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Centre for People, Place & Planet - ECU Strategic Research Centre

Centre for People, Place and Planet - ECU Strategic Research Centre
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Graduate Research Opportunities

The Centre for People, Place & Planet is committed to facilitating future research capacity by mentoring, training, and supporting career pathways for HDR students and ECR researchers. HDR members have a monthly roundtable meeting and are invited participate in all Centre activities.

The Centre offers membership places to HDR students, access to potential supervisors and projects, and access to training and networks.

Supervision and projects

Members of the Centre are interested in supervising graduate research projects that align with one or more of the Centre’s objectives and programs of research:

  1. To co-design research and action with and influenced by Indigenous knowledge holders
  2. To transform human-environment relations through place-based, just and collaborative processes.
  3. To recognise living systems where there are interdependencies and mutualities
  4. To strengthen governance and management for sustainability and ecosocial justice

To identify potential supervisors, view the members page or contact us.

When relevant graduate research projects and scholarships become available the Centre will share them here. See all ECU scholarships here.


The Centre holds an annual retreat for HDR members in addition to the writing retreat the Centre holds for all members. These are more than opportunities to get writing done, as members connect on Country and deepen relationships.

The Centre holds a shut-up-and-write session every week on alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays. All Centre members are invited to attend for a focused and peer supported 90 minutes of writing using the Pomodoro time management technique.

To participate contact Associate Professor Justine Dandy or PhD candidate Kylie Wrigley

In semester 2, Professor Angus Morrison-Saunders holds a 12 week program for graduates who have completed their data collection to start and finish a journal article.

Once a month the centre holds a forum for its graduate research members to discuss their work, get peer feedback on writing and identify opportunities for further training and support.

For more information about graduate research opportunities please contact Professor Angus Morrison-Saunders or Dr Mehran Nejati Ajibisheh

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