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Associate Professor Mary Boyce

Honorary Associate Professor

Staff Member Details

Mary is an Adjunct in the School of Science.


  • 1990 – 1992: Academic, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
  • 1992 – 2021: Academic, Edith Cowan University
  • 2022 – present: Honorary Associate Professor, Edith Cowan University

Awards and Recognition

A/Prof Boyce is an experienced educator having received the National Office of Learning and Teaching award for Sustained Excellence in Motivating, Inspiring and Influencing Science Students’ learning (2015).

Research Areas and Interests

A/Prof Boyce is an analytical chemist with over 25 years of experience. Her research activity is in two distinct areas: research in the development of novel and improved methods of analysis; and applied research in collaboration with scientists from a broad range of disciplines.

  • Targeted LC-MS methodologies for nutrition, biological and environmental fields
  • Extraction methodologies for complex biological tissues.
  • Sandalwood chemistry


  • Graduate Certificate (Tertiary Teaching), Edith Cowan University, 2010.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Ireland, 1991.
  • Bachelor of Science, Ireland, 1987.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Hill, C., Shafaei Darestani, A., Boyce, M., Zhong, L., Balmer, L., Lewis, J., Hodgson, J., Blekkenhorst, L. (2025). S-methyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide and glucosinolate levels in Australian-sourced Brassica vegetables before and after domestic cooking. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 138(2025), article number 107015.

Journal Articles

  • Abbiss, H., Shafaei Darestani, A., Bannister, M., Boyce, M. (2024). Quantitative Determination of Short Chain Fatty Acids in Synthetic Feces Using Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection or Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Chemical Education, 101(1), 113-119.
  • Shafaei Darestani, A., Hill, C., Hodgson, J., Blekkenhorst, L., Boyce, M. (2024). Simultaneous extraction and quantitative analysis of S-Methyl-L-Cysteine Sulfoxide, sulforaphane and glucosinolates in cruciferous vegetables by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry: X, 21(2024), article number 101065.
  • Connolly, E., Liu, A., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Shafaei Darestani, A., Boyce, M., Wood, LG., McCahon, L., Koch, H., Sim, M., Hill, C., Parmenter, B., Bondonno, N., Devine, A., Croft, KD., Mithen, R., Gan, SK., Schultz, CJ., Woodman, RJ., Bondonno, C., Lewis, J., Hodgson, J., Blekkenhorst, L. (2024). Cruciferous vegetables lower blood pressure in adults with mildly elevated blood pressure in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial: the VEgetableS for vaScular hEaLth (VESSEL) study. BMC Medicine, 22(1), article number 353.

Journal Articles

  • Tshering, K., Miotlinski, K., Blake, D., Boyce, M., Bath, A., Do Carmo Carvalho, A., Horwitz, P. (2023). Effect Of Fire On Characteristics Of Dissolved Organic Matter In Forested Catchments In The Mediterranean Biome: A Review. Water Research, 230(2023), article number 119490.
  • Castaños, C., Boyce, M., Bates, T., Millar, A., Flematti, G., Lawler, N., Grassl, J. (2023). Lipidomic features of honey bee and colony health during limited supplementary feeding [Características lipidómicas de la abeja melífera y salud de la colonia durante dietas suplementarias restringidas]. Insect Molecular Biology, 32(6), 658-675.
  • Miotlinski, K., Tshering, K., Boyce, M., Blake, D., Horwitz, P. (2023). Simulated Temperatures Of Forest Fires Affect Water Solubility In Soil And Litter. Ecological Indicators, 150(2023), article number 110236.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Shafaei Darestani, A., Abbiss, H., Coutts, S., Bannister, M., Bruemmer, J., Boyce, M. (2022). Tocopherols in Seeds and Nuts: QuEChERS Extraction, HPLC Separation, and Fluorescence Detection. Journal of Chemical Education, 99(5), 2093-2100.

Journal Articles

  • Shafaei Darestani, A., Vamathevan, VV., Pandohee, J., Lawler, N., Broadhurst, D., Boyce, M. (2021). Sensitive and quantitative determination of short-chain fatty acids in human serum using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 413(25), 6333-6342.
  • Shafaei Darestani, A., Rees, J., Christophersen, C., Devine, A., Broadhurst, D., Boyce, M. (2021). Extraction and quantitative determination of bile acids in feces. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1150(15 March 2021), Article 338224.
  • Blake, D., Boyce, M., Stock, W., Horwitz, P. (2021). Fire in Organic-Rich Wetland Sediments: Inorganic Responses in Porewater. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: an international journal of environmental pollution, 232(3), Article number 101.
  • Ho, T., Zhu, J., Bansal, N., Boyce, M., Le, TT. (2021). Effect of pH and heat treatment on physicochemical and functional properties of spray-dried whey protein concentrate powder. International Dairy Journal, 119(August 2021), Article number 105063.
  • Shafaei Darestani, A., Sostaric, T., Bruemmer, J., Blake, D., Sanfead, T., Unlu, H., Lagesse, H., Boyce, M. (2021). Development of a high-performance thin-layer chromatography method for the analysis of Kakadu plum. Journal of Planar Chromatography: Modern TLC, 34(1), 89-94.
  • Ofori, H., Hettiarachchi, D., Sostaric, T., Pandohee, J., Unlu, H., Boyce, M. (2021). Characterisation of sandalwood essential oils: the application of high performance thin-layer chromatography. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 33(1), 32-43.
  • Lette, E., Burnham, Q., Lawler, N., Horwitz, P., Boyce, M., Broadhurst, D., Duffy, R., Koenders, A. (2021). Detecting sex-related changes to the metabolome of a critically endangered freshwater crayfish during the mating season. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 8(16 April 2021), Article number 650839.

Journal Articles

  • Rees, J., Christophersen, C., Lewis, J., Lo, J., Sambell, R., Costello, L., Walker, C., Byrne, M., Boyce, M., Newton, R., Devine, A. (2020). The study protocol for a pseudo-randomised pre-post designed controlled intervention trial to study the effects of a 7-week cooking program on self-efficacy and biomarkers of health: The ECU lifestyle and biomarkers get connected study (ECULABJMOF) including the Jamie's Ministry of Food WA participant experience. BMC Public Health, 20(1), Article number 1037.
  • Bondonno, C., Bondonno, N., Shinde, S., Shafaei Darestani, A., Boyce, M., Swinny, E., Jacob, S., Lacey, K., Woodman, R., Croft, K., Considine, M., Hodgson, J. (2020). Phenolic composition of 91 Australian apple varieties: towards understanding their health attributes. Food and Function, 11(8), 7115-7125.
  • Lette, E., Lawler, N., Burnham, Q., Boyce, M., Duffy, R., Koenders, A., Broadhurst, D. (2020). Metabolomic Profiling of Crayfish Haemolymph Distinguishes Sister Species and Sex: Implications for Conservation, Aquaculture and Physiological Studies. Freshwater Crayfish, 25(1), 89-101.
  • Genoni, A., Christophersen, C., Lo, J., Coghlan, M., Boyce, M., Bird, A., Lyons-Wall, P., Devine, A. (2020). Long‑term Paleolithic diet is associated with lower resistant starch intake, different gut microbiota composition and increased serum TMAO concentrations. European Journal of Nutrition, 59(5), 1845-1858.
  • Page, T., Jeffrey, G., Macdonell, P., Hettiarachchi, D., Boyce, M., Lata, A., Oa, L., Rome, G. (2020). Morphological and heartwood variation of Santalum macgregorii in Papua New Guinea. Australian Forestry, 83(4), 195-207.
  • Pugliese, J., Boyce, M., Lawler, N., Coumbaros, J., Le, TT. (2020). Dispersive SPE, an alternative to traditional SPE for extraction of 43 doping peptides from equine urine prior to LC–MS screening. Forensic Toxicology, 38(2), 365-377.
  • Mattock, E., Bondonno, C., Sim, M., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Croft, K., Boyce, M., James, A., Clark, K., Anokye, R., Bondonno, N., Woodman, R., Devine, A., Gan, SK., Schultz, C., Mithen, R., Lewis, J., Hodgson, J., Blekkenhorst, L. (2020). A randomised controlled crossover trial investigating the short-term effects of different types of vegetables on vascular and metabolic function in middle-aged and older adults with mildly elevated blood pressure: the VEgetableS for vaScular hEaLth (VESSEL) study protocol. Nutrition Journal, 19(1), Article number 41.
  • Deering, K., Devine, A., O'Sullivan, T., Lo, J., Boyce, M., Christophersen, C. (2020). Characterizing the composition of the pediatric gut microbiome: A systematic review. Nutrients, 12(1), Article number 16.

Journal Articles

  • Shafaei Darestani, A., Croft, K., Hodgson, J., Boyce, M. (2019). Simultaneous quantitative analysis of polyphenolic compounds in human plasma by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science, 42(18), 2909-2921.
  • Abbiss, H., Maker, GL., Gummer, J., Rawlinson, C., Musk, GC., Fleming, PA., Phillips, JK., Boyce, M., Trengove, RD. (2019). Untargeted gas chromatography–mass spectrometry-based metabolomics analysis of kidney and liver tissue from the Lewis Polycystic Kidney rat. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 1118-1119(15 June 2019), 25-32.
  • Ofori, H., Hettiarachchi, D., Sostaric, T., Busetti, F., Boyce, M. (2019). High Performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic Fingerprinting of Sandalwood Essential Oils. Journal of Planar Chromatography: Modern TLC, 32(3), 205-210.
  • Stinson, L., Boyce, M., Payne, M., Keelan, J. (2019). The not-so-sterile womb: Evidence that the human fetus is exposed to bacteria prior to birth. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10(Jun), Article number 1124.
  • Le, TT., Shafaei Darestani, A., Genoni, A., Christophersen, C., Devine, A., Lo, J., Lyons-Wall, P., Boyce, M. (2019). Development and validation of a simple LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of trimethylamine-N-oxide and branched chain amino acids in human serum. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 411(5), 1019–1028.
  • Genoni, A., Lo, J., Lyons-Wall, P., Boyce, M., Christophersen, C., Bird, A., Devine, A. (2019). A Paleolithic diet lowers resistant starch intake but does not affect serum trimethylamine-N-oxide concentrations in healthy women. The British Journal of Nutrition: an international journal of nutritional science, 121(3), 322-329.
  • Boyce, M., Lawler, N., Tu, Y., Reinke, S. (2019). Introducing Undergraduate Students to Metabolomics Using Liquid Chromatography–High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Horse Blood. Journal of Chemical Education, 96(4), 745-750.

Journal Articles

  • Manaf, F., Lawler, N., Peiffer, J., Maker, G., Boyce, M., Fairchild, T., Broadhurst, D. (2018). Characterizing the plasma metabolome during and following a maximal exercise cycling test. Journal of Applied Physiology, 125(4), 1193-1203.
  • Ma, Q., Adua, E., Boyce, M., Li, X., Ji, G., Wang, W. (2018). IMass time: The future, in future!. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, 22(11), 679-695.
  • Jones, J., Dibattista, JD., Stat, M., Bunce, M., Boyce, M., Fairclough, DV., Travers, MJ., Huggett, M. (2018). The Microbiome of the Gastrointestinal Tract of a Range-Shifting Marine Herbivorous Fish. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9(28 August 2018), Article no.2000.

Journal Articles

  • Phelps, C., Boyce, M., Huggett, M. (2017). Future climate change scenarios differentially affect three abundant algal species in southwestern Australia. Marine Environmental Research, 126(2017), 69-80.

Journal Articles

  • Kalsoom, U., Guijt, RM., Boyce, M., Townsend, AT., Haselberg, R., Breadmore, MC. (2016). Direct electrokinetic injection of inorganic cations from whole fruits and vegetables for capillary electrophoresis analysis. Journal of Chromatography A, 1428(8 January 2016), 346-351.

Journal Articles

  • Hinwood, A., Stasinska, A., Callan, A., Heyworth, J., Ramalingam, M., Boyce, M., McCafferty, P., Odland, J. (2015). Maternal exposure to alkali, alkali earth, transition and other metals: Concentrations and predictors of exposure. Environmental Pollution, 204(2015), 256-263.

Journal Articles

  • Kalsoom, U., Breadmore, M., Guijt, R., Boyce, M. (2014). Evaluation of potential cationic probes for the detection of proline and betaine. Electrophoresis, 35(23), 3379-3386.

Journal Articles

  • Hinwood, A., Callan, A., Ramalingam, M., Boyce, M., Heyworth, J., McCafferty, P., Odland, J. (2013). Cadmium, lead and mercury exposure in non smoking pregnant women. Environmental Research, 126(October 2013), 118-124.
  • Kalsoom, U., Boyce, M., Bennett, I., Veraplakorn, V. (2013). Simultaneous determination of key osmoregulants in halophytes using HPLC-ELSD. Chromatographia, 76(17-18), 1125-1130.
  • Lavery, P., McMahon, K., Weyers, J., Boyce, M., Oldham, CE. (2013). Release of dissolved organic carbon from seagrass wrack and its implications for trophic connectivity. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 494(2013), 121-133.
  • Callan, A., Hinwood, A., Ramalingam, M., Boyce, M., Heyworth, J., McCafferty, P., Odland, J. (2013). Maternal Exposure to Metals – Concentrations and Predictors of Exposure. Environmental Research, 126(October 2013), 111-117.

Journal Articles

  • Lee, I., Boyce, M., Breadmore, MC. (2012). Extraction and on-line concentration of flavonoids in Brassica oleracea by capillary electrophoresis using large volume sample stacking. Food Chemistry, 133(1), 205-211.
  • Abbiss, H., Maker, GL., Gummer, J., Sharman, M., Phillips, JK., Boyce, M., Trengove, RD. (2012). Development of a non-targeted metabolomics method to investigate urine in a rat model of polycystic kidney disease. Nephrology, 17(2), 104-110.
  • Mahmood, T., Anwar, F., Abbas, M., Boyce, M., Saari, N. (2012). Compositional variation in sugars and organic acids at different maturity stages in selected small fruits from Pakistan. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13(2), 1380-1392.
  • Callan, A., Winters, M., Barton, C., Boyce, M., Hinwood, A. (2012). Children's Exposure to Metals: A Community-Initiated Study. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 62(4), 714-722.
  • Blake, D., Lu, K., Horwitz, P., Boyce, M. (2012). Fire suppression and burnt sediments: effects on the water chemistry of fire-affected wetlands. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 21(5), 557-561.

Journal Articles

  • Lee, I., Boyce, M., Breadmore, MC. (2011). A rapid quantitative determination of phenolic acids in Brassica oleracea by capillary zone electrophoresis. Food Chemistry, 127(2), 797-801.
  • Lee, I., Boyce, M. (2011). Extraction and purification of glucoraphanin by preparative high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Journal of Chemical Education, 88(6), 832-834.
  • Ahmad, N., Anwar, F., Hameed, S., Boyce, M. (2011). Antioxidant and antimicrobial attributes of different solvent extracts from leaves and flowers of akk [Calotropis procera (Ait.) Ait. F.)]. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5(19), 4879-4887.

Journal Articles

  • Lee, I., Boyce, M., Breadmore, M. (2010). Quantitative determination of glucoraphanin in Brassica vegetables by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta, 663(1), 105-108.
  • Darji, V., Boyce, M., Bennett, I., Breadmore, M., Quirino, J. (2010). Determination of food grade antioxidants using microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography. Electrophoresis, 31(13), 2267-2271.

Journal Articles

  • Boyce, M., Singh, K. (2008). Student Learning and Evaluation in Analytical Chemistry Using a Problem-Oriented Approach and Portfolio Assessment. Journal of Chemical Education, 85(12), 1633-1637.

Conference Publications

  • Kinnear, A., Sparrow, H., Boyce, M., Middleton, S. (2008). Perceptions Of Successful Students: Lessons In The First Year Experience. Conference proceedings:11th Pacific Rim First year in Higher education Conference 2008 (10 pages). Queensland University of Technology.

Journal Articles

  • Boyce, M. (2007). Determination of additives and organic contaminants in food by CE and CEC. Electrophoresis, 28(22), 4046-4062.
  • Balding, P., Boyce, M., Breadmore, M., Macka, M. (2007). Light-emitting diode-compatible probes for indirect detection of anions in CE. Electrophoresis, 28(19), 3453-3460.

Book Chapters

  • Boyce, M. (2006). Application of Electrokinetic Chromatography to Food and Beverages. Electrokinetic Chromatography - Therory, Instrumentation and Applications (423-458). Wiley.

Journal Articles

  • Wajrak, M., Boyce, M. (2005). The determination of the best separation conditions for a mixture of preservatives of varying polarity using HPLC: an ACELL Experiment. Australian Journal of Education in Chemistry, 2005(65), 20-23.

Conference Publications

  • Cutler-Staniek, A., Bennett, I., Boyce, M. (2005). Influence of phenolics on micropropogation of Eucalyptus Marginata. Contributing to a Sustainable Future (21-29). The Australasian Plant Breeding Association Inc..

Journal Articles

  • Leggett, M., Kinnear, A., Boyce, M., Bennett, I. (2004). Student and staff perceptions of the importance of generic skills in science. Higher education research and development, 23(3), 295-312.
  • Rummey, J., Boyce, M. (2004). Introducing the gNMR program in an introductory NMR spectrometry course to parallel its use by spectroscopists. Journal of Chemical Education, 81(5), 762-763.

Journal Articles

  • Boyce, M., Haddad, P., Sostaric, T. (2003). Determination of flavour components in natural vanilla extracts and synthetic flavourings by mixed micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 485(n/a), 179-186.
  • Boyce, M., Haddad, P. (2003). Tailoring the separation selectivity of metal complexes and organometallic compounds resolved by capillary electrophoresis using auxiliary separation processes. Electrophoresis, 24(n/a), 2013-2022.

Journal Articles

  • Oosthuizen, J., Boyce, M. (2002). An Evaluation of heavy Metals in Sediment and Fish in the Swan River and the Health Risks Associated with Fish Consumption: A Pilot Study. The Journal of The Australian Institute of Environmental Health, 2, 19-26.
  • Boyce, M., Spickett, E. (2002). Solid Phase Microextraction in Food Analysis with Particular Reference to Wine. Food Australia, 54, 350-356.

Journal Articles

  • Boyce, M., Lavery, P., Weatherill, P., Horwitz, P. (2001). Spatial variation of the d13 C signature of Ruppia megacarpa (Mason) in coastal lagoons of south-western Australia and its implication for isotopic studies. Aquatic Botany, 71, 83 -92.
  • Boyce, M. (2001). Determination of additives in food by capillary. Electrophoresis, 22, 1447-1459.

Research Projects

  • Sponsorship Agreement for Research Fellow in Analytical Chemistry/Proteomics, Chemistry Centre WA T/A ChemCentre, Research Fellowship Grant, 2017 ‑ 2023, $701,666.
  • The Predicting and Managing the Impacts of Wildfire and Prescription Burns on Water Quality and Water-Related Assets Project, Water Corporation, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2023, $825,000.
  • ECU-Thermo Research Facility Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific Australia Pty Ltd, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2019, $286,353.
  • Food and Nutrition Postgraduate Scholarship , Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), CSIRO - Scholarship, 2016 ‑ 2018, $18,382.
  • Visiting Fellow Dr Veronica Vasuki Vamathevan, Edith Cowan University, Edith Cowan University, School of Science Visiting Fellow Grant Scheme, 2018, $5,000.
  • Improving barley malting quality through a combined metabolomics and transcriptomics approach, Edith Cowan University, Edith Cowan University, School of Science Early Career Grant Scheme Semester 1, 2017, 2017, $10,000.
  • Deamidation, an innovative way to improve protein functionality, Edith Cowan University, Edith Cowan University, School of Science Early Career Grant Scheme Semester 1, 2017, 2017, $10,000.
  • Investigating lipid synthesis pathways in genetically modified seeds, Edith Cowan University, Edith Cowan University, School of Science Early Career Grant Scheme Semester 1, 2017, 2017, $10,000.
  • High resolution mass spectrometry for metabolomics and proteomics research, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Infrastructure), 2015 ‑ 2016, $1,140,000.
  • Micropropagation and Clonal Variation of Teak (Tectona Grandis), Integrated Tree Cropping Pty Ltd, Grant, 2008 ‑ 2011, $70,638.
  • Selection and Clonal propagation of high yielding hazel ( Corylus avellana) for improved truffle (Tuber melanosporum) and hazelnut production, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2008, $24,500.
  • Clonal propagation of hazel (Corylus avellana) for increased nut and truffle production, Wine and Truffle Company, Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $7,219.
  • Determination of optimal storage conditions for the transportation of Western Australian grown Tuber melanosporum to international markets, Wine and Truffle Company, Grant, 2007, $8,510.
  • Micropropagation and clonal variation of Teak (Tectona grandis), Rewards Group Ltd, Grant, 2005 ‑ 2006, $68,289.
  • Establishing best practice protocols in the management of occupational and environmental health in a high risk mining and ore processing environment., Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2003 ‑ 2004, $27,000.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Impact of dairy lipid intake on gut microbiota, and its association with cardiovascular related metabolites in Australian children

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Science (Biological Sciences), Predicting the impact of future climate change on ecologically important macroalgae
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Development of capillary electrophoresis for the analysis of phenolics and glucoraphanin in brassica oleracea.
  • Master by Research: Analysis of the volatile components in vanilla extracts and flavourings by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Metal exposure in non- occupationally exposed pregnant women of Western Australia and contribution of environmental sources.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Characterisation of Sandalwood Essential Oils using High Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography and High Resolution Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Analysis of plant analytes using capillary electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Spatial variation of allanblackia parviflora seed products in Ghana: Chemical and ethnobotanical exploration

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Science (Biological Sciences), Verticordia micropropagation through direct ex vitro rooting.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Inorganic hydrogeochemical responses to fires in wetland sediments on the Swan coastal plain, Western Australia.
  • Master of Science (Environmental Management), Stimulation of Western Australian sandalwood (santalum spicatum) oil production using multiple treatments.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Factors controlling wetland sediment response to alternate wetting and drying and how this affects water quality.
  • Master of Science (Biological Sciences), Establishment of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) on micropropagated teak (tectona grandis l. F.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Health impacts and dietary composition of the paleolithic and Australian guide to healthy eating diets in Australia
  • Master of Science (Interdisciplinary Studies), Evaluation of a modified food frequency questionnaire to measure lignans in Australian men and women
  • Master of Science (Biological Sciences), A salt on the land: The osmolyte production and physiological responses of selected myrtaceae species exposed to salt and water stress.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Diet quality and mental health: how does improved cooking confidence after a food literacy cooking program affect mental health outcomes and associations with dietary and gut biomarkers of the gut-brain axis.?
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