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Professor Martin Jones

Associate Dean (Regional)

Staff Member Details
Mobile: 0435 084 971
Campus: South West  

Martin is a Professor of Nursing and Associate Dean Regional in the School of Nursing and Midwifery located in the South-West of Western Australia, based in Bunbury.


Martin has held National Health Service (NHS) leadership roles in the United Kingdom (UK); serving diverse and under-served communities in inner-city London and its outer boroughs. He has held National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) grants in the UK and collaborated successfully on research with academics from the UK, Australia, China, and the European Union.

In two of Martin's previous UK roles, he was responsible for a budget of £200M that delivered a safe, effective, and quality nursing service. Since arriving in regional Australia over a decade ago, Martin has been part of a University Department of Rural Health leadership team which have doubled their rural health student placement activity, augmented their interprofessional educational activity to support rural students, increased the number and quality of their research outputs in regional South Australia and designed new innovative educational models for the existing rural health workforce.

In his work with patients/service users, families, and healthcare workers, Martin has undertaken randomized controlled trials, and systematic reviews, and tested formulated hypotheses. These programs of research have generated over $5M in research grant funding. Funding sources have been with partners from the European Union, Primary Health Networks, the Commonwealth, and local community partners located in rural and remote Australia.

Martin has published over 100 journal articles and is an Associate Editor for the Australian Journal of Rural Health. Martin has supervised 3 PhD students to completion; and has taken a leadership role in increasing access to low intensity psychosocial interventions for depression through developing evidence-based clinical skills training for diverse groups of healthcare workers.

In 2020, Martin developed a holistic, online, mental health skills training for people living with common mental health conditions. In Australia, he has collaborated to increase clinical trial activity in partnership with regional communities by developing a portfolio of clinical trials in collaboration with the Australian Tele Trial Program (ATP). In the UK, Martin initiated a program of research aimed at understanding the role of Mental Health Nurses (MHN) who prescribe mental health medication. He was also part of a team which completed a program of research which developed and evaluated a novel intervention to improve the physical health of people with a serious mental health illness (SMI). The Health Improvement Profile (HIP) for people with a SMI can be found at

Professional Associations

  • Associate Editor Australian Journal of Rural Health
  • MRFF 2023 Childhood Mental Health Research Review Committee
  • Registered Nurse: Nursing and Midwifery Council, United Kingdom
  • Registered Nurse: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Australia

Research Areas and Interests

  • Clinical Trials
  • Rural Health
  • Co-existing mental health conditions


  • Doctorate in Nursing, England, 2007.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Yisma, E., Walsh, S., Hillier, S., Gillam, M., Gray, R., Jones, M. (2024). Effect of behavioural activation for individuals with post-stroke depression: systematic review and meta-analysis. BJPsych Open, 10(5), article number e134.
  • Skaczkowski, G., Hull, M., Smith, A., Dollman, J., Jones, M., Gunn, K. (2024). Understanding farmers’ barriers to health and mental health-related help-seeking: The development, factor structure, and reliability of the Farmer Help-Seeking Scale. Journal of Rural Health, 40(1), 64-74.
  • Yisma, E., Walsh, S., Steen, M., Gray, R., Dennis, S., Gillam, M., Parange, N., Jones, M. (2024). Effect of Behavioral Activation for Women with Postnatal Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nursing Reports, 14(1), 78-88.
  • Walsh, S., Muyambi, K., Dennis, S., Hutchinson, S., Turnbull, T., Tan, K., Dettwiller, P., Bressington, D., Gray, R., Howard, L., Andrews, J., Muthuramalingam, S., Versace, V., Jones, M. (2024). Behavioural activation for people in custody with depression: A protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled study. PLoS One, 19(45449), article number e0304767.
  • Muyambi, K., Walsh, S., Dettwiller, P., Tan, K., Dennis, S., Bressington, D., Gray, R., McCall, A., Jones, M. (2024). Australian trial of behavioural activation for people with schizophrenia experiencing negative symptoms: a feasibility randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open, 14(5), article number e080245.
  • Yisma, E., Jones, M., Pauh, LS., Walsh, S., Jones, S., May, E., Gillam, M. (2024). Impact of rurality on health care utilization among Australian residents from 2009 to 2021. Journal of Rural Health, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Pantha, S., Jones, M., Moyo, N., Pokhrel, B., Kushemererwa, D., Gray, R. (2024). Association between the Quantity of Nurse–Doctor Interprofessional Collaboration and in-Patient Mortality: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(4), article number 494.
  • Leach, M., Nichols, S., Trenholm, S., Jones, M. (2024). Health Literacy of Parents and Carers in a Regional Community: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 43(3), 275-282.

Journal Articles

  • Yisma, E., Versace, V., Jones, M., Walsh, S., Jones, S., May, E., Puah, L., Gillam, M. (2023). The distribution of registered occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and podiatrists in Australia. PLoS One, 18(45544), article number e0291962.
  • Moyo, N., Jones, M., Dennis, S., Sharma, K., McKeown, M., Gray, R. (2023). The Association between Nursing Skill Mix and Patient Outcomes in a Mental Health Setting: An Observational Feasibility Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), article number 2715.
  • Walsh, S., Versace, V., Thompson, S., Browne, L., Knight, S., Lyle, D., Argus, G., Jones, M. (2023). Supporting nursing and allied health student placements in rural and remote Australia: a narrative review of publications by university departments of rural health. The Medical Journal of Australia, 219(TBD), S14-S19.
  • Pantha, S., Jones, M., Gray, R. (2023). Stakeholders’ Perceptions of How Nurse–Doctor Communication Impacts Patient Care: A Concept Mapping Study. Nursing Reports, 13(4), 1607-1623.
  • Muyambi, K., Walsh, S., Dan Bressington, CD., Gray, R., Dennis, S., Brown, E., Grimshaw, M., Drummond, J., Jones, M. (2023). Efficacy of behavioural activation in the treatment of negative symptoms in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A systematic review. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 5(TBD), article number 100132.
  • Puah, L., Gillam, M., Walsh, S., Jones, M., Yisma, E. (2023). Do undertaking rural placements and place of origin inform where allied health graduates work in South Australia?. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 31(3), 575-579.
  • Kennedy, A., Gunn, K., Duke, S., Jones, M., Brown, E., Barnes, K., Macdonald, J., Brumby, S., Versace, V., Gray, R. (2023). Co-designing a peer-led model of delivering behavioural activation for people living with depression or low mood in Australian farming communities. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 31(3), 556-568.
  • Pantha, S., Jones, M., Gartoulla, P., Gray, R. (2023). A Systematic Review to Inform the Development of a Reporting Guideline for Concept Mapping Research. Methods and Protocols, 6(5), article number 101.
  • Byrne, M., Easpaig, B., Gray, R., Creek, R., Jones, M., Brown, E., Mitchell, D., Zhai, J., Tan, J., Denis, S., Bressington, D. (2023). Behavioural activation for depressive symptoms in young people with emerging or early psychosis: A pilot study protocol. PLoS One, 18(45292), article number e0280559.

Journal Articles

  • Hull, M., Gunn, K., Smith, A., Jones, M., Dollman, J. (2022). “We’re Lucky to Have Doctors at All”; A Qualitative Exploration of Australian Farmers’ Barriers and Facilitators to Health-Related Help-Seeking. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), article number 11075.
  • Pantha, S., Jones, M., Gray, R. (2022). Stakeholders’ perceptions of how nurse-physician communication may impact patient care: protocol for a concept mapping study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 36(3), 479-481.
  • Moyo, N., Jones, M., Dennis, S., Sharma, K., Gray, R. (2022). The Association between Nursing Skill Mix and Patient Outcomes in a Mental Health Setting: Protocol for an Observational Feasibility Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(7), article number 4357.
  • Moyo, N., Jones, M., Gray, R. (2022). What are the core competencies of a mental health nurse? A concept mapping study involving five stakeholder groups. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 31(4), 933-951.
  • Muyambi, K., Gardiner, F., Sollid, S., Hyldmo, P., Yisma, E., Spring, B., Bredmose, P., Jones, M., Walsh, S., Schofield, Z., Gillam, M. (2022). Aeromedical retrieval services characteristics globally: a scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 30(1), article number 71.
  • Beks, H., Walsh, S., Alston, L., Jones, M., Smith, T., Maybery, D., Sutton, K., Versace, V. (2022). Approaches Used to Describe, Measure and Analyze Place of Practice in Dentistry, Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Rural Graduate Workforce Research in Australia: A Systematic Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), article number 1438.
  • Pantha, S., Jones, M., Gray, R. (2022). Development of a Guideline to Enhance the Reporting of Concept Mapping Research: Study Protocol. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), article number 7273.
  • Muyambi, K., Dennis, S., Parange, N., Walsh, S., Gray, R., Martinez, L., Gunn, K., Kenyon, K., Jones, M. (2022). Rural health workers' perspectives and experience with an online educational program in behavioural activation: A thematic analysis. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(6), e5539–e5548.
  • Moyo, N., Jones, M., Kushemererwa, D., Arefadib, N., Jones, A., Pantha, S., Gray, R. (2022). Service User and Carer Views and Expectations of Mental Health Nurses: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), article number 11001.
  • Walsh, S., Moseley, G., Gray, R., Gillam, M., Gunn, K., Barker, T., Tran, K., Eshetie, T., Jones, M. (2022). Use of behavioural activation to manage pain: a systematic scoping review. BMJ Open, 12(6), article number e056404.

Journal Articles

  • Gonzalez-Chica, D., Gillam, M., Williams, S., Sharma, P., Leach, M., Jones, M., Walters, L., Gardiner, F. (2021). Pregnancy-related aeromedical retrievals in rural and remote Australia: national evidence from the Royal Flying Doctor Service. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 390-.
  • Beks, H., Walsh, S., Binder, M., Jones, M., Versace, V. (2021). Contribution of nurse leaders to rural and remote health research in Australia: A non-systematic scoping review. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 28(6), 652-684.
  • Muyambi, K., Gillam, M., Dennis, S., Gray, R., Martinez, L., Jones, M. (2021). Effect of depression awareness and management training on the attitudes of rural primary health care workers. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29(3), 449-454.
  • Leach, M., Walsh, S., Muyambi, K., Gillam, M., Jones, M. (2021). Expressed Demand for Health Care Services in Regional South Australia: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Rural Health, 37(3), 645-654.
  • Yisma, E., Gillam, M., Versace, V., Jones, S., Walsh, S., May, E., Jones, M. (2021). Geographical distribution of 3 allied health professions in South Australia: A summary of access and disadvantage. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29(5), 721-728.
  • Leach, M., Gillam, M., Gonzalez-Chica, D., Walsh, S., Muyambi, K., Jones, M. (2021). Health care need and health disparities: Findings from the Regional South Australia Health (RESONATE) survey. Health and Social Care in the Community, 29(4), 905-917.
  • Walsh, S., Jones, M., Gray, R., Gillam, M., Gunn, K., Barker, T., Eshetie, T., Moseley, G. (2021). Use of behavioural activation to manage pain: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 11(6), article number e041036.

Journal Articles

  • Gillam, M., Leach, M., Muller, J., Gonzalez-Chica, D., Jones, M., Muyambi, K., Walsh, S., May, E. (2020). Availability and quality of publicly available health workforce data sources in Australia: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 10(1), article number e034400.
  • Leach, M., Gillam, M., Walsh, S., Jones, M., Muyambi, K. (2020). Community pulse—Conversations in health. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 28(2), 159-160.
  • Pantha, S., Jones, M., Gray, R. (2020). Inter-professional collaboration and patient mortality: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nursing Reports, 10(1), 1-16.
  • Osborne, S., Alston, L., Bolton, K., Whelan, J., Reeve, E., Wong Shee, A., Browne, J., Walker, T., Versace, V., Allender, S., Nichols, M., Backholer, K., Goodwin, N., Lewis, S., Dalton, H., Prael, G., Curtin, M., Brooks, R., Verdon, S., Crockett, J., Hodgins, G., Walsh, S., Lyle, D., Thompson, S., Browne, L., Knight, S., Pit, S., Jones, M., Gillam, M., Leach, M., Gonzalez-Chica, D., Muyambi, K., Eshetie, T., Tran, K., May, E., Lieschke, G., Parker, V., Smith, A., Hayes, C., Dunlop, A., Rajappa, H., White, R., Oakley, P., Holliday, S. (2020). Beyond the black stump: rapid reviews of health research issues affecting regional, rural and remote Australia. The Medical Journal of Australia, 213(TBD), S3-S32.e1.
  • Marin, T., Walsh, S., May, N., Jones, M., Gray, R., Muir-Cochrane, E., Clark, R. (2020). Screening for depression and anxiety among patients with acute coronary syndrome in acute care settings: A scoping review. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18(9), 1932-1969.
  • Leach, M., Jones, M., Bressington, D., Jones, A., Nolan, F., Muyambi, K., Gillam, M., Gray, R. (2020). The association between community mental health nursing and hospital admissions for people with serious mental illness: A systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 9(1), article number 35.
  • Moyo, N., Jones, M., Gilbert, S., Romero, L., Gray, R. (2020). The association between mental health nurse to registered nurse ratio and patient outcomes in psychiatric inpatient wards: Protocol for a systematic review. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 27(6), 821-828.
  • Walsh, S., Jones, M., Bressington, D., McKenna, L., Brown, E., Terhaag, S., Shrestha, M., Al-Ghareeb, A., Gray, R. (2020). Adherence to COREQ Reporting Guidelines for Qualitative Research: A Scientometric Study in Nursing Social Science. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19(TBD), TBD.
  • Gardiner, F., Bishop, L., Gale, L., Harwood, A., Teoh, N., Lucas, R., Jones, M., Laverty, M. (2020). Poor access to kidney disease management services in susceptible patient populations in rural Australia is associated with increased aeromedical retrievals for acute renal care. Internal Medicine Journal, 50(8), 951-959.
  • Moyo, N., Jones, M., Kushemererwa, D., Pantha, S., Gilbert, S., Romero, L., Gray, R. (2020). The association between the mental health nurse-to-registered nurse ratio and patient outcomes in psychiatric inpatient wards: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 1-12.

Journal Articles

  • Ski, C., Jones, M., Astley, C., Neubeck, L., Thompson, D., Gallagher, R., Du, H., Clark, R. (2019). Development, piloting and validation of the Recommending Cardiac Rehabilitation (ReCaRe) instrument. Heart and Lung: the journal of acute and critical care, 48(5), 405-413.
  • Ferguson, M., Dollman, J., Jones, M., Cronin, K., James, L., Martinez, L., Procter, N. (2019). Suicide Prevention Training - Improving the Attitudes and Confidence of Rural Australian Health and Human Service Professionals. Crisis, 40(1), 15-26.
  • Muyambi, K., Leach, M., Martinez, L., Cronin, K., McPhail, R., Dennis, S., Walsh, S., Gray, R., Jones, M. (2019). Rural and metropolitan South Australian mental health workers’ views about nurse prescribing: A thematic analysis. Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(2), 356-365.

Journal Articles

  • Fennell, K., Hull, M., Jones, M., Dollman, J. (2018). A comparison of barriers to accessing services for mental and physical health conditions in a sample of rural Australian adults. Rural and Remote Health, 18(1), article number 4155.
  • Franzon, J., Haren, M., Kourbelis, C., Marin, T., Newman, P., Jones, M., Muir-Cochrane, E., Clark, R. (2018). Recommendations and practices for the screening of depression and anxiety in acute coronary syndrome: A scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 16(7), 1503-1510.
  • Al-Ghareeb, A., Hillel, S., McKenna, L., Cleary, M., Visentin, D., Jones, M., Bressington, D., Gray, R. (2018). Retraction of publications in nursing and midwifery research: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 81(TBD), 8-13.
  • Muyambi, K., McPhail, R., Cronin, K., Gillam, M., Martinez, L., Dennis, S., Bressington, D., Gray, R., Jones, M. (2018). What do mental health workers in the bush think about mental health nurse prescribing? A cross-sectional study. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 26(6), 429-435.
  • Leach, M., Jones, M., Bressington, D., Nolan, F., Jones, A., Muyambi, K., Gillam, M., Gray, R. (2018). The association between mental health nursing and hospital admissions for people with serious mental illness: A protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 7(1), article number 2.
  • Leach, M., Jones, M., Gillam, M., May, E. (2018). Regional South Australia health (RESONATE) survey: Study protocol. BMJ Open, 8(4), article number e019784.
  • Jones, M., Ferguson, M., Walsh, S., Martinez, L., Marsh, M., Cronin, K., Procter, N. (2018). Perspectives of rural health and human service practitioners following suicide prevention training programme in Australia: A thematic analysis. Health and Social Care in the Community, 26(3), 356-363.
  • Badnapurkar, A., Bressington, D., Jones, M., Nelson, D., Thomas, D., Mehndi, M., Gray, R. (2018). Perception of nurse prescribing among nurses and psychiatrists in a developing country: A cross-sectional survey. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27(2), 866-876.
  • White, J., Lucas, J., Swift, L., Barton, G., Johnson, H., Irvine, L., Abotsie, G., Jones, M., Gray, R. (2018). Nurse-facilitated health checks for persons with severe mental illness: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Psychiatric Services, 69(5), 601-604.

Journal Articles

  • Hull, M., Fennell, K., Vallury, K., Jones, M., Dollman, J. (2017). A comparison of barriers to mental health support-seeking among farming and non-farming adults in rural South Australia. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 25(6), 347-353.

Journal Articles

  • Gray, R., Bressington, D., Ivanecka, A., Hardy, S., Jones, M., Schulz, M., Von Bormann, S., White, J., Anderson, K., Chien, W. (2016). Is adherence therapy an effective adjunct treatment for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 16(1), article number 90.
  • Jones, A., Jones, M. (2016). Reviewing depot injection efficacy in the treatment of schizophrenia. Nursing Standard, 30(33), 50-59.
  • Jones, M., Kruger, M., Walsh, S. (2016). Preparing non-government organization workers to conduct health checks for people with serious mental illness in regional Australia. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 23(5), 247-254.
  • Jones, M., Thompson, D., Ski, C., Clark, R., Gray, R., Vallury, K., Alam, F. (2016). How can we better support families living with cardiovascular disease and depression?. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 11(1), 61-71.

Journal Articles

  • Vallury, K., Jones, M., Gray, R. (2015). Do family-oriented interventions reduce poststroke depression? A systematic review and recommendations for practice. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 22(6), 453-459.
  • Vallury, K., Jones, M., Oosterbroek, C. (2015). Computerized cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety and depression in rural areas:a systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(6), e139-.

Journal Articles

  • Brown, E., Gray, R., Jones, M., Whitfield, S. (2013). Effectiveness of adherence therapy in patients with early psychosis: A mirror image study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 22(1), 24-34.
  • Robson, D., Cole, F., Jalasi, S., Boojharut, B., Smith, S., Thompson, S., Jones, M., Haddad, M. (2013). Smoking cessation and serious mental illness: A service evaluation of a drop-in stop smoking clinic on an acute in-patient unit. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(45385), 405-413.

Journal Articles

  • White, J., Gray, R., Swift, L., Barton, G., Jones, M. (2011). The serious mental illness health improvement profile [HIP]: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials, 12(TBD), article number 167.

Journal Articles

  • Jones, M., Robson, D., Whitfield, S., Gray, R. (2010). Does psychopharmacology training enhance the knowledge of mental health nurses who prescribe?. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 17(9), 804-812.
  • Shuel, F., White, J., Jones, M., Gray, R. (2010). Using the serious mental illness health improvement profile [HIP] to identify physical problems in a cohort of community patients: A pragmatic case series evaluation. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(2), 136-145.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Jones, M., Bennett, J., Lucas, B., Miller, D., Gray, R. (2007). Mental health nurse supplementary prescribing: Experiences of mental health nurses, psychiatrists and patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 59(5), 488-496.
  • Sullivan, G., Bienroth, M., Jones, M., Millar, H., Ratna, L., Taylor, D. (2007). Practical prescribing with aripiprazole in schizophrenia: Consensus recommendations of a UK multidisciplinary panel. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 23(7), 1733-1744.
  • Jones, M., Jones, A. (2007). Delivering the choice agenda as a framework to manage adverse effects: A mental health nurse perspective on prescribing psychiatric medication: Practice Development. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 14(4), 418-423.

Journal Articles

  • Jones, M., Bennett, J., Gray, R., Arya, P., Lucas, B. (2006). Pharmacological management of akathisia in combination with psychological interventions by a mental health nurse consultant. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 13(1), 26-32.

Journal Articles

Research Projects

  • Al enhanced referral system to improve patient and provider agency in rural mental health, Health Translation SA, MRFF Catalyst Grant Scheme, 2024 ‑ 2025.
  • Back on Track: A randomised controlled feasibility trial of peer-led behavioural activation for farmers with mood problems, Gardiner Foundation, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $12,000.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, A clinical supervision model for remote area nurses
No data available
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