Friday, 22 September 2023
Elliot and Michelle took the opportunity to update teachers on Information and Network Security that has positioned itself in the K- 12 curriculum. With cybercrime on the rise and the Australian Governments enacting new policies, this was a chance for teachers to understand cyber security from various aspects.
Australia’s Digital Literacy curriculum has been revamped with a focus on Managing Online Privacy and Safety along with Managing Digital Identity. This works well alongside Cyber Security and Information Security. In addition, securing the transmission of data is also featured. This relates well to Network Security and lends itself to understanding the potential for cybercrime.
In the audience were some ECU computing and security graduates, and along with Elliot and Michelle who discussed the current cyber landscape. This included a look at cyber threats, cyber-attacks and the amount of reported money that Australians are losing to scams. We then took the teachers through some open source cyber hacks that demonstrated the ease at which data has and can be misused.
As a group, we led the teachers through information security, data leakage and metadata. Sometimes we don’t know what information we leak out. In photographs for example, we can reveal our location if we don’t have the settings to off. In our exploration, we were able to find several Australian websites of primary aged students standing proudly holding their merit certificate. Through Open Source Intelligence we collected and searched the names of students and their schools. Some were successful finds.
At the end of the day, we checked our phones, changed our settings and updated our passwords – now for the teachers to pass this onto their students!