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Dr Kylie McCullough


Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 3486
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO21.424  

Dr Kylie McCullough is a lecturer with a special interest in global health, primary health care and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. Her research area is quality of nursing care in remote primary health care settings.

Current Teaching

  • NUM2308 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing (undergraduate)
  • NUR6118 Global Health (postgraduate)


Kylie graduated as a registered nurse in 1995. She worked in various acute care and community settings including remote Aboriginal communities prior to academia. She completed her PhD in 2018 and developed a theory of primary health care nursing practice in remote areas.

Professional Associations

  • CRANAplus fellow
  • Australian Council of Nurses member

Research Areas and Interests

The focus of Kylie's research is finding ways of describing and evaluating quality nursing care from the perspectives of consumers, nurses and organisations. She has an interest in the development of the Nurse Practitioner role in remote areas and the ongoing exploration of remote area nursing as an advanced practice-generalist specialty. She has PhD students exploring rural mental health nursing, community engagement and specialises in grounded theory methodology.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2018.
  • Bachelor of Science (Nursing) With First Class Honours, Edith Cowan University, 2011.
  • Bachelor of Nursing, New Zealand, 1998.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • McCullough, K., Genoni, A., Murray, M., Garvey, D., Coventry, L. (2024). Measuring attitude change in nursing students after completion of a First Nations peoples’ health unit: Embedding a validated tool in learning and assessment practices. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 53(1), Article number 609.
  • McCullough, K., Doleman, G., Dunham, M., Whitehead, L., Porock, D. (2024). Are remote health clinics primary health care focused? Validation of the Primary Health Care Engagement (PHCE) Scale for the Australian remote primary health care setting. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 25(2024), e3-.
  • Weckend, M., McCullough, K., Duffield, C., Bayes, S., Davison, C. (2024). Physiological plateaus during normal labor and birth: A novel definition. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Weckend, M., McCullough, K., Duffield, C., Bayes, S., Davison, C. (2024). Failure to progress or just normal? A constructivist grounded theory of physiological plateaus during childbirth. Women and Birth, 37(1), 229-239.
  • McCullough, K., Gibson, N., Graf, A., Beament, T., Adama, E., Ferguson, N., Kirk, D., Muge-Sugutt, J. (2024). "It was difficult to understand the system”: developing a coordinator role to support international nursing students- A qualitative study. Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education, 16(3), 250-261.
  • McCullough, K., Baker, M., Bloxsome, D., Crevacore, C., Davies, H., Doleman, G., Gray, M., McKay, N., Palamara, P., Richards, G., Saunders, R., Barnard, M., Coventry, L. (2024). Clinical deterioration as a nurse sensitive indicator in the out-of-hospital context: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 33(3), 874-889.

Journal Articles

  • Hildebrand, F., Gray, M., McCullough, K. (2023). Models of clinical supervision of relevance to remote area nursing & primary health care: A scoping review. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 31(5), 826-838.
  • Lankin, E., Graf, A., Schultz, R., Johnson, R., McCullough, K. (2023). Consumer perspectives of quality care: Exploring patient journeys from remote primary healthcare clinics to Alice Springs Hospital. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 30(6), 762-768.
  • McCullough, K., Andrew, L., Genoni, A., Dunham, M., Whitehead, L., Porock, D. (2023). An examination of primary health care nursing service evaluation using the Donabedian model: A systematic review. Research in Nursing and Health, 46(1), 159-176.

Journal Articles

  • McCullough, K., Bayes, S., Whitehead, L., Williams, A., Cope, V. (2022). Nursing in a different world: Remote area nursing as a specialist–generalist practice area. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 30(5), 570-581.

Journal Articles

  • McCullough, K., Bayes, S., Whitehead, L., Williams, A., Cope, V. (2021). We say we are doing primary health care but we're not: Remote area nurses’ perspectives on the challenges of providing primary health care services. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 28(5), 534-540.
  • McCullough, K., Whitehead, L., Bayes, S., Schultz, R. (2021). Remote area nursing: best practice or paternalism in action? The importance of consumer perspectives on primary health care nursing practice in remote communities. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 27(1), 62-66.

Journal Articles

  • McCullough, K., Whitehead, L., Bayes, S., Williams, A., Cope, V. (2020). The delivery of Primary Health Care in remote communities: A Grounded Theory study of the perspective of nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 102(February 2020), Article number 103474.

Journal Articles

  • Byers, L., Michell, K., McCullough, K. (2018). Awareness, acceptability and access to screening mammography for remote Aboriginal women. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 29(3), 366-367.
  • Allen, E., Williams, A., Jennings, D., Stomksi, N., Gouke, R., Toye, C., Slatyer, S., Clarke, T., McCullough, K. (2018). Revisiting the Pain Resource Nurse Role in Sustaining Evidence‐Based Practice Changes for Pain Assessment and Management. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 15(5), 368-376.

Journal Articles

  • Wilkinson, A., Slatyer, S., McCullough, K., Williams, A. (2014). Exploring the Quality of Life at the End of Life (QUAL-E) Instrument with Australian Palliative Care Hospital Patients: Hurdles and directions. Journal of Palliative Care, 30(1), 16-23.

Journal Articles

  • McCullough, K., Williams, A., Lenthall, S. (2012). Voices from the bush: remote area nurses prioritise hazards that contribute to violence in their workplace. Rural and Remote Health, 12(2), art. no. 1972.
  • McCullough, K., Lenthall, S., Williams, A., Andrew, L. (2012). Reducing the risk of violence towards remote area nurses: A violence management toolbox. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 20(6), 329-333.

Research Projects

  • Primary Health Care in practice: Validation of a Grounded Theory through observations of Remote Area Nursing practice, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant – 2020, 2020 ‑ 2021, $28,497.
  • International Orientation Resource, Edith Cowan University, School of Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Initiative Fund, 2016 ‑ 2019, $8,000.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, A clinical supervision model for remote area nurses

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Increasing the future Primary Health Care workforce by addressing undergraduate nursing Education: A mixed methods exploration of student experiences.preparedness for clinical placement and intention to work in the Primary Health Care settings.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aboriginal and/or Torres Straits Islander University Graduates' successful transition into the workforce
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Role of the Nurse in the Transition from Curative to Palliative Care in Advanced Cancer - A Theory Synthesis its validation and empirical testing
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Transcendent Moments in Birthing and Dying: A grounded theory study exploring the practices of midwives and palliative care nurses
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A constructivist grounded theory of rural nurses' decision-making processes for mental health related issues in the Australian rural hospital context

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Failure to progress or just normal? A constructivist grounded theory of physiological plateaus during childbirth.
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