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Dr Dianne (Di) Bloxsome

Associate Dean

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2360
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO21.441  

Dr Dianne (Di) Bloxsome is Associate Dean, Midwifery and Course Coordinator for Bachelor of Science (Nursing) / Bachelor of Science (Midwifery) within the School of Nursing and Midwifery.


  • 2021: Lecturer Level C  -School of Nursing and Midwifery
  • 2017: Lecturer Level B - School of Nursing and Midwifery
  • 2016: Lecturer Level A - School of Medical and Health Sciences
  • 2012: Sessional Lecturer - School of Medical and Health Sciences
  • 2010: Sessional staff member - School of Nursing and Midwifery
  • 2003: Registered Midwife
  • 2001: Registered Nurse.

Professional Associations

  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
  • Australian College of Midwives.

Research Areas and Interests

  • Midwifery workforce and the wellbeing of midwives


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2020.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Midwifery, Edith Cowan University, 2003.
  • Bachelor of Nursing, Edith Cowan University, 2001.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Matacz, R., Byrne, S., Nosaka, K., Priddis, L., Finlay-Jones, A., Lim, I., Bloxsome, D., Newman-Morris, V. (2025). Evaluation of the Pregnancy to Parenthood program: A dyadic intervention for mothers with perinatal mental disorders and their infants. Infant Mental Health Journal, 46(1), 70-84.
  • De Leo, A., Sweet, L., Palamara, P., Bloxsome, D., Bayes, S. (2025). How valuable is an implementation toolkit for midwives? An exploratory study. Midwifery, 141(2025), article number 104241.

Journal Articles

  • Buchanan, K., Ross, C., Bloxsome, D., Hocking, J., Bayes, S. (2024). Development of a Midwifery Student Peer Debriefing Tool: An interpretive descriptive study. Nurse Education Today, 137(2024), article number 106167.
  • Bloxsome, D., De Leo, A., Doleman, G. (2024). The Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurses' and junior doctors workloads. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2024(Article in press), 10 pages.
  • McCullough, K., Baker, M., Bloxsome, D., Crevacore, C., Davies, H., Doleman, G., Gray, M., McKay, N., Palamara, P., Richards, G., Saunders, R., Barnard, M., Coventry, L. (2024). Clinical deterioration as a nurse sensitive indicator in the out-of-hospital context: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 33(3), 874-889.
  • McNeill, L., Jefford, E., Gray, M., Bloxsome, D., Downer, T., Johnson-Cash, J., Ebert, L. (2024). A survey of students’ experiences of returning to midwifery studies after maternity leave: A pilot survey. Nurse Education in Practice, 79(2024), article number 104073.

Journal Articles

  • Gray, M., McNeil, L., Downer, T., Bloxsome, D., Jefford, E. (2023). An analysis of legislation and policies that guide maternity leave decision making in Australian midwifery students. Australian Health Review, 47(6), 652-666.
  • Doleman, G., De Leo, A., Bloxsome, D. (2023). The impact of pandemics on healthcare providers' workloads: A scoping review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 79(12), 4434-4454.
  • De Leo, A., Bloxsome, D., Bayes, S. (2023). Approaches To Clinical Guideline Development In Healthcare: A Scoping Review And Document Analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), article number 37.

Journal Articles

  • Toneycliffe, K., Bloxsome, D., De Leo, A., Bayes, S. (2022). What are the benefits and challenges of mentoring in midwifery? An integrative review. Women's Health, 18(2022), 1-12.
  • Carter, A., Müller, A., Gray, M., Bloxsome, D., Graham, K., Dooley, D., Sweet, L. (2022). Critical thinking development in undergraduate midwifery students: an Australian validation study using Rasch analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1), article number 972.
  • Spring Walsh, B., Gardiner, F., Bloxsome, D., Ford (smhs), D., Mills, B., Laws, S. (2022). A Cohort Comparison Study on Women in Threatened Preterm Labor Given Nifedipine or Nifedipine and Salbutamol Tocolysis in Air Medical Retrieval. Air Medical Journal, 41(3), 298-302.

Journal Articles

  • De Leo, A., Bayes, S., Bloxsome, D., Butt, J. (2021). Exploring the usability of the COM-B model and Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) to define the helpers of and hindrances to evidence-based practice in midwifery. Implementation Science, 2(1), Article number 7.
  • Bloxsome, D., Glass, C., Bayes, S. (2021). How is organisational fit addressed in Australian entry level midwifery job advertisements. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), Article number 183.

Journal Articles

  • Bloxsome, D., Bayes, S., Ireson, D. (2020). “I love being a midwife; it's who I am": A Glaserian Grounded Theory Study of why midwives stay in midwifery. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(1-2), 208-220.
  • Geraghty, S., Davison, C., De Leo, A., Bloxsome, D. (2020). Do midwifery International clinical placements influence students’ practice and employment decisions?. Women and Birth, 33(2), 199-204.

Journal Articles

  • Bloxsome, D., Ireson, D., Doleman, G., Bayes, S. (2019). Factors associated with midwives’ job satisfaction and intention to stay in the profession: An integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(3-4), 386-399.
  • Whitehead, L., Ghosh, M., Kirk, D., Bloxsome, D., Vafeas, C., Wilkinson, A. (2019). The relationship between specialty nurse certification and patient, nurse and organizational outcomes: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 93(1), 1-11.

Research Projects

  • The impact of the COVID-19 health pandemic on junior doctors and nurses' workloads - sub project of G1001207, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Grant, 2013 ‑ 2026, $18,274.
  • How do Western Australian midwives' occupational motivation, occupational engagement, satisfaction with the practice environment, and workplace stress impact their intention to stay in their job and the profession? An exploratory cross-sectional study., Rosemary Bryant Foundation, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2026, $12,178.
  • Inclusivity and diversity in entry pathways for midwifery education in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery (Australia & New Zealand), Grants, 2024 ‑ 2025, $10,958.
  • Birthing on Country - Connected to Country, Birthing on Country, On Country we Grow, Department of Health WA, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2024, $137,743.
  • Nurses and midwives’ perceptions of workloads and the impact on care rationing, moral distress, burnout and intention to stay., Edith Cowan University, Early-Mid Career Researcher Grant Scheme 2022 (Stream 2), 2023 ‑ 2024, $30,624.
  • Development of an Evidence Based Supportive Practice Environment Framework: Phase 1 and Phase 2, Department of Health WA, Nursing and Midwifery Office Grant, 2023, $36,364.
  • Development, testing, implementation and evaluation of a graduate mentoring program to optimise the likelihood of midwife retention in Western Australia, Department of Health WA, Nursing and Midwifery Office Grant, 2020 ‑ 2022, $43,198.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Midwifery (Research), Developing Strategies to Support Midwives to Stay in the Profession: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The co-development, implementation, and evaluation of a mentoring program for mid-career midwives
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The feasibiliity, acceptability and experiences of acuneedling (midwife administered acupuncture) for fetal malposition during labour and birth: A mixed method approach incorporating the Acuneedling for Posterior Position (APP) Trial pilot study.
  • Master of Midwifery (Research), Charting Unconventional Routes: Exploring the Journey to Registration for Stream B Overseas Midwives in Australia's Outcomes-Based Assessment

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, What is the perceived value of a midwifery led 24 hour on-call telelphone service in the delivery of care to obstetric patients amongst paramedics?
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating the Perinatal Mental Health Challenges in Western Australia: A Multi-Methods Approach

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Development of a Miwifery Specific tool to identify the barries and enablers to change within the clinical setting: A participatory action research study

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, REMOTE PRETERM BIRTH PREVENTION: Comparison of Nifedipine and Salbutamol Tocolysis in Aeromedical Retrieval
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Improving processes for implementing evidence-based practice in midwifery: Development of an eTool(KIT) for midwives
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