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Professor Pere Masqué

Pere is a Professor in the School of Science.


Pere Masqué joined Edith Cowan University from the Department of Physics and the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). His research focuses on the study of a variety of key, global environmental processes in both the present day and geologic past, using a suite of stable and radioactive tracers as novel proxies. These include the Ocean’s role in global climate change as a source or sink of atmospheric CO2; the impact of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on nutrient and trace metal biogeochemistry in the ocean; and the reconstruction of the historical patterns of climate, pollution and other natural and anthropogenically-driven processes. Current working areas include the Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific and Southern Oceans, the Mediterranean Sea, coastal ecosystems worldwide, and high mountain lakes and rivers.

  • 2015 - Present: Professor. School of Science. Edith Cowan University (Australia)
  • 2015 - Present: Adjunct Professor. Oceans Institute & School of Physics. The University of Western Australia (Australia)
  • 2014 - 2015: Adjunct Professor. School of Natural Sciences. Edith Cowan University (Australia)
  • 2011 - Present: Professor. Physics Department. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • 2008 - 2014: Vice director. Physics Department. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • 2005 - 2011: Associate Professor. Physics Department. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • 2003 - Present: Research Scientist. Environmental Science and Technology Institute, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • 2002 - 2003: Assistant Professor. Physics Department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • 2000 - 2002: Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow. Marine Sciences Research Center, SUNY Stony Brook.
  • 1998 - 2000: Assistant Professor. Physics Department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • 1997 - 1998: Research Scientist. Physics Department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Professional Associations

  • Member of the Marine and Environmental Biogeosciences Research Group (MERS) at UAB
  • Member of the External Advisory Team of the Catalan Agency for Food Safety
  • Representative at the Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Research (SCOR).
  • Member of the GEOTRACES International Scientific Steering Committee
  • Member of the Permanent Commission of the Environmental Science and Technology Institute of UAB

Awards and Recognition

National and International Awards

  • ICREA Academia award, Generalitat de Catalunya, 2008-2102
  • Research Intensification Award (I3 Program) UAB – Generalitat de Catalunya, 2006

National and International Research Positions

  • Gledden Visiting Fellowship with the Oceans Institute at The University of Western Australia (Australia) - 2014
  • Visiting Scholar at the Oceans Institute of The University of Western Australia (Australia) - 2013
  • Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Grant - 2000-2002.

Research Areas and Interests

Pere’s main research focusses on the use of radioactive isotopes of tracers of a number of processes in the environment, such as:

  • The impact of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on nutrient and trace metal biogeochemistry of coastal and open ocean regimes.
  • The Ocean’s role in global climate change as a source or sink of atmospheric CO2
  • The capacity of coastal ecosystems (i.e. seagrass meadows) for storing carbon at different time scales and their significance to mitigate anthropogenic CO2 emissions (Blue Carbon)
  • Arctic Ocean: the impact of the declining of sea-ice in the biogeochemical cycles and water masses circulation.
  • Reconstruction of the historical patterns of climate, pollution and other natural and anthropogenically-driven processes
  • Past ocean circulation and productivity rates and their role in controlling paleoclimate, particularly during the Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene.
  • Radiological impacts of radioactive materials in the environment


  • Doctor of Physics, Spain, 2000.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Leiva-Dueñas, C., Graversen, AE., Banta, GT., Hansen, JN., Schrøter, ML., Masque Barri, P., Holmer, M., Krause-Jensen, D. (2024). Region-specific drivers cause low organic carbon stocks and sequestration rates in the saltmarsh soils of southern Scandinavia. Limnology and Oceanography, 2024(2024), TBD.
  • Dahl, M., Gullström, M., Bernabeu, I., Serrano Gras, O., Leiva-Dueñas, C., Linderholm, HW., Asplund, ME., Björk, M., Ou, T., Svensson, JR., Andrén, E., Andrén, T., Bergman, S., Braun, S., Eklöf, A., Ežerinskis, Z., Garbaras, A., Hällberg, P., Löfgren, E., Kylander, ME., Masque Barri, P., Šapolaitė, J., Smittenberg, R., Mateo, M. (2024). A 2,000-Year Record of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) Colonization Shows Substantial Gains in Blue Carbon Storage and Nutrient Retention. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38(3), article number e2023GB008039.
  • Foster, NR., Jones, AR., Serrano Gras, O., Lafratta, A., Lavery, P., Van Dijk, K., Biffin, E., Gillanders, BM., Young, J., Masque Barri, P., Gadd, PS., Jacobsen, GE., Zawadzki, A., Greene, A., Waycott, M. (2024). Environmental DNA identifies coastal plant community shift 1,000 years ago in Torrens Island, South Australia. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), article number 115.
  • Zhou, C., Liu, D., Keesing, J., Zhao, N., Serrano Gras, O., Masque Barri, P., Yuan, Z., Jia, Y., Wang, Y. (2024). Microalgal assemblages response to water quality remediation in coastal waters of Perth, Australia. Environmental Pollution, 351(2024), article number 124017.
  • Moshe, N., Katz, O., Torfstein, A., Kanari, M., Masque Barri, P., Hyams-Kaphzan, O. (2024). Glacial-Holocene variability in sediment accumulation and erosion along submarine blind canyons: A case study from Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Geology, 469(2024), article number 107217.
  • Yimeng, G., Dongyan, L., Xiaowei, D., Yang, T., Masque Barri, P., Chengfeng, X., Yujue, W. (2024). Sedimentary geochemical records and their indications for environmental variations in Bohai Bay. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 46(9), 27-41.
  • Palanques, A., Puig, P., Masque Barri, P., Isla, E. (2024). Influence of the Atlantic inflow on trace metal enrichments in sediments and particulate matter of the NW Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 202(2024), article number 116403.
  • Tiano, J., De borger, E., Paradis, S., Bradshaw, C., Morys, C., Pusceddu, A., Ennas, C., Soetaert, K., Puig, P., Masque Barri, P., Sciberras, M. (2024). Global meta-analysis of demersal fishing impacts on organic carbon and associated biogeochemistry. Fish and Fisheries, 25(6), 936-950.
  • Martínez-Eixarch, M., Masque Barri, P., Lafratta, A., Lavery, P., Hilaire, S., Jornet, L., Thomas, C., Boisnard, A., Pérez-Méndez, N., Alcaraz, C., Martínez-Espinosa, C., Ibáñez, C., Grillas, P. (2024). Assessing methane emissions and soil carbon stocks in the Camargue coastal wetlands: Management implications for climate change regulation. Science of the Total Environment, 950(2024), article number 175224.
  • Hoffman, M., Cook, M., Clegg, JK., Kleinschmidt, R., Masque Barri, P., Johansen, MP. (2024). Investigation of the distribution of transuranic radionuclides in marine sediment at the Montebello Islands, Western Australia. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 278(2024), article number 107505.
  • Fu, C., Frappi, S., Havlik, MN., Howe, W., Harris, SD., Laiolo, E., Gallagher, AJ., Masque Barri, P., Duarte, CM. (2024). Significant carbonate burial in The Bahamas seagrass ecosystem. Environmental Research Letters, 19(9), article number 94036.

Journal Articles

  • Moreno, J., Leorri, E., Fatela, F., Freitas, M., Moreno, F., Mirão, J., Dias, L., Leira, M., Masque Barri, P., Russo, A., Cunha, A., Inácio, M., Blake, W. (2023). Dating recent tidal marsh sediments using windborne giant particles of green petcoke – An example from the southwest coast of Portugal. Continental Shelf Research, 262(2023), Article number 105026.
  • Buenavista, A., Wang, C., Xie, Y., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S., Masque Barri, P., Skrzypek, G., Dogramaci, S., McCallum, J. (2023). Analytical solutions for the advection-dispersion model for radon-222 production and transport in shallow porewater profiles. Journal of Hydrology, 623(2023), Article number 129575.
  • Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Ruiz-Gonzalez, C., Masque Barri, P., Gasol, JM. (2023). Impact Of Particle Flux On The Vertical Distribution And Diversity Of Size-Fractionated Prokaryotic Communities In Two East Antarctic Polynyas. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14(2023), article number 1078469.
  • De Los Santos, C., Egea, L., Martins, M., Santos, R., Masque Barri, P., Peralta, G., Brun, F., Jiménez-Ramos, R. (2023). Sedimentary Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration Across a Vertical Gradient on a Temperate Wetland Seascape Including Salt Marshes, Seagrass Meadows and Rhizophytic Macroalgae Beds. Ecosystems, 26(4), 826-842.
  • Hatje, V., Copertino, M., Patire, VF., Ovando, X., Ogbuka, J., Johnson, BJ., Kennedy, H., Masque Barri, P., Creed, JC. (2023). Vegetated Coastal Ecosystems In The Southwestern Atlantic Ocean Are An Unexploited Opportunity For Climate Change Mitigation. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), article number 160.
  • Leiva-Duenas, C., Graversen, AE., Banta, GT., Holmer, M., Masque Barri, P., Staehr, PA., Krause-Jensen, D. (2023). Capturing Of Organic Carbon And Nitrogen In Eelgrass Sediments Of Southern Scandinavia. Limnology and Oceanography, 68(3), 631-648.
  • Fu, C., Frappi, S., Havlik, MN., Howe, W., Harris, SD., Laiolo, E., Gallagher, AJ., Masque Barri, P., Duarte, CM. (2023). Substantial blue carbon sequestration in the world’s largest seagrass meadow. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), article number 474.
  • Mazarrasa, I., Neto, JM., Bouma, TJ., Grandjean, T., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Recio, M., Serrano Gras, O., Puente, A., Juanes, JA. (2023). Drivers Of Variability In Blue Carbon Stocks And Burial Rates Across European Estuarine Habitats. Science of the Total Environment, 886(2023), article number 163957.
  • Vazquez-Loureiro, D., Saez, A., Goncalves, V., Buchaca, T., Hernandez, A., Raposeiro, PM., De Boer, EJ., Masque Barri, P., Giralt, S., Bao, R. (2023). Recent Global Warming Induces The Coupling Of Dissimilar Long-Term Sedimentary Signatures In Two Adjacent Volcanic Lakes (Azores Archipelago, Portugal). Quaternary Science Reviews: the international multidisciplinary research and review journal, 303(2023), article number 107968.
  • Lei, J., Schaefer, R., Colarusso, P., Novak, A., Simpson, JC., Masque Barri, P., Nepf, H. (2023). Spatial Heterogeneity In Sediment And Carbon Accretion Rates Within A Seagrass Meadow Correlated With The Hydrodynamic Intensity. Science of the Total Environment, 854(2023), article number 158685.
  • Lafratta, A., Serrano Gras, O., Masque Barri, P., Fernandes, M., Gaylard, S., Lavery, P. (2023). Seagrass soils sequester up to half the metal emissions of one of the world's largest smelters. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 197(2023), article number 115684.

Journal Articles

  • Graversen, A., Banta, G., Masque Barri, P., Krause-Jensen, D. (2022). Carbon sequestration is not inhibited by livestock grazing in Danish salt marshes. Limnology and Oceanography, 67(S2), S19-S35.
  • Palanques, A., Paradis, S., Puig, P., Masque Barri, P., Iacono, C. (2022). Effects of bottom trawling on trace metal contamination of sediments along the submarine canyons of the Gulf of Palermo (southwestern Mediterranean). Science of the Total Environment, 814(2022), article number 152658.
  • Samper-Villarreal, J., Mazarrasa, I., Masque Barri, P., Serrano Gras, O., Cortés, J. (2022). Sediment organic carbon stocks were similar among four species compositions in a tropical seagrass meadow. Limnology and Oceanography, 67(S2), S208-S225.
  • Ashkenazi, L., Katz, O., Abramovich, S., Almogi-Labin, A., Makovsky, Y., Gadol, O., Kanari, M., Masque Barri, P., Hyams-Kaphzan, O. (2022). Benthic foraminifera as indicators of recent mixed turbidite-contourite sediment transport system in the Eastern Mediterranean upper continental slope, offshore Israel. Marine Geology, 445(2022), article number 106756.
  • Carnell, P., Palacios, M., Waryszak, P., Trevathan-Tackett, S., Masque Barri, P., Macreadie, P. (2022). Blue carbon drawdown by restored mangrove forests improves with age. Journal of Environmental Management, 306(2022), article number 114301.
  • Liu, D., Zhou, C., Keesing, J., Serrano Gras, O., Werner, A., Fang, Y., Chen, Y., Masque Barri, P., Kinloch, J., Sadekov, A., Du, Y. (2022). Wildfires enhance phytoplankton production in tropical oceans. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article number 1348.
  • Allen, D., Allen, S., Abbasi, S., Baker, A., Bergmann, M., Brahney, J., Butler, T., Duce, R., Eckhardt, S., Evangeliou, N., Jickells, T., Kanakidou, M., Kershaw, P., Laj, P., Levermore, J., Li, D., Liss, P., Liu, K., Mahowald, N., Masque Barri, P., Materić, D., Mayes, A., McGinnity, P., Osvath, I., Prather, K., Prospero, J., Revell, L., Sander, S., Shim, W., Slade, J., Stein, A., Tarasova, O., Wright, S. (2022). Microplastics and nanoplastics in the marine-atmosphere environment. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 3(6), 393-405.
  • Kennedy, H., Pagès, J., Lagomasino, D., Arias-Ortiz, A., Colarusso, P., Fourqurean, J., Githaiga, M., Howard, J., Krause-Jensen, D., Kuwae, T., Lavery, P., Macreadie, P., Marbà, N., Masque Barri, P., Mazarrasa, I., Miyajima, T., Serrano Gras, O., Duarte, C. (2022). Species Traits and Geomorphic Setting as Drivers of Global Soil Carbon Stocks in Seagrass Meadows. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36(10), article number e2022GB007481.
  • Oguri, K., Masque Barri, P., Zabel, M., Stewart, H., Mackinnon, G., Rowden, A., Berg, P., Wenzhöfer, F., Glud, R. (2022). Sediment Accumulation and Carbon Burial in Four Hadal Trench Systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127(10), article number e2022JG006814.
  • Ricart, A., Krause-Jensen, D., Hancke, K., Price, N., Masque Barri, P., Duarte, C. (2022). Sinking seaweed in the deep ocean for carbon neutrality is ahead of science and beyond the ethics. Environmental Research Letters, 17(8), article number 81003.
  • Dahl, M., Ismail, R., Braun, S., Masque Barri, P., Lavery, P., Gullström, M., Arias-Ortiz, A., Asplund, M., Garbaras, A., Lyimo, L., Mtolera, M., Serrano Gras, O., Webster, C., Björk, M. (2022). Impacts of land-use change and urban development on carbon sequestration in tropical seagrass meadow sediments. Marine Environmental Research, 176(2022), article number 105608.
  • Ratnarajah, L., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Moreau, S., Roca-Martí, M., Janssens, J., Corkill, M., Duprat, L., Genovese, C., Lieser, J., Masque Barri, P., Lannuzel, D. (2022). Distribution and export of particulate organic carbon in East Antarctic coastal polynyas. Deep-Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 190(2022), article number 103899.
  • Martins, M., De Los Santos, C., Masque Barri, P., Carrasco, AR., Veiga-Pires, C., Santos, R. (2022). Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks and Burial Rates in Intertidal Vegetated Habitats of a Mesotidal Coastal Lagoon. Ecosystems, 25(2), 372-386.
  • Paradis, S., Arjona-Camas, M., Goñi, M., Palanques, A., Masque Barri, P., Puig, P. (2022). Contrasting particle fluxes and composition in a submarine canyon affected by natural sediment transport events and bottom trawling. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9(2022), article number 1017052.

Journal Articles

  • Arias-Ortiz, A., Oikawa, P., Carlin, J., Masque Barri, P., Shahan, J., Kanneg, S., Paytan, A., Baldocchi, D. (2021). Tidal and Nontidal Marsh Restoration: A Trade-Off Between Carbon Sequestration, Methane Emissions, and Soil Accretion. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(12), article number e2021JG006573.
  • Raposeiro, P., Hernández, A., Pla-Rabes, S., Gonçalves, V., Bao, R., Sáez, A., Shanahan, T., Benavente, M., De Boer, E., Richter, N., Gordon, V., Marques, H., Sousa, P., Souto, M., Matias, M., Aguiar, N., Pereira, C., Ritter, C., Rubio, M., Salcedo, M., Vázquez-Loureiro, D., Margalef, O., Amaral-Zettler, L., Costa, A., Huang, Y., Van Leeuwen, J., Masque Barri, P., Prego, R., Ruiz-Fernández, A., Sanchez-Cabeza, J., Trigo, R., Giralt, S. (2021). Climate change facilitated the early colonization of the Azores Archipelago during medieval times. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 118(41), article number e2108236118.
  • Lovelock, C., Reef, R., Masque Barri, P. (2021). Vulnerability of an arid zone coastal wetland landscape to sea level rise and intense storms. Limnology and Oceanography, 66(11), 3976-3989.
  • Arias-Ortiz, A., Masque Barri, P., Glass, L., Benson, L., Kennedy, H., Duarte, CM., Garcia-Orellana, J., Benitez-Nelson, CR., Humphries, MS., Ratefinjanahary, I., Ravelonjatovo, J., Lovelock, CE. (2021). Losses of Soil Organic Carbon with Deforestation in Mangroves of Madagascar. Ecosystems, 24(1), 1-19.
  • Gorham, C., Lavery, P., Kelleway, J., Masque Barri, P., Serrano Gras, O. (2021). Heterogeneous tidal marsh soil organic carbon accumulation among and within temperate estuaries in Australia. Science of the Total Environment, 787(15 September 2021), Article number 147482.
  • Roca-Martí, M., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Castrillejo, M., Casacuberta, N., Garcia-Orellana, J., Cochran, JK., Masque Barri, P. (2021). Quantifying 210Po/210Pb Disequilibrium in Seawater: A Comparison of Two Precipitation Methods With Differing Results. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8(22 June 2021), Article number 684484.
  • Asplund, M., Dahl, M., Ismail, R., Arias-Ortiz, A., Deyanova, D., Franco, J., Hammar, L., Hoamby, A., Linderholm, H., Lyimo, L., Perry, D., Rasmusson, L., Ridgway, S., Salgado Gispert, G., D’agata, S., Glass, L., Mahafina, J., Ramahery, V., Masque Barri, P., Björk, M., Gullström, M. (2021). Dynamics and fate of blue carbon in a mangrove–seagrass seascape: influence of landscape configuration and land-use change. Landscape Ecology, 36(5), 1489-1509.
  • Adame, M., Reef, R., Santini, N., Najera, E., Turschwell, M., Hayes, M., Masque Barri, P., Lovelock, C. (2021). Mangroves in arid regions: Ecology, threats, and opportunities. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 248(5 January 2021), Article number 106796.
  • Serrano Gras, O., Gómez-López, D., Sánchez-Valencia, L., Acosta-Chaparro, A., Navas-Camacho, R., González-Corredor, J., Salinas Zapata, C., Masque Barri, P., Bernal, C., Marbà, N. (2021). Seagrass blue carbon stocks and sequestration rates in the Colombian Caribbean. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article number 11067.
  • Paradis, S., Goñi, M., Masque Barri, P., Durán, R., Arjona-Camas, M., Palanques, A., Puig, P. (2021). Persistence of Biogeochemical Alterations of Deep-Sea Sediments by Bottom Trawling. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(2), Article number e2020GL091279.
  • Paradis, S., Lo Iacono, C., Masque Barri, P., Puig, P., Palanques, A., Russo, T. (2021). Evidence of large increases in sedimentation rates due to fish trawling in submarine canyons of the Gulf of Palermo (SW Mediterranean). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172(November 2021), Article number 112861.
  • Hatje, V., Masque Barri, P., Patire, V., Dórea, A., Barros, F. (2021). Blue carbon stocks, accumulation rates, and associated spatial variability in Brazilian mangroves. Limnology and Oceanography, 66(2), 321-334.

Journal Articles

  • Salinas Zapata, C., Duarte, CM., Lavery, P., Masque Barri, P., Arias-Ortiz, A., Leon, JX., Callaghan, D., Kendrick, GA., Serrano Gras, O. (2020). Seagrass losses since mid-20th century fuelled CO2 emissions from soil carbon stocks. Global Change Biology, 26(9), 4772-4784.
  • Gulliver, A., Carnell, PE., Trevathan-Tackett, SM., Duarte De Paula Costa, M., Masque Barri, P., Macreadie, PI. (2020). Estimating the Potential Blue Carbon Gains From Tidal Marsh Rehabilitation: A Case Study From South Eastern Australia. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7(29 May 2020), Article number 403.
  • Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Ruiz-Gonzalez, C., Masque Barri, P., Gasol, J. (2020). Sampling Device-Dependence of Prokaryotic Community Structure on Marine Particles: Higher Diversity Recovered by in situ Pumps Than by Oceanographic Bottles. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11(15 July 2020), Article number 1645.
  • Yuan, Z., Liu, D., Masque Barri, P., Zhao, M., Song, X., Keesing, JK. (2020). Phytoplankton responses to climate‐induced warming and interdecadal oscillation in North‐Western Australia. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35(3), 12 p..
  • Tesán Onrubia, JA., Petrova, M., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Black, EE., Valk, O., Dufour, A., Hamelin, B., Buesseler, KO., Masque Barri, P., Le Moigne, FA., Sonke, JE., Van Der Loeff, MR., Heimbürger-Boavida, L. (2020). Mercury Export Flux in the Arctic Ocean Estimated from 234Th/238U Disequilibria. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 4(5), 795-801.
  • Kelleway, JJ., Serrano Gras, O., Baldock, JA., Burgess, R., Cannard, T., Lavery, P., Lovelock, CE., Macreadie, PI., Masque Barri, P., Newnham, M., Saintilan, N., Steven, AD. (2020). A national approach to greenhouse gas abatement through blue carbon management. Global Environmental Change, 63(July 2020), Article number 102083.
  • Zitoun, R., Sander, SG., Masque Barri, P., Perez Pijuan, S., Swarzenski, PW. (2020). Review of the Scientific and Institutional Capacity of Small Island Developing States in Support of a Bottom-up Approach to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 14 Targets. Oceans, 1(3), 109-132.
  • Novak, AB., Pelletier, MC., Colarusso, P., Simpson, J., Gutierrez, M., Arias-Ortiz, A., Charpentier, M., Masque Barri, P., Vella, P. (2020). Factors Influencing Carbon Stocks and Accumulation Rates in Eelgrass Meadows Across New England, USA. Estuaries and Coasts, 43(8), 2076-2091.
  • Rabaoui, L., Cusack, M., Saderne, V., Krishnakumar, P., Lin, Y., Shemsi, A., El Zrelli, R., Arias-Ortiz, A., Masque Barri, P., Duarte, C., Qurban, M. (2020). Anthropogenic-induced acceleration of elemental burial rates in blue carbon repositories of the Arabian Gulf. Science of the Total Environment, 719(1 June 2020), Article number: 135177.
  • Kenyon, J., Buesseler, K., Casacuberta, N., Castrillejo, M., Otosaka, S., Masque Barri, P., Drysdale, J., Pike, S., Sanial, V. (2020). Distribution and Evolution of Fukushima Dai-ichi derived 137Cs, 90Sr, and 129I in Surface Seawater off the Coast of Japan. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(23), 15066-15075.
  • Lafratta, A., Serrano Gras, O., Masque Barri, P., Mateo, M., Fernandes, M., Gaylard, S., Lavery, P. (2020). Challenges to select suitable habitats and demonstrate ‘additionality’ in Blue Carbon projects: A seagrass case study. Ocean and Coastal Management, 197(1 November 2020), Article number 105295.
  • Martin, C., Baalkhuyur, F., Valluzzi, L., Saderne, V., Cusack, M., Almahasheer, H., Krishnakumar, P., Rabaoui, L., Qurban, M., Arias-Ortiz, A., Masque Barri, P., Duarte, C. (2020). Exponential increase of plastic burial in mangrove sediments as a major plastic sink. Science Advances, 6(44), Article number aaz5593.
  • Adame, M., Reef, R., Wong, V., Balcombe, S., Turschwell, M., Kavehei, E., Rodriguez, D., Kelleway, J., Masque Barri, P., Ronan, M. (2020). Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration of Melaleuca Floodplain Wetlands in Tropical Australia. Ecosystems, 23(2), 454–466.
  • Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Masque Barri, P., Le Moigne, FA. (2020). Global database of ratios of particulate organic carbon to thorium-234 in the ocean: improving estimates of the biological carbon pump. Earth System Science Data, 12(2), 1267-1285.

Journal Articles

  • Serrano Gras, O., Lovelock, C., Atwood, TB., Macreadie, PI., Canto, R., Phinn, S., Arias-Ortiz, A., Bai, L., Baldock, J., Bedulli, C., Carnell, P., Connolly, RM., Donaldson, P., Esteban Pacheco, A., Ewers Lewis, CJ., Eyre, BD., Hayes, MA., Horwitz, P., Hutley, LB., Kavazos, C., Kelleway, J., Kendrick, GA., Kilminster, K., Lafratta, A., Shing, L., Lavery, P., Maher, DT., Marba, N., Masque Barri, P., Mateo, M., Mount, R., Ralph, PJ., Roelfsema, C., Rozaimi, M., Ruhon, R., Salinas Zapata, C., Samper-Villarreal, J., Sanderman, J., Sanders, CJ., Santos, I., Sharples, C., Steveb, AD., Cannard, T., Trevathan-Tackett, SM., Duarte, CM. (2019). Australian vegetated coastal ecosystems as global hotspots for climate change mitigation. Nature Communications, 10(1), article no.4313.
  • Roy-Barman, M., Pons-Branchu, E., Bordier, L., Foliot, L., Gdaniec, S., Ayrault, S., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Castrillejo, M. (2019). Barium during the GEOTRACES GA-04S MedSeA cruise: The Mediterranean Sea Ba budget revisited. Chemical Geology, 511(na), 431-440.
  • Paradis, S., Pusceddu, A., Masque Barri, P., Puig, P., Moccia, D., Russo, T., Iacono, C. (2019). Organic matter contents and degradation in a highly trawled area during fresh particle inputs (Gulf of Castellammare, southwestern Mediterranean). Biogeosciences, 16(21), 4307-4320.
  • Lafratta, A., Serrano Gras, O., Masque Barri, P., Mateo, M., Fernandes, M., Gayland, S., Lavery, P. (2019). Seagrass soil archives reveal centennial-scale metal smelter contamination while acting as natural filters. Science of the Total Environment, 649(1 February 2019), 1381-1392.
  • Hatje, V., Andrade, R., Jesus, R., Masque Barri, P., Albergaria-Barbosa, A., De Andrade, J., Santos, A. (2019). Historical records of mercury deposition in dated sediment cores reveal the impacts of the legacy and present-day human activities in Todos os Santos Bay, Northeast Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 145(August 2019), 396-406.
  • Villa-Alfageme, M., Chamizo, E., Kenna, T., López-Lora, M., Casacuberta, N., Chang, C., Masque Barri, P., Christl, M. (2019). Distribution of 236U in the U.S. GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect and its use as a water mass tracer. Chemical Geology, 517(5 July 2019), 44-57.
  • Macreadie, P., Anton, A., Raven, JA., Beaumont, N., Connolly, RM., Friess, DA., Kelleway, J., Kennedy, H., Kuwae, T., Lavery, P., Lovelock, C., Smale, DA., Apostolaki, ET., Atwood, TB., Baldock, J., Bianchi, TS., Chmura, GL., Eyre, BD., Fourqurean, JW., Hall-Spencer, JM., Huxham, M., Hendriks, IE., Krause-Jensen, D., Laffoley, D., Luisetti, T., Marbà, N., Masque Barri, P., McGlathery, KJ., Megonigal, JP., Murdiyarso, D., Russell, BD., Santos, R., Serrano Gras, O., Silliman, BR., Watanabe, K., Duarte, CM. (2019). The future of Blue Carbon science. Nature Communications, 10(1), Article number 3998.
  • Tang, Y., Lemaitre, N., Castrillejo, M., Roca-Martí, M., Masque Barri, P., Stewart, G. (2019). The export flux of particulate organic carbon derived from 210Po/210Pb disequilibria along the North Atlantic GEOTRACES GA01 transect: GEOVIDE cruise. Biogeosciences, 16(2), 309-327.
  • Saderne, V., Geraldi, N., Macreadie, PI., Maher, D., Middleburg, J., Serrano Gras, O., Almahasheer, H., Arias-Ortiz, A., Cusack, M., Eyre, B., Fourqurean, J., Kennedy, H., Krause-Jensen, D., Kuwae, T., Lavery, P., Lovelock, C., Marba, N., Masque Barri, P., Mateo, M., Mazarrasa, I., McGlathery, K., Oreska, M., Sanders, C., Santos, I., Smoak, J., Tanaya, T., Watanabe, K., Duarte, CM. (2019). Role of carbonate burial in Blue Carbon budgets. Nature Communications, 10(1), Article no. 1106.

Journal Articles

  • Cusack, M., Saderne, V., Arias-Ortiz, A., Masque Barri, P., Krishnakumar, P., Rabaoui, L., Qurban, M., Qasem, A., Prihartato, P., Loughland, R., Elyas, A., Duarte, C. (2018). Organic carbon sequestration and storage in vegetated coastal habitats along the western coast of the Arabian Gulf. Environmental Research Letters, 13(7), Article Number: 074007.
  • Schlitzer, R., Anderson, RF., Dodas, EM., Lohan, M., Geibere, W., Tagliabue, A., Bowie, A., Jeandel, C., Maldonado, MT., Landing, WM., Cockwell, D., Abadie, C., Abouchami, W., Achterberg, EP., Agather, A., Aguliar-Islas, A., Van Aken, HM., Andersen, M., Archer, C., Auro, M., De Baar, HJ., Baars, O., Baker, AR., Bakker, K., Basak, C., Baskaran, M., Bates, NR., Bauch, D., Van Beek, P., Behrens, MK., Black, E., Bluhm, K., Bopp, L., Bouman, H., Bowman, K., Bown, J., Boyd, P., Boye, M., Boyle, EA., Branellec, P., Bridgestock, L., Brissebrat, G., Browning, T., Bruland, KW., Brumsack, HJ., Brzezinski, M., Buck, CS., Buck, KN., Buesseler, K., Bull, A., Butler, E., Cai, P., Mor, PC., Cardinal, D., Carlson, C., Carrasco, G., Casacuberta, N., Casciotti, KL., Castrillejo, M., Chamizo, E., Chance, R., Charette, MA., Chaves, JE., Cheng, H., Chever, F., Christl, M., Church, TM., Closset, I., Colman, A., Conway, TM., Cossa, D., Croot, P., Cullen, JT., Cutter, GA., Daniels, C., Dehairs, F., Deng, FF., Dieu, HT., Duggan, B., Dulaquais, G., Dumousseaud, C., Echegoyen-Sanz, Y., Edwards, RL., Ellwood, M., Fahrbach, E., Fitzsimmons, JN., Flegal, AR., Fleisher, MQ., Van De Flierdt, T., Frank, M., Friedrich, J., Fripiat, F., Frollje, H., Galer, SJ., Gamo, T., Ganeshram, RS., Garcia-Orellana, J., Garcia-Solsona, E., Gault-Ringold, M., George, E., Gerringa, LJ., Gilbert, M., Godoy, JM., Goldstein, SL., Gonzalez, SR., Grissom, K., Hammerschmidt, C., Hartman, A., Hassler, CS., Hathorne, EC., Hatta, M., Hawco, N., Hayes, CT., Heimburger, LE., Helgoe, J., Heller, M., Henderson, GM., Henderson, PB., Van Heuven, S., Ho, P., Horner, TJ., Hsieh, YT., Huang, KF., Humphreys, MP., Isshiki, K., Jacquot, JE., Janssen, DJ., Jenkins, WJ., John, S., Jones, EM., Jones, JL., Kadko, DC., Kayser, R., Kenna, TC., Khondoker, R., Kim, T., Kipp, L., Klar, JK., Klunder, M., Kretschmer, S., Kumamoto, Y., Laan, P., Labatut, M., Lacan, F., Lam, PJ., Lambelet, M., Lamborg, CH., Le Moigne, FA., Le Roy, E., Lechtenfeld, OJ., Lee, JM., Lherminier, P., Little, S., Lopez-Lora, M., Lu, YB., Masque Barri, P., Mawji, E., McClain, CR., Measures, C., Mehic, S., Barraqueta, JL., Van Der Merwe, P., Middag, R., Mieruch, S., Milne, A., Minami, T., Moffett, JW., Moncoiffe, G., Moore, WS., Morris, PJ., Morton, PL., Nakaguchi, Y., Nakayama, N., Niedermiller, J., Nishioka, J., Nishiuchi, A., Noble, A., Obata, H., Ober, S., Ohnemus, DC., Van Ooijen, J., O'Sullivan, J., Owens, S., Pahnke, K., Paul, M., Pavia, F., Pena, LD., Petersh, B., Planchon, F., Planquette, H., Pradoux, C., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Quay, P., Queroue, F., Radic, A., Rauschenberg, S., Rehkamper, M., Rember, R., Remenyi, T., Resing, JA., Rickli, J., Rigaud, S., Rijkenberg, MJ., Rintoul, S., Robinson, LF., Roca-Marti, M., Rodellas, V., Roeske, T., Rolison, JM., Rosenberg, M., Roshan, S., Van Der Loaff, MM., Ryabenko, E., Saito, MA., Salt, LA., Sanial, V., Sarthou, G., Schallenberg, C., Schauer, U., Scher, H., Schlosser, C., Schnetger, B., Scott, P., Sedwick, PN., Semiletov, I., Shelley, R., Sherrell, RM., Shiller, AM., Sigman, DM., Singh, SK., Slagter, HA., Slater, E., Smethie, WM., Snaith, H., Sohrin, Y., Sohst, B., Sonke, JE., Speich, S., Steinfeldt, R., Stewart, G., Stichel, T., Stirling, CH., Stutsman, J., Swarr, GJ., Swift, JH., Thomas, A., Thorne, K., Till, CP., Till, R., Townsend, AT., Townsend, E., Tuerena, R., Twining, BS., Vance, D., Velazquez, S., Venchiarutti, C., Villa-Alfageme, M., Vivancos, SM., Voelker, AH., Wake, B., Warner, MJ., Watson, R., Van Weerlee, E., Weigand, MA., Weinstein, Y., Weiss, D., Wisotzki, A., Woodward, EM., Wu, JF., Wu, YZ., Wuttig, K., Wyatt, N., Xiang, Y., Xie, RF., Xue, ZC., Yoshikawa, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, P., Zhao, Y., Zheng, LJ., Zheng, XY., Zieringer, M., Zimmer, LA., Ziveri, P., Zunino, P., Zurbrick, C. (2018). The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017. Chemical Geology, 493(20 August 2018), 210-223.
  • Sarthou, G., Lherminier, P., Achterberg, EP., Alonso-Pérez, F., Bucciarelli, E., Boutorh, J., Bouvier, V., Boyle, EA., Branellec, P., Carracedo, LI., Casacuberta, N., Castrillejo, M., Cheize, M., Contreira Pereira, L., Cossa, D., Daniault, N., De Saint-Léger, E., Dehairs, F., Deng, F., Desprez De Gésincourt, F., Devesa, J., Foliot, L., Fonseca-Batista, D., Gallinari, M., Garciá-Ibáñez, MI., Gourain, A., Grossteffan, E., Hamon, M., Heimbürger, L., Henderson, GM., Jeandel, C., Kermabon, C., Lacan, F., Le Bot, P., Le Goff, M., Le Roy, E., Lefèbvre, A., Leizour, S., Lemaitre, N., Masque Barri, P., Ménage, O., Menzel Barraqueta, JL., Mercier, H., Perault, F., Pérez, FF., Planquette, HF., Planchon, F., Roukaerts, A., Sanial, V., Sauzède, R., Schmechtig, C., Shelley, RU., Stewart, G., Sutton, JN., Tang, Y., Tisnérat-Laborde, N., Tonnard, M., Tréguer, P., Van Beek, P., Zurbrick, CM., Zunino, P. (2018). Introduction to the French GEOTRACES North Atlantic transect (GA01): GEOVIDE cruise. Biogeosciences, 15(23), 7097-7109.
  • Gdaniec, S., Roy-Barman, M., Foliot, L., Thil, F., Dapoigny, A., Burckel, P., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Mörth, C., Anderson, PS. (2018). Thorium and protactinium isotopes as tracers of marine particle fluxes and deep water circulation in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Chemistry, 199(na), 12-23.
  • Tang, Y., Castrillejo, M., Roca-Marti, M., Masque Barri, P., Lemaitre, N., Stewart, G. (2018). Distributions of total and size-fractionated particulate 210Po and 210Pb activities along the North Atlantic GEOTRACES GA01 transect: GEOVIDE cruise. Biogeosciences, 15(17), 5437-5453.
  • Paradis, S., Puig, P., Sanchez-Vidal, A., Masque Barri, P., Garcia-Orellana, J., Calafat, A., Canals, M. (2018). Spatial distribution of sedimentation-rate increases in Blanes Canyon caused by technification of bottom trawling fleet. Progress in Oceanography, 169(December 2018), 241-252.
  • Roca-Marti, M., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Friedrich, J., Rutgers Van Der Loeff, M., Rabe, B., Korhonen, M., Cámara-Mor, P., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P. (2018). Distribution of 210Pb and 210Po in the Arctic water column during the 2007 sea-ice minimum: Particle export in the ice-covered basins. Deep-Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 142(December 2018), 94-106.
  • Casacuberta, N., Christl, M., Vockenhuber, C., Wefing, A., Wacker, L., Masque Barri, P., Synal, HA., Rutgers Van Der Loeff, M. (2018). Tracing the Three Atlantic Branches Entering the Arctic Ocean With 129I and 236U. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(9), 6909-6921.
  • Krause-Jensen, D., Lavery, P., Serrano Gras, O., Marba, N., Masque Barri, P., Duarte, C. (2018). Sequestration of macroalgal carbon: the elephant in the Blue Carbon room. Biology Letters, 14(6), article no.20180236.
  • Marbà, N., Krause-Jensen, D., Masque Barri, P., Duarte, CM. (2018). Expanding Greenland seagrass meadows contribute new sediment carbon sinks. Scientific Reports, 8(1), article no.14024.
  • Carnell, PE., Windecker, SM., Brenker, M., Jeff, B., Masque Barri, P., Brunt, K., Macreadie, PI. (2018). Carbon stocks, sequestration, and emissions of wetlands in south eastern Australia. Global Change Biology, 24(9), 4173-4184.
  • Vives I Batlle, J., Aoyama, M., Bradshaw, C., Brown, J., Buesseler, K., Casacuberta, N., Chrisl, M., Duffa, C., Impens, N., Iosjpe, M., Masque Barri, P., Nishikawa, J. (2018). Marine radioecology after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident: Are we better positioned to understand the impact of radionuclides in marine ecosystems?. Science of the Total Environment, 618(2018), 80-92.
  • Ribo, M., Duran, R., Puig, P., Van Rooij, D., Guillén, J., Masque Barri, P. (2018). Large sediment waves over the Gulf of Roses upper continental slope (NW Mediterranean). Marine Geology, 399(1 May 2018), 84-96.
  • Saderne, V., Cusack, M., Alamahsheer, H., Serrano Gras, O., Masque Barri, P., Arias-Ortiz, A., Krishnakumar, P., Rabaoui, L., Qurban, MA., Duarte, CM. (2018). Accumulation of Carbonates Contributes to Coastal Vegetated Ecosystems Keeping Pace With Sea Level Rise in an Arid Region (Arabian Peninsula). Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(5), 1498-1510.
  • Paradis, S., Masque Barri, P., Puig, P., Xenia, J., Gorelli, G., Company, JB., Palanques, A. (2018). Enhancement of sedimentation rates in the Foix Canyon after the renewal of trawling fleets in the early XXIst century. Deep-Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 132(2018), 51-59.
  • Castrillejo, M., Casacuberta, N., Christl, M., Vockenhuber, C., Synal, H., García-Ibáñez, MI., Lherminier, P., Sarthou, G., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P. (2018). Tracing water masses with 129I and 236U in the subpolar North Atlantic along the GEOTRACES GA01 section. Biogeosciences, 15(18), 5545-5564.
  • Trevathan-Tackett, S., Wessel, C., Cebrian, J., Ralph, PJ., Masque Barri, P., Macreadie, PI. (2018). Effects of small-scale, shading-induced seagrass loss on blue carbon storage: Implications for management of degraded seagrass ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(3), 1351-1359.
  • Arias-Ortiz, A., Serrano Gras, O., Masque Barri, P., Lavery, P., Mueller, U., Kendrick, G., Rozaimi, M., Esteban Pacheco, A., Fourqurean, J., Marba, N., Mateo, M., Murray, K., Rule, MJ., Duarte, C. (2018). A marine heatwave drives massive losses from the world’s largest seagrass carbon stocks. Nature Climate Change, 8(4), 338-344.

Journal Articles

  • Casacuberta, N., Christl, M., Buesseler, K., Lau, Y., Vockenhuber, C., Castrillejo, M., Synal, H., Masque Barri, P. (2017). Potential Releases of 129I, 236U, and Pu Isotopes from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plants to the Ocean from 2013 to 2015. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(17), 9826-9835.
  • Castrillejo, M., Casacuberta, N., Christl, M., Garcia-Orellana, J., Vockenhuber, C., Synal, H., Masque Barri, P. (2017). Anthropogenic 236U and 129I in the Mediterranean Sea: First comprehensive distribution and constrain of their sources. Science of the Total Environment, 593-594(1 September 2017), 745-759.
  • Mazarrasa, I., Marba, N., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Arias-Ortiz, A., Duarte, CM. (2017). Effect of environmental factors (wave exposure and depth) and anthropogenic pressure in the C sink capacity of Posidonia oceanica meadows. Limnology and Oceanography, 62(4), 1436-1450.
  • Andrade, R., Hatje, V., Masque Barri, P., Zubrick, C., Boyle, E., Santos, W. (2017). Chronology of anthropogenic impacts reconstructed from sediment records of trace metals and Pb isotopes in Todos os Santos Bay (NE Brazil). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 125(1-2), 459-471.
  • Roca-Marti, M., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Iversen, M., Rutgers Van Der Loeff, M., Klaas, C., Cheah, W., Bracher, A., Masque Barri, P. (2017). High particulate organic carbon export during the decline of a vast diatom bloom in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 138(April 2017), 102-115.
  • Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Roca-Martí, M., Masque Barri, P., Benitez-Nelson, CR., Rutgers V. D. Loeff, M., Laglera, LM., Bracher, A., Cheah, W., Strass, VH., Hoppema, M., Santos-Echeandia, J., Hunt, BP., Pakhomov, EA., Klass, C. (2017). Particulate organic carbon export across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at 10°E: Differences between north and south of the Antarctic Polar Front. Deep-Sea Research Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 138(April 2017), 86-101.
  • Trezzi, G., Garcia-Orellana, J., Rodellas, V., Masque Barri, P., Garcia-Solsona, E., Andersson, PS. (2017). Assessing the role of submarine groundwater discharge as a source of Sr to the Mediterranean Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 200(1 March 2017), 42-54.
  • Paradis, S., Puig, P., Masque Barri, P., Juan-Diaz, X., Martin, J., Palanques, A. (2017). Bottom-trawling along submarine canyons impacts deep sedimentary regimes. Scientific Reports, 7(24 February 2017), Article number 43332.
  • Palanques, A., Lopez, L., Guillen, J., Puig, P., Masque Barri, P. (2017). Decline of trace metal pollution in the bottom sediments of the Barcelona City continental shelf (NW Mediterranean). Science of the Total Environment, 579(1 Feb 2017), 755-767.
  • Buesseler, K., Dai, M., Aoyama, M., Ben, C., Charmasson, S., Higley, K., Maderich, V., Masque Barri, P., Morris, PJ., Oughton, D., Smith, JN. (2017). Fukushima Daiichi–Derived Radionuclides in the Ocean: Transport, Fate, and Impacts. Annual Review of Marine Science, 9(1), 173-203.
  • Rull, V., Lara, A., Rubio-Ingles, MJ., Giralt, S., Goncalves, V., Raposeiro, P., Hernandez, A., Sanchez-Lopez, G., Vazquez-Loureiro, D., Bao, R., Masque Barri, P., Saez, A. (2017). Vegetation and landscape dynamics under natural and anthropogenic forcing on the Azores Islands: A 700-year pollen record from the Sao Miguel Island. Quaternary Science Reviews: the international multidisciplinary research and review journal, 159(1 March 2017), 155-168.
  • Rodellas, V., Garcia-Orellana, J., Trezzi, G., Masque Barri, P., Stieglitz, TC., Bokuniewicz, H., Cochran, JK., Berdalet, E. (2017). Using the radium quartet to quantify submarine groundwater discharge and porewater exchange. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 196(1 January 2017), 58-73.
  • Shelley, RU., Roca-Martí, M., Castrillejo, M., Sanial, V., Masque Barri, P., Landing, WM., Van Beek, P., Planquette, H., Sarthou, G. (2017). Quantification of trace element atmospheric deposition fluxes to the Atlantic Ocean ( > 40°N; GEOVIDE, GEOTRACES GA01) during spring 2014. Deep-Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 119(2017), 34-49.
  • Hernández, A., Saez, A., Boa, R., Raposeiro, PM., Doolittle, S., Masque Barri, P., Rull, V., Goncalves, V., Vázquez-Loureiro, D., Rubio-Inglés, MJ., Sánchez-López, G., Giralt, S. (2017). The influences of the AMO and NAO on the sedimentary infill in an Azores Archipelago lake since ca. 1350 CE. Global and Planetary Change, 154(2017), 61-74.
  • Mazarrasa, I., Marba, N., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Arias-Ortiz, A., Duarte, CM. (2017). Dynamics of carbon sources supporting burial in seagrass sediments under increasing anthropogenic pressure. Limnology and Oceanography, 62(4), 1451-1465.
  • Lovelock, CE., Atwood, T., Baldock, J., Duarte, CM., Hickey, S., Lavery, P., Masque Barri, P., Macreadie, PI., Ricart, AM., Serrano Gras, O., Steven, A. (2017). Assessing the risk of carbon dioxide emissions from blue carbon ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 15(5), 257-265.
  • Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Roca-Martí, M., Masque Barri, P., Benitez-Nelson, C., Rutgers Van Der Loeff, M., Bracher, A., Moreau, S. (2017). Latitudinal distributions of particulate carbon export across the North Western Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 129(2017), 116-130.
  • Almahasheer, H., Serrano Gras, O., Duarte, C., Arias-Ortiz, A., Masque Barri, P., Irigoien, X. (2017). Low Carbon sink capacity of Red Sea mangroves. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article Number: 9700.

Journal Articles

  • Ribo, M., Puig, P., Munoz, A., Lo Iacono, C., Masque Barri, P., Palanques, A., Acosta, J., Guillen, J., Ballesteros, M. (2016). Morphobathymetric analysis of the large fine-grained sediment waves over the Gulf of Valencia continental slope (NW Mediterranean). Geomorphology, 253(2016), 22-37.
  • Serrano Gras, O., Ruhon, R., Lavery, P., Kendrick, G., Hickey, S., Masque Barri, P., Arias-Ortiz, A., Steven, A., Duarte, C. (2016). Impact of mooring activities on carbon stocks in seagrass meadows. Scientific Reports, 6(2016), Article no. 23193.
  • Trezzi, G., Garcia-Orellana, J., Santos-Echeandia, J., Rodellas, V., Garcia-Solsona, E., Garcia-Fernandez, G., Masque Barri, P. (2016). The influence of a metal-enriched mining waste deposit on submarine groundwater discharge to the coastal sea. Marine Chemistry, 178(20 Jan 2016), 35-45.
  • Trezzi, G., Garcia-Orellana, J., Rodellas, V., Santos-Echeandia, J., Tovar-Sánchez, A., Garcia-Solsona, E., Masque Barri, P. (2016). Submarine groundwater discharge: A significant source of dissolved trace metals to the North Western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Chemistry, 186(20 Nov, 2016), 90-100.
  • Villa-Alfageme, M., Mas, J., Hurtado-Bermudez, S., Masque Barri, P. (2016). Rapid determination of 210Pb and 210Po in water and application to marine samples. Talanta, 160(1 Nov. 2016), 28-35.
  • Serrano Gras, O., Lavery, P., Masque Barri, P., Inostroza, K., Bongiovanni, J., Duarte, CM. (2016). Seagrass sediments reveal the long-term deterioration of an estuarine ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 22(4), 1523-1531.
  • Wei, R., Abouchami, W., Zahn, R., Masque Barri, P. (2016). Deep circulation changes in the South Atlantic since the Last Glacial Maximum from Nd isotope and multi-proxy records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 434(15 Jan 2016), 18-29.
  • Garcia-Orellana, J., Lopez-Castillo, E., Casacuberta, N., Rodellas, V., Masque Barri, P., Carmona-Catot, G., Vilarrasa, M., García-Berthou, E. (2016). Influence of submarine groundwater discharge on 210Po and 210Pb bioaccumulation in fish tissues. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 155-156(May 2016), 46-54.
  • Mulas, D., Garcia-Orellana, J., Casacuberta, N., Herrio, A., Moreno, V., Masque Barri, P. (2016). Dose assessment to workers in a dicalcium phosphate production plant. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 165(1 Dec 2016), 182-190.
  • Casacuberta, N., Masque Barri, P., Henderson, G., Rutgers Van-Der-Loeff, M., Bauch, D., Vockenhuber, C., Daraoui, A., Walther, C., Synal, H., Christl, M. (2016). First 236U data from the Arctic Ocean and use of 236U/238U and 129I/236U as a new dual tracer. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 440(2016), 127-134.
  • Serrano Gras, O., Davis, G., Lavery, P., Duarte, CM., Martinez-Cortizas, A., Mateo, M., Masque Barri, P., Arias-Ortiz, A., Jamaludin, M., Kendrick, GA. (2016). Reconstruction of centennial-scale fluxes of chemical elements in the Australian coastal environment using seagrass archives. Science of the Total Environment, 541(2016), 883-894.
  • Roca-Marti, M., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Rutgers Vad Der Loeff, MM., Katlein, C., Fernandez-Mendez, M., Peeken, I., Masque Barri, P. (2016). Carbon export fluxes and export efficiency in the central Arctic during the record sea-ice minimum in 2012: a joint 234Th/238U and 210Po/210Pb study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(7), 5030-5049.
  • Castrillejo, M., Casacuberta, N., Breier, C., Pike, S., Masque Barri, P., Buesseler, K. (2016). Reassessment of 90Sr, 137Cs, and 134Cs in the Coast off Japan Derived from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Accident. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(1), 173-180.
  • Sanchez-Lopez, G., Hernandez, A., Pla-Rabes, S., Trigo, R., Toro, M., Granados, I., Saez, A., Masque Barri, P., Pueyo, J., Rubio-Ingles, M., Giralt, S. (2016). Climate reconstruction for the last two millennia in central Iberia: Therole of East Atlantic (EA), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and their interplay over the Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews: the international multidisciplinary research and review journal, 149(1 Oct. 2016), 135-150.
  • Cisneros, M., Cacho, I., Frigola, J., Canals, M., Masque Barri, P., Martrat, B., Casado, M., Grimalt, J., Pena, LD., Margaritelli, G., Lizer, F. (2016). Sea surface temperature variability in the central-western Mediterranean Sea during the last 2700 years: a multi-proxy and multi-record approach. Climate of the Past, 12(4), 849-869.
  • Serrano Gras, O., Ricart, A., Lavery, P., Mateo, M., Arias-Ortiz, A., Masque Barri, P., Jamaludin, M., Stevem, A., Duarte, CM. (2016). Key biogeochemical factors affecting soil carbon storage in Posidonia meadows. Biogeosciences, 13(15), 4581-4594.

Journal Articles

  • Marba, N., Arias-Ortiz, A., Masque Barri, P., Kendrick, G., Mazarrasa, I., Bastyan, G., Garcia-Orellana, J., Duarte, C. (2015). Impact of seagrass loss and subsequent revegetation on carbon sequestration and stocks. Journal of Ecology, 103(2), 296-302.
  • Nieto-Moreno, V., Martinez-Ruiz, F., Gallego-Torres, D., Giralt, S., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Sinninghe Damste, J., Ortega-Huertas, M. (2015). Palaeoclimate and palaeoceanographic conditions in the westernmost Mediterranean over the last millennium: an integrated organic and inorganic approach. Journal of the Geological Society, 172(2), 264-271.
  • Mawji, E., Schlitzer, R., Dodas, E., Abadie, C., Abouchami, W., Anderson, R., Baars, O., Bakker, K., Baskaran, M., Bates, N., Bluhm, K., Bowie, A., Bown, J., Boye, M., Boyle, E., Branellec, P., Bruland, K., Brzezinski, M., Bucciarelli, E., Buesseler, K., Butler, E., Cai, P., Cardinal, D., Casciotti, K., Chaves, J., Cheng, H., Chever, F., Church, T., Colman, T., Conway, T., Croot, P., Cutter, G., De Baar, H., De Souza, G., Dehairs, F., Deng, F., Dieu, H., Dulaquais, G., Echegoyen-Sanz, Y., Lawrence Edwards, R., Fahrbach, E., Fitzsimmons, J., Fleisher, M., Frank, M., Friedrich, J., Fripiat, F., Galer, S., Gamo, T., Solsona, E., Gerringa, L., Godoy, J., Gonzalez, S., Grossteffan, E., Hattaa, M., Hayes, C., Heller, M., Henderson, G., Huang, K., Jeandel, C., Jenkins, W., John, S., Kenna, T., Klunder, M., Kretschmer, S., Kumamoto, Y., Laan, P., Labatut, M., Lacan, F., Lam, P., Lannuzel, D., Le Moigne, F., Lechtenfeld, O., Lohan, M., Lua, Y., Masque Barri, P., McClain, C., Measures, C., Middag, R., Moffett, J., Navidad, A., Nishioka, J., Noble, A., Obata, H., Ohnemus, D., Owens, S., Planchon, F., Pradoux, C., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Quaya, P., Radic, A., Rehkämper, M., Remenyi, T., Rijkenberg, M., Rintoul, S., Robinson, L., Roeske, T., Rosenberg, M., Van Der Loeff, M., Ryabenko, E., Saito, M., Roshan, S., Salt, L., Sarthou, G., Schauer, U., Scott, P., Sedwick, P., Sha, L., Shiller, A., Sigman, D., Smethie, W., Smith, G., Sohrin, Y., Speich, S., Stichel, T., Stutsman, J., Swift, J., Tagliabue, A., Thomas, A., Tsunogai, U., Twining, B., Van Aken, H., Van Heuven, S., Van Ooijen, J., Van Weerlee, E., Venchiarutti, C., Voelker, A., Wake, B., Warner, M., Woodward, E., Wu, J., Wyatt, N., Yoshikawa, H., Zheng, X., Xue, Z., Zieringer, M., Zimmer, L. (2015). The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2014. Marine Chemistry, 177(1), 8p.
  • Rodellas, V., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Font-Munoz, JS. (2015). The influence of sediment sources on radium-derived estimates of Submarine Groundwater Discharge. Marine Chemistry, 171(2015), 107-117.
  • Rodellas, V., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Feldman, M., Weinstein, Y. (2015). Submarine groundwater discharge as a major source of nutrients to the Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 112(13), 3926-3930.
  • Puig, P., Martin, J., Masque Barri, P., Palanques, A. (2015). Increasing sediment accumulation rates in La Fonera (Palamós) submarine canyon axis and their relationship with bottom trawling activities. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(19), 8106-8113.
  • Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Benitez-Nelson, C., Masque Barri, P., Verdeny, E., White, A., Popp, B., Prahl, F., Lam, P. (2015). Small phytoplankton drive high summertime carbon and nutrient export in the Gulf of California and Eastern Tropical North Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles: an international journal of global change, 29(8), 1309-1332.
  • Jonkers, L., Zahn, R., Thomas, A., Henderson, G., Abouchami, W., Francois, R., Masque Barri, P., Hall, I., Bickert, T. (2015). Deep circulation changes in the central South Atlantic during the past 145 kyrs reflected in a combined 231Pa/230Th, Neodymium isotope and benthic δ13C record. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 419(2015), 14-21.

Journal Articles

  • Rodellas, V., Garcia-Orellana, J., Tovar-Sanchez, A., Basterretxea, G., Lopez-Garcia, J., Sanchez-Quiles, D., Garcia-Solsona, E., Masque Barri, P. (2014). Submarine groundwater discharge as a source of nutrients and trace metals in a Mediterranean bay (Palma Beach, Balearic Islands). Marine Chemistry, 160(20 March 2014), 56-66.
  • Casacuberta, N., Christl, M., Lachner, J., Rutgers Van Der Loeff, M., Masque Barri, P., Synal, H. (2014). A first transect of 236U in the North Atlantic Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 133(15 May 2014), 34-46.
  • Pusceddu, A., Bianchelli, S., Martin, J., Puig, P., Palanques, A., Masque Barri, P., Danovaro, R. (2014). Chronic and intensive bottom trawling impairs deep-sea biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 111(24), 8861-8866.
  • Artigas, M., Llebot, C., Ross, O., Neszi, N., Rodellas, V., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Piera, J., Estrada, M., Berdalet, E. (2014). Understanding the spatio-temporal variability of phytoplankton biomass distribution in a microtidal Mediterranean estuary. Deep-Sea Research Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 101(March 2014), 180-192.
  • Dulaquais, G., Boye, M., Middag, R., Owens, S., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Buesseler, K., Masque Barri, P., De Baar, H., Carton, X. (2014). Contrasting biogeochemical cycles of cobalt in the surface western Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles: an international journal of global change, 28(12), 1387-1412.
  • Martin, J., Puig, P., Masque Barri, P., Palanques, A., Sanchez-Gomez, A. (2014). Impact of bottom trawling on deep-sea sediment properties along the flanks of a submarine canyon. PLoS One, 9(8), e104536.
  • Maderich, V., Jung, K., Bezhenar, R., De with, G., Qiao, F., Casacuberta, N., Masque Barri, P., Kim, Y. (2014). Dispersion and fate of 90Sr in the Northwestern Pacific and adjacent seas: Global fallout and the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident. Science of the Total Environment, 494-495(October 01, 2014), 261-271.
  • Tovar-Sánchez, A., Basterretxea, G., Rodellas, V., Sánchez-Quiles, D., García-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Jordi, A., López, JM., Garcia-Solsona, E. (2014). Contribution of groundwater discharge to the coastal dissolved nutrients and trace metal concentrations in Majorca Island: Karstic vs detrital systems. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(20), 11819-11827.
  • Zarroca, M., Linares, R., Rodellas, V., Garcia-Orellana, J., Roque, C., Bach, J., Masque Barri, P. (2014). Delineating coastal groundwater discharge processes in a wetland area by means of electrical resistivity imaging, 224Ra and 222Rn. Hydrological Processes, 28(4), 2382-2395.
  • Gómez-Guzmán, J., Cámara-Mor, P., Suzuki, T., López-Gutiérrez, J., Mas, J., Masque Barri, P., Moran, S., Smith, J. (2014). New insights on the role of sea ice in intercepting atmospheric pollutants using 129I. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 89(1/2), 180-190.

Journal Articles

  • Olid, C., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Martinez Cortizas, A., Albert Sanchez-Cabeza, J., Bindler, R. (2013). Improving the 210Pb-chronology of Pb deposition in peat cores from Chao de Lamoso (NW Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 443(5 January 2013), 597-607.
  • Geibert, W., Rodellas, V., Annett, A., Van Beek, P., Garcia-Orellana, J., Hsieh, Y., Masque Barri, P. (2013). 226Ra determination via the rate of 222Rn ingrowth with the Radium Delayed Coincidence Counter (RaDeCC). Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 11(NOV), 594-603.
  • White, A., Foster, RA., Benitez-Nelson, C., Masque Barri, P., Verdeny, E., Popp, BN., Arthur, KE., Prahl, FG. (2013). Nitrogen fixation in the Gulf of California and the Eastern Tropical North Pacific. Progress in Oceanography, 109(2013), 1-17.
  • Nieto-Moreno, V., Martinez-Ruiz, F., Willmott, V., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Sinninghe Damste, JS. (2013). Climate conditions in the westernmost Mediterranean over the last two millennia: An integrated biomarker approach. Organic Geochemistry, 55(2013), 1-10.
  • Periáñez, R., Suh, K., Byung-Il, M., Casacuberta, N., Masque Barri, P. (2013). Numerical Modeling of the Releases of 90Sr from Fukushima to the Ocean: An Evaluation of the Source Term. Environmental Science and Technology (Washington), 47(21), 12305-12313.
  • Nieto-Moreno, V., Martinez-Ruiz, F., Giralt, S., Gallego-Torres, D., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Ortega-Huertas, M. (2013). Climate imprints during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age in marine records from the Alboran Sea basin. The Holocene: a major interdisciplinary journal focusing on recent environmental change, 23(9), 1227-1237.
  • Casacuberta, N., Masque Barri, P., Garcia-Orellana, J., Garcia-Tenorio, R., Buesseler, K. (2013). 90Sr and 89Sr in seawater off Japan as a consequence of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident. Biogeosciences, 10(6), 3649-3659.
  • Garcia-Orellana, J., Rodellas, V., Casacuberta, N., Lopez-Castillo, E., Vilarrasa, M., Moreno, V., Garcia-Solsona, E., Masque Barri, P. (2013). Submarine groundwater discharge: Natural radioactivity accumulation in a wetland ecosystem. Marine Chemistry, 156(2013), 61-72.
  • Rigaud, S., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Camara-Mor, P., Casacuberta, N., Roca-Marti, M., Garcia-Orellana, J., Benitez-Nelson, C., Masque Barri, P., Church, T. (2013). A methods assessment and recommendations for improving calculations and reducing uncertainties in the determination of 210Po and 210Pb activities in seawater. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 11(OCT), 561-571.
  • Cearreta, A., Garcia-Artola, A., Leorri, E., Irabien, M., Masque Barri, P. (2013). Recent environmental evolution of regenerated salt marshes in the southern Bay of Biscay: Anthropogenic evidences in their sedimentary record. Journal of Marine Systems, 109-110(SUPPL.), S203-S212.

Journal Articles

  • Izquierdo, R., Benitez-Nelson, CR., Masque Barri, P., Castillo, S., Alastuey, A., Avila, A. (2012). Atmospheric phosphorus deposition in a near-coastal rural site in the NE Iberian Peninsula and its role in marine productivity. Atmospheric Environment, 49(2012), 361-370.
  • Rodellas, V., Garcia-Orellana, J., Garcia-Solsona, E., Masque Barri, P., Dominguez, JA., Ballesteros, BJ., Mejias, M., Zarroca, M. (2012). Quantifying groundwater discharge from different sources into a Mediterranean wetland by using 222Rn and Ra isotopes. Journal of Hydrology, 446-467(2012), 11-22.
  • Kenna, TC., Masque Barri, P., Luis Mas, J., Camara-Mor, P., Chamizo, E., Scholten, J., Eriksson, M., Sanchez-Cabeza, J., Gastaud, J., Levy, I., Herrmann, J., Lindahl, P., Hong, G., Nielsen, S. (2012). Intercalibration of selected anthropogenic radionuclides for the GEOTRACES Program. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 10(8), 590-607.
  • Lehritani, M., Mantero, J., Casacuberta, N., Masque Barri, P., Garcia-Tenorio, R. (2012). Comparison of two sequential separation methods for U and Th determination in environmental samples by alpha-particle spectrometry. Radiochimica Acta, 100(7), 431-438.
  • Maiti, K., Buesseler, KO., Pike, SM., Benitez-Nelson, C., Cai, P., Chen, W., Cochran, K., Dai, M., Dehairs, F., Gasser, B., Kelly, RP., Masque Barri, P., Miller, LA., Miquel, JC., Moran , SB., Morris, PJ., Peine, F., Planchon, F., Renfro, AA., Rutgers Van Der Loeff, M., Santschi, PH., Turnewitsch, R., Waples, JT., Xu, C. (2012). Intercalibration studies of short-lived thorium-234 in the water column and marine particles. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 10(9), 631-644.
  • Casacuberta, N., Lehritani, M., Mantero, J., Masque Barri, P., Garcia-Orellana, J., Garcia-Tenorio, R. (2012). Determination of U and Th α-emitters in NORM samples through extraction chromatography by using new and recycled UTEVA resins. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70(4), 568-573.
  • Church, T., Rigaud, S., Baskaran, M., Kumar, A., Friedrich, J., Masque Barri, P., Puigcorbe Lacueva, V., Kim, G., Radakovitch, O., Hong, G., Choi, H., Steward, G. (2012). Intercalibration studies of 210Po and 210Pb in dissolved and particulate seawater samples. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 10(OCTOBER), 776-789.
  • Mejias, M., Ballesteros, B., Anton-Pacheco, C., Dominguez, J., Garcia-Orellana, J., Garcia-Solsona, E., Masque Barri, P. (2012). Methodological study of submarine groundwater discharge from a karstic aquifer in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465(Sep 2012), 27-40.

Conference Publications

  • Candela, A., Coello, J., Masque Barri, P., Palet, C. (2012). Design optimization of membrane doehlert uranium for the preconcentration and determination by ICP-MS. Procedia Engineering (1227-1229). Elsevier.

Journal Articles

  • Camara-Mor, P., Masque Barri, P., Garcia-Orellana, J., Kern, S., Cochran, K., Hanfland, C. (2011). Interception of atmospheric fluxes by Arctic sea ice: Evidence from cosmogenic 7Be. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 116(12), Article no. C12041.
  • Otero, N., Soler, A., Corp, R., Mas-Pla, J., Garcia-Solsona, E., Masque Barri, P. (2011). Origin and evolution of groundwater collected by a desalination plant (Tordera, Spain): A multi-isotopic approach. Journal of Hydrology, 397(1-2), 37-46.
  • Casacuberta, N., Masque Barri, P., Garcia-Orellana, J. (2011). Fluxes of 238U decay series radionuclides in a dicalcium phosphate industrial plant. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 190(1-3), 245-252.
  • Garcia-Orellana, J., Canas, L., Masque Barri, P., Obrador, B., Olid, C., Pretus, J. (2011). Chronological reconstruction of metal contamination in the Port of Maó (Minorca, Spain). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(8), 1632-1640.
  • Nadal, M., Casacuberta, N., Garcia-Orellana, J., Ferré-Huguet, N., Masque Barri, P., Schuhmacher, M., Domingo, JL. (2011). Human health risk assessment of environmental and dietary exposure to natural radionuclides in the Catalan stretch of the Ebro River, Spain. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 175(1-4), 455-468.

Journal Articles

  • Negre, C., Zahn, R., Thomas, A., Masque Barri, P., Henderson, G., Martinez-Mendez, G., Hall, I., Mas, J. (2010). Reversed flow of Atlantic deep water during the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, 468(7320), 84-88.
  • Basterretxea, G., Tovar-Sanchez, A., Beck, A., Masque Barri, P., Bokuniewicz, H., Coffey, R., Duarte, C., Garcia-Orellana, J., Garcia-Solsona, E., Martinez-Ribes, L., Vaquer-Sunyer, R. (2010). Submarine groundwater discharge to the coastal environment of a Mediterranean island Majorca, Spain: Ecosystem and biogeochemical significance. Ecosystems, 13(5), 629-643.
  • Garcia-Solsona, E., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Garces, E., Radakovitch, O., Mayer, A., Estrade, S., Basterretxea, G. (2010). An assessment of karstic submarine groundwater and associated nutrient discharge to a Mediterranean coastal area Balearic Islands, Spain using radium isotopes. Biogeochemistry: an international journal, 97(2), 211-229.
  • Garcia-Solsona, E., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P., Rodellas, V., Mejias, M., Ballesteros, B., Dominguez, J. (2010). Groundwater and nutrient discharge through karstic coastal springs (Castello, Spain). Biogeosciences, 7(9), 2625-2638.
  • Casacuberta, N., Traversa, F., Masque Barri, P., Garcia-Orellana, J., Anguita, M., Gasa, J., Garcia-Tenorio, R. (2010). Distribution and biokinetic analysis of 210Pb and 210Po in poultry due to ingestion of dicalcium phosphate. Science of the Total Environment, 408(20), 4695-4701.
  • Camara-Mor, P., Masque Barri, P., Garcia-Orellana, J., Cochran, JK., Mas, JL., Chamizo, E., Hanfland, C. (2010). Arctic Ocean sea ice drift origin derived from artificial radionuclides. Science of the Total Environment, 408(16), 3349-3358.
  • Alonso-Gonzalez, IJ., Aristegui, J., Lee, C., Sanchez-Vidal, A., Calafat, A., Fabres, J., Sangra, P., Masque Barri, P., Hernandez-Guerra, A., Benitez-Nelson, V. (2010). Role of slowly settling particles in the ocean carbon cycle. Geophysical Research Letters, 37(13), Article No. L13608.
  • Rapaglia, J., Ferrarin, C., Zaggia, L., Moore, W., Umgiesser, G., Garcia-Solsona, E., Garcia-Orellana, J., Masque Barri, P. (2010). Investigation of residence time and groundwater flux in Venice Lagoon: Comparing radium isotope and hydrodynamical models. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101(7), 571-581.
  • Olid, C., Garcia-Orellana, J., Martinez-Cortizas, A., Masque Barri, P., Peiteado-Varela, E., Sanchez-Cabeza, J. (2010). Multiple site study of recent atmospheric metal (Pb, Zn and Cu) deposition in the NW Iberian Peninsula using peat cores. Science of the Total Environment, 408(22), 5540-5549.
  • Chamizo, E., Jimenez-Ramos, MC., Enamorado, SM., Garcia-Leon, M., Garcia-Tenorio, R., Mas, JL., Masque Barri, P., Merino, J., Sanchez-Cabeza, JA. (2010). Characterisation of the plutonium isotopic composition of a sediment core from Palomares, Spain, by low-energy AMS and alpha-spectrometry. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 268(7-8), 1273-1276.

Research Projects

  • Sediment core chemical and isotope analyses (Pb-210, CN, d13C and d15N), University of Galway, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2026, $43,144.
  • Sediment accumulation rates in the Antarctic Peninsula, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $18,000.
  • Sediment accumulation rates to assess carbon burial from kelp forests in Namibia, Kelp Forest Foundation, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $14,850.
  • Sediment and carbon accumulation rates in restored seagrass meadows in Cairns, BHP Billiton Group Operations Pty Ltd, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $20,000.
  • Blue carbon stocks and burial rates in the Algarve (Portugal), Centre of Marine Sciences of Algarve (CCMAR), Centre of Marine Sciences of Algarve (CCMAR) Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $19,400.
  • Impact of trawling on sedimentation rates within the Palamós Canyon (NW Mediterranean) during the last century, Institut de Ciencies del Mar, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $26,200.
  • RESTCOAST, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $16,200.
  • Climate change mitigation capacity of the Baltic coastal seascape: coastal blue carbon sequestration, Sodertorn University, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2025, $141,569.
  • Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory , Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $30,000.
  • Sediment accumulation rates in vegetated coastal ecosystems of the World Heritage site at St Lucia (iSimangaliso wetland park), Nelson Mandela University, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $16,000.
  • AIMS Blue Carbon Seascapes, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Blue Carbon Seascapes, 2024 ‑ 2025, $45,000.
  • UK temperate Zostera seagrass meadow sedimentation rates , University of Portsmouth, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $7,404.
  • Assessment of sediment accumulation rates in old-growth mangrove, Casuarina, Melaleuca forests and saltmarshes at Maroochy River (Queensland), University of Queensland, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $18,000.
  • Sediment accumulation rates in vegetated coastal ecosystems of five estuaries of South Africa, Nelson Mandela University, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $11,670.
  • High Andean Wetlands: Climate Change Assessment and High Mitigation Capability (Humedales Alto-Andinos: Evaluación del Cambio Climático y Capacidad de Mitigación), Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $3,350.
  • Assessment of sediment accumulation rates seagrass meadows (natural, transplanted, degraded) in Pari Island (Indonesia), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), CSIRO - Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $14,100.
  • Carbon sequestration in seagrass meadows in Dalby Bay (Denmark), University of Southern Denmark, Grant, 2023, $9,000.
  • NordSalt: Climate Change Impacts and Biodiversity Interactions in Nordic Salt Marshes, Abo Akademi University, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $10,650.
  • Determination of sedimentation rates in cores from Wet Tropics (Queensland, Australia) by Pb-210 to estimate carbon sequestration rates , Queensland Government, Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowship, 2022 ‑ 2023, $6,000.
  • Sedimentation rates in the Portuguese continental shelf, Universidade do Algarve, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $18,800.
  • NordSalt project: carbon sequestration rates in grazed and ungrazed saltmarshes in Sweden, Stockholm University, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $2,400.
  • Assessment of accretion rates inside ponded pastures and outside ponded pastures in North Queensland, University of Queensland, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $18,000.
  • Sediment accumulation rates in the Red Sea, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $15,000.
  • NordSalt project: carbon sequestration rates in grazed and unngrazed saltmarshes in Denmark , Aarhus University, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $2,400.
  • Blue carbon in restored seagrass meadows as a potential nature-based solution for climate change mitigation in Thailand, National Research Council of Thailand, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $15,300.
  • Carbon sequestration rates in seagrass meadows in the Bahamas, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $13,500.
  • Carbon sequestration rates in seagrass meadows in the Swedish West Coast, Stockholm University, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $13,000.
  • Carbon sequestration rates in mangroves from Al-wahj (Saudi Arabia) - TRSP Project, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2023, $9,000.
  • Carbon sequestration rates in mangroves from Al-wahj (Saudi Arabia) - SAKMEO project, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2023, $5,400.
  • Radioactive legacy in the marine environment of the Montebello Archipelago, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2023, $30,000.
  • Assessment of sedimentation rates in blue carbon ecosystems (mangrove, seagrass and saltmarsh) in Yancheng, Xincun and Beihai (China), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $4,500.
  • Understanding how human activities impact the sedimentary evolution of the Marlborough Sounds, University of Auckland, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $12,000.
  • Sediment and carbon accumulation rates in seaweed farms, Global Water Challenge, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2022, $114,000.
  • Carbon sequestration rates in La Camargue (France) wetlands, Tour du Valat, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2022, $60,000.
  • Seychelles seagrass and blue carbon mapping project, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Grant, 2022, $28,828.
  • CLIMARES impacts and response of the Sado estuary (Portugal) to natural and anthropogenic forcing, Universidade de Lisboa, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2021, $7,500.
  • CLIMARES Long-term assessment of climate induced regime shifts in Coastal Areas, Universidade de Lisboa, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2021, $11,000.
  • Impact of trawling on sedimentation rates within the Blanes Canyon (NW Mediteranean) in the vicinity of old-water coral communities during the last century, Institut de Ciencies del Mar, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $59,000.
  • Carbon sequestration rates in saltmarshes from Denmark, Aarhus University, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $16,800.
  • ECOGEN – Ecosystem change and species persistence over time: a genome-based approach, The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $12,000.
  • Sedimentation rates in submarine canyons in the Eastern Mediterranean: singular events?, Geological Survey of Israel, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $4,000.
  • Impacts of trawling on sedimentation dynamics in the Baltic Sea - Phase 2, Stockholm University, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $18,000.
  • Carbon sequestration rates in seagrass meadows from Denmark, Aarhus University, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $13,440.
  • Carbon sequestration in seagrass sediments in New England, US, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $39,360.
  • Sedimentation rates in the upper continental slope of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Geological Survey of Israel, Grant, 2021, $5,800.
  • Dating of mangrove and seagrass sediment cores from Baia de Todos os Santos (Brazil) by Pb-210, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2020, $17,500.
  • Sedimentation rates in the Bohai Sea (China), China National Natural Science Foundation, China National Natural Science Foundation, 2019 ‑ 2020, $14,500.
  • Carbon sequestration in natural, recovered and impacted saltmarshes in Oyambre (Spain), Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Cantabria, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $12,990.
  • Carbon sequestration in mangrove soils, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $16,000.
  • Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory - Determination of sedimentation rates in sediment cores from the Totten glacier region (Antarctica) by Pb-210, Australian Research Council, Grant - Special Research Initiatives (excluding National ICT Australia and Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics), 2019 ‑ 2020, $5,000.
  • Determination of sedimentation rates in sediment cores from the Stagnone di Marsala (Sicily, Italy) by Pb-210 to estimate carbon sequestration rates during the last decades/century, University of Palermo, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $4,900.
  • Impacts of trawling on sedimentation dynamics in the Baltic Sea, Stockholm University, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $18,000.
  • Determination of sedimentation rates in marine sediments by Pb-210 to estimate carbon sequestration, Aarhus University, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $3,800.
  • Determination of sedimentation rates in cores from the Bahía de Cádiz by Pb-210 to estimate carbon sequestration, Centre of Marine Sciences of Algarve (CCMAR), Centre of Marine Sciences of Algarve (CCMAR) Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $4,800.
  • Determination of the concentrations of naturally occurring radioactive isotopes in samples from gas and oil industry by gamma spectrometry, ALARA Health Physics Services, ALARA Health Physics Services Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $15,000.
  • Mangroves, seagrass meadows and local communities: development and exchange of experiences linked to the throughout management of biodiversity and services in the Caribbean region (MAPCO), INVEMAR, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $26,922.
  • Determination of sedimentation rates in seagrass meadows to estimate blue carbon sequestration in selected Indian Ocean regions, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), CSIRO - Grant, 2020, $25,000.
  • Seagrass meadows as metal filters in a high-polluted coastal marine environment, Ecological Society of Australia, Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment, 2017 ‑ 2020, $2,400.
  • Coastal Carbon Opportunities: demonstrating additionality and potential for future offsets in South Australia, Goyder Institute, Coastal Carbon Opportunities, 2017 ‑ 2019, $115,593.
  • Dating of sediment cores from Cockburn Sound by Pb-210, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), CSIRO - Grant, 2018 ‑ 2019, $13,000.
  • Determination of sedimentation rates in seagrass meadows to estimate blue carbon sequestration in Zostera mulelleri beds in the Gold Coast Broadwater, Gold Coast Waterways Authority, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2019, $2,880.
  • Determination of sedimentation rates in a core from Lake Sanabria (Spain) by Pb-210, Centre for Hydrographic Studies of CEDEX, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2019, $3,750.
  • A novel ToF-SIMS facility for organic and inorganic analyses in WA, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Infrastructure), 2019, $2,257,674.
  • Reconstruction of historical bush fire time-series using black carbon in coastal marine sediments deposited from the King Edward River catchment, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2018, 2018 ‑ 2019, $75,951.
  • Analysis of Th-234, Cs-137 and other radionuclides for the determination of sedimentation rates in cores collected from submarine canyons in the NW Mediterranean and the investigation of the impacts of trawling in carbon cycling, Institut de Ciencies del Mar, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2019, $26,000.
  • Impacts of bottom trawling in deep-sea sediments: enhancing the collaboration with Dr. Pere Puig (Barcelona, Spain), Edith Cowan University, ECU Collaboration Enhancement Scheme - 2017 Round 1, 2017 ‑ 2018, $9,175.
  • Dating of mangrove sediment cores from Madagascar by Pb-210, Blue Ventures Conservation, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $10,000.
  • Dating of sediment cores from the Ebro Delta by Pb-210 , Institute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $13,200.
  • Dating of sediment cores from Bahia de Todos os Santos (Brazil) by Pb-210. CRPK41016-QC, Chronology of contaminations (FAPESB PET 34/2012)., Universidade Federal da Bahia, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $8,500.
  • Dating of sediment cores from Costa Rica by Pb-210, Universidad de Costa Rica, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $2,500.
  • Determination of sedimentation rates in cores from Ria Formosa (Portugal) by Pb-210 to estimate carbon sequestration, Universidade do Algarve, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $4,500.
  • Visiting Fellow Dr Frederic Le Moigne, Edith Cowan University, Edith Cowan University, School of Science Visiting Fellow Grant Scheme, 2017 ‑ 2018, $4,050.
  • Determination of sedimentation rates in cores from Wet Tropics (North Queensland) and from cores in Baja California, Mexico, by Pb-210 to estimate carbon sequestration, Griffith University, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $16,800.
  • A multi-institutional environmental radioactivity research centre, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Infrastructure), 2017 ‑ 2018, $485,000.
  • Determination of sedimentation rates in mangroves from Saudi Arabia by Pb-210 to estimate carbon sequestration, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Grant, 2018, $4,050.
  • Dating of sediment cores from Exmouth by Pb-210, University of Queensland, CSIRO Grant, 2016 ‑ 2018, $10,000.
  • Dating of sediment cores from Broome by Pb-210, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), WAMSI Grant, 2016 ‑ 2017, $10,000.
  • Seagrass archives to reveal environmental history-reconstruction of metals contamination history at Port Pirie (SA)., Ecological Society of Australia, Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment, 2016 ‑ 2017, $7,500.
  • Technical Review - Blue Carbon Emissions Reduction Opportunities, Department of Environment Regulation WA, Grant, 2016, $30,000.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Quantifying the radioactive legacy of the marine environment in the Montebello Islands, Western Australia

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Radionuclides in the Arctic Ocean: tracing sea ice origin, drifting and interception of atmospheric fluxes
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Submarine Groundwater Discharge in coastal Mediterranean areas by using radium isotopes: Venice Lagoon, Minorca and Castelló
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Evaluating Submarine Groundwater discharge to the Mediterranean Sea by using Radium isotopes
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Evaluating the reliability of 210Pb-dated peat bog cores to reconstruct atmospheric metal deposition in NW Spain
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the last Glacial and the Holocene: inferences from radiogenic isotope ratios in deep-sea sediments from the South African continental margin and the Southern Ocean
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Assessing the significance of submarine groundwater discharge as a source of trace metals to the Mediterranean Sea
  • Doctor of Philosophy, . Distribution and transfer of 137Cs, 239,240Pu and 210Pb in the Mediterranean Sea: the Alguer-Balear basin.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Use of 234Th:238U disequilibrium to estimate particulate organic carbon export in the upper ocean
  • Doctor of Philosophy, 234Th and 210Po as tracers for particle export in the surface ocean
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in the Dicalcium Phosphate industry and their transfer to poultry
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Study of the natural and artificial radioactivity in continental aquatic ecosystems (Pyrenees lakes and Camarasa and Flix).

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Role of seagrasses as biogeochemical sinks and environmental archives
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