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Associate Professor Eddie van Etten

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5566
Mobile: 0418 903 983
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO19.335  

Eddie is an Associate Professor in Ecology within the School of Science.

Current Teaching

  • SCI5110/SCI3110 - Waste Management
  • SCI2269 - Silviculture
  • SCI1192 - Physical Environments
  • SCI2115 - Ecological Restoration
  • SCI3150 - Science Project

Professional Memberships

  • Ecological Society of Australia
  • International Association of Vegetation Science
  • Association for Fire Ecology
  • Society for Ecological Restoration

Awards and Recognition


  • 2000 - Awarded Chancellor's Commendation (Curtin University) for PhD.

Research Areas and Interests

  • Terrestrial plant ecology and management in arid zones, urban areas, and forested ecosystems, including fire ecology/management and ecosystem restoration
  • Fire Ecology
  • Vegetation Analysis and Mapping
  • Restoration Ecology
  • Arid Zone Ecology
  • Urban Ecology


  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Curtin University of Technology, 2000.
  • Master of Applied Science, Curtin University of Technology, 1987.
  • Bachelor of Science, The University of Melbourne, 1985.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Jenkin, A., Krauss, SL., Van Etten, E. (2024). Preliminary New Study Indicates Possible Dramatic Decline in the Diversity of Insects Visiting Flowers of Jarrah (Eucalyptus Marginata) in Kings Park Over 26 Years. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 107(2024), 21-30.
  • Jamtsho, K., Lund, M., Blake, D., Van Etten, E. (2024). Microplastic Pollution in Riparian Soils of the Rapidly Growing City of Thimphu, Bhutan. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: an international journal of environmental pollution, 235(11), article number 714.
  • Iryadi, R., Sutomo, ., Saputra, MH., Humaida, N., Pujiono, E., Sukmawati, JG., Hani, A., Swari, KK., Sari, DA., Atmaja, MB., Herningtyas, W., Wahyuningtyas, RS., Van Etten, E. (2024). Assessing Habitat Suitability for the Invasive Species Lantana camara on Bali Island: A Model Using the Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL). Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 30(3), 305-313.

Journal Articles

  • Sutomo, ., Atmaja, M., Dewa, PD., Iryadi, R., Hani, A., Made, SW., Widyartha, M., Van Etten, E. (2023). An Update on the Habitat Suitability Model of Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub. And Its Conservation Status in Bali, Indonesia. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 8(1), Article number jtbb74578.
  • Kazemi, F., Jozay, M., Salahshoor, F., Van Etten, E., Rezaie, S. (2023). Drought Stress Responses Of Some Prairie Landscape C4 Grass Species For Xeric Urban Applications. Land, 12(6), article number 1195.
  • Shabbir, A., Ji, J., Groninger, J., Gueye, G., Knouft, J., Van Etten, E., Zhang, J. (2023). Climate predicts wildland fire extent across China. Science of the Total Environment, 896(TBD), article number 164987.
  • Sutomo, S., Van Etten, E. (2023). Fire Impacts and Dynamics of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest of East Java, Indonesia. Forests, 14(1), Article number 106.

Conference Publications

  • Sutomo, ., Yuni, L., Iryadi, R., Van Etten, E. (2023). Habitat Suitability Modeling for Jalak Bali (Leucopsar rothschildi) in East Java, Bali, and Lombok: A Potential Sites for Its Ex-Situ Conservation. AIP Conference Proceedings (Article number 50005). American Institute of Physics Inc..

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Siabi, E., Donkor, P., Mensah, S., Dzane, R., Kurantin, N., Frimpong, K., Siabi, S., Vuu, C., Van Etten, E. (2022). Assessing the knowledge and practices of occupational safety and health in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector of Ghana: A case of obuasi. Heliyon, 8(11), article number e11464.
  • Frimpong, K., Atiemo, DE., Van Etten, E. (2022). Urban sprawl and microclimate in the Ga East municipality of Ghana. Heliyon, 8(7), article number e09791.

Journal Articles

  • Sutomo, S., Van Etten, E. (2021). Natural habitat of Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) in Bali Barat National Park, Indonesia. Biotropia, 28(2), 117-127.
  • Delnevo, N., Piotti, A., Carbognani, M., Van Etten, E., Stock, W., Field, D., Byrne, M. (2021). Genetic and ecological consequences of recent habitat fragmentation in a narrow endemic plant species within an urban context. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30(12), 3457–3478.
  • Morris, J., Slater, E., Fitzgerald, M., Lummis, G., Van Etten, E. (2021). Using local rural knowledge to enhance STEM learning for gifted and talented students in Australia. Research in Science Education, 51(2021), 61–79.
  • Nunfam, V., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Etten, E., Frimpong, K., Adjei-Mensah, I., Oosthuizen, J. (2021). Construct validity and invariance assessment of the social impacts of occupational heat stress scale (SIOHSS) among Ghanaian mining workers. Science of the Total Environment, 771(1 June 2021), Article number 144911.
  • Nunfam, V., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Etten, E., Frimpong, K., Oosthuizen, J. (2021). Estimating the magnitude and risk associated with heat exposure among Ghanaian mining workers. International Journal of Biometeorology: the description, causes, and implications of climatic change, 65(12), 2059-2075.
  • Roberts, J., Florentine, S., Van Etten, E., Turville, C. (2021). Seed longevity and germination in response to changing drought and heat conditions on four populations of the invasive weed African lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula). Weed Science, 69(4), 468-477.
  • Sutomo, S., Van Etten, E. (2021). Savanna plant communities in the wetter parts of the Indonesian archipelago. Folia Geobotanica, 56(4), 193-204.
  • Roberts, J., Florentine, S., Van Etten, E., Turville, C. (2021). Germination biology, distribution and control of the invasive species Eragrostis curvula [Schard. Nees] (African Lovegrass): A global synthesis of current and future management challenges. Weed Research, 61(3), 154-163.
  • Roberts, J., Florentine, S., Van Etten, E., Turville, C. (2021). Germination biology of four climatically varied populations of the invasive species African lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula). Weed Science, 69(2), 210-218.
  • Sutomo, S., Van Etten, E., Iryadi, R. (2021). Short communication: Savanna-forest boundary on Mount Rinjani, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 22(2), 726-731.
  • Radley, P., Van Etten, E., Blake, D., Davis, R. (2021). Breeding and feeding habitat selection by an island endemic bird may increase its vulnerability to climate change. Biotropica, 53(2), 422-432.
  • Ritchie, A., Svejcar, L., Ayre, B., Bolleter, J., Brace, A., Craig, M., Davis, B., Davis, R., Van Etten, E., Fontaine, J., Fowler, W., Froend, R., Groom, C., Hardy, G., Hooper, P., Hopkins, A., Hughes, M., Krauss, S., Leopold, M., Miller, B., Miller, R., Ramalho, C., Ruthrof, K., Shaw, C., Stevens, J., Tagney, R., Valentine, L., Veneklaas, E., Hobbs, R. (2021). A threatened ecological community: research advances and priorities for Banksia woodlands. Australian Journal of Botany, 69(2), 53-84.
  • Van Etten, E., Davis, R., Doherty, T. (2021). Fire in Semi-Arid Shrublands and Woodlands: Spatial and Temporal Patterns in an Australian Landscape. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9(1), Article Number 653870.

Conference Publications

  • Ashby, A., Van Etten, E. (2021). Exploring abandoned mines through a public lens. Mine Closure 2021: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mine Closure (1-14). QMC Group.

Journal Articles

  • Van Etten, E., Belen, CA., Calviño-Cancela, M. (2020). Invasion patterns of Pinus pinaster in south-west Australia in relation to fire, vegetation type and plantation management. Forest Ecology and Management, 463(May 2020), Article number 118042.
  • Nunfam, V., Adusei-Asante, K., Frimpong, K., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J. (2020). Barriers to occupational heat stress risk adaptation of mining workers in Ghana. International Journal of Biometeorology: the description, causes, and implications of climatic change, 64(7), 1085–1101.
  • Delnevo, N., Van Etten, E., Byrne, M., Petraglia, A., Carbognani, M., Stock, W. (2020). Habitat fragmentation restricts insect pollinators and pollen quality in a threatened Proteaceae species. Biological Conservation, 252(December 2020), Article number 108824.
  • Lund, M., Van Etten, E., Polifka, J., Quintero Vasquez, M., Ramessur, R., Yangzom, D., Blanchette, ML. (2020). The Importance of Catchments to Mine‑pit Lakes: Implications for Closure. Mine Water and the Environment, 39(3), 572-588.
  • Sutomo, ., Van Etten, E., Iryadi, R. (2020). Use of Landsat imagery to map spread of the invasive alien species Acacia nilotica in Baluran National Park, Indonesia. Biotropia, 27(1), 88-96.
  • Delnevo, N., Van Etten, E., Clemente, N., Fogu, L., Pavarani, E., Byrne, M., Stock, W. (2020). Pollen adaptation to ant pollination: a case study from the Proteaceae. Annals of Botany, 126(3), 377–386.
  • Shabbir, AH., Zhang, J., Groninger, J., Van Etten, E., Sarkodie, SA., Lutz, J., Valencia, C. (2020). Seasonal weather and climate prediction over area burned in grasslands of northeast China. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article number 19961.

Conference Publications

  • Macdonald, K., Lund, M., Van Etten, E. (2020). Riverine biota as environmental indicators of artisanal small-scale and large-scale gold mining impacts on riverine ecosystems in Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Article number 012014). Institute of Physics Publishing.

Journal Articles

  • Delnevo, N., Piotti, A., Van Etten, E., Stock, W., Byrne, M. (2019). Isolation, characterization, and cross‐amplification of 20 microsatellite markers for Conospermum undulatum (Proteaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences, 7(8), article number e11283.
  • Nunfam, V., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J., Adusei-Asante, K., Frimpong, K. (2019). Climate change and occupational heat stress risks and adaptation strategies of mining workers: Perspectives of supervisors and other stakeholders in Ghana. Environmental Research, 169(February 2019), 147-155.
  • Nunfam, V., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J., Adams, S., Frimpong, K. (2019). The nexus between social impacts and adaptation strategies of workers to occupational heat stress: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Biometeorology: the description, causes, and implications of climatic change, 63(12), 1693-1706.
  • Cargill, J., Van Etten, E., Stock, W. (2019). The influence of seed supply and seedbed on seedling recruitment in shelterwood-treated jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 432(15 January 2019), 54-63.
  • Nunfam, V., Oosthuizen, J., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Etten, E., Frimpong, K. (2019). Perceptions of climate change and occupational heat stress risks and adaptation strategies of mining workers in Ghana. Science of the Total Environment, 657(March 2019), 365-378.
  • Delnevo, N., Van Etten, E., Byrne, M., Stock, W. (2019). Floral display and habitat fragmentation: Effects on the reproductive success of the threatened mass‐flowering Conospermum undulatum (Proteaceae). Ecology and Evolution, 9(19), 11494-11503.
  • Larcombe, D., Van Etten, E., Logan, A., Prescott, S., Horwitz, P. (2019). High-Rise Apartments and Urban Mental Health—Historical and Contemporary Views. Challenges, 10(2), Article number 34.

Book Chapters

  • Van Etten, E., Burrows, ND. (2018). On the Ecology of Australia’s Arid Zone: Fire Regimes and Ecology of Arid Australia. On the Ecology of Arid Australia's Arid Zone (243-282). Springer Nature.

Journal Articles

  • Muler, A., Canham, C., Van Etten, E., Stock, W., Froend, R. (2018). Using a functional ecology approach to assist plant selection for restoration of Mediterranean woodlands. Forest Ecology and Management, 424(15 September 2018), 1-10.
  • Nunfam, V., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J., Frimpong, K. (2018). Social impacts of occupational heat stress and adaptation strategies of workers: a narrative synthesis of the literature. Science of the Total Environment, 643(1 December 2018), 1542-1552.
  • Ladbrook, M., Van Etten, E., Stock, W. (2018). Contemporary fire regimes of the arid Carnarvon Basin region of Western Australia. Fire, 1(3), Article no. 51.
  • Calviño-Cancela, M., Van Etten, E. (2018). Invasive potential of Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus radiata into native eucalypt forests in Western Australia. Forest Ecology and Management, 424(1), 246-258.
  • Sutomo, ., Van Etten, E. (2018). Spatial and temporal patterns of fires in tropical savannas of Indonesia. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 39(2), 281–299.
  • Muler, A., Van Etten, E., Stock, W., Howard, K., Froend, R. (2018). Can hydraulically redistributed water assist surrounding seedlings during summer drought?. Oecologia, 187(3), 625-641.

Journal Articles

  • Doherty, T., Van Etten, E., Davis, R., Knuckey, C., Radford, J., Dalgleish, S. (2017). Ecosystem responses to fire: identifying cross-taxa conflicts and complementarities to inform management strategies. Ecosystems, 20(5), 872-884.
  • Sutomo, ., Van Etten, E. (2017). Species distribution model of invasive alien species Acacia nilotica for Central-Eastern Indonesia using Biodiversity Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL). Tropical Drylands, 1(1), 36-42.
  • Molloy, S., Davis, R., Dunlop, J., Van Etten, E. (2017). Applying surrogate species presences to correct sample bias in species distribution models: a case study using the Pilbara population of the Northern Quoll. Nature Conservation, 18(May 2017), 27-46.
  • Van Etten, E., Fox, JE. (2017). Vegetation - environment relationships of the Hamersley Ranges, a mountainous desert of north-west Australia. Folia Geobotanica, 52(2), 161-173.
  • Frimpong, K., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J., Nunfam, V. (2017). Heat exposure on farmers in Northeast Ghana. International Journal of Biometeorology: the description, causes, and implications of climatic change, 61(3), 397-406.
  • Prescott, S., Larcombe, D., Logan, A., West, C., Burks, W., Caraballo, L., Levin, M., Van Etten, E., Horwitz, P., Kozyrskyj, A., Campbell, DE. (2017). The skin microbiome: impact of modern environments on skin ecology, barrier integrity, and systemic immune programming. The World Allergy Organization Journal, 10(1), article number 29.

Journal Articles

  • Knuckey, C., Van Etten, E., Doherty, T. (2016). Effects of long-term fire exclusion and frequent fire on plant community composition: A case study from semi-arid shrublands. Austral Ecology, 41(8), 964–975.
  • Cargill, J., Van Etten, E., Whitford, K., McCaw, L., Stock, W. (2016). A refined method for estimating capsule crops in individual jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) crowns. Australian Forestry, 79(3), 208-216.
  • Molloy, S., Davis, R., Van Etten, E. (2016). An evaluation and comparison of spatial modelling applications for the management of biodiversity: a case study on the fragmented landscapes of south-western Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology, 22(4), 338-349.
  • Molloy, S., Davis, R., Van Etten, E. (2016). Incorporating field studies into species distribution and climate change modelling: a case study of the koomal Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus (Phalangeridae). PLoS One, 11(4), Article No. e0154161.
  • Davis, R., Doherty, T., Van Etten, E., Radford, JQ., Holmes, F., Knuckey, C., Davis, B. (2016). Conserving long unburnt vegetation is important for bird species, guilds and diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25(13), 2709-2722.
  • Byrne, M., Koenders, A., Rogerson, K., Sampson, J., Van Etten, E. (2016). Genetic and morphological analysis of multi-stemmed plants of tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala). Australian Journal of Botany, 64(8), 704-714.
  • Frimpong, K., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J. (2016). Barriers of adaptation to heat stress in Northeast Ghana. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 8(2), 53-65.
  • Sutomo, ., Van Etten, E., Wahab, L. (2016). Proof of Acacia nilotica stand expansion in Bekol Savanna, Baluran National Park, East Java, Indonesia through remote sensing and field observations. Biodiversitas, 17(1), 96-101.

Conference Publications

  • Ashby, A., Van Etten, E., Lund, M. (2016). Pitfalls of gold mine sites in care and maintenance. Mine Closure 2016: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mine Closure (313-324). Australian Centre for Geomechanics.

Journal Articles

  • Doherty, T., Davis, R., Van Etten, E., Algar, D., Collier, N., Dickman, C., Edwards, G., Masters, P., Palmer, R., Robinson, S. (2015). A continental-scale analysis of feral cat diet in Australia. Journal of Biogeography, 42(5), 964-975.
  • Doherty, T., Davis, R., Van Etten, E., Collier, N., Krawiec, J. (2015). Response of a shrubland mammal and reptile community to a history of landscape-scale wildfire. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 24(4), 534-543.
  • Doherty, T., Davis, R., Van Etten, E. (2015). A game of cat-and-mouse: microhabitat influences rodent foraging in recently burnt but not long unburnt shrublands. Journal of Mammalogy, 96(2), 324-331.
  • Frimpong, K., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J., Fannam, VN. (2015). Review of climate change adaptation and social protection policies of Ghana: The extent of reducing impacts of climate change and heat stress vulnerability of smallholder farmers. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 6(4), 1-14.
  • Dalgleish, S., Van Etten, E., Stock, W., Knuckey, C. (2015). Fuel dynamics and vegetation recovery after fire in a semiarid Australian shrubland. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 24(5), 613-623.

Journal Articles

  • Van Etten, E., Neasham, B., Dalgleish, S. (2014). Soil seed banks of fringing salt lake vegetation in arid Western Australia - density, composition and implications for post-mine restoration using topsoil. Ecological Management and Restoration, 15(3), 239-242.
  • Frimpong, K., Oosthuizen, J., Van Etten, E. (2014). Experiences of heat stress vulnerability and climate change among farmers in Ghana. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 4(17), 100-110.
  • Molloy, S., Davis, R., Van Etten, E. (2014). Species distribution modelling using bioclimatic variables to determine the impacts of a changing climate on the western ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis; Pseudocheiridae). Environmental Conservation, 41(2), 176-186.
  • Frimpong, K., Oosthuizen, J., Van Etten, E. (2014). Recent trends in temperature and relative humidity in Bawku East, Northern Ghana. Journal of Geography and Geology, 6(2), 69-81.
  • Van Etten, E., McCullough, C., Lund, M. (2014). Setting goals and choosing appropriate reference sites for restoring mine pit lakes as aquatic ecosystems: case study from south west Australia. Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy Section A: Mining Technology, 123(1), 9-19.
  • Frimpong, K., Oosthuizen, J., Van Etten, E. (2014). The extent of heat on health and sustainable farming in Ghana - Bawku East. Sustainable agriculture research, 3(3), 56-64.

Journal Articles

  • Scott, R., Van Etten, E. (2013). Environmental and conservation volunteering as workplace integrated learning for university students. Issues in Educational Research, 23(2), 242-257.
  • Van Etten, E. (2013). Changes to land tenure and pastoral lease ownership in Western Australia's central rangelands: Implications for co-operative, landscape-scale management. The Rangeland Journal, 35(1), 37-46.

Conference Publications

  • Scott, R., Van Etten, E. (2013). University student volunteering alignment with sustainability principles. 13th International Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) Conference Proceedings (10 p.). Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS).
  • Lund, M., Van Etten, E., McCullough, C. (2013). Importance of catchment vegetation and design to long-term rehabilitation of acidic pit lakes. Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Conference 2013 (1029-1034). International Mine Water Assoc.

Journal Articles

  • Prober, S., Thiele, K., Rundel, P., Yates, C., Berry, S., Byrne, M., Christidis, L., Gosper, C., Grierson, P., Lemson, K., Lyons, T., Macfarlane, C., O'Connor, M., Scott, J., Standish, R., Stock, W., Van Etten, E., Wardell-Johnson, G., Watson, A. (2012). Facilitating adaptation of biodiversity to climate change: a conceptual framework applied to the world’s largest Mediterranean-climate woodland. Climatic Change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change, 110(1-2), 227–248.
  • Van Etten, E., McCullough, C., Lund, M. (2012). Importance of topography and topsoil selection and storage in successfully rehabilitating post-closure sand mines featuring pit lakes.. Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy Section A: Mining Technology, 121(3), 139-150.
  • Calvino-Cancela, M., Rubido-Bará, M., Van Etten, E. (2012). Do eucalypt plantations provide habitat for native forest biodiversity?. Forest Ecology and Management, 270(15 April), 153-162.

Conference Publications

  • Scott, R., Van Etten, E. (2012). Workplace Integrated Learning, Environmental Volunteering or Service Learning?. ECULTURE 2012: Illuminating Our Practice (paper #8). Centre for Learning and Development, Edith Cowan University.

Book Chapters

  • Van Etten, E. (2011). The role and value of riparian vegetation for mine pit lakes. Mine Pit Lakes: Closure and Management (91-106). Australian Centre for Geomechanics.

Journal Articles

  • McCullough, C., Van Etten, E. (2011). Ecological Restoration of Novel Lake Districts: New Approaches for New Landscapes. Mine Water and the Environment, 30(4), 312-319.

Conference Publications

  • Van Etten, E., McCullough, C., Lund, M. (2011). Sand Mining Restoration on the Swan Coastal Plain using Topsoil – Learning from Monitoring of previous Rehabilitation Attempts.. Heavy Minerals 2011: Eighth International Heavy Minerals Conference. Proceedings (323-338). Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
  • Van Etten, E., McCullough, C., Lund, M. (2011). Setting restoration goals for restoring pit lakes as aquatic ecosystems – a case study from southwest Australia. Heavy Minerals 2011: Eighth International Heavy Minerals Conference. Proceedings (339-350). Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Book Chapters

  • Van Etten, E. (2010). Fire in rangelands and its role in management. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. Range and Animal Sciences and Resources Management (146-170). Unesco-EOLSS.

Journal Articles

  • Van Etten, E. (2009). Inter-annual rainfall variability in arid Australia: greater than elsewhere?. Australian Geographer, 40(1), 109-120.
  • Short, M., Smith, FP., Van Etten, E. (2009). Oil mallees provide foraging habitat for the Western Pygmy Possum (Cercartetus concinnus) in the wheatbelt of Western Australia. Ecological Management and Restoration, 10(3), 233-236.
  • Van Etten, E., Vellekoop, S. (2009). Response of fringing vegetation to flooding and discharge of hypersaline water at Lake Austin, Western Australia. Hydrobiologia: the international journal on limnology and marine sciences, 626(1), 67-77.


  • Horwitz, P., Blake, D., Cargill, J., Froend, R., Hinwood, A., Loomes, R., McQueen, H., Rogan, R., Van Etten, E. (2008). Fire management implications for wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.

Journal Articles

  • Calvino-Cancela, M., Dunn, R., Van Etten, E., Lamont, B. (2006). Emus as non-standard seed dispersers and their potential for long-distance dispersal. Ecography, 29(4), 632-640.

Journal Articles

  • Van Etten, E., Fox, J. (2004). Vegetation classification and ordination of the central Hamersley Ranges, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 87(2), 63-79.
  • Van Etten, E. (2004). Comparing plant species diversity of mountainous deserts - Successes and pitfalls. Korean journal of ecology, 27, 79-86.

Conference Publications

  • Davies, M., Van Etten, E. (2004). Mulga (Acacia Aneura) death adjacent to haul roads in the Northern Goldfields, Western Australia. Proceedings of the Australian Rangeland Society 13th Biennial Conference “Living in the Outback” (99-106). Australian Rangeland Soceity.

Conference Publications

  • Lam, A., Van Etten, E. (2002). Invasion of Indigenous Vegetation in South-West by Leptospemum Laevigatum (Myrtaceae). 13th Australian Weeds Conference: Papers and Proceedings (). Plant Protection Society of WA.

Research Projects

  • Propagation, Research and Monitoring of Wavy-leaved Smokebush and Keighery's Macarthuria, Perth Airport, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2034, $2,361,004.
  • Evaluating high resolution remotely sensed imagery to detect plant responses to changing irrigation strategies, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions WA, Scholarships to Support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2022 ‑ 2027, $70,000.
  • Improving Restoration and Management of Valley-Floor Ecosystems in the Gunduwa Region, Gunduwa Regional Conservation Association, PhD Research Support Grant, 2021 ‑ 2026, $60,000.
  • Literature Review on Conospermum undulatum, Main Roads WA, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $30,146.
  • Seed Research on Conospermum undulatum Population, Main Roads WA, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $20,076.
  • Maximising Habitat Value from Saline Land Restoration, Yarra Yarra Catchment Management Group, Community Stewardship Grants 2019, 2020 ‑ 2024, $85,440.
  • Developing and applying a novel survey method for the Masked Owl in Southwest of Western Australia, Birdlife Australia, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $2,282.
  • Assessing the contribution and consequences of vertebrates as pollinators in Banksia woodland, Australian and Pacific Science Foundation, Australian and Pacific Science Foundation - Grant, 2020 ‑ 2023, $44,592.
  • Bushfire Related Technical Advice - Assessment of fire hazard in coastal dune vegetation of the Perth Metropolitan Region, Department of Fire and Emergency Services, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2023, $29,693.
  • Conservation Status of the Western Partridge Pigeon (Geophaps smithii blaauwi) , Birdlife Australia, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $2,015.
  • Genomic characterisation of hybridisation between Smokebush species at Perth Airport , Perth Airport, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $54,516.
  • Propagation, Research and Monitoring Plan(s) for Threatened Flora , Perth Airport, Grant, 2021, $16,294.
  • Population Ecology and Genetics of Conospermum undulatum, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions WA, Scholarships to Support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2016 ‑ 2020, $79,500.
  • Improving conservation outcomes for the threatened species Conospermum Undulatum and the threatened ecological community SCP20a. , Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions WA, Scholarships to Support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2016 ‑ 2020, $69,500.
  • Assessing restoration success using reptiles and small mammals, Gunduwa Regional Conservation Association, Small Grant Scheme, 2017 ‑ 2019, $34,000.
  • Ecological Integration of Exotic Species – A Comparison between Spain & South West Australia, Edith Cowan University, Edith Cowan University, School of Science Collaborative Research Grant Scheme, 2016 – 2017, 2016 ‑ 2017, $14,500.
  • Using animal behaviour as a bio-indicator of restoration quality, Ecological Society of Australia, Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment, 2015 ‑ 2016, $6,000.
  • Refining predictive models for improved conservation of the endangered Northern Quoll in the Pilbara, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2014 (Round 2), 2014 ‑ 2016, $79,875.
  • Ecohydrological Habitat Characterisation and Modelling to Improve Restoration Prioritisation and Outcomes within Former Pine Plantation Areas of the Gnangara Mound, Western Australia, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions WA, Botanic Parks and Gardens - Grant, 2011 ‑ 2016, $146,314.
  • Impacts of fire on semi-arid shrubland birds, Gunduwa Regional Conservation Association, Small Grant Scheme, 2014 ‑ 2015, $20,000.
  • Understanding the trophic ecology and impact of feral cats in Australia’s rangelands, ANZ Executors and Trustee Company Limited, Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment, 2013 ‑ 2014, $6,500.
  • Topsoil Assessment for Roy Hill Project Area, Roy Hill Infrastructure Pty LTD, Grant, 2013 ‑ 2014, $56,875.
  • Fire and establishment of Jarrah seedlings in shelterwood, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Grant, 2006 ‑ 2013, $60,000.
  • Assessment of Topsoil For Restoration in the Northern Goldfields Region, Toro Energy Ltd, Grant, 2010 ‑ 2011, $14,957.
  • Response of Vegetation to Fire Frequency on Charles Darwin Reserve, Bush Heritage Australia, Grant, 2011, $10,000.
  • Monitoring of Soil for Herbicide Residues in Urban Parks and Bushland Reserves, City of Joondalup, Grant, 2009, $9,620.
  • Vegetation Study and Interpretation for Mt Gibson Sanctuary, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Grant, 2008 ‑ 2009, $7,272.
  • Development of a Rehabilitation Plan for the Dredge Ponds of the Kemerton Silica Sand Pty Ltd Operational Site, Kemerton Silica Sand Pty Ltd, Grant, 2006 ‑ 2008, $10,111.
  • Rehabilitation of Kemerton Silica Sands Dredge Ponds: Rehabilitation Assessment Improvement, Kemerton Silica Sand Pty Ltd, Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $32,472.
  • Rehabilitation of Kemerton Silica Sands Dredge Ponds: Natural Wetland Characterisation, Kemerton Silica Sand Pty Ltd, Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $17,898.
  • Grasstrees and mining: understanding the distribution of Xanthorrhoea preissii in the jarrah forest and the potential impact of bauxite mining, Alcoa of Australia Ltd, Grant, 2006 ‑ 2008, $10,000.
  • Fire management implications for the wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain, Fire and Emergency Services Authority of WA, Grant, 2006 ‑ 2008, $58,850.
  • Investigating the Tuarts of the lower Moore River, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Grant, 2006 ‑ 2007, $6,500.
  • Vegetation studies of eastern goldfields - Kalgoorlie, Placer Dome Asia Pacific Pty Ltd, Grant, 2005 ‑ 2006, $28,000.
  • Improvement of Pines for revegetating the intermediate rainfall zone of Western Australia's wheatbelt., Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2002, $25,000.
  • Community involvement - how can it make tropical forest management sustainable?, International Tropical Timber Organisation, Grant, 2000 ‑ 2002, $14,500.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Effects of impervious cover on the urban riparian zone: A case study from Thimphu city in Bhutan
  • Master of Science by Research, Are current rates of insect visitation responsible for plant reproductive failure in Kings Park, Western Australia?
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Restoration of biodiversity in valley-floor ecosystems affected by dryland salinity: a comparative study in the semi-arid climate zone of Western Australia

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Studies of fire regimes and interaction with soil erosion parameters in the Jarrah Forest ecosystem in South-western Australia using geospatial techniques
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Floristic Communities & Plant Fire Responses under Global Warming in the Peatlands of Walpole Wilderness Area, Western Australia

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Science (Biological Sciences), Spatial and temporal patterns (1973-2012) of bushfire in an arid to semi-arid region of Western Australia
  • Master of Science (Environmental Management), Alternative rehabilitation techniques and sustainable outcomes from mining using appropriate enviornmental management and mine closure planning in arid region of WA.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Ecology of savanna ecosystems in Indonesia
  • Master of Science (Environmental Management), Environmental correlates and associates of tuart decline.
  • Master of Science (Environmental Management), Stimulation of Western Australian sandalwood (santalum spicatum) oil production using multiple treatments.
  • Master of Science (Environmental Management), Evaluating the relative importance of stormwater for nutrient and metal contamination in the urgan, groundwater dependent Yellagonga Wetlancs, through wetland budgeting
  • Master of Science (Environmental Management), Death of mulga (acacia aneura) adjacent to haul roads in the northern goldfields Western Australia.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An appraisal of experiences of climate change and adaptive response to heat stress by farmers in rural Ghana
  • Master of Science by Research, Accuracy Assessment of Spectral Indices & Determining Factors Influencing Burn Severity of the 2021 Wooroloo Fire
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Conospermum undulatum: insights into population genetics and pollination ecology of a threatened species

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Master of Science (Environmental Management), Within-fire patchiness associated with prescribed burning in the northern jarrah forests of Western Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Applying the principles of spatial modelling to the management of biodiversity in the fragmented landscapes of South-Western Australia.
  • Master of Science by Research, Range retraction and the habitat selection of the western Partridge Pigeon (Geophaps smithii blaauwi) in the north-western Kimberley region, Western Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Ecology of feral cats felis catus and their prey in relation to shrubland fire regimes

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Fate of eucalyptus marginata seed from canopy-store to emergence in the northern jarrah forests of Western Australia: Research to help improve regeneration following shelterwood treatment.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Impacts of artisanal and large scale gold mining on tropical rivers in West Africa: A case study from the brong ahafo region of Ghana.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The value of animal behaviour as a bio-indicator of restoration quality
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Social impact of climate change and occupational heat stress and adaptation strategies of mining workers in Ghana
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Bio-inspired surface engineering for hydrophobicity.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Health, lifestyle and nature disconnect in high-rise apartment dwellers
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Identifying plant functional traits to assist ecological intervention in a drying landscape
  • Master of Science (Environmental Management), Defining appropriate options for post-closure land use of tamala park landfill: A community participation process, Western Australia
  • Master of Science by Research, Developing and Applying a Bioacoustic Survey Method for the Australian Masked Owl (Tyto novaehollandiae novaehollandiae) in Southwestern Western Australia
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