Mobile: | 0414 360 286 |
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Campus: | Joondalup |
Room: | JO18.307 |
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Kat is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management and Sustainability in the School of Science.
Kat is one of Australia's most experienced infrastructure sustainability practitioners, bringing together a combination of experience in resource management, particularly energy and materials, along with her extensive community and stakeholder engagement experience. These experiences, spanning more than 20 years, provide her with a detailed understanding of both environmental and social aspects of sustainability throughout Australia and New Zealand. Her areas of speciality is in providing advisory services for governments, companies and non-government organisations in the renewable energy, carbon management, climate change, environmental management and stakeholder engagement areas.
Kat is also a skilled science and environmental communicator with more than 25 years’ experience working with the general public, technical audiences and children across live, broadcast and print media platforms - usually under the guise as Commander Kat.
In addition to her role at ECU, Kat continues to provide environmental and sustainability consulting services to several nationally and state significant infrastructure projects. She is also a Verifier for projects seeking Infrastructure Sustainability ratings, is the Deputy Chair of the scheme’s Technical Advisory Panel and has led the development of online and face to face training associated with the scheme and sustainability.
National and International Awards
National and International Research Positions