development in undergraduate midwifery students: an Australian validation study using Rasch analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1), article number 972.

Journal Articles

  • Garti, I., Gray, M., Tan, J., Bromley, A. (2021). Midwives’ knowledge on preeclampsia management: A scoping review. Women and Birth, 34(1), 87-104.
  • Gray, M., Downer, T. (2021). Midwives’ perspectives of the challenges in mentoring students: A qualitative survey. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 28(1), 135-142.
  • Downer, T., Gray, M., Capper, T. (2021). Online learning and teaching approaches used in midwifery programs: A scoping review. Nurse Education Today, 103(August 2021), Article number 104980.

Journal Articles

  • Latham, N., Young, J., Gray, M. (2020). Key elements of sustained child health home visiting programs for vulnerable families in Australia: a scoping review. Journal of Children and Young People’s Health, 1(1), 3-16.
  • Downer, T., Gray, M., Anderson, P. (2020). Three-Dimensional Technology: Evaluating the use of visualization in midwifery education. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 39(February 2020), 27-32.

Journal Articles

  • Gray, M., Downer, T., Capper, T. (2019). Australian midwifery student’s perceptions of the benefits and challenges associated with completing a portfolio of evidence for initial registration: paper based and ePortfolios. Nurse Education in Practice, 39(August 2019), 37-44.
  • Gray, M. (2019). How Australian dual registrants identified as midwives to meet national registration renewal requirements. Women and Birth, 32(1), 50-57.

Journal Articles

  • Gray, M., Malott, A., Murray Davis, B., Sandor, C. (2016). A scoping review of how new midwifery practitioners transition to practice in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and The Netherlands. Midwifery, 42(1 November 2016), 74-79.

Journal Articles

  • Gray, M., Rowe, J., Barnes, M. (2015). Midwifery professionalisation and practice: Influences of the changed registration standards in Australia. Women and Birth, 29(1), 54-61.
  • Gray, M., Rowe, J., Barnes, M. (2015). Australian midwives’ interpretation of the re-registration, recency of practice standard. Australian Health Review, 39(4), 462-466.

Journal Articles

  • Gray, M., Rowe, J., Barnes, M. (2014). Continuing professional development and changed re-registration requirements: Midwives’ reflections. Nurse Education Today, 34(5), 860-865.
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