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Dr Ahmed Ibrahim

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 6872
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO23.247  

Dr Ahmed Ibrahim is a Senior Lecturer in the Computer and Security discipline at Edith Cowan University's School of Science. With expertise in cyber security, he teaches related subjects and serves as the Course Coordinator for the Bachelor of Science (Cyber Security) program.

Current Teaching

  • IoT (Internet of Things) and OT (Operational Technology) Security
  • Network Security


Dr Ibrahim is a researcher at the Centre for Security Digital Futures (CSDF), where he conducts research on critical topics related to cyber security. His expertise lies in securing critical infrastructure and addressing challenges related to cyber security risks in organisations. He currently supervises multiple PhD students in these areas.

Dr Ibrahim's research track record is notable, including numerous book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles, and conference proceedings. He has presented his research at prestigious national and international venues. His achievements also include securing external research grants from the Government of Western Australia and international partners.

Professional Memberships

  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Awards and Recognition

National and International Awards

  • 2012 – Endeavour Postgraduate Award (PhD), DEEWR Australia
  • 2007 – AusAID Leadership Awards, AusAID Australia
  • 2005 – Faculty of Computing, Engineering & Technology Prize for Outstanding Project on the BSc (Hons) in Computing, Staffordshire University

Research Areas and Interests

  • Critical Infrastructure Security
  • Cyber Security Education
  • Cyber Security Risk in Organisations


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2016.
  • Master of Computer Science, Edith Cowan University, 2008.
  • Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours, United Kingdom, 2005.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • Sikos, L., McKee, M., Ibrahim, A., Johnson, N. (2025). Human skills and sociocultural impacts of K-12 cyber security education. Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence (183-201). CRC Press.

Book Chapters

  • Couto, O., Ibrahim, A. (2024). Analysing cyber-physical attacks: The human operator challenge in mining. Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence (35-51). CRC Press.

Journal Articles


  • Johnson, N., Sikos, L., Ibrahim, A., McKee, M. (2024). National Cyber Security Licence Consultation Report. Joondalup. Edith Cowan University.

Journal Articles

  • Malik, I., Ibrahim, A., Hannay, P., Sikos, L. (2023). Developing Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems: A Review of State-of-the-Art Malware Detection Approaches, Gaps, and Future Directions. Computers, 12(4), Article number 79.
  • Jie, F., Standing, S., Janjua, N., Ibrahim, A., Standing, C. (2023). Research Agenda for Supply Chain Management 4.0. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 16(3), 317-346.


  • Johnson, N., Ibrahim, A., Sikos, L., McKee, M. (2023). Going beyond: Cyber security curriculum in Western Australian primary and secondary schools. Final Report. Joondalup. Edith Cowan University.


  • Johnson, N., Ibrahim, A., Sikos, L., Glowrey, C. (2022). Cyber security curriculum in Western Australian primary and secondary schools: Interim report: Curriculum Mapping. Mt Lawley. Edith Cowan University.

Book Chapters

  • Malik, I., McAteer, I., Ibrahim, A., Hannay, P., Baig, Z., Zheng, G. (2020). Cyber Security for Network of Things (NoTs) in Military Systems: Challenges and Countermeasures. Security Analytics for the Internet of Everything (233-251). CRC Press.

Journal Articles

  • Syed, N., Baig, Z., Ibrahim, A., Valli, C. (2020). Denial of service attack detection through machine learning for the IoT. Journal of Information and Telecommunication, 4(4), 482-503.

Book Chapters

  • Syed, N., Ibrahim, A., Baig, Z., Valli, C. (2019). Bio-inspired cyber-security for the smart grid. Nature-Inspired Cyber Security and Resiliency: Fundamentals, Techniques and Application (373-392). Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

Journal Articles

  • McAteer, I., Ibrahim, A., Zheng, G., Yang, W., Valli, C. (2019). Integration of Biometrics and Steganography: A Comprehensive Review. Technologies, 7(2), Article no. 34.
  • Yang, W., Wang, S., Hu, J., Ibrahim, A., Zheng, G., Macedo, M., Johnstone, M., Valli, C. (2019). A Cancelable Iris- and Steganography-Based User Authentication System for the Internet of Things. Sensors, 19(13), article no.2985.

Journal Articles

  • Ibrahim, A., Valli, C., McAteer, I., Chaudhry, J. (2018). A security review of local government using NIST CSF: a case study. Journal of Supercomputing, 74(10), 5171-5186.

Conference Publications

  • Yang, W., Zheng, G., Ibrahim, A., Chaudhry, J., Wang, S., Hu, J., Valli, C. (2018). Application of 3D Delaunay Triangulation in Fingerprint Authentication System. Mobile Networks and Management. MONAMI 2017. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (291-298). Springer.
  • Chong, K., Ibrahim, A. (2018). Bringing defensive artificial intelligence capabilities to mobile devices. Australian Information Security Management Conference (41-50). Edith Cowan University.

Journal Articles

  • Baig, Z., Szewczyk, P., Valli, C., Rabadia, P., Hannay, P., Chernyshev, M., Johnstone, M., Kerai, P., Ibrahim, A., Sansurooah, K., Syed, N., Peacock, M. (2017). Future Challenges for Smart Cities: Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics. Digital Investigation, 22(August 2017), 3-13.

Conference Publications

  • Syed, N., Baig, Z., Valli, C., Ibrahim, A. (2017). Modelling and Evaluation of Malicious Attacks against the IoT MQTT Protocol. Proceedings 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData) (748-755). IEEE.
  • Woolley, C., Ibrahim, A., Hannay, P. (2017). Building a dataset for image steganography. Proceedings of the 15th Australian Digital Forensics Conference (36-45). Edith Cowan University.
  • Rabadia, P., Valli, C., Ibrahim, A., Baig, Z. (2017). Analysis of attempted intrusions: Intelligence gathered from SSH honeypots. The Proceedings of 15th Australian Information Security Management Conference (10p.). Edith Cowan University.

Conference Publications

  • Ibrahim, A., Valli, C. (2015). Image Similarity using Dynamic Time Warping of Fractal Features. Proceedings of 13th Australian Digital Forensics Conference (111-122). ECU Security Research Institute.

Conference Publications

  • Ibrahim, A. (2014). Suitability of lacunarity measure for blind steganalysis. Proceedings of the 12th Australian Digital Forensics Conference (64-74). Security Research Institute, ECU.

Conference Publications

  • Ibrahim, A. (2007). Steganalysis in Computer Forenics. Edith Cowan University.

Research Projects

  • Prediction of radicalisation through the Internet in the Maldives using linguistics and machine learning, Maldives National Defence Force, Scholarships to Support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2019 ‑ 2024, $35,000.
  • Augmenting Cyber Defence Capability (ACDC), Cyber Security Research Centre Ltd, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2024, $885,000.
  • Cybersecurity curriculum in WA primary and secondary schools, Cyber Security Research Centre Ltd, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2024, $170,210.
  • Malware Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSes), Cyber Security Research Centre Ltd, Cyber Security Research Centre PhD Top Up Scholarship, 2023 ‑ 2024, $20,000.
  • Data – Increased cybersecurity risk from working at home, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Covid-19 Research Fund, 2020 ‑ 2023, $100,000.
  • Vulnerabilities in Ship Control Systems, Defence Science and Technology Group of the Department of Defence, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $400,000.
  • Investigation of text steganography for malicious covert communication by terrorists in the dark web, Edith Cowan University, Edith Cowan University, School of Science Early Career Grant Scheme Semester 1, 2017, 2017, $8,200.
  • Investigation of social media for radicalisation and terrorism in the Maldives, Edith Cowan University, Edith Cowan University, School of Science Collaborative Research Grant Scheme, 2016 – 2017, 2017, $11,000.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Ontology-Driven Artificial Intelligence-Powered Automation of Digital Forensic Investigations
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Cyber Security Practices and Techniques for Insider Threat Mitigation in Critical Infrastructure
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Mining SCADA alarm analysis by autonomous operator to identify cyber-physical attacks

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Teaching and Learning in the Higher Education Metaverse: Identification of digital trust and data privacy barriers and potential solutions

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, BEWARE – A Methodical Approach To Develop BEnign and MalWARE Datasets
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Detection of Online Radicalisation in the Maldivian language, Dhivehi
  • Doctor of Philosophy, IoT-MQTT based denial of service attack modelling and detection

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Science (Computer Science), Physical layer security using optical steganography and encoding techniques in optical networks
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