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Dr Linda Coventry

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 3459
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO21.437  

Linda Coventry is a Senior Research Fellow within the School of Nursing and Midwifery and has an Adjunct Research Fellow position with the Centre for Nursing Research at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Current Teaching

CMC6100 Coaching and Mentoring in the Clinical Setting
MNP6101 Evidence-based Practice and Research Design (Student projects)
MNP6107 Nursing Research Project (Student projects)


Linda has a clinical background with over 20 years of intensive care nursing experience and 15 years’ experience in research. She completed her PhD, having been awarded a National Health Medical Research Council Post Graduate Scholarship. While in an early stage post PhD she has been awarded over $500,000 in research funding during her career, she is a principal investigator on 12 research studies, and publishes in peer reviewed journals. Linda has research skills in both quantitative and qualitative research methods particularly: cohort studies, cross-sectional studies, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, RCTs, and instrument development.

Linda is an active member of the Australian Vascular Access Society and is the current WA State Representative Board Member. She regularly reviews research manuscripts for professional nursing journals and also reviews research grant applications. As a passionate advocate for nursing research Linda supervises Masters and PhD students.

  • 2020 Vice Chancellor Research Fellow
  • 2017 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
  • 2014 Research Fellow, ECU and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
  • 2013 - 2014: Nurse Manager Innovations and Quality, Centre for Nursing Research, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia
  • 2012 - 2013: Clinical Research Nurse, Centre for Nursing Research, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia
  • 2008 - 2016: PhD candidate, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
  • 2004 - 2008: Clinical Research Nurse, Centre for Nursing Research, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia
  • 1999 - 2004: Staff Development Nurse, ICU, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Australia
  • 1998 - 1999: Course Coordinator Critical Care Course, San Diego State University, California, USA
  • 1993 - 1997: Registered Nurse & Education Coordinator, Alvarado Medical Centre, San Diego, California, USA
  • 1988 - 1992: Registered Nurse, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia

Professional Associations

  • Australian College of Nursing
  • Australian Vascular Access Society
  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation
  • Psi Alpha-at-Large Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International

Awards and Recognition

National and International Awards:

  • 2017: Winner of the Poster Award, Poster presentation ANZONA conference. Impact of the Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner Role on acute hospital length of stay and cost-savings for patients with hip fracture: a retrospective cohort study.


  • 2015: New Investigators Award, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth Western Australia. Myocardial infarction, patient decision delay and decision making: a thematic analysis.
  • 2015: 2ndPrize in Best Poster Competition, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth Western Australia. Myocardial infarction: Delays, decision making, and outcomes.
  • 2011: Young Investigators Award, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth Western Australia. “Sex differences in symptom     presentation in acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review and     meta-analysis.”
  • 2011: Paramedics Australasia, Finalist in the Best Poster Award, Sydney, Australia. “Gender differences in emergency ‘000’ calls and ambulance response for acute myocardial infarction patients.”
  • 2011: Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, Finalist in Best Nursing Presentation, Perth, Australia. “Sex differences in symptom presentation in acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis.”
  • 2008: NHMRC Post Graduate PhD Scholarship
  • 1997: Graduated from Master of Science (Nursing), Magna Cum Laude – “ with high honour, with academic distinction”
  • 1996: Awarded a Government Stipend, “Federal Nurse Traineeship” to complete a Master of Science (Nursing) at San Diego State University
  • 1995: Awarded a Government Stipend, “Federal Nurse Traineeship” to complete a Master of Science (Nursing) at San Diego State University.

Research Areas and Interests

  • Vascular access
  • Pressure injury
  • Improving patient outcomes in acute care settings
  • Prevention of hospital acquired complications.
  • Translation of evidence-based practice and implementation science

Recent Grants

Coventry, L., Broderick, C., Francis, J., Gent, L., Kirk, D., Strickland, K., Brown, D., Makate, M., Whitehead, L., Dillon, R., Jasas, K. Assessing the suitability of oncology patients to managed by a Symptom and Urgent Review Clinic: A cohort study, a thematic analysis and economic analysis. 2022-23 Charlies Foundation for Research Mid-Range Grant Program, $30,000

Davies, H., Coventry, L., Jacob, E., Jacob, A., & Verghetta, C. Drawing blood from a peripheral intravenous cannula and its effect on cannula dwell time, phlebitis, and blood stream infection: A randomised controlled study. The Western Australian Nurses Memorial Charitable Trust 2021, $10,000.

Coventry, L., Richards, S., Murphy, L., Parris, L., Marsh N. Use of midline catheters compared with peripheral intravenous catheters in neurosurgical patients: a retrospective cohort study and economic analysis.
Charlies Foundation for Research Mid-range Grant Funding Program 2021-22, $30,000.

Gent, L., Ghosh, M., O’Connell, B., Saunders, R., Coventry, L., Towell-Barnard, A., Gallagher, O. Patient and family’s perceptions of their involvement in nursing change-of-shift handover at patient bedside.
Charlies Foundation for Research Mid-range Grant Funding Program 2021-22, $29,983


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2016.
  • Master of Science Nursing, United States of America, 1998.
  • Bachelor of Health Science in Nursing, Edith Cowan University, 1992.
  • Diploma of Health Science (Nursing), Western Australian CAE, 1988.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • McCullough, K., Genoni, A., Murray, M., Garvey, D., Coventry, L. (2024). Measuring attitude change in nursing students after completion of a First Nations peoples’ health unit: Embedding a validated tool in learning and assessment practices. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 53(1), Article number 609.
  • Winderbaum, J., Coventry, L. (2024). The benefits, barriers and facilitators of mentoring programs for first-year doctors: A systematic review. Medical Education, 2024(Article in press), TBD.
  • Coventry, L., Barnard, M., Winderbaum, J., Walsh, N., Jenkins, M., Beeckman, D. (2024). Nurse knowledge, attitudes, and barriers to pressure injuries: A cross-sectional study in an Australian metropolitan teaching hospital. Journal of Tissue Viability, 2024(Article in press), 10 pages.
  • Nelson, S., Coventry, L., Baker, M. (2024). Consumer experience and outcomes of insertion, removal, and management practices of short and midline peripheral intravenous catheters in acute health care: a mixed methods systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 22(6), 1187-1196.
  • Davies, H., Jacob, A., Aboo, L., Coventry, L., Jacob, E. (2024). Drawing blood from a peripheral intravenous cannula and its effect on cannula dwell time, phlebitis, and bloodstream infection: A randomised controlled study. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 31(4), 181-187.
  • Crevacore, C., Coventry, L., Duffield, C., Jacob, E. (2024). Factors impacting nursing assistants to accept a delegation in the acute care settings: A mixed method study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 33(6), 1253-1264.

Journal Articles

  • McCullough, K., Baker, M., Bloxsome, D., Crevacore, C., Davies, H., Doleman, G., Gray, M., McKay, N., Palamara, P., Richards, G., Saunders, R., Barnard, M., Coventry, L. (2023). Clinical deterioration as a nurse sensitive indicator in the out-of-hospital context: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2023(Article in press), 16 pages.
  • Vito, E., Barkla, A., Coventry, L. (2023). DriveSafe DriveAware: A systematic review. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 42(1), 53-63.
  • Crevacore, C., Jacob, E., Coventry, L., Duffield, C. (2023). Integrative review: Factors impacting effective delegation practices by Registered Nurses to Assistants in Nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 79(3), 885-895.
  • Doleman, G., Coventry, L., Barnard, M., Ghosh, M., Gent, L., Saunders, R., O'Connell, B. (2023). Staff perceptions of the effectiveness of managerial communication during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 29(4), Article number e13149.
  • Arnold, A., Coventry, L., Foster, M., Koplin, JJ., Lucas, M. (2023). The Burden of Self-Reported Antibiotic Allergies in Health Care and How to Address It: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: in Practice, 11(10), 3133-3145.e3.
  • Steinwandel, U., Coventry, L., Kheikhah, H. (2023). Evaluation of a Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) workshop for peripheral intravenous cannulation. BMC Medical Education, 23(1), Article number 451.

Journal Articles

  • Ghosh, M., O'Connell, B., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Kitchen, S., Coventry, L. (2022). A retrospective cohort study of factors associated with severity of falls in hospital patients. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article Number 12266.
  • Crevacore, C., Coventry, L., Duffield, C., Jacob, E. (2022). Factors impacting delegation decision making by registered nurses to assistants in nursing in the acute care setting: A mixed method study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 136(2022), article number 104366.

Journal Articles

  • Jacob, E., Jacob, A., Davies, H., Jacob, D., Jenkins, M., Husain, M., Coventry, L. (2021). The impact of blood sampling technique, including the use of peripheral intravenous cannula, on hemolysis rates in an emergency department: a cohort study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30(13-14), 1916-1926.
  • Jacob, E., Jacob, A., Davies, H., Stoneman, L., Coventry, L. (2021). Peripheral intravenous cannulas for blood drawing: Nurses' views through content analysis. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 28(4), 408-414.
  • Coventry, L., Patton, V., Whyte, A., Liu, X., Kaur, H., Job, A., King, M. (2021). Adherence to evidence-based guidelines for indwelling urinary catheter management: A cross-sectional study. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 28(5), 515-520.
  • Coventry, L., Hosking, J., Coral, E., Jenkins, M., Salgado Kent, C., Chan, D., Lim, W., Twigg, D., Rickard, C. (2021). The Development of the Western Australian Haemodialysis Vascular Access Complexity Instrument. Journal of Renal Care, 2021(Article in Press), 12p..

Journal Articles

  • Davies, H., Coventry, L., Jacob, A., Stoneman, L., Jacob, E. (2020). Blood sampling through peripheral intravenous cannulas: A look at current practice in Australia. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 27(2), 219-225.
  • Barnard, M., Coventry, L., Foster , L., Davis , S., Twigg, D., Bharat, C., Boston , J. (2020). The psychometric validation of the quality practical experience (QPE) instruments (nurses and student nurse) to evaluate clinical supervision of undergraduate student nurses. Nurse Education in Practice, 43(February 2020), Article number 102697.
  • Jacob, A., Coventry, L., Davies, H., Jacob, E. (2020). Are current clinical guidelines on the use of Peripheral Intravenous Cannula for blood draws supported by evidence? An organizational case study. Nursing Open, 7(6), 1746-1754.

Journal Articles

  • Stone, L., Arneil, M., Coventry, L., Casey, V., Moss, S., Cavadino, A., Laing, B., McCarthy, A. (2019). Benchmarking nurse outcomes in Australian Magnet® Hospitals: cross-sectional study. BMC Nursing, 18(1), article number 62.
  • Coventry, L., Hosking, JM., Chan, DT., Coral, E., Lim, WH., Barnard, M., Twigg, D., Rickard, C. (2019). Variables associated with successful vascular access cannulation in hemodialysis patients: a prospective cohort study. BMC Nephrology, 20(2019), Article no.197.
  • Coventry, L., Jacob, A., Davies, H., Stoneman, L., Keogh, S., Jacob, E. (2019). Drawing blood from peripheral intravenous cannula compared with venepuncture: A systematic review and meta-analaysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(11), 2313-2339.
  • Coventry, L., Bremner, AP., Van Schalkwyk, JW., Hegney, DG., Thompson, PL. (2019). The Effect of Media Campaigns, Patient Characteristics, and Presenting Symptoms on Prehospital Delay in Myocardial Infarction Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study. Heart Lung and Circulation, 28(8), 1161-1175.


  • Keogh, S., Mattew, S., Alexandrou, E., Bulmer, A., Cooke, M., Coventry, L., Hawthorn, A., Kleidon, T., Larsen, E., Marsh, N., Marshall, A., Ray-Barruel, G., Sinclear, S., Slaughter, E., St John, A., Taiaferro, K., Ullman, A., Rickard, C. (2019). Peripheral intravenous catheters: A review of guidelines and research. Australia. Australian Comission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.

Journal Articles

  • Christiansen, A., Coventry, L., Graham, R., Jacob, E., Twigg, D., Whitehead, L. (2018). Intentional rounding in acute adult healthcare settings: A systematic mixed-method review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(9-10), 1759-1792.

Journal Articles

  • Coventry, L., Pickles, S., Ong, M., Barnard, M., Giles, M., Murray, K., Twigg, D. (2017). Impact of the Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner Role on Acute Hospital Length of Stay and Cost-savings for Patients with Hip Fracture: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(11), 2652-2663.
  • Coventry, L., Schalkwyk, J., Thompson, P., Hawkins, S., Hegney, D. (2017). Myocardial infarction, patient decision delay and help seeking behaviour: a thematic analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(13-14), 1993-2005.

Journal Articles

  • Slatyer, S., Coventry, L., Twigg, D., Davis, S. (2016). Professional practice models for nursing: a review of the literature and synthesis of key components. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(2), 139-150.


  • Walsh, N., Cowan, N., Ong, M., Coventry, L. (2016). Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Pressure Injury and Skin Tear Prevalence Survey. Perth Western Australia. Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.

Journal Articles

  • Coventry, L., Bremner, A., Williams, T., Celenza, A., Jacobs, I., Finn, J. (2015). Characteristics and Outcomes of MI Patients with and without Chest Pain: A Cohort Study. Heart Lung and Circulation, 24(8), 796-805.
  • Coventry, L., Bremner, AP., Williams, TA., Celenza, A. (2015). The Effect of Presenting Symptoms and Patient Characteristics on Prehospital Delay in MI Patients Presenting to Emergency Department by Ambulance: A Cohort Study. Heart Lung and Circulation, 24(10), 943-950.

Journal Articles

  • Pickles, S., Coventry, L., Glennon, D., Twigg, D. (2014). ‘Making a difference’ a clinical pathway for hip fractures and the advance practice role in managing patients with minimal trauma hip fractures. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 18(4), 205-213.
  • Coventry, L., Bremner, A., Williams, T., Jacobs, I., Finn, J. (2014). Symptoms of Myocardial Infarction: Concordance between Paramedic and Hospital Records. Prehospital Emergency Care, 18(3), 393-401.

Journal Articles

  • Coventry, L., Bremmer, A., Jacobs, I., Finn, J. (2013). Myocardial Infarction: Sex differences in symptoms reported to emergency dispatch. Prehospital Emergency Care, 17(2), 193-202.


  • Coventry, L., Ong, M., Slatyer, S., Twigg, D. (2013). The Practice Environment Scale: Nursing at SCGH. Perth, W.A.. Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.

Journal Articles

  • Coventry, L., Finn, J., Bremner, AP. (2011). Sex differences in symptom presentation in acute myocardial infarction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart and Lung: the journal of acute and critical care, 40(6), 477-491.

Research Projects

  • Evaluation of the One Focus Clinical Facilitation Model for Nursing Students at SCGH Subproject for Institution # G1001207, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Grant, 2013 ‑ 2026, $17,699.
  • Evaluation of a new After-Hours Medical Care Model at SCGH (CAT Model): Doctors and Nurses perceptions., Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Grant, 2013 ‑ 2026, $1,362.
  • Staff perceptions of the effectiveness of hospital wide communication during the COVID-19 pandemic., Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Grant, 2013 ‑ 2026, $11,065.
  • Assessing the suitability of oncology patients to be managed by a rapid access clinic - sub project of G1001207, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Grant, 2013 ‑ 2026, $9,704.
  • Impacts of the Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner Role on the Care of Hip Fracture Patients: Patient and Economic Outcomes (Subproject for G1001207), Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Grant, 2013 ‑ 2026, $7,832.
  • What is the influence of body temperature on the initiation of clinical practice guidelines for neutropenic sepsis in haematology oncology patients? A nursing perspective., WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network, Clinical Implementation Unit - Carol Cameron Memorial Scholarship, 2021 ‑ 2023, $15,000.
  • Patient and family’s perceptions of their involvement in nursing bedside handover – a case study, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $29,983.
  • Evaluating nurse change-of-shift handovers at a private hospital, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Engagement Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $20,000.
  • Introducing an Intervention to Improve Adherence to Pressure Injury Evidence Based Guidelines: a Cluster Randomised Trial, WA Nurses Memorial Charitable Trust, Grant, 2016 ‑ 2020, $40,000.
  • Sampling blood from peripheral intravenous cannulas and hemolysis rates: an observational study, WA Nurses Memorial Charitable Trust, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2020, $14,956.
  • Evaluation of the Western Australian Haemodialysis Vascular Assessment Complexity instrument: content validity, reliability and predictive validity, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2019, 2019 ‑ 2020, $30,000.
  • Independent predictors of successful vascular access (VA) cannulation in haemodialysis patients and the development of a VA cannulation complexity instrument., Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2015 (Round 2), 2015 ‑ 2019, $22,500.
  • The effect of an immediate pre-operative haemoglobin blood test on hip fracture patient outcomes: a randomized control trial, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Research Advisory Committee Funding Grant 2017/18, 2017 ‑ 2018, $39,993.
  • Insulin Stabilisation Ambulatory Program for Inpatients Discharged from Hospital – “Virtual Ward”, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2015 (Round 1), 2015 ‑ 2018, $25,000.
  • Prevalence of blood sampling from intravenous cannulas in acute healthcare, WA Nurses Memorial Charitable Trust, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $14,673.
  • Evaluation of chair overlays to reduce pressure injury in high risk patients., Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Research Advisory Committee Funding Grant 2017/18, 2017, $4,943.
  • Effectiveness of the Coagchek PRO II compared with usual care in patients receiving intravenous heparin management via pathology results. To validate the Coagchek PRO 11 against the currently Coagchek XS plus used in Home Link , Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Research Advisory Committee Funding Grant 2017/18, 2017, $4,956.
  • Cognitive Impairment and Readmission rates in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Admitted to the Acute Care Setting: A Cohort Study, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Research Advisory Committee Funding Grant 2016/17, 2016 ‑ 2017, $47,392.
  • Evaluation of the One Focus Clinical Facilitation Model for Nursing Students at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, WA Nurses Memorial Charitable Trust, Grant, 2015 ‑ 2017, $10,000.
  • A Pilot Randomised Control Trial to Compare Failure Rates between Anti-infective CVC, PICC and Anti-infective PICC lines in Patients that Receive TPN, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Grant, 2015 ‑ 2017, $39,626.
  • Management of cognitive impairment in an acute hospital setting: An audit of Occupational Therapists working at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Research Advisory Committee Funding Grant 2017/18, 2017, $1,876.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The impact of reported antibiotic allergy on paediatric care and antimicrobial stewardship

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Collaboration when mental state changes during inpatient mental health admission: Perspectives of the client, the family and the nurses
  • Doctor of Philosophy, What is the influence of body temperature on the initiation of clinical practice guidelines for neutropenic sepsis in haematology oncology patients: Patient and nursing perspectives

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Nursing (Research), The effect of an immediate preoperative haemoglobin blood test on hip fracture patient outcomes: A before and after cohort study

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Delegation practices between the registered nurse and the assistant in nursing in the acute care setting in Western Australia
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