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Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2024). Green human resource management and employee innovative behaviour: does inclusive leadership play a role?. Personnel Review, 53(1), 266-287.

Crupi, K., & Godden, N. J. (2024). Feminist Evaluation Using Feminist Participatory Action Research: Guiding Principles and Practices. American Journal of Evaluation, 45(1), 51-67.

Shafaei, A., Nejati, M., Omari, M., & Sharafizad, F. (2024). Inclusive Leadership and Workplace Bullying: A Model of Psychological Safety, Self-Esteem, and Embeddedness. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 31(1), 41-58.

Livingstone, K., Rawstorn, J., Alston, L., Partridge, S., Bastian, A., Dullaghan, K., McNaughton, S., Hendrie, G., Blekkenhorst, L., Maddison, R., Zhang, Y., Barnett, S., Mathers, J., Godrich, S. (2024). Co-design of a personalised digital intervention to improve vegetable intake in adults living in Australian rural communities. BMC Public Health, 24(1), Article number 146.

Livingstone, K., Rawstorn, J., Partridge, S., Zhang, Y., O, E., Godrich, S., McNaughton, S., Hendrie, G., Dullaghan, K., Abbott, G., Blekkenhorst, L., Maddison, R., Barnett, S., Mathers, J., Alston, L. (2024). Determining the feasibility of a codesigned and personalised intervention (Veg4Me) to improve vegetable intake in young adults living in rural Australian communities: protocol for a randomised controlled trial.. BMJ Open, 14(1), Article number e078001.

Hopkins, A. J. M., Brace, A. J., Bruce, J. L., Hyde, J., Fontaine, J. B., Walden, L., Veber, W., & Ruthrof, K. X. (2024). Drought legacy interacts with wildfire to alter soil microbial communities in a Mediterranean climate-type forest. The Science of the total environment, 915, 170111.

Cooper, T., Corney, T., Tierney, H., Gorman, J., & Sutcliffe, J. (2024). Talking about relational youth work: why language matters. Journal of Youth Studies, 1–18.

Morrison‐Saunders, A.Nykiel, A., & Atkins, N. (2024). Understanding the impact of environmental impact assessment research on policy and practice. Environmental Impact Assessment Review.

Khaleque, H.N., Vergara, E., Holmes, D. and Watkin, E. (2024). Acidihalobacter †,‡ . In Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria (eds M.E. Trujillo, S. Dedysh, P. DeVos, B. Hedlund, P. Kämpfer, F.A. Rainey and W.B. Whitman).

Boase, K., Santini, T., & Watkin, E. (2024). Microbes of biotechnological importance in acidic saline lakes in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Frontiers in microbiology, 15, 1308797.

Willows, N. D., PhD, Loewen, O. K., MSc, Blanchet, R., RD, PhD, Godrich, S. L., PhD, Veugelers, P. J., PhD, & Alexander Research Committee (2024). Indigenous Identity and Household Food Insecurity are Associated with Poor Health Outcomes in Canada. Canadian journal of dietetic practice and research : a publication of Dietitians of Canada = Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en dietetique : une publication des Dietetistes du Canada, 85(2), 76–82.

Bond, A., Retief, F., Morrison-Saunders, A., Pope, J., Alberts, R. C., Roos, C., & Cilliers, D. (2024). Investigating communication of findings in Environmental Impact Assessment and developing a research agenda for improvement. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 105, [107453].

Gorman, J., Baker, A., Corney, T., & Cooper, T. (2024). Youth and Community Work for Climate Justice: Towards an Ecocentric Ethics for Practice. Ethics and Social Welfare, 18(2), 115–130.

Gray, E., Ullman, J., Blaise, M., & Pollitt, J. (2024). Masculinism, institutional violence and #MeToo: understanding Australian University responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 1–17.

Nociti, K., & Blaise, M. (2024). Vulnerable reading practices for ecosocial justice in environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 30(9), 1571–1586.

Blaise, M., Gray, E., Pollitt, J.Acton, R., Barraclough, S., Bodén, L., Cullen, F., Dekker, K., Gröndal, H., Leon-Dyer, S., Murray, P., Nordstrom, S., Rahm, L., Sjödin, ES., Tudor, R. (2024). Creatively attending to unfinished business, everyday sexisms, COVID-19, and Higher Education: The #FEAS FAKE JOURNAL. The Routledge International Handbook of Transdisciplinary Feminist Research and Methodological Praxis (380-412). Routledge.

Wijekoon, D., Godden, N. J., & Beardman, G. (2024). Community Service Perspectives on Climate Change and Social Justice in Western Australia. Australian Social Work, 1–14.

Wrigley, K.Beardman, G., Yallup Farrant, J., Godden, N. J., Faulkner Hill, C., Heyink, E., … Robinson, S. (2024). Learning collective care to support young climate justice advocates. Environmental Education Research, 1–17.

Blaise, M., Gray, E., Ullman, J., Fishwick, E. (2023). The Oppressive Grind: Understanding and Addressing Everyday Sexisms in Australian Universities 2021-2024. .

Walker, H., Pope, J., Morrison-Saunders, A., Bond, A., Diduck, A. P., Sinclair, A. J., … Retief, F. (2024). Identifying and promoting qualitative methods for impact assessment. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 42(3), 294–305.

Ibn-Mohammed, T., Herath, S., Swallow, N., Gower, C., Puente Montes, A., Brooks, D., Perez Garcia, A., Morrison-Saunders, A. (2024). Overcoming the Challenges Faced by Leaders of Purpose-Led Medium-Sized Businesses: The Role of Corporate Communication and its Interplay with Corporate Reputation and Organisational Identity. Corporate Reputation Review: an international journal, 2024(Article in press), 25 pages.

Morrison-Saunders, A., & Arts, J. (2024). "Chapter 13: Effectively engaging the public in impact assessment follow-up". Public Participation in Impact Assessment. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Cooper, T., Corney, T., & Gorman, J. (2024). Youth Work for People and Planet: Integrating Insights from Ecopedagogy into Youth Work. Youth, 4(2), 735-744.

Dandy, J., Ng Tseung-Wong, C., George, A. M., Zamboanga, B. L., & Palacios, V. (2024). Cultural factors in alcohol and other drug use among immigrant youth in Western Australia: A qualitative investigation. Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology, 10.1037/cdp0000659. Advance online publication.

Hatum, P.S., McMahon, K., Mengersen, K., Kilminster, K. & Wu, P.P.-Y. (2024). Predicting seagrass ecosystem resilience to marine heatwave events of variable duration, frequency and re-occurrence patterns with gaps. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34(6), e4210.

Nejati, M., Shafaei, A. (2024). Nexus Between Green Human Resource Management, Environmental Culture, Meaningful Work, and Organisational Pride: Empirical Evidence from Australia. In: Yusliza, M.Y., Renwick, D. (eds) Green Human Resource Management. Springer, Singapore

Wrigley, K., Yallup Farrant, J., Farrant, B., Synnott, E. L., Barrow, J., Godden, N. J., & O’Sullivan, L. (2024). Relational processes for transformative climate justice policymaking: insights from a Western Australian community of practice. Climate Policy, 1–16.

Ahmad, R., Nejati, M., Farr-Wharton, B., & Bentley, T. (2024). Impact of Leadership on Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 31(3), 338-367.

Poelina, A., Webb, B., Wooltoorton, S.Godden, N. (2024). Waking up the Snake: Ancient Wisdom for Regeneration. Planetary Justice: Stories and Studies of Action, Resistance and Solidarity (25-38). Bristol University Press.

Tytler, C. (2024). IT HASN’T FINISHED A collaboration with Ron Stone Park across a year-long divide. Axon: Creative Explorations, 14(1), 9 pages.

McKenzie, V., Pollitt, J., Sun, E. (2024). TRANSLATE | TRANSFORM | TRANSDISCIPLINE: Collaborative practice across divides. Axon: Creative Explorations, 14(1), 15 pages.

Tytler, C. (2024). Soiled. [An exhibition featuring video works, installations and assemblages]. Gallery 25, ECU, Mount Lawley.

Tytler, C., Millar, E. (2024). Think Like a Worm. [An audio-visual site-specific artwork]. Inglewood and Mt Lawley Community Garden.

Dorji, T., Rinchen, K., Morrison-Saunders, A.Blake, D., Banham, V., Pelden, S. (2024). Understanding How Indigenous Knowledge Contributes to Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024(Article in press), 23 pages.

Brace, A., Ruthrof, KX., Miller, B., Fontaine, JB., Hopkins, A. (2024). Short-term soil fungal community dynamics following fire in mediterranean climate-type banksia woodlands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 199(Article in press), Article number 109579.

Rousell, D., Harrison, A., Ryan, E., Chapple, V., Beale, R., Zhang, F. B., Tytler, C., & Aleksić, J. (2024). Impersonal forms of togetherness: Finding ways to (not) belong through reading groups. Knowledge Cultures, 12(2), 112-129.

Said, N., Lafratta, A., D'cruz, A., Frouws, A., O'Dea, C., McMahon, K., Webster, C., Salgado Kent, C., Tucker, J., Hodgson, A. (2024). Dugongs: Underwater Seagrass Detectors That Help Scientists Protect Important Ecosystems. Frontiers for Young Minds, 12(Article in press), Article number 1386359.

Love, T., Couzens, P., Cooper, T. (2024). Design Thinking Strategies for Complex Situations: COVID-19 in Western Australia and New South Wales. Journal of Design Thinking, 4(2), 319-338.

Lindberg, R., Yii, V., Millen, E., & Godrich, S. (2024). Revising a right to food road map-perspectives of Australian key informants. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 48(5), 100189.

Morrison-Saunders, A., & Sánchez, L. (2024). Conceptualising project environmental impact assessment for enhancement: no net loss, net gain, offsetting and nature positive. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 1–18.

Jamtsho, K., Lund, M.A., Blake, D. et al. Microplastic Pollution in Riparian Soils of the Rapidly Growing City of Thimphu, Bhutan. Water Air Soil Pollut 235, 714 (2024).

Cooper, T. (2024). Becoming a Youth Worker: Contested approaches to education and training. Youth and Policy, 2024(Article in press), 7 pages.

Mullen, T. ., & Cooper, T. (2024). Young Adult Ministry: Dogma, Spirituality, and Stages of Faith. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 36(3), 293–316.

Wintoneak, V., & Blaise, M., (2024). Behind-the-scenes: learning from critical moments through responsive walking methods in a river-child-walking project. In Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research. SAGE Publications, Ltd.,

Adhikari, S., Anthony, S., Baleinamau, P., Coriakula, J., Daurewa, T., Devi, R., Gavidi, S., Horwitz, P., Hunter, EC., Jenkins, A., Jupiter, S., Lalamacuata, M., Mailautoka, K., Mangubhai, S., Naivalu, K., Naivalulevu, T., Naivalulevu, V., Nasim, N., Naucunivanua, S., Negin, J., Van Nimwegen, P., Ratu, A., Ravoka, M., Tukana, A., Van De Vossenberg, J., Wilson, D., Thomas, J. (2024). An assessment of latrine front-end characteristics and associated surface E. coli indicated faecal contamination in rural Fiji. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(40), 52948-52962.

Kelly, A., Tschakert, P., Lawrence, C., Horwitz, P., Bourgault, C., Ellis, N. (2024). Place attachment and lived values in Western Australian communities. Applied Geography, 172(2024), article number 103424.

Ordonez Ponce, E., Nejati, M., & Ahmad, R. (2024). Education for sustainable development: an assessment of Australian and Canadian business schools. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.

Besta, T., Jurek, P., Olech, M., Włodarczyk, A., Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Bosson, JK., Bender, M., Vandello, J., Abuhamdeh, S., Agyemang, CB., Akbaş, G., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Ammirati, S., Anderson, J., Anjum, G., Ariyanto, A., Aruta, JJ., Ashraf, M., Bakaitytė, A., Becker, M., Bertolli, C., Bërxulli, D., Best, D., Bi, C., Block, K., Boehnke, M., Bongiorno, R., Bosak, J., Casini, A., Chen, Q., Chi, P., Cubela Adoric, V., Daalmans, S., Dandy, J., De Lemus, S., Dhakal, S., Dvorianchikov, N., Egami, S., Etchezahar, E., Esteves, CS., Froehlich, L., Garcia-Sanchez, E., Gavreliuc, A., Gavreliuc, D., Gomez, ., Guizzo, F., Graf, S., Greijdanus, H., Grigoryan, A., Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J., Guerch, K., Gustafsson Sendén, M., Hale, M., Hämer, H., Hirai, M., Hoang Duc, L., Hřebíčková, M., Hutchings, PB., Høj Jensen, D., Hoorens, V., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Karabati, S., Kelmendi, K., Kengyel, G., Khachatryan, N., Ghazzawi, R., Kinahan, M., Kirby, TA., Kovács, M., Kozlowski, D., Krivoshchekov, V., Kulich, C., Kurosawa, T., Lac An, NT., Labarthe, J., Latu, I., Lauri, MA., Mankowski, E., Musbau Lawal, A., Li, J., Lindner, J., Lindqvist, A., Makarova, E., Makashvili, A., Malayeri, S., Malik, S., Mancini, T., Manzi, C., Mari, S., Martiny, SE., Mayer, C., Mihić, V., Milošević Đorđević, J., Moreno-Bella, E., Moscatelli, S., Moynihan, AB., Muller, D., Narhetali, E., Neto, F., Noels, KA., Nyúl, B., O’connor, EC., Ochoa, DP., Ohno, S., Adebayo, SO., Osborne, R., Pacilli, MG., Palacio, J., Patnaik, S., Pavlopoulos, V., Pérez De León, P., Piterová, I., Porto, JB., Ferrara, AP., Pyrkosz-Pacyna, J., Pérez, ER., Renström, E., Rousseaux, T., Ryan, MK., Safdar, S., Sainz, M., Salvati, M., Samekin, A., Schindler, S., Seydi, M., Shepherd, D., Schmader, T., Simão, C., Sobhie, R., Sobiecki, J., De Souza, L., Sarter, E., Sulejmanović, D., Sullivan, KE., Tatsumi, M., Tavitian-Elmadjian, L., Thakur, SJ., Chi, QT., Torre, B., Torres, A., Torres, CV., Türkoğlu, B., Ungaretti, J., Valshtein, T., Van Laar, C., Van Der Noll, J., Vasiutynskyi, V., Vauclair, C., Venäläinen, S., Vohra, N., Walentynowicz, M., Ward, C., Yang, Y., Yzerbyt, V., Zanello, V., Zapata-Calvente, AL., Zawisza, M., Žukauskienė, R., Żadkowska, M. (2024). Measuring collection action intention toward gender equality across cultures. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2024(Article in press), 20 pages.

Tills, K., & Dandy, J. (2024). The Relationship between the Mental Health of Refugee Parents and Their Children: An Investigation of Australian Longitudinal Data. Journal of immigrant and minority health, 10.1007/s10903-024-01657-8. Advance online publication

McMahon, K., Frouws, A. (2024). Keep Watch Seagrass Monitoring 2024 Report for GeoCatch. GeoCatch. Edith Cowan University.

Tytler C. Queering Apocalyptic Methodologies: Enacting the Utopian Performative through Extended Reality Artwork. Australian Journal of Environmental Education. 2024;40(3):515-524. doi:10.1017/aee.2024.52

Morrison-Saunders, A., Arts, J., Nykiel, A., Muir, B., Morgan, R., Fitzpatrick, P., … Glasson, J. (2024). Developing international guidance to make impact assessment follow-up happen – reflections on an interactive design process. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 42(5), 470–481.

Dandy, J., GEORGE, A., Ng Tseung-Wong, C., Palacios, V., & Zamboanga, B. L. (2024). Acculturation and drinking among immigrant youth in Western Australia: APSAD 2024 Conference 30 October-2 November 2024 National Convention Centre, Canberra. S7-S158. Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs Conference

Merewether, J., Pollitt, J., & Blaise, M. (2024). Young Children Moving through Ecological Anxiety and Grief: Dancing with Demolition. Journal of Dance Education, 1–10.

Gray, E. M., Pasley, A., Fishwick, E., Blaise, M., Ullman, J., & Delaney, M. (2024). Australian university websites as colonialities of gender. Journal of Gender Studies, 1–16.

Hatum, PS., McMahon, K., Mengersen, K., McWhorter, JK., Wu, PP. (2024). In hot water: Uncertainties in projecting marine heatwaves impacts on seagrass meadows. PLoS One, 19(11), 35 pages.

Corbett, M.K., Gifford, A., Fimognari, N., & Watkin, E. (2023). Analysis of element yield, bacterial community structure and the impact of carbon sources for bioleaching rare earth elements from high grade monazite. Research in microbiology, 104133 .

Rasoolimanesh, S. M., Tan, P. L., Nejati, M., & Shafaei, A. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and brand loyalty in private higher education: mediation assessment of brand reputation and trust. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 34(1), 156–177.

Shafaei, A., & Nejati, M. (2024). Creating meaningful work for employees: The role of inclusive leadership. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 35(2), 189–211.

McKenzie, D.K., Joyce, J., Zander, K.K. et al. Eastern Australian Farmers Managing and Thinking Differently: Innovative Adaptation Cycles. Environmental Management 73, 51–66 (2024).

Watkin, E., Schippers, A., & Corbett, M. (2024). Editorial: Special issue on International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS) 2022. Research in microbiology, 175(1-2), 104174.

Andreassen, K., Denise Mason, L., & Chen, J. (2024). Engendering ethics: recognition and inclusion of intersectional identities in queer communities when conducting population survey research. Continuum, 38(3), 292–306.

McKercher, J., van Etten, E., & Blake, D. (2024). Important factors contributing to the burn severity of the 2021 Wooroloo bushfire. Edith Cowan University.

Birnbaum, C., Dearnaley, J., Egidi, E., Frew, A., Hopkins, A., Powell, J., Aguilar-Trigueros, C., Liddicoat, C., Albornoz, F., Heuck, M., Dadzie, F.A., Florence, L., Singh, P., Mansfield, T., Rajapaksha, K., Stewart, J., Rallo, P., Peddle, S.D. and Chiarenza, G. (2024), Integrating soil microbial communities into fundamental ecology, conservation, and restoration: examples from Australia. New Phytol, 241: 974-981.

Sutcliffe, J., Cooper, T. Meaningful Youth Work Careers: Assumptions, Misconceptions, and Realities. JAYS 7, 123–136 (2024).

Avenant, C., Fossette, S., Whiting, S. et al. Sea Turtle Eggs and Hatchlings are a Seasonally Important Food Source for the Generalist Feeding Golden Ghost Crab (Ocypode convexa). Estuaries and Coasts 47, 821–838 (2024).

Galalizadeh, S., Morrison-Saunders, A.Horwitz, P., Silberstein, R., Blake, D. (2024). The cooling impact of urban greening: A systematic review of methodologies and data sources. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 95(2024), article number 128157.

Suleman, Abdul-Razak & Kyei-Frimpong, Michael & Akwetey-Siaw, Bridget. (2024). The role of green innovation in the relationship between green HRM practices and sustainable business performance; evidence from the mining industry. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration. 16. 10.1108/APJBA-09-2023-0471.

Sowden, M., Blake, D. Using infrared geostationary remote sensing to determine particulate matter ground-level composition and concentration. Air Qual Atmos Health 17, 1183–1192 (2024).

Voisin, R., Horwitz, P.Godrich, S.Sambell, R., Cullerton, K., & Devine, A. (2023). What goes in and what comes out: a scoping review of regenerative agricultural practices. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 48(1), 124–158.

Leviston, Z., Dandy J., Horwitz, P., Drake, D. (2023). Anticipating environmental losses: Effects on place attachment and intentions to move. Journal of Migration and Health, 30.

Nejati, M. & Shafaei, A. (2023). The role of inclusive leadership in fostering organisational learning behaviour. Management Research Review. 46(12), 1661-1678.

Nejati, M. & Shafaei, A. (2023). Why do employees respond differently to corporate social responsibility? A study of substantive and symbolic corporate social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 30(4), 2066-2080.

Rasoolimanesh, S., Shafaei, S., Nejati, M., Ling Tan, P. (2023). Corporate social responsibility and international students mobility in higher education. Social Responsibility Journal. 19(9), 1632-1653.

Shafaei, A., & Nejati, M. (2023). Green human resource management and employee innovative behaviour: does inclusive leadership play a role? Personnel Review.

Shafaei, A., & Nejati, M. (2023). Creating meaningful work for employees: The role of inclusive leadership. Human Resource Development Quarterly.

Trapp, G., Hooper, P., Billingham, W., Thornton, L., Sartori, A., Kennington, K., Devine, A., Godrich S., Sambell, R., Howard, J., Bivoltsis, A. (2023). Would you like fries with that? Investigating fast-food outlet availability near schools in Perth, Western Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.

Tschakert, P., Parsons, M., Atkins, E., Garcia, A., Godden, N., Gonda, N., Paiva Henrique, K., Sallu, S., Ziervogel, G. 2023. Methodological lessons for negotiating power, political capabilities, and resilience in research on climate change responses. World Development. 167.

Tshering, K., Miotlinski, K., Blake, D., Boyce, M., Bath, A., Carvalho, A., Horwitz, P. (2023). Effect of fire on characteristics of dissolved organic matter in forested catchments in the Mediterranean biome: A review. Water Research 230.

Anatoli, O., Andersson, K., Annerback, J., Arzuk, D., Blaise, M et al. 2023. Child Studies Multiple – Collaborative play for thinking through theories and methods. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research. 15(1), 1-53. DOI: 10.3384/cu.3529

Anthony, S. J., & Morrison-Saunders, A. (2023). Analysing corporate forest disclosure: How does business value biodiversity? Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(1):624–638

Crupi, K. & Godden, N. 2023. Feminist Evaluation Using Feminist Participatory Action Research: Guiding Principles and Practices. American Journal of Evaluation.

Godrich, S. 2023. Thinking globally, acting locally: Supporting systems change within communities to enhance food security action. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 82.

Horwitz, P. 2023. A paradox of accelerating change. PLOS Water. 2(3).

Livingstone, K., Rawstorn, J., Partridge, S., Godrich, S., McNaughton, S., Hendrie, G., Blekkenhorst, L., Maddison, R., Zhang, Y., Barnett, S., Mathers, J., Packard, M., Alston, L. 2023. Digital behaviour change interventions to increase vegetable intake in adults: a systematic review. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 20(1), 1-22.

Mauro-Flude, N., Pollitt, J. I am _your_Pyrate Dancer: Choreographic Computabilities Dancing inside the Interstices of a Visceral World. Leonardo. 56(1), 50-57.

Merewether, J., Blaise, M., Pitchford, K., Giamminuti, S. 2023. Unsettling “reduce-reuse-recycle”: the provocation of wastepaper and “discarding well”. The Journal of Environmental Education.

Retief, F., Bond, A., Morrison-Saunders, A., Pope, J., Alberts, R., Roos, C., Cilliers, D. 2023. Gaining a deeper understanding of the psychology underpinning significance judgements in environmental impact assessment (EIA). Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 1-13.

Nykiel, A. & Morrison-Saunders, A. 2023. Understanding impact assessment from other perspectives: what might nature have to say? Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 1-9.

Walker, D., Horwitz, P.,Davis, J. 2023. Traversing the waterways. PLOS Water. 2(2).

Poelina, A., Wooltorton, S., Blaise, M., & Collard, L. (2023). Walk to country, talk to country. Resurgence & Ecologist, (336).

Blue, L., Pollitt, J., & Blaise, M. (2023).  Conversations With Rain: Proposing Poetic and Non-linear Interpretation Strategies in the Art Gallery. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 24(Special Issue 1.2).

Gray, E. M., Ullman, J., Blaise, M., & Pollitt, J. (2023). ‘I'm broken but I'm alive’: gender, COVID-19 and higher education in Australia. Higher Education Research & Development, 42(3), 588-602.

Pollitt, J., Gray, E., Blaise, M., Ullman, J., & Fishwick, E. (2023). Performing feminist research: creative tactics for communicating COVID-19, gender, and higher education research. Gender and Education, 1-18

Pollitt, J. (2023). Choreographies of Presence: Improvisation as Feminist Practice. In Dance Research Methodologies (pp. 48-60). Routledge.

Nasim, N., Anthony, S., Daurewa, T., Gavidi, S., Horwitz, P., Jenkins, A., ... & Thomas, J. (2023). Understanding on-site sanitation in rural Fiji: where definitions of sanitation back-ends differ. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.

Tschakert, P., Bourgault du Coudray, C., & Horwitz, P. (2023). Walking journeys into everyday climatic-affective atmospheres: The emotional labour of balancing grief and hope. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 25148486231173202.

Miotliński, K., Tshering, K., Boyce, M. C., Blake, D., & Horwitz, P. (2023). Simulated temperatures of forest fires affect water solubility in soil and litter. Ecological Indicators, 150, 110236

Walker, D., Horwitz, P., Davis, J. 2023. Traversing the waterways. PLOS Water. 2(2).

Jupiter, S. D., Jenkins, A. P., Negin, J., Anthony, S., Baleinamau, P., Devi, R., ... & Horwitz, P. (2023). Transforming place-based management within watersheds in Fiji: the Watershed Interventions for Systems Health project. PLOS Water. 

Jenkins, A. P., Lancaster, A. M., Capon, A., Soapi, K., Fleming, L. E., & Jupiter, S. D. (2023). Human health depends on thriving oceans. The Lancet.

Wakwella, A., Wenger, A., Jenkins, A., Lamb, J., Kuempel, C. D., Claar, D., ... & Jupiter, S. D. (2023). Integrated watershed management solutions for healthy coastal ecosystems and people. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, e27.

de Oliveira, A. R., Bento, S., Partidário, M., & Morrison-Saunders, A. (2023). Understanding stakeholder experiences with visual communication in environmental impact assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 102, 107210.

Morrison-Saunders, A. Arts, J., Pope, J., Bond, A., Retief, F. 2023. Distilling best practice principles for public participation in impact assessment follow-up. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 41(1), 48-58.

Dorji, T., Morrison-Saunders, A., & Blake, D. (2023). Understanding How Community Wellbeing is Affected by Climate Change: Evidence From a Systematic Literature Review. Environmental Management, 1-19.

Naser, M M, Mallick, B, Priodarshini, R, Huq, S, Bailey, A. Policy Challenges and Response to Environmental Non-migration, (2023) 2(5) Climate Action (Springer Nature)

Patterson, J, Naser, M M, Rigby, H., “COVID-19 Emergency Measures and their Implications for Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Groups in Australia: A Human Rights Perspective”, (2023) 50(1) University of Western Australia Law Review 428-455.

Naser, M M and Reza, H M, Climate Change, Human Mobility, and Climate Finance: Potential Linkages and Challenges, (2023) 38 Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation (JELL).

Neil-Smith, R and Naser, M M, Legal Framework for Biodiversity Conservation in Australia and New Zealand: A Comparative Analysis (2023) 39(1) Environmental and Planning Law Journal.

Barnes, J., Naser, M M, Aston, J.A, Vulnerability Approach to Irregular Migration and Modern Slavery in Australia, Australian Journal of Human Rights (Q1 Scimago) [accepted for publication]

Reza, H M, Naser, M M, “Climate Change and Human Mobility: Responsibilities under International Environmental Law”, Springer Nature (accepted for publication)

Hopkins, L. (2023). “The ice is melting and I don’t want santa to drown!”: Reflections on childhood, climate action, and futurity. Journal of Childhood Studies, 48(1), 85-98.

Hernawan, U. E., van Dijk, K.-J., Kendrick, G. A., Feng, M., Berry, O., Kavazos, C., McMahon, K. (2023). Ocean connectivity and habitat characteristics predict population genetic structure of seagrass in an extreme tropical setting. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e10257.

O’Dea C.M., Lavery P.S., Webster C.L., McMahon K.M. (2022) Increased extent of waterfowl grazing lengthens the recovery time of a colonizing seagrass (Halophila ovalis) with implications for seagrass resilience. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, Article 947109.

Webster, C., Lavery, P., O'Dea, C., Sanchez Alarcon, M., Salgado Kent, C., McMahon, K. (2023). The Influence Of Abiotic And Biotic Conditions On Lifecycle Stages Is Critical For Estuarine Seagrass Resilience. Marine Biology: international journal on life in oceans and coastal waters, 170(4), article number 48.

Dahl, M., McMahon, K., Lavery, P., Hamilton, SH., Lovelock, CE., Serrano Gras, O. (2023). Ranking The Risk Of Co2 Emissions From Seagrass Soil Carbon Stocks Under Global Change Threats. Global Environmental Change, 78(article in press), article number 102632.

van Alin, A., Corbett, M.K., Fathollahzadeh, H., Tjiam, M.C., Rickard, W.D.A., Sun, X., Putnis, A., Eksteen, J., Kaksonen, A.H., Watkin, E. (2023) Biofilm formation on the surface of monazite and xenotime during bioleaching. Microbial Biotechnology, 00, 1– 13. Available from:

Van Alin, A.; Corbett, M.K.; Fathollahzadeh, H.; Tjiam, M.C.; Putnis, A.; Eksteen, J.; Kaksonen, A.H.; Watkin, E. Klebsiella aerogenes Adhesion Behaviour during Biofilm Formation on Monazite. Microorganisms 2023, 11, 1331.

Corbett MK and Watkin ELJ (2023). Bioprospecting for and the applications of halophilic acidophiles in bioleaching operations. Microbiology Australia doi:10.1071/MA23011

Corbett, M.K., Gifford, A., Fimognari, N., Watkin E.L.J. (2023). Analysis of element yield, bacterial community structure and the impact of carbon sources for bioleaching rare earth elements from high grade monazite. Research in Microbiology, 104133.

Decker, O., Egidi, E., Hopkins, A. J., Danks, M., & Gibb, H. (2023). Reintroduction of threatened digging mammals influences soil microbial communities differently along a rainfall gradient. Pedobiologia, 150889.

Li, Y., Hopkins, A. J., & Davis, R. A. (2023). Going, Going, Gone The Diminishing Capacity of Museum Specimen Collections to Address Global Change Research: A Case Study on Urban Reptiles. Animals, 13(6), 1078.

Treloar, S., Lohr, C., Hopkins, A. J., Ottewell, K., McArthur, S., & Davis, R. A. (2023). Scat DNA as a non-invasive method for estimating the abundance of the vulnerable mala (Lagorchestes hirsutus). Wildlife Research.

Adjei‐Bamfo, P., Djajadikerta, H. G., Jie, F., Brown, K., & Kiani Mavi, R. (2023). Public procurement for innovation through supplier firms' sustainability lens: A systematic review and research agenda. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(1), 387-407.

Jie, F., Standing, S., Janjua, N., Ibrahim, A., & Standing, C. (2023). Research agenda for supply chain management 4.0. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 16(3), 317-346.

Ding, MJ., Jie, F., Sisombat, S., Bandlamudi, BS. (2023). Impact of the Skill Shortage on the Construction Supply Chain Performance in Australia. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran), 9(2), 16.

Tridalestari, FA., Mustafid, M., Jie, F. (2023). Consumer Behavior Analysis on Sales Process Model using Process Discovery Algorithm for The Omnichannel Distribution System. IEEE Access, in press

Isnurhadi, I., Sulastri, S., Saftiana, Y., Jie, F. (2023). Banking Industry Sustainable Growth Rate under Risk: Empirical Study of the Banking Industry in ASEAN Countries. Sustainability, 15(1), 564.

Anwar, CJ., Suhendra, I., Purwanda, E., Salim, A., Rakhmawati , NA., Jie, F. (2023). Investigating the relationship between monetary policy, macro-prudential policy and credit risk in Indonesia banking industry. Heliyon, in press, 1-16

Purnamawati, IG., Yuniarta, GA., Jie, F. (2023). Strengthening the role of corporate social responsibility in the dimensions of sustainable village economic development. Heliyon, in press.

Wang, M., Jie, F., Guilherme, F. (2023). Measuring supply chain agility during the COVID-19 pandemic: empirical evidence from the firms in the United Arabs Emirates. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, in press

Wilk, V., Mat Roni, S., Jie, F. (2023). Social Media Users Perspectives on the Supply Chain: Positivity amongst Negativity During COVID-19 Panic Buying in Australia. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 16(2), 262-287.

Tarigan, ZJ., Siagian, H., Sautma, S., Jie, F. (2023). Top management commitment on green manufacturing, supplier integration, customer integration, in improving operational performance: Empirical evidence from Indonesia. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, in press.

Saptono, PB., Mahmud, G., Pratiwi, I., Purwanto, D., Khozen, I., Aditama, A., Khodijah, S., Wayan, M., Asmara, R., Jie, F. (2023). Development of Climate-Related Disclosure Indicators for Application in Indonesia: A Delphi Method Study. Sustainability, 15(14), 10915.

Kirkegaard, A., Irwin, C., Byrne, R., Sambell, R., Vincze, L. (2023). Barriers and enablers to a healthy food environment in Australian childcare services: exploring directors' perspectives. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 2023(article in press), pp.

Johnston, M., O'Sullivan, T., Devine, A., Wallace, R., Costello, L., Sambell, R. (2023). Toddlers may be getting enough iron in long day-care services after all. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, n.a.(1365-277X), n.a..

Cox, D. N., Campbell, K. J., Cobiac, L., Gardner, C., Hancock, L., Hendrie, G., Kelaart, A., Lausen, M., Poelman, A., Sambell, R., Tikellis, K. M., & Wiggins, B. (2023). Working together to increase Australian children's liking of vegetables: a Position Statement by the Vegetable Intake Strategic Alliance (VISA). Public health nutrition, 1–13. Advance online publication.

Dandy, J., Doidge, A., Lefringhusen, K., Kunst, J., & Kenin, A. (2023). How do Australian majority members acculturate? A person-centred approach. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 97.

Jupiter SD, Jenkins AP, Negin J, Anthony S, Baleinamau P, Daurewa T, Devi R, Gavidi S, Johnson K, Mailautoka K, Lagataki S, Mangubhai S, Naivalu K, Naivalulevu T, Naivalulevu V, Naucunivanua S, Nelson S,Qauqau I, Ratu A, Ravoka M, Sami S, Thomas J, Tukana A, Wakwella A, Wenger A, Wilson D, Horwitz P. (in press).Transforming place-based management within watersheds in Fiji: the Watershed Interventions for Systems Health project. PLOS Water. 

Bragge P, Kellner P, Grundy E, Delafosse V, Bessant J, Jenkins A, Capon A. 2023 (in press). A scoping review of research examining links between biodiversity and adolescent health. Lancet Planetary Health. 

Toribio J, Lomata K, Fullmn S, Jenkins A ,Borja E, Arif S, McKercher J, Blake D, Garcia A, Whittington R, Underwood F, Marais B (2023). Assessing risks for bovine and zoonotic tuberculosis through spatial analysis and a questionnaire survey in Fiji – a pilot study.

Morrison-Saunders, A., Nykiel, A. and Atkins, N. (2024), Understanding the impact of environmental impact assessment research on policy and practice, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 104, 107334,

Wooltorton, S., Guimond, L., Reason, P., Poelina, A., & Horwitz, P. (2023). Voicing Rivers. River Research and Applications, 38(3), 371-375.

Poelina, A., Paradies, Y., Wooltorton, S., Mulligan, E. L., Guimond, L., Jackson-Barrett, L., & Blaise, M. (2023). Learning to care for Dangaba. Australian journal of environmental education, 39(3), 375-389.

Wooltorton, S., Guenther, J., Poelina, A., Blaise, M., Collard, L., & White, P. (2022). Learning regenerative cultures: Indigenous nations in higher education renewal in Australia. Asia Pacific Education Review, 23(4), 639-651.

Wooltorton, S., & Poelina, A. (2023). Habitat. In N. Wallenhorst & C. Wulf (Eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humans between heritage and future (Vol. 1, pp. 1053-1058). Springer.

Poelina, A., Perdrisat, M., Wooltorton, S., & Mulligan, E. L. (2023). Feeling and Hearing Country as Research Method. Environmental Education Research, 1-16.

Somerville, W., McKenzie, V., Fuller, L., Godden, N., Harrison, A., Isaacs-Guthridge, R., Turner, B. (2023). “Kind regards”: negotiating connection to Country and place through collective storying. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, First view(N/A), 1-13.

Blue, L., Pollitt, J., & Blaise, M. (2023). Conversations with Rain: Proposing poetic and non-linear interpretation strategies in the Art Gallery. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 24 (2.1), [Industry Partner co-author]

Voisin, R., Horwitz, P., Godrich, S., Sambell, R., Cullerton, K., Devine, A. What goes in and what comes out: a scoping review of regenerative agricultural practices. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 10 October 2023

Avenant, C., Fossette, S., Whiting, S., Hopkins, A., Hyndes, G. (2023). Sea Turtle Eggs and Hatchlings are a Seasonally Important Food Source for the Generalist Feeding Golden Ghost Crab (Ocypode convexa). Estuaries and Coasts, 2023(Article in press), 18 pages.

Love, T. & Cooper, T. (2023) Variety Dynamics: new systems methods for management and control of dynamically complex multi-actor systems. Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences.              

Sutcliffe, J. & Cooper, T. (2023, published online). Youth Work Careers: Assumptions, Misconceptions and Realities. Journal of Applied Youth Studies

Birnbaum, C., Dearnaley, J., Edigi, E., Frew, A., Hopkins, A., Powell, J., Aguilar-Trigueros, C., Liddicoat, C., Albornoz, F., Heuck, M., Dadzie, F., Florence, L., Singh, P., Mansfield , T., Rajapaksha, K., Stewert, J., Rallo , P., Peddle, S.,Chiarenza, G. (2023). Integrating soil microbial communities into fundamental ecology, conservation, and restoration: examples from Australia. New Phytologist, 241(3), 174-981.

Godrich, S., Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Alston, L., Kent, K. (2023). A scoping review of the impact of Food Policy Groups on local food systems in high-income countries. Nutrition Research Reviews, 2023(Article in press), 24 pages.

Schumacher, T., Alderton, C., Brown, L., Heaney, S., Alston, L., Kent, K., Godrich, S. (2023). Development of a Scoring Tool for Australian Rural Food Retail Environments. Nutrients, 15(21), Article number 4660.

Alston, L., Heaney, S., Kent, K., Godrich, S., Kocanda, L., Herbert, J., Schumacher, T., Brown, L. (2023). Rural nutrition and dietetics research—Future directions. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 31(5), 1027-1031.

Gardiner, J., Hayley, S., Hamilton, J., Neimanis, A., Blaise, M. (2023). Reading groups as method for feminist environmental humanities, Australian Feminist Studies, 37 (113), 296-316,

Gardiner, J., Singer, H., Hamilton, J., Neimanis, A., & Blaise, M. (2023). Reading group as method for field building in the feminist environmental humanities. Australian Feminist Studies.

Godden, N., Chakma, T., Jenkins, A. (2023). Ecofeminist Participatory Action Research for Planetary Health. In Liamputtong, P. (Ed). Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Springer.   

Godden, N. & Shajimon, P. (2023). ‘The Love Ethic: Love and activism for ecosocial justice' in Grobbelaar, M, Reid Boyd, E & Dudek, D (eds.), What's love got to do with it?, Palgrave

Godden, N., Chakma, T., & Naidu, K. (2023). ‘Feminist Participatory Action Research: A methodology for ecosocial justice’, in Forbes, R. & Smith, K. (eds). Ecosocial Work Practice. NASW Press.

Tytler, C. (2023). ‘The Partisanship and Performativity of Creative Practice Research for Environmental Education: Questions around editing interviews and knowledge production’ in in Clark, J.C., Ferguson, J.P., Tytler, R., White, P.J. (eds.) Contemporary Approaches to Research in Mathematics, Science, Health & Environmental Education Volume 4. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars

Raquel Quatrini, Elizabeth L.J. Watkin and David Barrie Johnson (2023). Biomolecular and Cultivation Tools. Biomining Technologies: Bioprocessing Options for Extracting and Recovering Metals from Ores and Wastes (Ed CG Bryan, D.B. Johnson, F.F. Roberto, M. Schlömann) Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg, Germany). Chapter 6.

Giamminuti, S., Merewether, J., Blaise, M. (2023). Aesthetic-ethical-political movements in professional learning: Encounters with feminist new materialisms and Reggio Emilia in early childhood research in Strom, K. J., Mills, T., & Abrams, L. (Eds.). (2023). Non-linear perspectives on teacher development: Complexity in professional learning and practice. Taylor & Francis.

Kumar, R., Horwitz, P., and Finlayson, C.M. (2023). Wetlands as social–ecological systems: Bridging nature and society. Chapter 19 in Ramsar Wetlands: Values, Assessment, Management. Pp. 525-553. Elsevier.

Wooltorton, S., & Reason, P. (2023). Experiential knowing with the more-than-human world. In P. White, R. Tytler, J. P. Ferguson, & J. Cripps Clark (Eds.), Methodological Approaches to STEM Education Research (Vol. 4, pp. 187 - 206). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Chakma, T., Godden, N., Naidu, K., Sinumlag, A., Lay Paw, N. (2023). Feminist participatory action research (FPAR) for transnational feminism in Asia. The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Participatory Inquiry in Transnational Research Contexts (9-27). Taylor and Francis.

Beardman, G., Godden, N., Nejati, M., Yallup Farrant, J., Scoffern, L., Khan, J., Northover, J., Morrison-Saunders, A. (2023). Just Transitions From Fossil Fuels to a Regenerative and Renewable Future: Challenges and Opportunities. Achieving Net Zero: Challenges and Opportunities (177-201). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Joyce, J. (2023). The Power of Love: Love in Peace and Conflict Studies. In M. Grobbelaar, E. Reid-Boyd & D. Dudek (Eds.), Contemporary love studies in the arts and humanities: What’s love got to do with it? Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., & Blaise, M. (2023). Common Worlding Methods in Early Childhood. In L. Mazzei & A Youngblood Jackson (Eds.), Postfoundational Approaches to Qualitative Inquiry (pp 114-129). Routledge.

Nociti, K., & Blaise, M. (2023). Hacking observational literacy tools in early childhood, In J. Rowsell, K. Sherbine, M. Sakr & J. Osgood (Eds.), Postdevelopmental approaches to childhood observation (pp. 121-136). Bloomsbury. [postgraduate student co-author].

Reza, HM., Naser, M. (2023). Climate Change and Human Mobility: Responsibilities under International Environmental Law. Comparative Approaches in Law and Policy (140-156). Springer.

Blaise, M., Pollitt, J., Merewether, J., Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. (2023). Resilience as More-Than-Human. In P. Kelly, P. Kraftl, D. Carbajo Padilla, R. Black, S. Brown, and A. Nayak (eds) Young People and Thinking Technologies for the Anthropocene., pp 17-30.  London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Rooney, T. & Blaise, M. (2023). Rethinking environmental education in a climate change era: Weather learning in early childhood. Routledge.

Morrison-Saunders A (2023) Advanced Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, Second Edition, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Amelia S. Wenger; Gómez-Juárez, E.; Thomas, J.; Amaya, T.; Corbin, C.; Edmond, J.; Falinski, K.; Hill, J.; Jenkins, A.; Jupiter, S.D.; Kuempel, C.D.; Lamb, J.B.; Nalley, E.M.; Omwenga, S.; Oza, T.; Perez, E.N.; Tuttle Raz, L.J.; Sarkozy-Banoczy, S.; Wakwella, A. (2023) A guide for integrated conservation and sanitation programs and approaches. Wildlife Conservation Society. Pp. 1-143

Morrison-Saunders, A. & Arts, J. (2023). International Best Practice Principles: Public Participation in Impact Assessment Follow-up. Special Publication Series No. 12. Fargo, USA: International Association for Impact Assessment. participation in IA Follow up.pdf

Wrigley, K. (2022) Systemic Advocacy and Collective Care Youth Program Report. Climate Justice Union.

Voisin, R., Horwitz, P., Godrich, S., Sambell, R., Cullerton, K., Devine, A. 2023. The ins and outs—understanding input use in regenerative agriculture: Case for Mapping Food Provision across jurisdictions and ECEC services and settings: How one tick box can build and support the bigger picture in early childhood health and education development.

National Nutrition Network - Early Childhood Education and Care [NNN-ECEC] (Sambell, R. and Devine, A. etal.). (2022). (2022). Policy Brief 3 - A call to update the National Get Up & Grow guidelines and associated resources. 

Godrich, S., Herrington, S., Chiera, I. (2023). Kimberley Food Community Share Stage Report.

Godrich, S., Herrington, S., Chiera, I. (2023). Pilbara Food Community Share Stage Report.

Godrich, S., Herrington, S., Chiera, I. (2023). Goldfields Food Community Share Stage Report.

Godrich, S., Herrington, S., Chiera, I. (2023). Midwest Food Community Share Stage Report.

Godrich, S., Herrington, S., Chiera, I. (2023). Wheatbelt Food Community Share Stage Report.

Godrich, S., Herrington, S., Chiera, I. (2023). Great Southern Food Community Share Stage Report.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Kimberley Food Action groups Stakeholder focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Pilbara (Karratha) Food Action groups Stakeholder focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Pilbara (Newman) Food Action groups Stakeholder focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Goldfields (Esperance) Food Action groups stakeholder focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Goldfields (Esperance) Food Action groups community focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Goldfields (Kalgoorlie) Food Action groups community focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Midwest Food Action groups community focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Midwest Food Action groups stakeholder focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Wheatbelt Food Action groups stakeholder focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Wheatbelt Food Action groups community focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Great Southern (Albany) Food Action groups community focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Great Southern (Albany) Food Action groups stakeholder focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Great Southern (Katanning) Food Action groups stakeholder and community focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Doe, J., Goodwin, S., Godrich, S. (2023). Great Southern (Katanning) Food Action groups stakeholder focus group early feedback report. Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Wilman Boodja, Godden, N.J., Beardman, G., Nejati, M., Scott, E., Yallup Farrant, J., Scoffern, L., Northover, J., Khan, J., Winmar, L, Ugle, P., Mulholland, K., Parkin, J., Anderson, S, & Morrison-Saunders, A. (2023). A Just Transition for Collie that leaves no one behind. Climate Justice Union WA & Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Wilman Boodja, Godden, N.J., Beardman, G., Nejati, M., Scott, E., Yallup Farrant, J., Scoffern, L., Northover, J., Khan, J., Winmar, L, Ugle, P., Mulholland, K., Parkin, J., Anderson, S, & Morrison-Saunders, A. (2023). Community report: A just transition for Collie that leaves no one behind. Climate Justice Union WA & Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Wrigley, K. (2022) CJU's Systemic Advocacy and Collective Care Youth Program Report.

Trapp, G., Hooper, P., Billingham, W., Thornton, L., Sartori, A., Kennington, K., Devine, A., Godrich, S., Sambell, R., Howard, J., Bivoltsis, A. 2022. Would you like fries with that? Investigating fast-food outlet availability near schools in Perth, Western AustraliaHealth Promotion Journal of Australia.

Blekkenhorst, L., Ride, K., Wallace, R., Eades, S., McAullay, D., Godrich, S. 2022. Healthy lifestyle initiatives for increasing fruit and vegetable intake among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoplesApplied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 47(2), 115-123.

Naser, M., Pearce, P. 2022. Evolution of the International Climate Change Policy and Processes: UNFCCC to Paris AgreementOxford Encyclopedia of Environmental Economics.

Kestel, J., Field, D., Bateman, P., White, N., Allentoft, M., Hopkins, AJM., Gibberd, M., Nevill, P. 2022. Applications of environmental DNA (eDNA) in agricultural systems: Current uses, limitations and future prospectsScience of The Total Environment. 847.

Bond, A., Pope, J., Morrison-Saunders, A., Retief, F. 2022. Exploring the relationship between context and effectiveness in impact assessmentEnvironmental Impact Assessment Review.

Morrison-Saunders, A., Pope, J. 2022. Collaboration between academic and non-academic actors in EIA: Reflections from Western AustraliaEnvironmental Impact Assessment Review.

Merewether, J., Gobby, B., Blaise, M. 2022. Common Worlds Justice in Post-Anthropocentric Education: Attuning to the More-Than-Human through Walking with Sound and SmellEquity and Excellence in Education. 55(3).

Seet, P., Jogulu, U., Cripps, H., Nejati, M. 2022. Transforming self-perceived self-employability and entrepreneurship among mothers through mobile digital sharing economy platforms: An exploratory case studyPersonnel Review.

Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Bosson, J., Jurek, P., Gesta, T., Olech, M., Vandello, J., Bender, M., Dandy, J. 2022. Gendered Self-Views Across 62 Countries: A Test of Competing ModelsSocial Psychological and Personality Science.

Pluck, S., Morrison-Saunders, A. 2022.Where we work determines what we eat: A qualitative exploration of the multi-dimensional influences on meat consumption when home and office working during the Covid 19 lockdown in London, UKAppetite.

Nociti, K. 2022. Beyond reflective practice: Blogging-with Place as a diffractive practice for (re)imagining place-based educationContemporary Issues in Early Childhood.

Bracknell, C., Horwitz, P., Ryan, T., Marshall, J. 2022. Performing kayepa dordok living waters in Noongar boodjar, South-Western AustraliaRiver Research and Applications. 38(3), 404-411.

Joyce, J., Forsyth, H. 2022. It’s a Matter of Trust: Ngāi Tahu Democratic Processes and Māori Pākehā Research PartnershipInternational Journal of Qualitative Methods.

Davies, M. R., Duchene, S., Valcanis, M., Jenkins, A., Jenney, A. et al. 2022. Genomic epidemiology of Salmonella Typhi in Central Division, Fiji, 2012 to 2016. The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific. 24.

Morrison-Saunders, A., Arts, J., Pope, J., Bond, A., Retief, F. Distilling best practice principles for public participation in impact assessment follow-upImpact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 41(1).

Gray, E., Ullman, J., Blaise, M., Pollitt, J. 2022. ‘I'm broken but I'm alive’: gender, COVID-19 and higher education in AustraliaHigher Education Research & Development. 42(3), 588-602.

Kelly, O., Illingworth, S., Butera, F., Steinberger, J., Blaise, M., Dawson, V., Huynen, M., Martens, P., Bailey, S., Savage, G., White, P., Schuitema, G., Cowman, S. 2022. Education in a warming world: Trends, opportunities and pitfalls for institutes of higher educationFrontiers in Sustainability.

Anthony, S. J., Morrison-Saunders, A. 2022. Analysing corporate forest disclosure: How does business value biodiversity?Business Strategy and the Environment. 32(1), 624-638.

Goh, E., Esfandiar, K., Jie, F., Brown, K., Djajadikerta, H. 2022. Please sort out your rubbish! An integrated structural model approach to examine antecedents of residential households’ waste separation behaviourJournal of Cleaner Production. 355.

Horwitz, P. 2022. Wetlands as social ecological systems, and relationality in the policy domain. Marine and Freshwater Research

Berry, J., Lepshokova, Z., MIRIPS Collaboration, Grigoryev, D., Annis, R., Au, A., Bano, S., Boehnke, K., Buholzer A., Brylka, A., Chen, S., Dandy J., Dunn K. How shall we all live together?: Meta-analytical review of the mutual intercultural relations in plural societies projectApplied Psychology. 71(3), 1014-1041.

Blaise, M. & Hamm, C. 2022. Lively Emu dialogues: activating feminist common worlding pedagogies. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 30(4), 437-489.

Wooltorton, S., Guenther, J., Poelina, A., Blaise, M., Collard, L., White, P. 2022.Learning regenerative cultures: Indigenous nations in higher education renewal in Australia. Asia Pacific Education Review

Berry, A., Pollitt, J., Nelson, N., Hodgins, B. D., Wintoneak, V. 2022. Dis/orientating the Early Childhood Sensorium: A Palate Making Menu for Public Pedagogy. Journal of Childhood Studies. 47(3).

Yin K., Naser, M. 2022. The Intersection of the Rule in Yerkey v Jones and Contemporary Anti-Discrimination Law in Australia – Can the ‘Special Wives’ Equity Survive? Bond Law Review. 34(1).

Nelson, S., Jenkins A., Jupiter, D. S., Horwitz, P., Mangubhai, S., Abimbola, S., Ratu, A., Naivalulevu, T., Negin, J. 2022. Predicting climate-sensitive water-related disease trends based on health, seasonality and weather data in Fiji. The Journal Climate Change and Health. 6.

Godden, N., Wijekoon, D., & Wrigley. K., 2022. Social (In)justice, climate change and climate policy in Western Australia. Environmental Sociology.

Garcia, A., Gonda, N., Atkins, E., Godden, N., Paiva Henrique, K., Parsons, M., Tschkert, P., Ziervogel, G. 2022. Power in resilience and resilience's power in climate change scholarship. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change. 13(3).

Nelson, S., Abimbola, S., Mangubhai, S., Jenkins, A., Jupiter, S., Naivalu, K., Negin, J. 2022. Understanding the decision-making structures, roles and actions of village-level water committees in Fiji. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 38(3).

Wakwella, A., Wenger, A., Jupiter, S., Lamb, J., Kuempel C., Jenkins A., Claar, D., Corbin, C., Falinski, K., Rivera, A., & Grantham, H. 2022. Managing Watersheds for Coral Reef and Public Health: A vibrant oceans initiative Whitepaper. Prepared for Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Nelson, S., Thomas, J., Jenkins, A., Naivalu, K., Naivalulevu, T., Naivalulevu, V., Mailautoka, K., Anthony, S., Ravoka, M., Jupiter, S D., Mangubhai, S., Horwitz, P., Abimbola, S., & Negin, J. 2022. Perceptions of drinking water access and quality in rural indigenous villages in Fiji. Water Practice and Technology

Giamminuti, S., Merewether, J., & Blaise, M. 2022. Pedagogical documentation and the refusal of method: Troubling dogmas and inviting collective obligations. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal

Godrich, S. L., Lo, J., Kent, K., Macau, F., & Devine, A. 2022. A mixed-methods study to determine the impact of COVID-19 on food security, food access and supply in regional Australia for consumers and food supply stakeholders. Nutritional Journal.

Ronto, R., Saberi, G., Leila Robbers, G. M., Godrich, S., Lawrence, M., Somerset, S., Fanzo, J., & Chau, J. Y. 2022. Identifying effective interventions to promote consumption of protein-rich foods from lower ecological footprint sources: A systematic literature review. PLOS Global Public Health.

Godrich, S., Macau, F., Kent, K., Lo, J., Devine, A. 2022. Food Supply Impacts and Solutions Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Regional Australian Case StudyInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(7), 1-16.

Morrison-Saunders, A., Bond, A., Pope, J., Retief, F. 2022. Sustainability assessment principles and practicesRoutledge Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment.

Lette, E., Burnham, Q., Lawler, N., Horwitz, P., Boyce, M., Broadhurst, D., Duffy, R., Koenders, A. 2022. Detecting Sex-Related Changes to the Metabolome of a Critically Endangered Freshwater Crayfish During the Mating SeasonFrontiers in Molecular Biosciences.

Wakwella, A., Wenger, A., Jupiter, S., Lamb, J., Kuempel C., Jenkins A., Claar, D., Corbin, C., Falinski, K., Rivera, A., & Grantham, H. 2022. Managing Watersheds for Coral Reef and Public Health: A vibrant oceans initiative WhitepaperPrepared for Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Davis, J., Horwitz, P. 2022. PLOS Water: A bridge and a voice for the water sectorsPLOS Water. 1(2)

Wooltorton, S., Guimond, L., Reason, P., Poelina, A., Horwitz, P. 2022. Voicing RiversRiver Research and Applications. 38(3).

Kent, K., Murray, S., Penrose, B., Auckland, S., Godrich, S., Lester, E., Visentin, D. 2022. Food insecure households faced greater challenges putting healthy food on the table during the COVID-19 pandemic in AustraliaAppetite.

Aberle, L. M., Platts, J. R., Kioutis, M. A., Haustead, L. M., & Godrich, S. L. 2022. Application of a sustainability framework to enhance Australian food literacy programs in remote western Australian communities. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.

Goh, E., Okumus, B., Jie, F., Djajadikerta, H., Lemy, D. 2022. Managing food wastage in hotels: discrepancies between injunctive and descriptive norms amongst hotel food and beverage managersBritish Food Journal.

Henrique, K., Tschakert, P., Bourgault du Coudray, C., Horwitz, P., Krueger, K., Wheeler, A. 2022. Navigating loss and value trade-offs in a changing climateClimate Risk Management. 35.

Poelina, A., Wooltorton S., Blaise, M., Aniere, C., Horwitz, P., White, P., Muecke, S. Regeneration time: ancient wisdom for planetary wellbeingAustralian Journal of Environmental Education. 38(3-4).

Tseung-Wong, C., Dandy, J., Lane, M. Perceived diversity norms, cultural identity styles and bicultural identity consolidation in two bicultural groups in AustraliaInternational Journal of Psychology. 57(3), 363-371.

Bracknell, C. 2021. Dancing in Shadows: Histories of Nyungar Performance. 45. 183-186.

Lindberg, R., Barbour, L., Godrich S. 2021. A rights-based approach to food security in Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia: Official Journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals. 32(1). 6-12.

Aniere, C. L., Wooltorton, S., Boyd D. 2021. Kids on Country: An Indigenous programme in Australia.

Blaise, M., Wintoneak, V. 2021. (Re) forming river-child-blowie relations: Questions of noticing, caring, and imagined futures with the unloved and disregarded.

Bond, A., Pope, J., Morrison-Saunders, A., Retief, F. 2021. Taking an environmental ethics perspective to understand what we should expect from EIA in terms of biodiversity protection. 86.

Pope, J., Morrison-Saunders, A., Bond, A., Retief, F. 2021. When is an offset not an offset? A framework of necessary conditions for biodiversity offsets. Environmental Management. 67(2). 421-435.

Godden, N. 2021. “I wouldn’t wish this on anyone”: The Augusta Margaret River housing crisis.

Leviston, Z., Dandy, J., Jetten J. 2021. ‘They’re discriminated against, but so are we’: White Australian-born perceptions of ingroup and immigrant discrimination over time are not zero sumBritish Journal of Social Psychology. 60(1). 146-170.

Logan, B., Dimer, M., Aniere, C. L. Wooltorton, S. 2021. Learning at home and in the community: Australia case study.

Sambell, R., Andrew, L., Devine A., Darby, J., Beatty, S., Godrich, S. 2021. Opportunities to identify and develop people skills: What university students need early in their degree journeyJournal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability. 12(2).

Scott, J., Sims, M., Cooper, T., Barclay, E. 2021. Night PatrolsCrossroads of Rural Crime. 45-60.

Naser, M. 2021. Climate change and human mobilityBangladesh and International Law. 157-167.

Nejati, M., Brown, M. E., Shafaei, A., Seet, P. 2021.  Employees’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership: are they uniquely related to turnover intention? Social Responsibility Journal. 17(2). 181-197.

Blake, D., Boyce, M. C., Stock, W. D., Horwitz, P. 2021. Fire in Organic-Rich Wetland Sediments: Inorganic Responses in PorewaterWater Air Soil Pollut. 232(101).

Webb, M., Bracknell, C. 2021. Educative power and the respectful curricular inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music.

Guenther, J., Dwyer, A., Wooltorton, S., Wilks, J. 2021. Aboriginal student engagement and success in Kimberley tertiary educationThe Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. 50(2). 265-273.

Radley, P., Van Etten, E., Blake, D., Davis, R. 2021. Breeding and feeding habitat selection by an island endemic bird may increase its vulnerability to climate changeBiotropica. 53(2). 422-432.

Wooltorton, S., White, P., Palmer, M., Collard, L. 2021. Learning cycles: Enriching ways of knowing placeAustralian Journal of Environmental Education. 37(1). 1-18.

Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., Blaise, M. 2021. Feminist ethicality in child-animal research: Worlding through complex stories. Children’s Geographies.

Lette, E. D., Burnham, G. F., Lawler, N., Horwitz, P., Boyce, M., Broadhurst, D. I., Duffy, R., Koenders, A. 2021. Detecting Sex-Related Changes to the Metabolome of a Critically Endangered Freshwater Crayfish During the Mating SeasonFrontiers in Molecular Biosciences.

Godden, N. 2021. Community work, love and the indigenous worldview of buen vivir in PeruInternational Social Work. 64(3). 354-370.

Grace, B., Pope, J. 2021. A systems approach to cumulative social impact assessment. Handbook of Cumulative Impact Assessment. 174-189.

Gray, E. M., Pollitt, J., Blaise M. 2021. Between activism and academia: zine-making as a feminist response to COVID-19Gender and Education. 1-19.

Giamminuti, S., Mereweather J., Blaise M. 2021. Aesthetic-ethical-political movements in professional learning: encounters with feminist new materialisms and Reggio Emilia in early childhood research. Professional Development in Education. 47(2-3). 436-448.

Morrison-Saunders, A., Pope, J. 2021. Teaching Environmental Impact Assessment.

Rooney, T., Blaise, M., Royds F. 2021. With shadows, dust and mud: Activating weathering-with pedagogies in early childhood educationContemporary Issues in Early Childhood. 22(2). 109-123.

Poelina, A., Guimond, L., Wooltorton, S., Horwitz, P., Blaise, M., Wintoneak, V., Collard, L. 2021. Voicing Rivers: Stories, Methods and Conclusions.

Bracknell, C. 2021. On-Country performance as a research method.

Kinnane, S., Puertollano, L., Edgar, M., Weatherall, K., Moss A., Horwitz, P. 2021. Healing Country.

Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Knaus, M., Cahill, R., Hill, S., Cooper, T. 2021. Supporting parents as their child’s first teacher: Aboriginal parents’ perceptions of kindilink. Early Childhood Education Journal. 50. 1-10.

Godrich, S. L., Barbour, L., Lindberg, R. 2021. Problems, policy and politics–perspectives of public health leaders on food insecurity and human rights in AustraliaBMC Public Health. 21(1). 1-12.

Pollitt, J., Blaise, M., Rooney, T. 2021. Weather bodies: experimenting with dance improvisation in environmental education in the early yearsEnvironmental Education Research. 27(8). 1141-1151.

Blaise, M., Hamm, C. 2021. Emerging methodologies-basic introduction to communicative response-abilities.

Andrew, L., Wallace R., Sambell, R. 2021. A peer-observation initiative to enhance student engagement in the synchronous virtual classroom: A case study of a COVID-19 mandated move to online learningJournal of University Teach and Learning Practice. 18(4).

Wooltorton, S., Poelina, A., Guimond, L., Sioui Durand, G. 2021. Hearing, voicing and healing: rivers as culturally located and connectedAuthorea Preprints.

Wilkinson, C., Clarke, K., Sambell, R., Dare, J., Bright, S. 2021. The health of older Western Australians: the role of age, gender, geographic location, psychological distress, perceived health, tobacco and alcohol. Advances in Dual Diagnosis.

Morrison-Saunders, A., Arts, J., Bond, A., Pope, J., Retief, F. 2021. Reflecting on, and revising, international best practice principles for EIA follow-upEnvironmental Impact Assessment Review. 89.

Jackson-Barrett, E. 2021. On country learning: Towards a culturally responsive pedagogy for Aboriginal education.

Rasoolimanesh, S. M., Ling Tan, P., Nejati, M., Shafaei, A. 2021. Corporate social responsibility and brand loyalty in private higher education: mediation assessment of brand reputation and trust. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education. 1-22.

Bracknell, C., Bracknell, K., Studham, S. F., Fereday, L. 2021. Supporting the performance of Noongar language in HecateTheatre, Dance and Performance Training. 12(3). 377-395.

McKay, F., Godrich S. 2021. Interventions to address food insecurity among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: a rapid review. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 46(12). 1448-1458.

Rewa, J., Devine, A., Godrich, S. 2021. Food community: Understanding community needs for a food security website to support rural and remote Western Australians. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 32. 283-291.

Godden, N., Farrant, B. M., Yallup Farrant, J., Heyink, E., Carot Collins, E., Burgemeister, B., Tabeshfar, M., Barrow, J., West M., Kieft, J., Rothwell, M., Leviston, Z., Bailey S., Blaise M., Cooper, T. 2021. Climate change, activism, and supporting the mental health of children and young people: Perspectives from Western AustraliaJournal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 57(11). 1759-1764.

Pollitt, J., Blaise, M., Gray E. 2021. Enacting a Feminist PauseCreative Approaches to Health Education. 28-40.

Nelson, S., Drabarek, D., Jenkins, A., Negin, J., Abimbola, S. 2021. How community participation in water and sanitation interventions impacts human health, WASH infrastructure and service longevity in low-income and middle-income countries: a realist reviewBMJ Open. 11(12).

Corney, T., Cooper, T., Shier, H., Williamson, H. 2021. Youth participation: Adultism, human rights and professional youth work. Children and Society.

Forde, K., Costello, L., Devine, A., Sambell R., Wallace, R. 2021. A multifaceted approach increased staff confidence to develop outside of school hours care as a health promoting settingBMC Public Health. 21(1). 1-14.

Taylor, A., Zakharova, T., Cullen, M. 2021. Common worlding pedagogies: Opening up to learning with worlds. Journal of Childhood Studies. 74-88.

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