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Dr Alexandre Siqueira

Vice Chancellor's Research Fellow


Being born where the Brazilian savannah meets the rainforest, Alexandre has always been fascinated with biological diversity. This fascination led him to study Biological Sciences, and during his degree he started working with freshwater fish. Although these fish taught him a lot, he decided to fulfill a passion for the sea and went on a search for more salty environments.

In 2015, he earned an MPhil degree in Ecology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, examining the latitudinal distribution of reef fish biodiversity. Between 2015 and 2016 he was hired as a lecturer of Ecology and Vertebrate Zoology at the same university.

Then, to dive deeper into the evolution of coral reefs, he decided to make a move far from home and settled in Australia. He finished his PhD at James Cook University in early 2021, examining the evolution, macroecology and biogeography of coral reef fishes from a trophic perspective. After his PhD, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Reef Function Hub for 3.5 years. Now, as a Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellow at Edith Cowan University, Alexandre will investigate the evolution and macroecology of coral reef organisms with a focus on understanding their fascinating present-day biodiversity patterns.

Professional Memberships

  • 2019-2024 – Australian Society for Fish Biology, ASFB (Member)
  • 2020-2024 – International Coral Reef Society, ICRS (Member)
  • 2022-2024 – Australian Marine Sciences Association, AMSA (Member)
  • 2023-2024 – Ecological Society of Australia, ESA (Member)

Awards and Recognition

National and International Awards

  • 2023 – Runner-up for the Next Generation Ecologist Award, Ecological Society of Australia.
  • 2021 – PhD cum laude, James Cook University.
  • 2021 – Virginia Chadwick Awards for outstanding student publication, ARC Centre of Exellence for Coral Reef Studies.
  • 2020 – Gilbert P. Whitley Memorial Student Award for best student talk, Australian Society for Fish Biology.
  • 2019 – Overall winner and People’s Choice Award for the 3 Minute Thesis Competition, James Cook University.
  • 2019 – John Glover travel fund Award, Australian Society for Fish Biology.

National and International Research Positions

  • 2020-2024 – Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ARC-funded Research Hub for Coral Reef Ecosystem Functions, James Cook University.

Research Areas and Interests

  • Marine Biology
  • Macroecology
  • Macroevolution
  • Biogeography


  • Doctor of Philosophy, James Cook University, 2021.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Tebbett, SB., Emslie, MJ., Jonker, MJ., Ling, SD., Pratchett, MS., Siqueira, A., Thompson, AA., Yan, HF., Bellwood, DR. (2025). Epilithic algal composition and the functioning of Anthropocene coral reefs. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 210(2025), article number 117322.

Journal Articles

  • Tebbett, S., Yan, H., Lutzenkirchen, L., Siqueira, A., Bellwood, D. (2024). Global patterns of herbivorous reef fish productivity: the role of Prionurus laticlavius in the Galápagos. Coral Reefs, 43(2024), 299-305.
  • Tebbett, SB., Bellwood, DR., Gahan, J., Ng, I., Siqueira, A. (2024). Cross-habitat patterns of sediment transport and release by surgeonfishes. Coral Reefs, 2024(Article in press), TBD.
  • Muruga, P., Siqueira, A., Bellwood, D. (2024). Meta-analysis reveals weak associations between reef fishes and corals. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8(4), 676-685.
  • Collins, WP., Bellwood, DR., Morais, RA., Waltham, NJ., Siqueira, A. (2024). Diel movement patterns in nominally nocturnal coral reef fishes (Haemulidae and Lutjanidae): Intra vs. Interspecific variation. Coral Reefs, 43(6), 1749-1760.
  • Ng, I., Bellwood, DR., Strugnell, JM., Parravicini, V., Siqueira, A. (2024). The rise of dietary diversity in coral reef fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291(2029), Article number 20241004.
  • Hadj-Hammou, J., Cinner, JE., Barneche, DR., Caldwell, IR., Mouillot, D., Robinson, JP., Schiettekatte, NM., Siqueira, A., Taylor, BM., Graham, NA. (2024). Global patterns and drivers of fish reproductive potential on coral reefs. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article number 6105.

Journal Articles

  • Siqueira, A., Yan, H., Morais, R., Bellwood, D. (2023). The evolution of fast-growing coral reef fishes. Nature, 618(7964), 322-327.
  • Tebbett, S., Schlaefer, J., Bowden, C., Collins, W., Hemingson, C., Ling, S., Morais, J., Morais, R., Siqueira, A., Streit, R., Swan, S., Bellwood, D. (2023). Bio-physical determinants of sediment accumulation on an offshore coral reef: A snapshot study. Science of the Total Environment, 895(TBD), article number 165188.
  • Siqueira, A., Muruga, P., Bellwood, D. (2023). On the evolution of fish–coral interactions. Ecology Letters, 26(8), 1348-1358.
  • Quimbayo, J., Nunes, L., Silva, F., Anderson, A., Barneche, D., Canterle, A., Cord, I., Dalben, A., Ferrari, D., Fontoura, L., Fiuza, T., Liedke, A., Longo, G., Morais, R., Siqueira, A., Floeter, S. (2023). TimeFISH: Long-term assessment of reef fish assemblages in a transition zone in the Southwestern Atlantic. Ecology, 104(3), article number e3966.

Journal Articles

  • Schlaefer, J., Tebbett, S., Bowden, C., Collins, W., Duce, S., Hemingson, C., Huertas, V., Mihalitsis, M., Morais, J., Morais, R., Siqueira, A., Streit, R., Swan, S., Valenzuela, J., Bellwood, D. (2022). A snapshot of sediment dynamics on an inshore coral reef. Marine Environmental Research, 181(TBD), article number 105763.
  • Tebbett, S., Siqueira, A., Bellwood, D. (2022). The functional roles of surgeonfishes on coral reefs: past, present and future. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 32(2), 387-439.
  • Cantalice, K., Alvarado-Ortega, J., Bellwood, D., Siqueira, A. (2022). Rising from the Ashes: The Biogeographic Origins of Modern Coral Reef Fishes. Bioscience, 72(8), 769-777.
  • Ng, I., Bellwood, D., Siqueira, A. (2022). Do currents shape global patterns of hybrid richness in coral reef fishes?. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(12), 2524-2540.
  • Siqueira, A., Kiessling, W., Bellwood, D. (2022). Fast-growing species shape the evolution of reef corals. Nature Communications, 13(1), article number 2426.

Journal Articles

  • Hemingson, C., Siqueira, A., Cowman, P., Bellwood, D. (2021). Drivers of eyespot evolution in coral reef fishes. Evolution, 75(4), 903-914.
  • Pie, M., Divieso, R., Caron, F., Siqueira, A., Barneche, D., Luiz, O. (2021). The evolution of latitudinal ranges in reef-associated fishes: Heritability, limits and inverse Rapoport's rule. Journal of Biogeography, 48(9), 2121-2132.
  • Siqueira, A., Morais, R., Bellwood, D., Cowman, P. (2021). Planktivores as trophic drivers of global coral reef fish diversity patterns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 118(9), article number e2019404118.
  • Morais, R., Siqueira, A., Smallhorn-West, P., Bellwood, D. (2021). Spatial subsidies drive sweet spots of tropical marine biomass production. PLoS Biology, 19(11), article number e3001435.
  • Santaquiteria, A., Siqueira, A., Duarte-Ribeiro, E., Carnevale, G., White, W., Pogonoski, J., Baldwin, C., Ortí, G., Arcila, D., Ricardo, B. (2021). Phylogenomics and Historical Biogeography of Seahorses, Dragonets, Goatfishes, and Allies (Teleostei: Syngnatharia): Assessing Factors Driving Uncertainty in Biogeographic Inferences. Systematic Biology, 70(6), 1145-1162.

Journal Articles

  • Nunes, L., Siqueira, A., Cord, I., Ford, B., Liedke, A., Ferreira, C., Floeter, S. (2020). The influence of species abundance, diet and phylogenetic affinity on the co-occurrence of butterflyfishes. Marine Biology: international journal on life in oceans and coastal waters, 167(8), article number 107.
  • Siqueira, A., Morais, R., Bellwood, D., Cowman, P. (2020). Trophic innovations fuel reef fish diversification. Nature Communications, 11(1), article number 2669.

Journal Articles

  • Siqueira, A., Bellwood, D., Cowman, P. (2019). Historical biogeography of herbivorous coral reef fishes: The formation of an Atlantic fauna. Journal of Biogeography, 46(7), 1611-1624.
  • Siqueira, A., Bellwood, D., Cowman, P. (2019). The evolution of traits and functions in herbivorous coral reef fishes through space and time. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1897), article number 20182672.
  • Bellwood, D., Schultz, O., Siqueira, A., Cowman, P. (2019). A review of the fossil record of the Labridae. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 121(2019), 125-193.

Journal Articles

  • Maia, H., Morais, R., Siqueira, A., Hanazaki, N., Floeter, S., Bender, M. (2018). Shifting baselines among traditional fishers in São Tomé and Príncipe islands, Gulf of Guinea. Ocean and Coastal Management, 154(15 March 2018), 133-142.
  • Floeter, S., Bender, M., Siqueira, A., Cowman, P. (2018). Phylogenetic perspectives on reef fish functional traits. Biological Reviews, 93(1), 131-151.

Journal Articles

  • Siqueira, A., Quimbayo, J., Cantor, M., Silveira, R., Daura-Jorge, F. (2017). Estimating population parameters of longsnout seahorses, Hippocampus reidi (Teleostei: Syngnathidae) through mark-recapture. Neotropical Ichthyology, 15(4), article number e170067.

Journal Articles

  • Siqueira, A., Oliveira-Santos, L., Cowman, P., Floeter, S. (2016). Evolutionary processes underlying latitudinal differences in reef fish biodiversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25(12), 1466-1476.

Journal Articles

  • Lobato, F., Barneche, D., Siqueira, A., Liedke, A., Lindner, A., Pie, M., Bellwood, D., Floeter, S. (2014). Diet and diversification in the evolution of coral reef fishes. PLoS One, 9(7), article number e102094.

Research Projects

  • Using Past Climate Change to predict Future Reef Productivity, Australian Research Council, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DE25), 2025 ‑ 2028, $671,983.
  • Using past climate change to predict future reef productivity, Australian Academy of Science, J G Russell Award, 2025 ‑ 2027, $7,000.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Explaining patterns and processes of geographic range size variation in coral reef fishes.
No data available
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