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Professor Lynore Geia


Staff Member Details

Dr Lynore Geia is a Bwgcolman woman, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander woman from Palm Island, North Queensland, home to the Bwgcolman people.

A registered nurse and midwife, Dr Geia’s work as a health professional has spanned 4 decades and  is inherently connected with her Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity and community leadership and amplifying the voices and roles of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in co-designing and co-producing  health reform practices.

Dr Geia has extensive practice in rural and remote health and is a strong advocate for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island community controlled processes in health care praxis in research, education, and clinical practice for better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Her cultural and community lived experiences underpins and informs her work in nursing and midwifery and other disciplines on local, state, national, and international forums.

More recently her work has focused more on a strategic leadership level to challenge Australian health hegemony to reform and embedding  cultural safety in education and practice dismantling oppressive practices that become barriers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people accessing safe health care. In 2020, Dr Geia led a paper with over 100 Australian Indigenous and non-Indigenous nursing and midwifery leaders ‘A Unified Call to Action from Australian Nursing and Midwifery Leaders: Ensuring that Black Lives Matter’ seeking collaborative nursing and midwifery education reform for improved care of Australia’s First Nations People.

Most notably, on behalf of CATSINaM  Dr Geia responded to the recent (August 2022) National Apology from the Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery to Australia’s First Nations Nurses, Midwives, and their community for past and present harms to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, James Cook University, 2012.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Krol, P., Einboden, R., Wong, H., Geia, L., Tembo, A. (2024). Reimagining a nursing ecosystem in an uncertain world. Nursing Philosophy, 25(4), article number e12501.
  • Tower, M., Muir, R., Zimmerman, P., Carter, AG., Maude, R., Hollaway, K., Geia, L., Massey, D., Elder, E. (2024). Should I stay or should I go? Nursing and midwifery academics intention to stay in or leave academia: A scoping review. Nurse Education Today, 142(2024), article number 106352.
  • Muller, J., Devine, S., Geia, L., Cairns, A., Stothers, K., Gibson, P., Murray, D. (2024). Audit tools for culturally safe and responsive healthcare practices with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: a scoping review. BMJ Global Health, 9(1), article number e014194.
  • Meechan, E., Geia, L., Taylor, M., Murray, D., Stothers, K., Gibson, P., Devine, S., Barker, R. (2024). Culturally responsive occupational therapy practice with First Nations Peoples—A scoping review. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 32(4), 617-671.

Journal Articles

  • Geia, L., Deravin, L., West, R. (2023). Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Nurses And Midwives Respond To The National Apology From The Council Of Deans Of Nursing And Midwifery Australia. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 30(2), 210-212.

Research Projects

  • An analysis of Coronial Tribunal findings of deaths in custodial settings of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples that involved a nurse or midwife. , Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $202,464.
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